HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-0114 REG MIN ) January 14. 1936 Bo. 1. .. council met in'regular session at 7:30 P. M. this date. ::8;~~ !layor Wiley. Councilmen Gregg. Hansen, Ingle. Absent: Councll- eo . ~ute8 from all previous meetings from Deo. ~ to Deoo 31, 1935 were rea4 and approved as read. ~.::.l#iie:~ , ..!he 'ollowing monthly reports were read. aooepted and ordered place' ~,~~ file: '. Eleotric.Street and WatElI' Departments for November and Deoember- Librarian for Nov. and Deo; Dump Ground for Deo. City Judge for Oct. 'Nov., and Dee; Ci~ Reoorder for Nov. and Dec. Polioe Deptt report for the 2nd half of 1935 and summary for the year 19Z5. The report of the ,ark Commission was read and plaoed on file for the monthsof November and Deoember 1935. ' The following bills were approved for payment: Greeley & Hansen. $861.39;,Jackson County Abstraot Co..$40.00; Teal. Winfree, MoCulloc:u,. Shuler & Kelley. $100.00; Frank J. Van Dyke. $14,00; J. O. Rigg estate. .60~ A letter from the Library Bpard requesting the re-a.ppointment ot W. M. Poley asxa member of the board for the regillar term of 5 years was read. The Mayor made the appointment. Moved by Gregg and seconded by Hansen that the Mayor I'S appointment be approved. Carried. The City Suplt submitted a list of water ~d light customerls accta subject to adjustment for various reasons and totalling credits of $119.04c Moved by Ingle and seconded by Hansen that the credits be authorized. Carried. Another list containing balanoes which were owing by persons who wer'e now on thefree list was presented with the recommenda\ion that the balances be dropped. The amount being $317.64. ,Movea. by Gregg and seconded by Hansen that same be ~pproved and the balanoes be dropped from the aotive aooounts. The City Sup't asked for authorization for avau.lt to be insta.lled at the warehouse at an approximate oost ot $180.50. Moved by Hansen and seconded by Gregg that authorization be approved. Cat'riied. Another re- quest to have wood out bV contract was approved upon motion by Ingle. seoonded by Gregg. Car riedo The City Attorney stated that Mr. Moon did not want to accept the lease for the 17 acres of air port property unless it was ohanged to read 10 years and he would not have to pay irrig,tion charges on the 'land. These ohanges were approvedo COMMITTEE REPf)RlfS Street: Davis, street Sup't stated that it was advisable to obtaLn some additional land trom J. R. GibSO~gb.i~ ord~ra:~ ~~d:~~eo~~fna:a::e ..; ~oint where Scenic Drive and Wimer He s me i t lh- ;"in exohange for perpetua~ upkee:p for the oemetery t~~\~e~~~h ~so $67 :50 Gibson whioh oonsisted f;)f4t spa.... ~h~lu~~e~~i~ralllount ~~d it was decided The land was not thought worth over a e Cemeter Trust Fund for that the street Deptt :pay half: $3:075 :~ ththe balanO; to oome from a. this pieoe of land to apply on e~p ~e~h general tund. Same was put in transfer from the emergenOYlacoho~ h ~as s:conded and oarried. the form of a motion by Ing e w 10 January 14,- 1936 No. 1 R~alty: Hansen stated that V~. Reedy wanted to make a deal f some Clty properDY, offering a $1000.00 life insurance policy as or seourity. Hansen did not recommend the acoeptanoe of the offer and no action was taken. Relief: The employment of E. J. Farlow was oonsidered and the City Attorney reported on his investigation concerning same. It was moved by Ingle that Farlow be offered $35.00 per month as relief offiaer lubjeot to his retention with the Government as a foreman. Seoonded by Hansen. Carried. Hospital: A ne~ lease with Miss Losher, Hospital Suptt was dis- cussed calling for $75.00 per month and payment of X-ra'T films on hand. It was moved by Hansen and seconded by Gregg that a new~lease be entered into with Miss Losher and exeauted by the lmyor and Recorder. Carr1edo Ordinances and .esolutions: The City Attorney read a proposed ordinanoe fixing the rates for sewage di~osal charges. The first reading only was given. A resolution authorizing and direoting the ~myor and Reoorder to execute a deed on behalf of the City of Ashland to Edith A. Ramsey. pro- viding for the delivery thereof; and declaring an emergency was re~d. Moved by Ingle ahd seconded by Gregg that the rules be suspended and the resolution passed to the seoond reading. Carried. Following the seoond reading by title only, it was moved by Gregg and seaonded by Hansen that the resolution be adopted as read. Roll oall was ordered on its adoption. the vote being Ayes, Gregg, Hansen, Ingle. Na~s, none. Thereupon the ~ayor deolared the resolution adopted. A resolution authorizing the City Superintendent to exeoute orders. oontraots or any other neaessary documents relative .to details of con- struction of sewage treatment plant and interceptihg._sewers thereto,set- ting a limit of liability theron; and declaring an emergency was read. Moved by Ingle and seoonded by Hansen that the rules be suspended and the resolution be passed to the seoond reading by title o11ly. Carried. . Following the second reading, it was moved by Gregg and seconded by Han- s-en that the resolution be adonted as read. Roll call was ordered on its adoption, the vote being, Ayes~Gregg, Hansen, Ingle. Nays: None. There- upon the Mayor declared the resolution adopted. A resolution ratifying and confirming the action of the Ci ty Attorney and Sewage Disposal Committee in acquiring and contracting for sewer right of-ways, easements, and a sewage treatment plant site for the City of Ash- land, Oregon; and declaring an emergenoy was read. Moved by Gregg and seaonded by Ingle that the rules be suspended and the resolution be passed to the second reading by title only. ~arried. Following the second read- ing, it was moved by Ingle and seconded by Hansen that the resolution be adopted a* ~~~ Bgll call was ordered. the vote being. Ayes. Gregg.Han- sen, Ingl~~1~e~~tt~on the l~yor declared theresolution adopted. The City Attorney reported that Billings would grant a permanent easement along the route of the old easement provided the City would destroy the old septic tank and lower the manho~es 1 foot below ground so that he oould aultivate. Moved by Gregg that the City Attomne7 make the agreemaat with Billings. Seconded by Ingle. Carried. The City Sup It reported that it would be neoessary to purchase a pump tor the sewage disposal plant and asked authority to seoure bids. Moved by Ingle and seconded by Gregg that 'the City Sup It get suitable bids for this pump. Carried. On motion. the oounoil adjourn d t of the Mayor; ~ Attest (Signed) J .Q,.Adams, R~aordeer 0 meet at the 08.11 (Signed) T.S .W11~. '\