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April 19, 1938
No. 11
The council metbin regular sessioa at '1.30 P. M. this date. Present. Mayor Wtie".
Counoilmen Applewhite, Blake, Crandall, Hansen. Ingle. Kooler. Absentt Bone.
JIonthly reports of the Eleotric. Street and Wau. r Departmen:bs and tbt C1 ty Recorder
were read, acoepted andordered placed b tile. The monthly report ot the Park was
received and tiled.
This being the date tor the hearing of abjections to the reporl of the Board ot
Viewers for Sewer Dis-tr lct No. 40 and also for the hearing of objections to the oon-
struction of Sewer Distriot 1'0. 41. 'the Kayor asked if there were any objections 81'1 the
part .f my one concerned in the audience, but there were no objeftors.
The notice. ot intent to improve Oak Street from the Southern Pacific tracks nort.h
to the .i'ty liai'ts however brought out a large delegation ot objeotor. among tm ownera
of property 1i~ on Oak Street. George C . Spencer. acting as apokesman for the dele,-
atiol1 preaented a petition signed by the majori'ty of thesecowners. The chief objeotion
aeemed to be the inability ot most of those concerned to pay for the improvement, and
alao the tact that some who would be required to pay the most, based upon their frontage.
who really used the .tree1is the least. Kr. Spenoer stated that he 19&8 personally in
favor of the improvement aM was willing to pay double the cost 'to him, but ebjeoted te
making those who were unable to Pay, to shoulder this durden. It was tinally deoided tha't
.. oommittee from among the Oak: SFeet preperty owners b. appointed and work with the
Street Committee in working out aome agreement, lIr. Sie't;s, Cha8. H. Delsman and George
C! Spencer 'Hre appointed and it 11&& deoided to meet at 4:130 P. M. Wednesday. April 20th
to' confer wi:bh the Street Committee and try and arrive at a solution.
The tollowing applioations tor building permits were presented.
.0. 11. To remodel reartaurant at 171 East Jain Street at en approximate cost of
.500.00 by W. D. Jaokson.
Be. 12. To erect three cabins and li"ring quarter s on the Siskiyou Boulevard between
Palm Avenue and Garfield Street at an approximate cost ot .1500.00 not counting labor of
owners. by William E. Waite.
Upon motion by Ingle, seconded by Appl~hite, the per.mits'~re granted subject to
building regulations. Carried.
A Fordson representative spoke on the new Fordson tractor explaining the new
features and comparing it to the older models.
The Bee Ordinance was discussed and a condition existing in whioh bees belonging
to :Mr. lIahlsteh were causing trouble with a neighbor who was \mable to chop 'Wood in his
back yud on aocount ot them. Following more disoussion, i't was moved H 'that the matter
be referred to tm Police Department 'to work out a settlement wi th all oonoerned. :Motion
'Was made by Koozer and .econded by Applewhite am carried.
The transter of doposi ts totaling $21.05 to delinquent acoounts and the adjustment
to consumers active acoounts in the amount of .4.00 was approved.
Committee Reportst
Fire. Upon motion b:,r Hansen, seconded by Ingl:e. 'the calling for bids on a new fire
truok-;;;:; authorized. The specifioations ~to be worked out by the Fire Committee assisted
by the City Superintendent. Carried. DaTe for the opening of the bids was set for 'l,SO
P. M. on v,y 4'th. Considerable discussion followed with representatives of the Howard-
Oooper Corporation and the Fire Cjief participating.
Street. The need tor attention to the approaoh to Walker Avenue was discussed, but
it was decided that it wa. a matter for the Highway Commission to.ue.ttend to.
Realty, Ceme-bsry. Ingle gave the report of the Hargadine Cemetery Commit-tee which
had been appointed at a meeting of Hargadine lot owners and eonsisting of G. H. Billings,
F. H. Walker and O. H. Rose. He moved that the report of the committee be accepted.
Seconded by Hansen. Carried.
Bueball. Leonard Hall, President of the Ashland Ba.se Ball Club was present &I1d
reported that ~he coat of moving the bieachers and putting up ot back-stops 1IOu1d cost
about .100.00,4' Following some disoussion. it -.. moved py Koozer andseconded by Hansen
that the matter be reterred to the Realty Committee with power to aot. Carriea.
April 19, 1936
Ho. 11
Ban.en broughtr.up the sale or approximately one acre of land. being part ot the
air port property. The matter was discussed~ but no action taken.
Resolutions.and Ordinances.
A pro~8.d reeolution to amend the Charter of the City of Ashland providing for
a general tax levy of six tenth or a mill fortl'e purpose of nainteining the City Band
was reado It was moved by Blakeand seconded by Applewhite that the resolution be pa.sed
to the aeoonti reading by ti tIe only. the rules being suspended. Carried. FollowiDg the
7'second reading, it was moved by Applewhite and seconded by Ha:na en that the r..olution be
adopted as read. Rell call was ordered on its adoption. the TOte beiDg. Ayes. Blake.
Ingle, Crandall, Hansen, Koozer, .Applewhite. Nay., None. Thereupon the Mayor declared
the r..oltuion adppted.
A proposed resolution concerning the use of tire orackers .s read. It...... moved
bw Ingle andseconded by H~en that the rules be suspended andthe resolution be passed te
the seoond reading by title only. Carried. Following the second reading, it was moved by
Blake ad ..oonded by Applewhite that tmtreaolution be adopted as read. Rell call....
erdered OB. its edoption. the vote being, Ayes, Blake, Ingle. Crandall,' Hansen. Applewhite.
Hay. & .euer. Thereupen the !layor declared the resol~tion adopted.
A proposed ordinance altering precinct lines to ,conform to -the County... read.
It was movsd by ltoozer ani seconded by Hansen that the rules be suspended and the ord-
inance passed to the seoond reading by 1;i tIe only. Carried. Following the second reading
it was moved by Ingle and seconded by Applewhi 1;e that tl'B ortinanoe be adopted as read.
Roll oall was ordered on 11;8 adoption, thebvote being. Ayes) Blako. Intle~ Crandall.
Ran.... ltoozer, Applewhite. Na.ys: None. Thereupon the Kayor declared Ci'ty Ordinance No.
983 adopted.
A proposed ordinanco making nine wards out of the present nine precencts was read.
Itvwas moved by Koozer and seconded by Ingle that the ordinanoe be passed to the seoond
re~ by title only, 'the rules being suspended. Carried. Followingtthe second reading
it was moved by Blake and seoonded by Ap;lewhi 'be tha1; t1'e ordinanoe br adopted u read.
Rell oall was ordered on its adoption. the vote being. Ayes. Blake, Ingle, Crandall,
Hensen, Koozer~ Applewhite. Na~s: None. Thereupon the Mayor deolared City Ordinance No.
984 adopted.
On mo1;ion, the ;Jcounc11 adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayn.
(Signed) J. Q. Adams
(Signed) T. s. Wiley.