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}[ay 7, 1940
No. 16
The Council met in regular session at 7&30 P. M. this date. Present: Kayor Wiley,
Councilmen .A.pplewhite.Carson, Crandall, Delsman, Koozer, Xayler. Absent: None.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read a11d approved as read.
Monthly reports of the City Judge and Librarian for t he month of April were' read,
aooepted and ordered placed on file.
Monthly bills amounting to tll,133.02 were read as to to*iJ. amount only, same
having been oked by the various departments, committees and finance committee and upon
motion duly made end seoonded and following a tmanimous roll oall were ordered paid.
The following applications tor building permits 'Were presented,
No. 20 a To erect new dwelling at 900 Iowa. S-weet at an approximate cost of
$1600.00 by J. D. Woodworth for Prof. A. S. Taylor.
No. 21: To remodel dwelling at 77-Sixth Street at an approximate cost of $200.00
by J. D. Woodworth.
It was moved by Delsman end seoonded by Carson that the permots be granted.Carried.
A League of Oregon Cities letter concerning the convention and boat ride on the
Columbia River was read.
No objectors were present to protest against the viewers reports on Sewer Districts
No. 43 and 44.
Mr. Flaharty 8.D:l Mr. Leverette were present, representing the 4th of July oommittee
and Mr. Leverette brought up the proposed use of vacant property en "CO Street near
First !.treet tor the carnival site. Following some discussion, it was moved by Carson
that a committee be appointed to work with the 4th or July Committee. This motion was M
Reonded and carried and the Mayor appointed the Realty Committee 'to serve in this
A petition requesting the oiling of Nutley Street was reid end it was moved by
Koozer and seconded by Delsme.n that the City Attorney end City Sup't work out the
details and go ahead wi t;h the work.
Committee Reports. ~jJK7t.
Water: The sending ot the City Water :o.p&rtment an:l City Superintenden't to Port-
land to attend the meeting or the .American Water Works convention was approwd upon
mo'tion by Applewhite, seoonded by Delsman and carried.
Hospital: The painting of the exterior of the Community Hospital was authori~ed
upon motion by Carson~ seconded by Crandall and carried.
Band, i)e U8e of the Ci'by Hall tor band practioe on I40nday nights was au'thorized
upon wrtron by Carson, seconded be :.L:ayler and carried.. The pUrohase of amoldDg s1'4.nds
was also approved upon motion by arson, seoonded by Applnhi'te IXld carried.
The purohase of band uniforms was approved upon motion by Tayl er ~ seconded by
Applewhite and carried.
The lighting of 'tennis courts at the High Sohool tor evening play -.8 suggested
and upon motion by Dels1ban, seoonded by Koozer, 1ib.e Ci-ty Superin'tendent and Eleotric
Cemmittee .were appointed to work out the deteils of lighting the court. Carrie..
The purchase of about 11600.00 worth of water pipe on the open makl:et, sinoe the
same bids were available am in order to expedite the .ork and sec'ire deliVery .r
ma'terie.l, was approved upon motion by Crandall, seconded by Applewhite end following a
'11'A'ni1llOUS roll call ....s carried.
Upon motion by CraJadall, seconded by Carson, 'the Chiet of Police .s instruoted to
warn people to disoontinue dumping of garbage in alleys and streets.
Upon motion by Koozer, seconded by rrandall, Dewey Van Curler's request to use
Feed Van Curler as a surety in conneotion wi'th the garbage franchise 1VU rejeoted and
the matter was referred to 'the City Atterney tor further 'JS.NI>IIi1-M.1H#i negotiations.
.An ordimmce against obscene li teraimre in the City ot Ashland was read the fir.d:
time and upon moi;ion by Taylerp seconded by Carson, the ordinanoe was passed 1;0 the
seoond read ing.
On motion, the COl.m.oil adjourned to meet :f;1;at "the call of the Mayor.
Attes1ia (Signed) J. Q. Adams (Signed)
T. 8. Wiley.