HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-11-14 Planning AGENDA NOTE: Anyone wishing to speak at any Planning Commission meeting is encouraged to do so. If you wish to speak, please rise and, after you have been recognized by the Chair, give your name and complete address for the record. You will then be allowed to speak. Please note that public testimony may be limited by the Chair and normally is not allowed after the Public Hearing is closed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2006 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM, Civic Center, 1175 East Main Street II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS: October 10, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes IV. PUBLIC FORUM V. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION #2006-00612 A. Request for Site Review approval for a mixed-use development comprised of general office space and six residential 160 Helman St condominiums for the property located at . A Tree Removal Permit is requested to remove two trees on site COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: that are sized six inches diameter at breast height and greater. Employment ZONING:ASSESSOR’S MAP #TAX LOT: District W/Residential Overlay; E-1; 39 1E 04 CC; 2100. APPLICANT:Siskiyou LLC/James Batzer TYPE III PLANNING ACTIONS VI. PLANNING ACTION #2006-01663 A. Request for an Annexation and Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map change from Jackson County zoning RR-5 (Rural Residential) to City of Ashland zoning R-2 (Low-Density Multiple Family Residential), R-1-3.5 (Suburban Residential) and R-1 (Single-Family Residential) for an 11.64-acre site comprised of five parcels located at 87 W. Nevada St. and 811 Helman St. (Ashland Greenhouses). The Ashland Comprehensive Plan Map identifies the site for Single-Family Residential development (R-1 zoning). As a result, the proposal includes a Comprehensive Plan Map Change to modify the Single-Family Residential designation to Low Density Multi-Family Residential (R-2) and Suburban Residential (R-1-3.5 zoning) designations. The proposal requires Outline Plan approval to develop the property as a 78-unit residential development under the Performance Standards Options Chapter 18.88. The proposal requires Site Review approval for multi-family development. A Tree Removal Permit is requested to remove a 36-inch diameter at breast height Oak tree. Exceptions to the Street Standards are requested to install a curbside sidewalk on one side of one of the proposed streets, for not locating a street adjacent to natural features and for not connecting two of the proposed streets. Variances are requested to reduce the on-street parking requirement from 78 to 38 spaces, to reduce the rear yard setback requirement for six of the townhomes in the northwestern corner of the site from 20 feet to 12, 14 and 16 feet, and to reduce the required distance between buildings for the 27 cottages in the southwestern corner of the site. An Administrative Variance to the Site Design and Use Standards is requested to have the primary orientation of the buildings to the south rather than the street as ASHLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: required. (Current) Single-Family Residential to (Proposed) Multi- ASHLAND ZONING: Family Residential, Suburban Residential & Single Family Residential; (Current) R- 1 to (Proposed) R- ; ASSESSOR’S MAP #:TAX LOTS:ASSESSOR’S MAP #:TAX 2, R-1-3.5 & R-1-5 39 1E 4B; 800 & 1100 and 39 1E 4BB; LOTS: 700, 800, & 900. APPLICANT:Greg & Valri Williams/Ashland Flowershop & Greenhouse, Inc. VI. OTHER VII. ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development office at 541-488-5305 (TTY phone is 1-800-735-2900). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title 1).