HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-05-08 Hearings Board MIN PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES May 8, 2001 CALL TO ORDER Chair Gardiner called the meeting to order at 1:37 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Briggs and Amarotico. Staff present were Mark Knox, Brandon Goldman, David Hard and Derek Severson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the April 10, 2001 Hearings Board were approved as presented. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS Gardiner read the standard statement and explanation of procedure for public hearings. PLANNING ACTION 2001-038 340 Oak Street APPLICANT: Ashland Saturday Market - Amy Riordan This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2001-039 184 North Mountain Avenue APPLICANT: Havurah Shir Hadash This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2001-041 641 Tolman Creek Road APPLICANT: Suncrest Homes This action was approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTION 2001-032 891 Beswick Way APPLICANT: Scott Allison SITE VISITS AND EX PARTE CONTACT Briggs and Amarotico noted site visits. STAFF REPORT Goldman presented the staff report, noting that the proposal is for an accessory residential unit 45% the size of the house. He noted that this proposal meets the size criteria for the unit, and stated that the site configuration had made partitionioning difficult. Goldman noted that the applicant will be required to demonstrate two additional parking spaces. He pointed out that the proposed accessory residential unit has ninety six feet of uninterrupted curb frontage for a credit, and stated that staff is recommending a path from the unit to these spaces. Goldman noted natural features of the site, including a four-and-a-half foot diameter tree which is to be retained and protected. He stated that the use of fertilizer and root enhancer was initially recommended, but will now be made discretionary at the suggestion of the Tree Commission. Goldman discussed the potential use of the alley resulting in increased traffic, but stated that this impact would be less than the target use in this zone. Goldman explained that there were issues in the contracts, covenants and restrictions (CCRs) for this subdivision relative to rental housing which initially concerned staff. However, he stated that after consulting with the City Attorney they were advised to evaluate the application based on city criteria rather than in light of private agreements. As such, he stated, staff deems the application to be in compliance with requirements and recommends approval. Briggs stated that she was happy to have the City Attorney's ruling. Goldman noted that these CCRs were made prior to the Land Use Ordinance, and are outside of the ordinance and to be dealt with privately. Goldman confirmed that with approval this unit could be rented, and stated that the intended use at this time is as a guest accommodation for family. However, if the applicant chose to do so the unit could be rented on a monthly basis. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 2:22 P.M. Scott Allison/891 Beswick Way clarified that the CCRs came to his attention from a neighboring property owner. He stated that the CCRs did not show on his title search when the property was purchased, and the CCR does not apply to this property. He noted that this parcel has a park-like setting and he plans to use landscaping to lessen the impact to this setting. He noted that one neighbor has withdrawn his request for a hearing. Goldman clarified that there was another letter calling this action up to a public hearing, as well as a third letter from neighbors the Stephanis expressing their views on the project. Gardiner questioned if the applicant could speak to parking concerns on Hillview Drive. Allison stated that he did not feel guests would park there, and he stated that he would have the parking to the front with a path to the unit. Goldman stated that the Hearings Board could condition their approval to require a parking space location be delineated in any rental or lease agreement. Commissioners and the applicant agreed to this as condition 9. Goldman confirmed that condition #7A should be eliminated per the Tree Commission and left to the discretion of the applicant. Commissioners concurred. David Hard/455 Siskiyou Fire Marshall, noted that he was neither in favor or opposed to this application, and explained that the application exceeds the maximum allowable distance from a fire hydrant and will need to be addressed. He explained that the applicant would be required to sprinkler the structure or add a hydrant, or seek the Fire Chief's approval for a variance. Goldman stated, and Hard concurred, that condition #2 was sufficient to address this issue. Eleanor Ward/841 Beswick Way Gardiner read letter from into the record, noting her opposition to the application due to the CCRs. Goldman read condition #9 which stated that any lease agreement for the accessory residential unit would need to explicitly state that parking for the unit was on Beswick Way, and this agreement would need to be provided to staff prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Allison asked for clarification of the Fire Department's variance requirements. Gardiner confirmed that the unit is beyond the distance allowed, and Knox explained that there is a 250’ hose route from the existing hydrant, and noted that with an existing hydrant they will allow a 10% variance. Applicant accepted this, and agreed with the addition of condition #9. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 2:36 P.M. MOTION/DISCUSSION Commissioners Amarotico/Briggs m/s approve Planning Action #2001-043. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 Page 2 of 4 PLANNING ACTION 2001-040 2220 Ashland Street APPLICANT: Oil Stop, Inc. SITE VISITS & EX PARTE CONTACT All made site visits. STAFF REPORT Knox noted the criteria for a Site Review and Conditional Use Permit, and explained the details of this application. Knox stated that staff is excited about this application as the applicants are supportive of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Ordinance relative to Ashland Street. Knox noted specific design features of the plan, and cited the false façade as one way that the applicants had made significant efforts to make this project work within Ashland's standards. Knox went on to explain that this feature gives the building more mass to the street and shows the type of efforts that the applicant made. He also noted the angled volume and skewing to allow flow through, and cited parking and the connection to BiMart shopping center. Knox explained that the applicants will lease this 10,000 square foot section of the lot, and recognized the amount of emphasis the applicants have put on minimizing the impacts of asphalt involved in an auto service facility. Knox noted the nice, traditional style, the human scale and the mass on the street when these elements were not strictly required. He emphasized that overall, the design is quite nice and will allow the use to be recycled if needed. He reiterated that this proposal works very well to integrate into the requirements of the Site Design and Use Standards and Comprehensive Plan. Knox noted that there are 11 boiler-plate conditions, and clarified for Gardiner that parking is on-site. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 2:44 P.M. Brandon Dahl/1485 Honeysuckle, owner, and Gary Breeden/960 Ellendale Ste #B, architect, both of Medford Dahl cited the value of staff assistance on this project, and noted that it is not a cookie cutter design. He emphasized that changes were made to accommodate the city's wishes, and stated that they are committed to this design despite higher costs and are excited about getting this project underway. Breeden noted that Knox had covered the project, but stated that he was available for questions. Dahl noted that their existing designs are standard in other sites, but stated that they have modified the design for Ashland. Gardiner expressed appreciation on behalf of the Planning Commission. Briggs complimented Breeden on the design. Dahl noted that the bay angles are perfect for flow, and any alterations would effect their flow through. Jeff Dahl, co-owner, noted that the original submittal was for three bays, and this design lessens that by one but gets the design they wanted while keeping the parking spaces. Brandon Dahl stated that they feel this will be a good addition to the community, and noted that they will recycle oil and anti-freeze. He noted that they also own the Texaco Oil Stop downtown, and will have fuel from Hayes Oil in addition to the oil change service. He stated that the downtown location remodel should begin next month. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 2:49 P.M. Amarotico questioned why this use would not be considered as a drive through. Knox noted that a drive- through is when customers wait in their cars for items or services. Under this use, customers exit their cars and wait inside or utilize other businesses nearby. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 Page 3 of 4 MOTION/DISCUSSION Commissioners Briggs/Amarotico m/s to approve Planning Action #2001-040. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Knox stated that he had wanted to show off this application to the full commission but was concerned with the full agenda. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:50p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 8, 2001 Page 4 of 4