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January 7, 1938
The council met in regular session at 7130 P. M. this date. Present: Mayor Wiley.
Counoilmen Applewhite, Blake, Crandall, Hansen, Ingle. Absent: Councilman Koozer.
The minutes of the previoys meeting were read and approved as read.
The Mayor read his annual report for the year 1937 showing the progress made during
the past year and revealing that the budget for the: coming year: was the lowest sinoe
1923 and the levy the lowest since 1925.
The Mayor then aanounced his appointment of commi. ttee heads and department heads
for the year 1938 which were the same as 1937 and were as follows:
FINANCE: Blake, Koozer, Crandell
ELECTRIC: Crandall, Blake, Koozer
WATER: Applev.,rhite, Crandall, Hansen
STREET: Koozer, Applewhite, Ingle
FIRE: Hansen, Ingle, Blake
REALTY: Ingle, Hansen, Applewhite
BOARD OF HEALTH: Dr. H. A. Woods, Dr. Chas. Haines, Crandall, Blake, Ingle
AIR PORT: Blake, Koozer. H. L. Clayoomb. C
Department Heads:
Police Depar~tnent: Chief. C. P. Talent; Assft Chief M. P. Dunn; Patrolman No. I
C. A. Thomas; No.2, L. I. MQ()n. Part tune, Parker Hess.
Fire Departrnent: Chief: C. J. Baughnum, No. ,1: L. M. Wilson, No. a: J. W.King.
Street Department: Sup1t. Frank Davis
Ci~ Superintendent: E. C. Biegel
Electric Departn~nt: Suptt. E. C. Biegel
Water Department: Suptt. E. R. Hosler
Cemetery Department: Suptt. C. E. Clements
City At'torrey: Frank J. Van Dyke
City Judge: C. O. Presnall
It was IDDved by Ingle and seconded by Blake that, the appoin-tment of department
heads and other appointive officers be approved. Carrued.
The monthly reports of the Dump Ground, Library and Ci'liY Judge for December 1937
and the annual report of the Fire Department far -the year 1937"were read, accepted and
ordered filed. The monthly report of 'tire Park Depar-tment was received and filed.,
Bills amounting 'tio $8682.99 ~re read as to total amount only same having been
oked by the various department heads and committees aId finance committee and upon motio:
made and seoonded and following a unanimous roll oall were erdered paid.
A letter from C. J. Baughman# Chief of the Fire Department relative to the present
condi'tion of the c1 ty fmre trucks was read and upon motion by Crandall, seconded by
Blafe was received and filed.
App1ivation for a liquor lioense from Melvin Kae@i for his store on East Main Stnet
was read and upon motion by Ingle seoonded by Blake was approved.
Committee Reports:
Electric, Water# Street: Biegel asked authority to putohase trucks for ~he Electri~
Water and street Departments, same having been provided for in the budget for 1938.
It was moved by Ingle and seconded by Blake that too calling of bids be authorized.
The City Attorney reported on an offer from 1JV:.n. W. Briggs to cancell his bill
against the Ci 1;y and t:re Ci"by' s bill agains't him in return for a deed and a.bstract to
his property on 4th and B Streets to the City. On motion by Crandall, seconded by
Hansen, the ma-tter "'"as referred to the Realty Conmd ttee and C1 ty Attorney for report.
Jan. 7, 1938
No. 1
Cemetery: Clements reported on" condition due -to water seepage at -the Mountain
View Cemetery and upon motion by Ingle, s~conded by Hansen. the matter was referred to
the City Sup't and Cemetery Sup't -to make the necessary improvements. Carried. The
installation of the sprinkling system. at tlE Ashland Cemetery was approved upon motion
by Ingle, seconded by Applewhite and carried.
The free list for light and wa~r for -the six months ending June 30, 1938 was
brought up, being subs-tantially the same as -the last list and. upon motion by Applewhite.
seconded by Blake was approved.
An ordinance assessing special benefits against the property owners concerned in
Sewer District No. 39 ~~s read and upon motion by Blake seconded by Applewhite passed
-to -the second reading by title only. Following -the second reading, it was moved by Ingle
and seconded by Hansen that the ordinance be adopted as read. Roll call was ordered on
its adoption, the vote being. Ayes: Blake. Ingle, Crandall, Hansen, Applewhite. Nays:
None. Thereupon -the Mayor declared City Ordinance No. 974 adopted. .
It was moved by 111&1-. and seconded by Hansen that $250.00 out of the 1938 appro-
priation for the Chamber ~f Connnerce ~4;v.e:r.!=\stng acq~':?t Jf i~~~ ,E~~c~i~,.F~d'fb~, auth~~\~
orized for the ShakespearJ..an Ple..yer~ C:~ri'~a~vd.\..Ai.r)~ ~ \j ~- ,.~ \. . "'Jtt tIM; 1-1 d,.{/q 37 ",.ftrt
An oddinance fixing salaries of appointive and elective offioers for the year 1938
was read', being the same as 1937, and upon motion by Blake. seconded by Ingle. the rules
were suspended and tr..e ordinance passed to -the second reading by title only. Following
the second reading, it was moved by Applewhite and seconded by Blake that the ordinance
be adopted as read. Roll call was ordered on its adoption.t:oo vote being, Ayes a Blake.
Ingle, Crandall, Hansen. Applewhite. Nays: None. Thereupon the Mayor declared Ci 'by
Ordinance No. 976 adopted.
Renewal of tl"e contractswi th F. E. Russill and Roy L. Hughes for the operatimn 6f
the powervplant for tre year 1938 were approved upon motion by Ingle and seconded by
Blake and carriedo
Notice of intent to construct t:re sewer on Indiana Street -to be known as Sewer
District No. 40 'WaS 8.1 thorized to be published upon motion bY,.Ingle, seconded by Blake
and carried.
A proposition whereby Mr. Wood, superintendent of the Communi-ty Hospital could
. pay two mon-ths rent in advance in lieu of a surety bond which could not be obtained.
was suggested. Mr. Wood being unable to pay two months rent in one amount but offering
to pay $10.00 per month unti~ tl:e amount $150.00 had accumulated wa s agreed upon.
On motion, tbe council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor:
Attest. (Signed) J. Q. Adams
T. S. Wiley.