HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-0117 REG MIN Jan. 17.. 1939 No. a~ The C011J".cil met in regula.r session at '1:30 P. M. this date. Present: Mayor Wiley, Councilmen Applewhite, Blake, Crandall, Delsman, Koozer. Absent: Councilr~n Carsono The Ininutes of the previous meeting were rea.d and a.p proved as read. Reports for the month of December" 1938 ane' t.he year 1938 from the Electriq, Water, Stree:t, LibrarJr; the December report for the Recorder and the annual reports from the Chief of Police and Mayor were read, a.c cepted and ordered pla.cad on file. The Mayor snnolIDced the following committee appointments: T'i.na ....ce: Blake, Clip.. :l'r'man, Koozer, Crandall Electric :Crandall, Chairmn" Blake, Koozer Wa ter: Applewhi te, Chairman, Crande.ll, Del sman street: Koozer, Chairme.n, Applewhite, Carson Fire: Delsman, Chairman, Blake, Carson Ra-:.l i;:r: ~8 rr on, !j'1~,~ r~"l:' T', 1)p1 fF'-'n,A""ml e'1,\r}-. j. te 'Ronr,:! ...,1"> ve'-'lt}~: Dr. H. A. Woods" Dr. ehas. Haines Crandall, ChairFan, Blake, Carson Air Port: Blake, C:b.a.irma.n, Koozer, H. L. Cle.ycomb The following appointments were announcec: Police: C. P. Talont, Chief; Asslt Chief M. P. Dunn, Patrolman No.1 C. A. Thomas, No.2. L. I. Mgon, part tiLe, Parker Hess Fire: C. J. Ba.uRr~An, Chief; No. 1# L. M. Wtlson, No.2, J. WOKinf street: Fra~1 Davis, Sup't. Electric :E. C. Bief.2'el" Suptt. Cjty S'11")'"t: E. C. Biegel Wa.ter: E. R. Hosler, Suptt. Cemetery:C. E. Clements, Suptt. City Attorney: Fra.nk J. Va.n Dyke G j:t.y J"d g:€ : C. o. Presnall It was moyed bJT Koozer and seconded by Bm ke tha.t the appointments be confirmed and following a unanimous roll call the motion was carried. The foll0\~in[" e.pulication for a. building- permit was nre-sen.ted: ... ..- ......'.. No.1. To er-ect new dwelling at Mounte.in Avenue and East Main streets a:c an app- roximate cost 0:' $450.00 by P. S. Elliott. It wnr moved by Blpke andr.econded by C!"P,n.- de.11 tha.t the ner:mi t be .2:re.nted. Carried. A request for a l5.ouor license from S. H. Short was upon motion bJr Koozer, second- ed by Applewhite, f!"8.nted, carried. A re~ort from H. C. Galey, chairman of' the cOmITlittee appointed to meet Mr. E. W. Martin, promotor of a Ii this. spring.s sanitarium was read. Koozer spoke further on the subject and stet. ed t}'B. t t}'e proposed name '\lIre.s liThe Ashland Li +}-;ip.. Spa Inc., II Co:w..mi ttee Renort.c:; : Realty: ADp-fe\'f~,Ite reported on t}^le Ie.no near the Ii trd.a sprinEs which ws.w f'or sale and showed a. 11lPp of sp,me, but a.ct::on 'W8.S deferred until more we.s known concern.:..n~" the need fOI' securinG the property. Upon motion by Koozer which was seconded and follc.wing a roll ca.ll was unanimous- lj" carried" the contrRcts with F. E. Russill and ~~l L. Hug~r:es wi t1-, the Cit:l of Ashil nc for t he operation of' the ~ower nIant for the year 1939 which were the same as 18-st yee.r were authorized to be signed by the Mayor andRecorder. Upon motion by Koo!:er, ~econ.ded b~r Applewhite" tr.e budget fi~ures for tr..e yeer 1939 were to nA r~€'~ for the s~1P ry ordinance fo!" 1939. Carried. The selary ordinance was theh rea",. and 1~on motion b~T Koozer, seconded by Apple- white, therules were suspended andthe ord:i.ne.nce passed to the second re.a.dint; by title only. Carried. ?ollowinr the second reading" it was moved b~r Applewhite endseconded by Blake that the ordinance be adopted ac rea.d and following a une.nimous roll call, the Ma.yor declecred City Ordir1ince No. 991 adopted. On motion, the lIouncil adjourned to meet at tne call of the Mayor: Attest: (Sirned) J. Q. Adams Record er (Sir'ned) T. S 0 Wiley.. Mayor