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June 1. 1937
No. 14
!he council met in ragular session at 7:30 P. M. this date.
Pres.Ai: lfayor Wile7. Councilmen Applewhite, Blake. Hansen, Ingle,
S.e4enbUJ!g. Absent: Counoilman Koozer.
Jl1nutea ot the previous meeting were read and appro...ed as read.
Ionthll report otnthe Dwilp Ground Superintendent was read. accept-
ed and ordered plaoed on file.
:Bills &Dlounti~ to t909a.0'1 were read as 'to total amount only.
a.me having been okea. by tile various commi ttee heads and the tinanoe
comm1 ttee and were ordered paid.
!he following applioations ~or building permits were presented:
Bo.14. To remodel housest 124 Alida street at an approxlllllte
coat ot t200.00 by J. A. Youngs.
Ito. 15. fo rebuild boiler house at the Ashland Laundrl I\t 81. Water
street at ~~. ~:p-rPi1i!..~ta o~~t J.~ "j24~P9,.p}T ~. Y{JpLMy~ ~ f
A let t'.'i' -~~t:g$">tl':i Mlf," '~'4f\Of""6':rfpor't1ftt'dj, enolosing a
re8olution adopted by the City of Portland. protesting against the stopping
o-t intere8t on oity hnda on the part 0'1 banks who are members ot the
Pederal Reserve System was read and reterredto the ei~ Attorney ~o
draft a .1m~lar resolution tor the City of Ashland.
A l.etter trom the Oi ty Recorder ot "'e Dalles cone erning 'the taxing
of oity owned property by the Oounty was read anti referred to "he eit)'
Attorney tor reply.
Committee Reports:
~Et Dyor reported on his trip \0 San Franeisoo to inspaot the La
France Fire Enginee..
Realtf,i Ingle reported that the previous recommendations of the Cem-
eterr Commtee had mentioned a oommission for negotiating the chaDf!;eB
from annual oare to per~etual upkeep, but no definite peroentage had been
set anti reoommended 25'" of the amount involved as "he oommission. same to
apply both on addi tional amounts paid 'for the perpetual upkeep and on
the money value o'f lote deeded baok to the City ot Ashlan4 to apply on
perpetual upkeep. The above reoommendation was inoorporated in the form
ot a motion made by Hanaen, seconded by Ingle and oarriedo
!he matter ot taking over the Hargadine Cemetery was disoussed and
upon motion by Sw~denburg, seoonded by Ingle the question was referred
to the people by vote at the next regular eleotion. Carried.
Water: The City Attorney reported on the Sawyer case and following
disoussion it was moved b~ Applewhite and seoonded by Swedanburg tha~
the City Superintendent be given power to oolleot the bill. Carried.
:Biegel. City Superintendent was authorized to purchase wo04 from
the Ioon :Mil1. for relief purposes. )(otion was made by Swedenburg and sec-
onded by Blake tha t 400 tier ot wood be purcha sed a t the leas t price pos-
sible. Carried.
Swedenburg suggested the beautifying ot the Hospi tal Grounds and
s1;at 84 that he had discussed the matter with Louis Dodge, President ot
the Ashland Park ColD11)1ssion who had offer him 'the use ot llr. Corey, sup-
erintendent to landsoape it. Upon motion by Swedenburg seconded by Blake
the acoeptance for this offer was made.
Swedenburg also suggest ad tha t the reservliir ~~JJ~med and suggested
the.... of the patterso~ ll. eservoir in honor of Mr. patterson. formeX'
...:at who 'iargely responsible- for this reserVO:Lr.
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June 1, 1937
Upon motion by Swedehburg the City Attorney was instauoted to
draft a resolution naming the reservoir the Patterson Reservoir.
Seconded and carried.
The City Attorney read the proposed fire oraoker ordinanoe.
It was mtved by Swedenburg that the or,dinanoe be passed to the
second reading, the rules being suspended, by title only. Seoonded
by A,pplewhite. Carried. ~ollowing the seoond reading, it was moved
by Ingle and seoonded by Swe4enburg that the ordinatce be adopted
as read. Roll oall ordered on its adoption, the vote being Ayes:
Blake. Ingle. Swedenburg, Hansen. Applewhi te. :Nays: None. Thereupon
the Mayor deolared City Ordinanoe No. 970 adopted.
The 01 ty Attorney hanng complet.'d the resolution conoerning
interest on oi ty funds reterred to him earlier innthe meeting. read
the resolution. It was moved by Ingle and seconded by Swedenburg
that the rules be suspended and the resolution passed to the seoond
reading by title only. Carried. Following the seoond reading, it
was mOTed by Blake and seoonded by Swedenburg that the resolution
be adopted as read. Roll oall was ordered on its adoption, the vote
being: Ayes, Blake, Ingle, Swedenburg, Hansen, Applewhite. Bays:
None. 'Thereupon the Mayor declared the resolution adopted.
On motion the oounoil adJourned to meet at the oall ot the Dayor.
J. Q,. Adams
T. S. Wiley.