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Isy " 193'1
!he council met 1n regular session at '1 :30 P. Jl. this date.
Present: A.cting KaJor Blake and Counoilmen Applewhite. Hansen. Ingle,
Swe,lenburg. Absent; ]layor Wiley, Councilman Kooser.
!h& minutes ot the previous meetings were read and approvel as
!he hour ot eight having arrived. the council proceeded to op8n
ant conaider the bids tor the proposed elevator for the hospital. Bids
.ere received from the tol~ow1ng: Otis Elevator Company, American Man-
ufaeiving eo. and the Southern Oregon nen tor Co. !he bid of the
latter company being still the lower with their same bid of 12275.00,
8ame was referred to the Hospital and Finmoe Committees to report
back to the council.
The monthly reports of the Dump Ground Sup't ani Oi t1' JUdge for
April were read, aooepted and ordered plaoed onnfile.
Bills amounting to 19610.63 were read as to total ampunt only.
8ame having been oked by the various departmets and Finmoe Committee.
It was moved by Applewhi te and seoonded by Swedenburg that the b11ls be
pa1d. Roll oall was ordered on the motlo~, the vote being; Ayes: Apple-
whl te, Hansen, Ihgle. Swedenburg. 1Iays: NonJt. . Carr1edo
1Ir. P. R. Benson presented a petition with a long list ot signers (173~
prote8ting against the use of fire-orackers on any day except the 4th
of July. and spoke in behalf of the petition. The matter was taken under
alvisenent. no detin1 te aotion being taken at the time.
A letter from Getrge Oarey on the installation ot a wash-up sink
at the hospital wasreterre4 to the Hospital Committee.
A letter trom :M. !. Burns resigning his pos1t80n as Cit7 Patrol-
man was read also one trom C. P. Talent conoerning the splendid serTiee
ot llr. Burns. It was mOTed bJ Swedenburg and second-ed Ingle that the
resignation be aoceptel.. Carr1ed.
!he toil 0 wing app11oations tor building permits were presented:
Bo. 10. !o rempde1 and paint store at 38 Eas t Jla.an street at an
approximate cost o-t 1300.00 by G. S. Butler tor Butler-~ompson Co.
No. 11. To erect garage at 628 North )(a1n street at an approximate
cost ot 1200.00 by R. Garrett.
Bo. 12. To remodel house at 63 Gresham street atoan approximate
coat of 12'00.00 by JUldrad L. Agee.
Moved by Swedenburg and seoonded by Ingle that the permits be grant-
ed. Caniel. 4-
A rook sticking up whioh might prove dangerous to landing at tae
air port was upon motion by Ingle, .econded b1 Hansen, referred to tile
Air Port Committee.
The' Oit7 Attorney reported on his recent eonfer.noe w1th Mr. Ifew-
eer. concerning the Pompadour M1neral Springs property
Committee Reports: the
Realty: It was moved by Ingle that/Jlayor and Reoorder be authorized
to exeoute a warrant1 4eed tree trom all enoumbranoes to the purohaser
ot the Riegel property on North Jlain street am abstraot of t1tle with-
out oontinuation for $150.00 net to the City. Seoonded and oarr1e4.
Ingle reported that the appral*a1 committee oons1sting ot W.W. Rob-
ison. H. G. Enders and G. H. Billings had appraisel all city property
sub3ect to sale a114 moved that listings be given to all r~;:orsto sell
thes e properties for the 01 t)" at the prio 8S appra1sed at . x,lot thftir eom-
m18810n of 10% to be paid by purohaser. Seoonded by Swedenburg. Carried.
lIay 4, 1937
It was moved b7 Ingle and seoouded by Hansen 'that a Tote o-t
thaMS be tendered the members of the apprai8al comm1ttee who served
without oompensation for their services ani that the ctommittee be dis-
missed. Carried. .
Yla ter: It was moved by Applewhite that the Ci t7 Superintendent
be authorized. to 0'01180t irrigation rents and make 8110h adJustments
as might beoome neoessary. Seoonded by Hansen. Carried.
On motion the oounoil adJourned to meet at the oall of the }layor.
J. Q,. Adams.
(Signed) W. E. Blake-,
Acting :Ma7or