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August 16, 1938
The cou11oil met i. regular session at 'f,30 P. :M. this date. Present, Mayor Wiley,
Couneilmen Applewhite, Blake, 'NNJJ#'#, Hansell, Ingle, Koozer. Absent,Crandall.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Monthly reports of the Eleotric, Street and Water Departments, the Libr&Jrian and ·
City Recorder were read" accepted and ordered plaoed on file.
The following applications for building permits were presented:
No. 24. To erect new dwelling on lot 27, Block 2, Eureka Addition located on East
:Main Street at an approximate cost of .600.00 by Fred Boyd.
No. 26. To remodel and paint dwelling at 67 Scenic Drive at an approximate cost
of .'00.00 by Frank Davis.
It was moved by Koozer and a econded by Hansen that the perm! t8 be gran:ted subjeot
to building regulations. Carried.
Letters from Chief of Police Talent and John Edgar Hoover concerning the Federal
Bureau of Investigation National Police Acad~ were read and the possibility ot send-
ing C1ark Thomas of the Ashland Police Department to the school were discussed. Offioer
Thomas introduced Mr. Willis WOOd, a member of the F.B.I. who discussed the school and
answered questions ocncerning it. Following further discussion" it ~ meved by Blake
and seconded by Ingle that 'bhe matter be referred to the Budget Commi t-tee with recom-
msndations tor approval by the Council. Carried.
A representative of the Eagles Lodge which was putting on a dance on Saturday
night to raise funds tor the benefit of children's teeth in th1.s locality requested per-
mission to hold the dance after the regular closing hour for dances. The me:tter was eon-
eid.reel" but it was deoided :Rot 1;0 grant the request.
Committee Reports,
Filum. a I The ma:tter of fleet insurance on all 01 ty ears was dbeuss.d and the bid.
of the Bill11'lg t S Agency for $304.17 was recommended. It was moved by Applewhite and
seconded by Koozer that the Billing's bid be aocepted and following a unanimous roll
call it ~ oarried.
The transfer of ieposits to delinquent accounts totalling $168.90 and adjustment.
to active consumers aooounts totalling $3.50 was approved upon lI1Qtion by App1ewhi te,
aeconded by Kooser and carried.
Fire I Baughman, Fire Chief reported on severe! houses which were fire traps, suoh
as the-oId Mattern house on Hargadihe ^,,~I o~ex;~~c&. ~'F~';?-l~~t 9-e~lJ:!~d . and follo....
ing discussion" mo'tion was made and lur66ttcfed'..foH1ie "demolItion .fLWue~Mld1ngl.
Streets The paving of s1ireets ..... discussed and upon motion by Blake, seconded by
Kooser, Notioe of Intention to pave Alida, :Morton, Bee.ch and Nob Hill Streets was
authorised 1;0 be published. CaITied.
~ Realtys Ingle reported on the hospital and moved that the Mayor and Recorder be
authorized to sign an addenda to the lease. lIr. Wood having been released from his
lease end lira, Karl Nims taking it over o~ ~e s~e.1 rental baais plus $10.00 per month
to be paid on the ho spital furniture. "'4} ..... !t'Vf.{.~,
Upon moiiion by Ingle, seconded by Applewl).i te, :Mr. Clement., Sexton was authorized
to .lean out the trees in the walks in the ceme~r1r near the mausoleum. Carried.
Van Dyke reported on the Litwiller agreement for ambulanoe service which had ex-
pired. It was moved by Ingle and s eoonded by Kooler tbs. t the 'bond gi van by Mr. L1 t-
willer be released. Carried.
1'. W. .1. Projects: Biegel reported on projeots inoluding an inoinerator and tire
station. The use of the sewage disposal plan1i for garbage disposal was also discussed
and Dr. Inskeep 'Who had made a s"tuiy of this matter was invited to speak before the
Aug. 16, 1938
No. 22
Upon motion by Ingle, seconded by Hansen, the submission of the projects tor
approval was authorized, but f'Gllovdng further disoussion and oonsideration" it was
moved by Blake and seoonded by Kooaer that the motion be resoinded. Carried.
Upon motion.. the oouncil adjourned to meet at the oall ot the Mayor en Augo 30th.
(Signed) J. Q. .Adams
(Signed) T. S. Wiley.