HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-06-22 Planning SS MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION JUNE 22, 2004 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Mike Morris called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Commissioners Present: Olena Black Kerry KenCairn John Fields Dave Dotterrer Allen Douma Michael Dawkins Marilyn Briggs Absent Members: Russ Chapman Council Liaison: Alex Amarotico, present SOU Liaison: None High School Liaison: None Staff Present: John McLaughlin, Planning Director Bill Molnar, Senior Planner Sue Yates, Executive Secretary CITIZEN INPUT McLaughlin explained one goal of the Council’s is to review citizen input. Input from last meeting Committee for citizen involve CCI – develop and recommend to the council a plan for a citizens involvement program. Page 4 of packet Proposing committee overseeing cit. Invol – mayor, council member, PC chair & vice chair and 3 citizens. Purpose would be to emet quarterly and make sure city’s citize involvement is met. Other part changing is CPAC – PC to assume duties. Adhoc committees used for a specific focus. What is the forum to let citizens talk about broader issues. The mayor would like to address this need through a committee to talk about a broad range of community issues – not just land use issues. Mayor, PC Chair, Bike Ped, (9 listed) Briggs asked about CCI. She wondered about the efficiency of doubling up with the CCI and the committee formed by the mayor. What about more meetings to attend? Mac – Douma – the begin of the process is the CCI. CCI will perform Look to 16 member committee to take public input. Another component would be to set up ad hoc committees. It will be the PC’s respon to implement the plan. Mac discussed educational outreach. Dott concern – CCI is directly tied w/Planning Commission. 16 member is interested He would recommend change CCI to something in the name about land use. Douma suggested (LUCI – Land Use Citizens Involvement) th Dott – reco. Adding a 4 citizen – have four members of commission to even it up with the Commission representation. M Briggs – mentioned drop in chat. Seems to be dropping by the wayside. She has lost some optimism in neighbors coming out. She would like to keep whatever this is extremely simple and flexible. Mac – people are so busy with so many conflicts and attending a gov’t meeting is a low priority. They will come out when it affects them. E-mail seems to be a tool that people like to use. Next step – getting files and packets on the web. Mac – need to have a citizen involvement program . a component shall include an organized committee Douma – in order for any of this to be successful, we need to focus a lot of our attention on how to get citizens involved. He suggested that we develop on ad hoc committee on how to get people involved. Looking at other locales and see how they do it and technology. Dott – thought that’s what CCI would be doing. KenC – promote luditism????? She is on the computer all day long and does not want to deal with citizens on the internet. Douma – what are we doing now to improve citizen’s involvement Mac – series of articles in the City Source on land use issues. Douma – would want CCI to look at how we do citizens involvement better. KenC – here experience s that public involvement goes up and down. Probably less public involvement at the planning commission is less now. There are a lot of committees and a lot of involvement. By pulling from those committees, it is asking a lot. Ken – as issues come up, groups evolve. Fields guessed there are about 200 people actively involved in the community. Is the process transparent? Is everything we do open? Do we follow the rules to the letter of the law? Is there an opportunity to open a dialogue. Dott agrees with the ordinance changes. Mac agreed with Fields. Want them understand even if they aren’ coming to the meetings. Citizens should be aware of how the process works and the process is transparent. Black – feedback mech – goal 1 – feedback is to citizens advis. Com. Feedback piece seems to be missing. Fields – don’t yt have feedback because we don’t yet have a CCI. Mac – have to trust the elected officials will do the right thing. stnd Briggs – page 3, 1 para, to clean up language – 2 line – under establi shed purpose – “and” become “in order to recognize” Powers & Dute. st 1 line – B leave out “body” another one bottom , sec. Line up 2 – it’s fine. Dott – are we respon for economic development planning? Put under #2 (page 3). Committee for Citizens Involvement and Planning (idea for name) Or LUCI? Briggs - #4 –crossed out feedback – did we want to reinsert? Mac – belives it is clear – why they might hav emade a certain decision. Membershps & Terms – Eight members, not seven – four citizens, not three. Briggs – length of term – Dott – just for the citizens Mac – will add something.- 2 yrs. KenC – what about chair & another comm, not necessarily the vice chair Quorum # changes. Citizen in audience Mary Kay Michaelson Been active in land use for about 12 years. County is revising comp plan – existing program for cit. Inv is not working. All the conversation is getting more people involved. Ours sounds like it is top heavy with gov’t. Rules & Officers – no sentence relating to rules & officers chair has to be a citizen “in accord with the city’s notification procedures” st page 3 1 para – line 6 – be consistet with para B. need to be the same. Could be A, B, & C. This wil come before the pC as an ord. Amendment and hearing. Adjourned at 9:00 p.m.