HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-0821 REG MIN August 21. 1946 Ho. 20 The CO\moil met in regular ae88ion at .,.30 P. :M. this date. Pre.ent. Kayer Wiley # Counoilmen Kerrill. Putmaa. Redtor4. Selby. Abaeat. Counoilman Daugherty. The ainute. of the previous mee'tiug were read aDd approved as reuo .bnual and montlUy reporta of the Electrio. Street and Water Departments and City Recorder were read. accepted end ordered plaoed on file. The tollowtng applications for \uilcling permits .ere presented. 10. is. 10 r-.odel pUllp houae on Water .....t at an appreximate 80st ot .360.00 'by Calif. Pacitic Utility Co.. by Emil B. Kroeger. No. 69. To erect dwelling on Roca Street(next to Seavers) at an approximate oost ot .2,000 by P. E. Ayers. Bo. 60: To erectdw.1ling at 174 Ashlend Stre.t at an approximate coat of .2,000.00 by IIrs. C. B. Abbott. (next. \0 596) Bo. 61 t To erect ...11i8g on Rooa S-tr..Vat an apprex1mate eoat of .2,760.00 'by E. W. Cllapan. 10. 62. To ereot d....lling on .orDer laat lIai. Street and Mountain ATenpe at an approximate coat of '2,100.00 by C. R. Foater. No. ss. to ereot clwellixag on .lmtain A.,.enue and East Main street at .. approximate cost of tl,500.oo 'by C. R. Foster. It ... _ved. a.onded aDd carried that the permita be granted. Steam. aho.,..la 'becoming available IIOW. it ....s _Ted 'by Selby aDd _co.ed by Kerrlll that the City purchase one whe a.llable. Carri.d. Commi ttee Reports & Watera The City Attorney reported OD. ..et1aga held with representati.,... of the .A.shland Kine Road district who wanted oi'ty water. Hi. augg.stion that this elistrict might be added to the oi'ty limit. aDd beoome a part of the .ity. tilerby' beiag entitled to eity water ..t with their approval. The poa8ibility of including other districts within the oity limits to.r the same purpose was disouased and a 10Dg discus8ion deTeloped on a.ouring addi tio_l water to augment our preaent 8upplYe . StreetaThe City Sup't reported on hi. Fork Street vaoatio. a. authorized at the l.at ...tiDg. It was retorted that lira. Peil wanted the .treet light ohan&et Dear her Gram. te Street property. allO she wanted the lig.t abo.,.e the .tepa leading fro. Grani. te Street to the area neu the Park Garage rai.ed JIIOre. Ia oonnection with the Patteraoll Water right pure"ae .it was moved by Recltord that '1600.00 aa earneat money be paid to Patterson fer the "aUr right pe:ading the approval by the State bg1neer ~ at which t1ae the balance of the 16,000.00 'be paid. SecoDdedand carried. III t11lillg the vacanoy caused by 'the resignation of a. A. .bclr..... 'the lIa)'Or pro- posed the D.aJD8 ot Jacob V. Weitzel and reoommended. hi. appoin1aent. 11;.... -.oTed by Selby and a.ooaded by Redford that the appola__t be ooDtiraec1. Carried. The proposed Jl8W oity planning o08md.aaloD ordinance was read and it was _Ted by Kerr!.ll aJJd ..conded by Putma. that 'the rule. be auap_ed and the ori1u.uoe h. pa8sed to the ..eo_ reading by title oal"e Uarrled. J'oll_kLg the aeeoM r.ad1ag, iot was .....d by Redford and .eooHed by Pu'bun that the ordiaanoe 'be adop'ted a8 read aud fellowing a w...imftua roll oall, the Jlayor deolared .i ty ordinanoe lio. 1061 adopted. UpeD _tioD by Selby, the City attorney was iutruo'ted to oontaot lIr. L. J. boa. C. P. A. with reterenoe to the aucll t for the y_r just paate S.ooDded and carried. On _tion. the CO\Dlci1 adjourned to meet at the oall ot the Mayor. Attest. (Siped) J. Q. ADAMS (Sip-ed) T. S. WILEY. ~ORDER KAYOR