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J't.Int 4.. 1946
10. li
The COUD011 met 1~ Ni.ular ".1on at ..so P. i;~~. W. date. Pro"._' MaJor Wiley.
CoQD01laeD Daup..ty. "mil. RedtoN. &el1>1. We1u.J.. A"_t1 CoaDOtluan p~.
the aiD....... ot tbeprmoua _14J'JC ... ...... .. .PpIVwd .. ~.
Uoa1ibl)' ...porta otthe C1t;y Jl14p and Ll1warta. ..~ NU. acC."ed and ordered
plaoed Oil tile.
Moath17 'b111a a_UDtiDe to *13.I66.OS ... read .. to total -.oun oa1:r.. .....
hniJlg Men oked by th' vvlou. d.~.. 00JIlild. t"teea ad f'ttaJaoe 00Jilil;.1 ttee aDd were
or.red pIlld.
the following applioatlon. tOf' build!", 0..... U _I". ".e..'ted:
10.111. '0 ....ot ....111. 4: .toN .t lOU1 Iowa S'tree't at an approai"".U 008" of
14.100.00..,. R. I. Sbr1_r.
10. 112, 'to .....1 dnl11Jaa; at 221 .ple S~'t .tan approstaat.e ooat or
11..100.00 'b:f 11',.. G. 'lool.....
10. Ill. to NIIOdel dlIell1D& at lOT-hd S'trM't at .....pprox1u\e ooat of
'100.00 .,. Mr. It.UlaN"1 b, R. C. 'We'bner.
10. 11.. To ..eo't dwel11. .t NO V_~:... at. an .p~te ood of
.t2.800.oo 'bJ R. c. Webeter.
10. ll&h to ........s.1 "'11111& a" "u SlaJd.JOU Joultmard ., an appl'Oa.te ooet or
.100.00 1>>y H. c. Ug__n.
110. 118. To .,..t 4oubl. ,al'q. ." 036 .SUk17oU B)uleftN at an ap~'te eoat
ot ta.JO.OO b7 o. Ocker-san. '
10. 117. fo ..4ICt.. "'lllag ataJ- 290 Atouzrt.a1n 1:,".... at an a?t>I'Ox1ate ooat or
M.alO.OO 'b7 JohD w. 14111a. Jr.
10. 118, to ereo't .... 4_111D~. Dear 290 JfoUlltaln A....... .~ an tlpproxiaate ooat ot
4.100.00 'b;r Bruoe S. MUle.
10. 111, 1'0 NIIOdel dwe111Di 0;:: Bftdtr,. ~j'tNe~ ., an approzS..-w oM. of
'1.000.00 1v ara. n. c. Jo1>biu.
10. 110, fo ....... - "'111D& 011 look 8treetat em ~_ ooat of
'&.100.00 bJ L. A.. W~
10. 121. To tN:,lcl ..uti. to ...11u.r. .~ lOb-7th at....' at an .P....n._ .at 01
Moo.oo bJ' Bert.ha Corthe11. .
10. 122. '0 buIld td41't1oD to atore a' US Eut "'in StNe" at an approalaat. ooat
ot '100.00 ..,. P. R. HardJ'.
10. In. To .net dw111:rl(. at 101 ('1M St.net at an &p~sl.te eon .~
'1.600.00 'b7 ~ C. Barker.
10. 1M. to enet _to... a. "'111231 at fi21 ,Borth Ifaln ~tN.t at _ approdaat.
co.ot ....000.00 byR. tI. Riddle. ,
"'..liiio.. 'by Selb7 &ad aeooJld<<l ..,. '~!i.ltael tbat \he pen;d.'ta be &raD'ted. Canled.
.A letter t'ro~ lir. R. B. 1_\... lD rep17 to OM boa the Clit7 SttoJ'M7 oonoena1nc
.. _tlal'.......,. ooadltloll o~th. Ll1:h1a ".tar _ppl,. at the hUDta1D _. r~.d.
the City Atto~ had 'been 1IaaVueted to w.r1ta . 'WW7 tlna 1.tt.w lu1et1JlC, OD tbe
p~ ....toratlO1l ot 'tilt; _ter alllJPl7. n. C1t:t a.perl..... &1eo reported 011 the
tI11T1oulu. _peJ"l.... 1ll:pap1D1 b -ter at the ....".10. pla.".. .A. lnter fro... a
Mr. AN Ilttt-out otLoag Bach OODOerD1Dg the ~rola1 bot.tliDg ot tile 11th1. -ter
.. r."
The iii... of 8100 ?'il. haY1l2& an-lftd. the beu1.D& on the propoMd aoaJ..Dc. ordinano.
.. .,.... A....r of looal 81'1_. _1~ B. c. Gale7. O..r,. RM4. LJIlDI..leJ
.. other. pl'Oteated parileularlJ &&rd.nn DOt baY1D& tn. Ioulftard 0". tor 1Natua.
--- troa Shwan Street_ Pa1a AW"u. aD4 alao apl.__ the IIdll oa Stook(Ben8J)
I,,"". lho...pro'teet1ng &pian the -.tl1 ..... .driaed that th< 1Md.ld1n& pendt hH
alr_dJ .... luved aDd thereto.. Gould "'be w1~. '-' tha't 1D thct ....'ot .
ad.aDOe. the atter could b. .topped on tl-." _aU.
June 4. 1946
Mo. 10 cant. t c1
Tho elt~ Attorney read " letter t~'the Clri.l ANODautio. J..uthorlv oonoem1n&
the Aahl.ad Airpot"t. It.. &leo reported. tl'..at I.. 1Ao (i. fJ4tft.D81 of the 0",,0.
State ,A.rorauticII BoU"d .... in A.hland on _1 29th and :...ad. an InepeoUc:m or the pro-
POled a:1,r pori, .:.1 tes.
Upori lIO~iOti by ::'olby& ..COM*' by Merrill. tt. Alr Port Coilldt'tM .alDatruoted
to _1&& in a report at the Dnt -,UDct. the ~r appointed the toll~ to aot ..
an air P"" ~dttef:;. Selby, Br1tt_. Dle,el.
A IWiil.tber of other people he:t1.ntf; arrived 1.. for the h..win, on tbe Zomr-& ')rd1n-
aJ1Oe. the h_.rlnt; _5 ....oponed. iI!. j". O'Hara objected to 'the proP08ed .onin" W8D~
Borth Wain S "fit troa "pl. to Graut b'troeta opened tor b&ae1neso H. Dcm O' BleA1.
alao .poke in favor of perai ttift{f; bu81ne.... to operate alrJ'Where on the *in ;;:treot.
'I'he D.eW Seoretary 01" the Cha.:aber of CO~.iJ...roe, 'iVl111_ f';. Healy uk_ tJiat 1*$-.- of
the ord1nanoe be defwred to allow tor .till aore et\ld.y.
C-.d tt.. h!.i!!.rt S I
~_l~* :30.~t.l. 'lb. tit:; Suptt reported 'that the Dootor. _nted the Clt:,.to
purcha. 8. DewY.,-ray _ohine. .. tl"A old one ... DO longer ..tlafbi-otory. It... re-
ported that the LOct,ora bed failed to .aka the Nporta .. N<iuired by their &&Newer}"
111 th th. C i tr. ooncern1ng th.. r tu.nc1al optlra'tlon..
Street. H. E. Riddle of 521 l~orth, ~1ain StNet ..ported on tb~ ooDCll t10n ot Cool....
SV..( Mar lort.b ,,.In. Ihe _tte.. .. referred to 'the C1ty Sup''t.
On 8>tion by kiettrord. eeooDdee by WeitHi. action on t,be aotill6 _. deterred until
tPe next *Mt1D& when final ao'tlon would b. taken. ;r,he htiarlni; alao to be NOpmed. prior
to tinel action on ~h. ordl!;,ance. Carried tol1ow1n~ . UDatlhiou8 roll oall.
In OOntleotion with the bud;,;et. it ... 8>ved by u.rrill and _onded by Selby that
· flat 10 wary 1ncrc... be alrt,horlaed to be ,palced on the bUd,et. Carried.
T~ purohue ot a MW Dod. truck._ authOl"l..cI upon wotion by Da\l&h4trty. MOoad-
.a by Hedtord and olu"Y"ied.
On motion, the CouD011 adjourned to .101; at the oall of 'the ~)'Orl
(~;1t;.Ded ) J. ~4. ;\
(s1t;nedJ <i. i;".