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February 4. 1936
!he oounoil met in regular session at 7:30 p, M, this date.
Present: Mayor Wiley. OOUlloilmen Blake. Gregg. Hansen. Ingle. Koozer.
Swedenburg. Absent: None.
Jl1nutes of the previ01l8 meetings were read and approved asreado
Monthly report ot "he Dump Ground an4 annual reports of the
Eleotr1o. Wa~r and street Departments were read, aocepted ani ordere4
placed on tile. Upon motion by Ingle, seconded by Hanaen. the annual
_ report .o~ the Recor.der was re~erre4 iQ the Finanoe Comm1ttee and C1ty
Attorney for "he purpose of deo141ng71he printing of same.
Bills amounttns to $11879.Z7 were read as to total amount only.
aame ha T1ng been oked by". .ariou8 department heads and the finanoe
CJommittect. Koved by lf8.D8en ani seoonded by Gregg that the bills be
allowed an4 warrants be drawn. Roll oall was or4er84. the vote being
Ayes: Blake. Gregg, Hansen, Ingle. Koozer. Swedenburg. Bays: None.
A. bill from Mr. Puruoker, Melford for services on 'the hospital
011 burner and repairs was presented ana atter 80me 4iseussion, 1t
was moved by Swedenburg that the 01 ty ofrer Purueker 50% in Bettlement
of '1h. bill (total bill $16.00). Seconded by Ingle. Carried.
A bill from Wm :M. Briggs tor legal services. $50000 in connect1on
the hear1ng ot the Reoorder W88 presente4. anA after eon.1eleration. it
was moved by Gre.gg an4 8800114ed bl Blake that the bill be not allowe4.
Roll cal. was orderecl. the vote being, Ayes: Blake. Gregg, Ingle,
Koozer, Swedenburg. Bays: Han.en.
. Committe. Reporta: Finance: Gregg reported on the salary ef Ward
Croft. Band Leader an4 after discussion. it was moved by Gregg tha 1;
Croft reoeive the same salary as last year. Seoonded by Swedenburg.
neotrio:: The salary of F. E. Russill in oharge of the power plant
oame up for ti8o-ussion. 1.1188111 haa refusel his ohe"ok calling tor the
same salary as last year. tl.'13075. Koved by Koozer that Russill be
tendered $1'15.00 per month ~or the period ending June ZO, 1916. Seoon4-
el by Gregg. Carried. .
wateripon motion by Blake. seGonde4 by Gregg, the City Superintendent
was authorize4 to go ahead with the Oak street Pip. Line ProJect an4
get bids on material. Carried.
street: A storm sewer on Manzanita street &s a W. P. A. Project
was diseussel and it was moved by Kooser that the project be approved.
Seoonded by Bla~. Carrie4.
Real"7: .A project in tile form of a roof en the Chautauqua blq.
was d180u8se4. but no action taken.
_pee1al Committee Reports: Lioense Comm1ttee: IJagle stated that
con8iderab~. da'ta baa been 0011M1;.4 and the .a.milte. was malting pro-
gress. but no definite r80ommendations were readl' tor presentation.
John A. Clark, Resident Engineer tor Grede7 anI. Hansen on the
Sewage Disposal Plant construction read a detailed ohange order whieh
.... le8ired anel costing $180.10 additiona].. After some discussion. a
re801.ution emboa.y1ng the above 8hauge order was read by the: 01 "1 Attor-
n87' ]lned by Ingle the. t th e rules be suspended and tbe resolut1o~ be
pasee.. to the seoond rea41ng b7 t1 tle on17. Seoonded b7 Blake. C&1':r1eI.
:ro1.l0wingthe seoon4 read1ng. it was move" by Blake that the resolut-
10n be adopted as read. Seoonded by Hansen. Roll call was ordered. the
vote being. Ayes: Blake. Gregg. lIanaen. Ingle. Kooser. swea.e;b:rgo
..,.: Bone. 'fhe:rei.pon the Mayor deelared the resolut1on adop e ·
Feb. 4l, 1936
No. 4:
An amendment conoerning liquor to minora was discus.eel ani llpon
aotion by S.edenburg was re:terred to ~e Li'.nae CoJDJD.1 tfaee. Seconded
by Hanaen. Carried.
A deta11edcannual report of the Oi ty Recorder tor 1985 having
been passed around the eouneil for inspect1on. 1t was moved b7 Gregg
ani ..eonded by Swe4enburg that the report be acaepted and placed on
'11.. Carr1ecl. /(
Koozer reppr".1 on the recent :tire at the W. R. Wenner,home on
Central ani his observation 01' the work ot the Fire Departmento
On motion. the council adJourned. to meet at the call ot '\he Jlaya-.
Attest: (Signed) J. Q. Adams.
(S1gned) T. S. Wile7'