HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-0403 REG MIN
April i. 1945
No. 7
The CO'lmcil met in regular ..saion at ,.30 p. M. this date. Pre.ent. Kayor Wiley,
Councilmen Andrews. Daugherty, Merrill, Pu'bnan~ Redford, Selby. Absent: None.
The minutes or 'the previous meeting were read ani approved as read.
The m.on'thly report or the City Judge for March was read, aooepted and ordered
placed on file.
Bills amounting to '10,426.82 were read as to 'total amount only, same having
been oked by the various departments, 8omnu:tteea and finance oommittee and 1f'ere ordered
paid. .
The following applications for building permits were presented:
No. l2t To erect hamburger lunch stand next to 1011 loa. Street at an approximate
cost of '126.00 by Carl A. Fo1kenberg.
No. 13: To erect dwelling on High Street between 103 and 117 High at an approx.-
imate oost of f1,500.oo by W. G. Tucker.
It _8 moved by Daugher-ty and seconded by Merrill that the permits be granted.
Committee Reports:
Wa-ter: The construction of a short sewer line at 'the head of Granite Stree't,
approximately 250 teet long was authorized upon motion by Selby, seconded by Redford
and carried.
streett Biegel reported that Mr. Aiken wan-md to widen the alley near his proper...
ty at the head of First Street between Hargadine and Vista Streets ani woul, furnish
the reqilred land for the purpose. The matter was approved unanimously.
Dairy: Upon motion by Redford. seconded by Putman. the Henry Van Prooyen Dairy
problem was referred to -the Realty Committee and City At1:iorney.
.An ordinance .vaoating a fif'teen toot strip or land on both sides of Sheridan
Street from Nor'th Main Street to Grover street was read the first 'time and it lIB. S
moved by Daugherty and seconded b;}T Redford that 'the ordinanoe be passed to the aecond
reading by t1 tle only. 'the rul.ea being suspended. Carried. Following the second read-
ing, it was moved by Redford and seconded by Daugher1iy tha't the ordinanoe be adopted
and following a unanimous roll call, 'the Mayor declared Ci-tYOrdinance No. ~ adop'ted.
The City Attorney reported on a mee'ting with the Talent Irrigation Distric't and
his coniact wi'th Mrs. McCoy concerning the siphon across the Highway in Bellview and
damage caused thereby. The matter ....s placed in the hands or the City Attorney and
City Superintendent for settlement. .
Further consideration ..... given to theGas Company franchise and i't ....s moved by
Redford and seconded by Putman that a 2% gross revenue franchise tax be aSked for.
Dewey Van Curler reported that his garbage con'trac't with the 6ity expired April
l.~ and asked for a 11_ contract on the same terms excep't that the presen't ra'tes be
made permanent. The matter was referred to the City Attorney, City SuperintEn dent and
Realty Committee for report bac~ to the louncil.
On motion. the Council adjoyrned to meet st the call of 'the Mayorl
J. Q. ADAlI3
(Signed) ~. s. WILEY.