HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-28 Planning MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION CONTINUATION OF THE JUNE 14, 2005 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 28, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Chair John Fields called the Ashland Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. on June 28, 2005 at the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: John Fields, Chair Mike Morris Russ Chapman John Stromberg Allen Douma Olena Black Michael Dawkins Dave Dotterrer Kerry KenCairn ABSENT MEMBERS: None COUNCIL LIAISON: Jack Hardesty, present STAFF PRESENT: John McLaughlin, Planning Director Bill Molnar, Planning Manager Sue Yates, Executive Secretary TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING – Continuation of June 14, 2005 Hearing PLANNING ACTION 2005-00858 IS A REQUEST FOR OUTLINE AND FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR A THREE-LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTIONS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 945 N. MOUNTAIN AVE., WITHIN THE NORTH MOUNTAIN NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AREA. THE DEVELOPMENT REQUESTS A SITE REVIEW APPROVAL FOR A SIX-UNIT MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, WITH THREE OF THE RESIDENTIAL UNITS THAT WILL INCLUDE GROUND FLOOR OFFICE SPACES THAT CAN BE USED AS A HOME OCCUPATION OFFICES. APPLICANT: GREG WHITE Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Stromberg had a site visit and noticed several things he thought could possibly influence his decision on this action. He saw how the neighboring property needs to be taken into consideration. The trees are a mess and he thought they should be taken out. The other property is down and set back. He wants the parking explained to him. He agreed the streets need to be completed or a bond posted. KenCairn stepped down and left the room as she has worked on this project. STAFF REPORT Molnar recapped from the last meeting. There is a standard in the North Mountain area that says: “Considerate design and placement standards shall be incorporated into the development of accessory residential units. When adjacent to a side property line, the second floor area should be staggered and minimized.” Staff had suggested (Condition 23) that the garage and accessory unit above the structure closest to the neighboring property be converted to a one and one-half story unit to bring down the scale. And, rather than access the upstairs unit from the north side of the building, a stairway system should be turned to another side. Staff felt that since the NM zone has the Marr property earmarked for residential, it was a more appropriate transition to the property to the north. There is some grade change to the property. The area to the north drops down. There was a requirement a grading plan be included. Molnar said Staff is still holding firm to Condition 16 regarding paving. The only discussion they’ve had since the last meeting is with the Fire Department. They require at a minimum before a building permit is issued and before any combustible materials are used for this project, a suitable compacted surface for holding a fire truck at the project location and hydrant placement. Staff is not sure of total timeline on the larger project and when the street will be paved. As part of any development, there is a requirement for paved access. Dust control has been an issue on the previous two applications. If the applicant wants to defer paving, they could consider posting a bond that would cover paved access to the site. PUBLIC HEARING Tom Giordano and Greg White came forward to complete their testimony from the June 14, 2005 meeting. Giordano said they will turn the end unit 180 degrees. They will move it off the property line another two feet and change the elevation two feet. White has been in touch with Tom Marr, his neighbor. Marr agreed the stairs should be moved to the other side. White likes the idea of reducing all the garages, getting some smaller square footages, and pulling them away from Marr’s property. . With regard to Condition 16, their concern is that the large development around them was supposed to be paved a few months ago and it still isn’t. Since there is an existing house already served by this road, they are requesting the Planning Commission allow them to at least be allowed to build on one of the lots if the pavement is not yet in. They are willing to bond for the improvements if the paving does not occur. White said they do not want to be held up another six to eight months while waiting for the neighboring property owner to pave. The hydrants, curbs and gutters are there. There is compacted gravel there now. Dotterrer asked about Condition 12. Giordano said there is no common open space for parking. There are separate lots and parking is provided for each lot. He does not see the need for a parking agreement because they are not planning on a homeowner’s association. White said he spoke with Marr about dust control. White would not be going by Marr’s property, so it should not be a problem. MAT MARR, 955 North Mountain Avenue, stated he and Tom Marr are happy to support this project. He gave some background to the development of the North Mountain area. He outlined the countless problems they have had with the developer in that area and said they feel strongly that the White’s should not be held up because the other developer doesn’t follow through with the paving. There was no rebuttal and no Staff response. COMMISSIONERS’ DISCUSSION AND MOTION Fields wondered with regard to Conditional 16 if the alley on the adjoining property has been deeded to the city. If the developer goes under and their project never gets completed, the City will never will get dedication and White will never have access to this site. McLaughlin wondered if there could be an agreement granting White access in the interim. White will have to provide evidence of access rights across the alley. The current owner would have to grant an easement to allow creation of White’s lots. The easement would have to be granted and recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit. Molnar proposed keeping the wording as is for Condition 23 but adding the sentence: That a six foot side yard be maintained along the north boundary of the project between the garage and the accessory unit. Molnar suggested wording for Condition 16: That all streets and alleys leading to the project shall be surfaced to accommodate fire apparatus prior to the issuance of a building permit for one of the three lots and the streets and alleys leading to the project leading to the project be dedicated as rights-of –way or an access be granted prior to an issuance of a building permit or bond for the paving. That all streets and alleys leading to the project shall be surfaced prior to the issuance of the second and third building permit. Dotterrer asked to have the CC&R’s removed from Condition 11 as some kind of agreement will need to made for designating who will maintain the landscaping. Delete the first sentence of Condition 12. Molnar explained the garage is to be used for parking, not storage. The area in the driveway is not a legal space. Dotterrer/Dawkins m/s to approve PA2005-00858 with the above changes to Conditions 11, 12 and 16 as read by Molnar and with the added sentence to Condition 23. Roll Call: Unanimous approval. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 2 CONTINUATION OF JUNE 14, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 28, 2005