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Feb. 10, 1039
"t\To. 3
The Council met 5~Y'. !"e'pler session a.t 7:30 1::>. M. thi.s date. Present: Ma.yor Wiley..
Councilmen Applewhite, Flekc, Carson, Cre.ndall.. Delsman, Koozer. Absent: None. The
Council he.d previo11.sly met on Feb. 7th, but due to e lack of a quorum, the meeting was
adjourned ~o meet at the above date.
The minutes of the previous meetirg were read and approved e.s read.
Monthl~l reports of the Library, Ci-bJ Judge and City Du.1'!1p Ground y,e re re~ld, accepted
and ordered ple.ceC ,)TI f': leo
Bills ~~01.~t:: 'Y' c to $14,642. 68 1~rere ret:'.d as to tote.1 a.InO'l.Ult only, sarne having been
oked by the V!?r:~.ous departEents, co:mmittees and fir-,ance comrrdttee a....'d '1'01'1 motion by
Bl?ke, seconded a~d follmving, a unanimons roll call ,vas carried.
The follcwii':~' a:onlication for a buildir:g permit "'TfH~ pre[;ented:
'No.2. To erect rh"rell :in-' end:'f.t!,l".'e at cor~.er of "e" ~.Y"_d MO'1:.te.in _~7enue at an
ar.:roroxbmte copt of $600.00' b'v B'rr~n L: Woods. It 'was mo'"-ec bv Koozer anC seconc.ed bv
- '- '--. t.. '" c...'
Carson that t"'A "')('y.mit be grentec,. Carried.
A letter fro"': Patrolrrnr. Cln,rk Thomas coneerninc, his vrork at the F. B. I. School
at Wa.shi!'Cton, D. C. '1\1'8.8 re~do '-
A lett.er fro-:n C. ~J. Green concernir:.:; a reneVv~l of the contract for adyertising wit!:
the Ashland Tidings 'f~~>~ re~.d. It 'lJte.s mo"ved by Koozer and seconded by Applewf1i te that the
Mayor and ~ecorder be autrorized to execute a n~fcontRet. Carriec.o
CO~Eittee Reuorts:
street t"T"f-e qun,rtion of 'the -purchase of sc~~ol traffic sif;ns WE s referred to the
Street GOmEitteeo
Herl t~r: The r;~,t~ Sr:?' t he. vin" renorted on the need for reY!lod€llin~~ one of ire w8.rds
p,t t~"e hos1':'i'b31 and e. rP~mp at ,., t,.,t.." cost of abl)1.t $100.00, it was movec. by Carson that
the oxpense be B.pnro';/eo and fol1ovnT'(" a secor.c, end e, ur..HY'iIT'.O~,1S ::"01], c8.11, the motion vms
utilities: T"'p Deed for a chlorinator costir~2~ e.bout $2100000 liP. -,~iY.' ~ been brout=ht
up by the .ci ty 81..',1')? t, it was mowd by Ap'!)lev,+~te 8.l1n s econdc'd b;i Blgke ths.t the purche.se
be a p,?r::J1"t3d and followinG f-' u:ru:rnimous roll call, tt'e motilm l,~ra.s ca.rried.
Cemeter~l: The caring for Fal"~'a.dine Cemetery _is' d:.scussed e.nd u.non mot~i.on by Cran-
dall, secO!:ded by Bleke, the matt.er vas rei'erred to the Reetlty.CoITc:.ittee. Carried.-
A complaint having been recei\~d concerning; noise at niEht on East Main Street nee.r
the A:3:::ocie.ted Oil Station, the IDS, tter Wf:V discussed e.nd D:pon motion by Ble.ke seconded b~{
AO'Dlewhite, Sfune 'W~.8 referred to tr,e Police and street Den~lrt:ments, Cj'tY Att.orbey and
Ci~ Sup't for rCDort.. Carried.
The proposec. sal~ of the Dump Grovl'd was discusEed 9.!'.du~on motion by Applewhite,
seconded by K00 zor, the matte r w~tS ref er red to tr;.e Feel ty ~omr.:,i tt.ee aS2 is tee. by the
Board of Eealti'l, Cit:r Atto~.e:r end C3.ty Sup't for study. Carried.
Blake havi:r.r" re'""crt,ed that the Re,dio Club wanted sor~je cs.rds printed, the matter
was referred to t>.e CllBmber of Cornnlerce Advertising COIILrni tteeo
The Mayor reported on his Salem trip in connection wi lib. legisle.tion concerning the
oities reCeiiriI'E a portion of the gasoline tax money e,nd a resol'l:.tion was read concern-
ing sa,me. It "vas mov'ed by Applewhite ths.t the resolution be pa.sser, to the second readinE
by title only, tl"e rules being susnend(rl. Seconded by Delsman. Carried. Following: the
readinf', it was moved b~l Koozer anrlseconded bJr Ble.ke the:t the resoll;tion be e..dopted a.s
read and fol1~ir!6 a unaniIllouS roll call.. the Mayo!" declared the resoJ.l1ti on adoptedo
Crance11 spoke c,":rcerning 4;il-e for Ef3t road frOlTl Mount Wagne~ to Nutl::~;r Street and
u;:)Qn his monen, the City .sttorne~r WP.,:; insttt:cted to 'write the fOY''?~t super"::,,isor of this
district oo:ncer~1ir.g this road. Seconded by Delsman. Carried.
On motion, -tiC COUP..cil ,=:,.djourned to meet a.t the ce~ll of' the 1Ia:/or:
1'1. ttes t:
(Sie'ned) .J. Q.. Adams
(Signed) T. S. Wiley,