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June 4, 1936
No. 12
The oouncil met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. this date.
Present: Mayor Wiley, Councilmen Blake, Ingle. Koozer. Gregg. Absent:
Councilmen Hansen, Swedenburg.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Upon motion by Koozer, the rent of the hospital was reduced $25~Bo/mo
for a period of l2 months.Motion was seconded by Blake and carriedo
Monthly reports of the City Judge, Dump Ground, Fire and Library
Departments were read, accepted and ordered placed on tile. Report of the
Park Commission was placed on tile.
Bills amounting to $18,580.26 were read as to total amount onlYt
same having been oked by oommiteee heads and the Finance Commit*ee. Moved
by Blake and seconded by Gregg that the bills be allowed and warrants
drawn. Roll oall was ordered, the vote being, Ayes, Blake, Gregg. Ingle,
Koozer. Nays, None. Counoilma~ Hansen entered and took his plaoe at this
Application for Building Permit No.8 was presented to remodel house
at 95 Soenic Drive at an approximate cost of $1200.00 by Frank Moore.
Moved by Koozer and seconded by Gregg that the permit be granted subject
to building regulations. Carried.
An application for a liquor license from the Pay'n Takit store was
presented. Moved by Ing:J.e and seconded by Koozer that the permit be
granted subject to the Chief of Police's approval. Carried.
K. V. Hill, Engineer for Greeley & Hansen wasxpresent and spoke
on the Sewage Disposal l'lanj", stating that it was complete and ready
for operation. He recommended the pUDchase of chemical apparatus for the
laboratory work necessary for the plant. Moved by Koozer ffild seconded by
Gregg that tile City Superintendent be authorized to purchase the required
apparatus. Carriedo .
Mr. John A. Clark, resident engineer was prese:p.t and addressed the
council. thanking them for their co-operation during the construction of
the plant.
J. H. Fuller was present and spoke on the Peil Bridge and the nec-
esstisy tor some immediate acti.on. Considerable discussion :rollowed. after
whioh motion was made by Koozer. seconded by Hansen that the City Sup't
and City Attorney place a suitable sign on the bridge near Pail's warning
the public of the risk in crossing same.
It was moved by Koozer that the City Attorney draft a letter to the
property owners asking them to get to-gether and give a free right of
way for a public alley in rear of their stores adjacent to the Peil brid-
ge. Seconded by H~sen. Carried.
Committee Reports:
E~ectric: The City Sup't stated that it would he necessary to pur-
chase about two tons of copper wire for stock at approximately 21~ per
lb. Moved by Koozer and seconded by Gregg that 1ire purohase be authorizedc
Fire: The disposal of the ambulance truck was disoussed. a bid havin4
been recei ved. Moved by Ingle that the Ci ty Sup 't. be empowered to dis-
pose of the ambulBnce truck at the best price available. Seconded by
Koozer. Carried.
Street: Koozer reported onnthe condition of the sidewalk at the
alley near the S. S. Davies property on ~A" street. He also reported on
the Plaza crossing, the erection of slow signs and buttons 'or the ped-
estrian lanes.
Realty: The advisability ot having the plat book brought up to
June 4, 1936
No. 12
da te was again brought up and it wasmoved by Ingle and seconded by
Kansen that the work be authorised. Carried.
Water: Free irrigation water for Pearl Higden, 265 third Street
was browght up and after a brief dilscussion it was decided not to
authorize same, as being a bad precedent.
Polioe: The Mayor stated that the Police Station needed renovat-
ing and following some discussion concerning the appropriation for
same, it was moved by Koozer and seconded by Gregg that the Finance
Committee be authorized to renovate the Police Offioe. Carried
Lithia S~rings: The City Attorney reported that R. B. Newbern
who olaimed the mineral rights on the Lithia Springs property had
offered $15.000.00 for the springs with a down payment of $1000 to t2000.
Considerable disoussion followed and the advisability of referring the
matter to some of the chief sponoers of the Lithia Springs purchase was
considered. U wes.. ...maftel::i:rylhg];e -that an -1l4Tlaell~~1a:~-water.OelBBti ttee
~:~tQ~ cCfnslller--'the-- })ropo-siti-M1o-f~1J-.1!al:Er" ocf'.~"m'-S~~t'O'... "
Xe.barn .S-eeonded b-y-Greg-g.-CR riecl.
The neoessity for extending the l#iil option on thB Lithia Springs
purchase was discussed. Moved by Koozer and seoonded by Gregg that the
Mararand Reoorder be authorized to extend the option of the state Banking
Department for a period of three months. Carried.
The Ci ty Attorney read an ordinance fixing ra tea ahd oharges for the
use of the sewage fao ili ties of the Ci ty of Ashland. Moved by Gregg that
the rules be suspended ,and the ordinance be pssed to the second reading
bybt1tle only. Seoonded by Blake. Carried. Following the seoond reading,
1 t was moved by Blake tha t J he ordinanoe be adopted as read and upon
being seconded, roll oall was ordered on its adoption, the vote being:
Ayes: Blake, Gregg, Hamlsen, Ingle, Koozer. Nays: N.one. Thereupon the
Mayor declared City Ordinance No. 960 adopted.
A letter from Dunn & Baker stating that they had sold the lumber
left on the plant cite to M. C. Lininger ahd wanted 10 days time to be
allowed for him to remove it was read. MOved by Blake andseconded Hams8n
that the ten days be allowed. 'Carried.
Upon motign, the: counoil adjourned to meet at the oall of the :Mayor.
Attest: (Signed) J. Q. Adams,
(Signed) T. S. Wi~YJ
lla. yor