HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-0406 REG MIN
April 5, 1937
No. a
The oo~c11 met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. this date.
Present: Mayor W11e.y. Coune11metl Applewhite, Blake. Koozer. Sweden..
burg. A.been t : Councilmen Hansen. Ingle.
The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as
read. .
The monthly report ot th.e dump glfOund was acoepted and ordered
pla.oed on file.
The :tollE>wing applioation f'or building permit was presented;
No.7. To ere~.t hQuse ant garag.e on Wigh tuan Street a..t an approx--
'mate COlt of $'100000 by Mr. Leonard McAllister. Moved by Koozer and
aeoonded by Swedenburg that the perm! t be gran'tad subjeot to building
regulations. Ca1"r1ed. '
Bills amounting to $10,302.62 were rea~ as to total amount only.
samehav1ng heen oked by the various oommittees and finana8 committee.
MOTed by Blake ~d seoonded by Swedenburg that tae bills be allowed
and warrants drWJm. Carr1edo
A request to build. 8Jl1l11 lunch rOGm o't wooden construotion on
tha Texaco Servioe S~at1on lot on North Main street by R. L. Crosby.
was denied. same baing within the fire zone and agllnat the tire zone
, ordinanoe 0
A letter trom Mrs. L. Brd.l1 on be:halt of Mrs. C. B. Bryant oonoern..
.1ng the cost ot opening the grave ot Va-.C. B. Bryant was reacl and reterr..
ed to the Cemetery Committee upon motion by Koozer, seoonded by.Blake.
A letter from Mrs. Hatf1e1d living on "An street nea.r the depot
was read conoerning the. smoke from the engine. and. upon motion by
Koozer. seoonded by Applewhite was referred to the Southern Paoit1o
Agent. Mr. Bailey. "
:Mr. S.5. Davies' was present and adtre seed thtt...oouncil on the
.xpenses of' the Electrio. Department. the C. O. P. qo. oontract. advert-
ising and other matters. ·
llr. Walker. 01 ty lillgineer spoke on the survey" of the 01 ty ot Ash..
land and following some disoussion, it was moved by Koozer and seoonded
by Blake that l.fr. \Valker be granted authority to survey, establish and
tie up various points and make a reoord of a permanent na ture' 0 Carried
Committee Reports:
neotr1o: Biegel requested ~..thority to oall for bids for a new
piok-up car and-upon motion by Sw.denburg. seoond.d'by Koozer the r....
quest was granted. bids to be ref'erred to the Electric Light Commi tt..
u,th power to act. Carried. - .
Biegel &180 asked authority to puobas. a power p~p tor oleanl.ng
purposed at an approximate ~ost of '250.00 and upon mptl.on by Apple-
white seoonded by Swedenburg. the request was granted. Carried.
, The City Attorney read a proposed agreement. with the Talent Irrig-
ation Distriot and f'ollowing disoussion. the matter was ref'err.d tomthe
_peoial Irrigation Wat.r Committee headed by Koozer upon motion by
Swedenburg. seconded by Blake and oarrledo .
- street: Davia. street Sup1t reported on the repaIrine; ot side-
walks .near th. sUla.~l.l~~,:-,;0:1~ari~eoia:e B~;;{' .::a;i~i~e to .
cost thenot 1If.Hif.....~....... _ d b Koozer anA seoonded by Swedenburg
pay was only ta5 .00. 1td19&1- mot..hve Pa;k Board tha t they must pay all oosta.
that the street Sup't a'T sa .e
Ca;rr1e4. -
April 6, 19Z7
Ho. 8
Th.e City Attorney reported on his letter to A. E. Reames.
atto~.y tor :Mr. Newbern who was negotiating for the purchase o~
the pompadour.M1neral .S1>r1ngS property, regard.1ng th.. e I'OSB1b1.1it1
o:t the gas being removed from the 1i th1a wat er i:t the troperty ...1
1eaaed or ,Bold to Newbern. He a180 reported that he had gone out
to the property wi th Prof. W. ''I. Wells of the Normal Sohool who had
Tftlftd ~~~"iU~~J~O.t',~'a~...~~~i>>~ftt.e.r.
.~, epr1aE~Mm t1'fe~m . gon . vater Company 0.1
!'-- Jle.dfor'! was :present and d1soussel an eleva or tor the Hospi tal. It
deTeloped that theuaed Otis did hot have the proper a.mentions and
he oftrred a new hrdro11o elevator wi.th a platform oX'll teet which
would be adequate tor $2275.00. Upon motion by Swedenburg, s,eoonded
by Blake. authority was granted the City Attorney and City Superint..
endent to state the general specifioations and oal1 tor bids subJeot
to reJeotion to be opened at 8. P. tie April 20th. Carried.
Relief: Applewhite reported that Mrs~ lJloNair, headot the ,Red
Cross had about exhausted tunds tor Red Cross work and wanted 025.00
from the City to continue the work and reoommended that same be grantel.
Moved by Swedenburg and seoonded by Koozer tha t "',he request be grant..
e4. Carried. '
Mr. Pa1ran. sales representative of the Howard..Oooper Corporat1tl1. ,
Portlaa! which had been demonstrating tire engines to the 01 ty 01 Ash..
land recently, was present and spoke brietly and introduoed :Mr. Larion
a member ot the fir'm who also, spoke regarding the fire engine.
The :Mayor, following some disoussion 8.pllo1inte4 that Clean Up Day
would be held on Monday. April 19t1l.
The 01 ty A,ttorney read a proposed agreemen t made by the Paoi:r:Lo
. felephone and Tel.arph Co. conoern1nga police ala..rm'signal system
wh1ch was followed by disoussion. " ,
The 01 "7 Attorney st&. ted that" the Ashland MinistBrUl Association
wanted' an ordinanoe passed prohibiting SuAda,Y tunara!.s. Thee was no
. aotion ta~en. but the sentiment indicated that the council wou14 hot
, favor such an, or dinanoe . '
On mot10n, the oounoil adjourned to meet at theoall of the Jlayoro
J. Q. A,dams
T. s. Wiley.