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January 16. 1945
No. 2
The COlDlcil met in regular 8ession at 7,30 P. 14. this date. Presen'ta .lo-ting
JlayorDaugherty, C.uneilIn.en Merrill, Putman, Selby. J.bsentt lfayor Wiley, Counoilmen
Andrewa, Redford.
The minutes of the previous mee'ting were read and approved a 8 read.
The JIlOnthly reports of iZe Recorder, and -the E1eotric, Street and Water Depar't-
menta were read, aooepted and ordered placed on file.
Romer Moore and. Ralph Koozer, President and Direotor or the Bellvi... C...cperat-
ive Water Aasociation respectively, were presen-t to petition the Council for an iD-
orease in 'the amOUD:t of water given as a minimum now to members ot the .1asooiation.
The present rate of 850 cabie 1'ee1; tor 12.50 ft8 aeked to made 600 cubi. teet. This
inorease -.8 desired ainoe 'the .lssoaiation at the last annual meeting had raised the
mi""'aum trom $2.60 to 13.00 in order to provi.. adequate funds tor maintenence ot
pipe lines and thi. inorease in 1ihe aJBOun-t of water would remove any possible object-
ion 'on 'the part of member. of the Aaaooiation to 'the increase in ra-tes.
.A. tull discu8sion followed, but uncerte.iJJi ty of the water supply made it inad:ria-
able to grant this r,qu8st.
The following application tor a building permit was presented.
No.2. To remodel 'the Christian Churoh at 126 "s" S-treet at an approximate coat
of .1.200.00 by J. A. P1*man..
I't ....s moved by Selby and _oonded by Kerrill thai; the appllca'tion be granted.
eeDBdttee Reporte,
Eleotric. .A. letter from the Union Oil Company regarding bids on gasoline was
read and the matter dis.ussed.
.a'terc The urgent need tor an inorease in the water supply tor 'the City ot Ash-
land, partioular1y prompted by the an-tioipated increase in population and the Bel1-
view request, restU ted in 80m. disoussion as 'to way. and aeana tor inoreasing this
8upp1' and resulted in a motion by Pu'tDBn and 8econded by Merrill thai; the matter be
reterred to the Waj.t Committee and Ci'ty Superintendent for study. Carried.
''''On motion, 1me C8uneil adjournedc1;e meet at the call .t t. Mayors
(Signed) J. P . DAUGHERTY,
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