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Deoember 15, 1936
no. 30
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. ~. this date. Present;
Mayor Wiley, Councilmen Blake, Gregg, Hansen, Ingle, Koozer, Swedenburg.
Absent; None..
Minutes of tr~ previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Monthly reports of tr~ Fire, Electric, Library, Recorder, Street and Water
Departments were read, accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of
the Park Board was read and placed on file.
A bill froel I. H. Scott for painting and tinting the relief office in
the City Hall was presented for $22.00 and upon motion by Blake, seconded
by Gregg was ordered paid.
So S. Davies, defeated candidate for councilman was present and was
permitted to address the council. W~. Davies contended that the charter
amendment discontinuing the wards did not specifically abrogate the section
wherein councilmen should be elected from wards instead of at large. After
some discussion during which the City Attorney attempted to explain the
matter to him. The matter was dropped.
Swedenburg brought up the ~uestion of the condition of sidewalks in
various parts of town where roots had caused the concrete to raise and
cause accidents. He mentioned. the case on Horth Pioneer where T.Irs. Wallace'
had fractured her arm from a fall. The matter was referred to the street
Department to notify all owners of defective sidewalks to have same repair-
ed promptly.
Biegel requested that a total of $20.50 be transferred from consumers
deposi ts to delinquent accounts and. a total of $4.2.5- be cred.i ted to current
accounts as adjusunents. Upon motion by Koozer, seco.nded by Hansen, the
adjustments were authorized.
Letters from. G. M. Green and Leona.rd Hall representing the Daily Tid-
ings and the Southern Oregon Miner respectfully were read concerning ad-
vertising contracts for the new year and upon motlon by Gregg, seconded by
Blake were referred to the Electric Committee with power to act.
The placinG of an order for water pipe v~as broue:;ht up by Biegel and
upon motion by Swedenburg, seconded by Hansen bids were ca.lled for to be
opened at 7:30 P. ~. December 29, 1936. Carried.
Realt~: A re~uest to lease the lIission Build.ing for 1 year having been
received, allowing some discussion as to the monthly rental, it was moved
by Blake and seconded by Gregg that same be rented for a period. of one
lear at ~10.00 :per month, subject to sale. Carried.
The llayor read. a communication from the League of Oregon '::i ties con-
cerning the proposed legislation of giving the cities a portion of the
gasoline tax revenues. Upon motion by ~Jedenburg, seconded by Koozer the
filling out of the questionaire concerning the above was referred to the
City Attorney as far as statistical data was concerned, the City of Ash-
iand not committin~ itself as to the question of favoring the measure or
not. Carried.
Applica tion for Build.ing Permi t T,ro 36 UJaCt re .d t .
~.. YI t;;j a 0 repalr dwelling at
December 15..1936 (ahntinued}
137 :North l'.lain street at an apl;roxima te cost of $200.00 By Fred.. 'llayler,
Frank J ~rd8:n. . COn trac tor.. _/\
AI>plications for ind.orsement of renewal of liquor licenses from the
following were received:
A. C. HininCer, 101 East Main Street
A. E. Jordan, 161 East :Main street
S. H. Short, 242 East ~ain Street
B.F.a.Elks, 255 East Main Street
A.M. & le.K. 3rower. 137 East l\Iain Stroeet
Loomis & Nelson, 215 Fourth street
J'arnes A. Coole, 43 Harth I,Tain Street
And for a new license for:
Fred H. Pearson, 39 East Main Street
I\ioved by :Coozer and seconded. by Swedenburg that thea:p:plications be
granted. G a:erie d (>
Upon mot~i\)n "JY- InL;"le, second.ed. by Han~~en the su:::.;cestion of 6'i viYC a
name to the oule v:~rd \18-8 atiopted.
The clectrin~ ul1 of the ti tIe to the lloneer Hall pro:perty located
near the GhEUl.taniLJ.a Grounds WE\.;3 br01J..€,'ht 1..11) by the Oi ty Attorney ar~cl upon
mot ion by .3wec.enburg, seconded. by Hansen Wf::'S a1J.thorize6.
0]?On motion 0J 0wed.enbu.rg, second.ed. uJ-,,51ai:e the issuing of :pi::..Jr check
s to all ci ty eUJ:iloyees for the month of Decemoer before j.:.mas was c~~.l'l;rov-
UDon '-~ :.8tlu.e;:;;t for a chc~nL;~e III the license feeD for liin ball machi.nes
from a; annrLal fee of ~50 .00 to a quarterl~r fee of "::;15.00 pe r machine, the
r"eCJ.uest wa~j l'C:V8(l 'Ct.Qon motion by Kooz,er, seconded. b~y Hansen and carried.
On motion the GotUlcil 2.djourned. to meet ~ in aCijourned. session at
7 : 30 P. ..... on :De cerJoer 29 J 1936.
(Si;ned.) r:2. [). ./iley--2','Iayor.
Attest: (Jisnedj J. (~. .d.d.aIlls--I:.ecorder.