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Jan. a8, 1941
1'0. I
The Counoil ..t'in regular .8ssion at 1.30 P. M. this da.. Presents Kayor Wile7,
Counoilm.n Kerrill" Noeler, Fisohborn" Redford" ....itael. Daugherty oame in later.
J.bsel1~ I Hone.
Th. minutes or the previous JaeetiDg were read and approved &s read.
Monthly reports of the Eleotrio" Sthet, and Water Departments and CiV B.eeerd.r
and annual reports of the Fire and Poll.e Deparirmen'ta were read, &o..pted and erdered
plaoed on tile.
The City Attorney _poke on the BellTi.... annexation aDd _.'bed that an iajUllotion
a. pendi:&& if' the anne.tien was authorized. H. alao stated that.. lecialation o~-
eerning annexation was aoaing up betore the State Leei.latWas at this .es8ion whioh.
would. aiDLplity the prooedure it passed. Although no tonaal aotion wa. 'take.." a pell of
the Counoi lmen .hoRd that they were all in favor .1 the proposed aimexation, .ame 1;0
iB.elude the llcK1nn property.
A letter from. Dro R. ... Woods, aa ehairman of' the looal phy'.ieiane aDd. .urgeou
ot A8hland requeating the Ashland Chamber of Co..eroe ill take over management .t ta. .
Ashland Co..uni~'Hospital was read. Di.ou8sion followed. iuring whi.h the luggestioD8
or haviDg the C1 ty of Ashland operate the h08pital thru a a.parate board .r Director.
IODlewhat like the Library and Park are DOW opera'ting" ..... proposedo Bob Lugar, who
....s present stated that he had had heapi tal m.enagement uperio.ce and had made appli-
oation to 'the A8hland Chamber ot C.aaero8 rer the job as JIaDa,er an4 would .ubai t hi,
.pplioatioD. also to the City in the event the City _ok the hospital over. UpOD. _tion
by Kerrill, ae.ended. by Weltzel" the atter of the hospital __g_ant was referr.ct to
the Realty CoEDitt.., Ci't7 .ltteable)" and City Sup'1; for 8tudyand report. Carried.
ReooDllIiendation8 cOD.cerAiag .'breet ere.sUlgs _de 'by the .&.etiv. Club were dileua.ed.
A letter trom. the Women' a Oi Tio Club cOD.Geruing a 11 ttle eleam. up oampaigll .11.
Ashlanci Creek trom. Winburn Way 1;0 North lIain Street in rear ot bU81B.es8 plao.s ...a read,
and after di.eu8sion. 11'&8 referred 1;0 the Garbage Coami tt.e upon mo1;ion 'by Redferd.
le.onded DY Weltzel and oarried.
.&. letter trom tb8 Aahland po.t Otti.. requesting that graded granite or hlaok tep
aidewalks be plaoed en_ .0... 25 atreet 1a Ashland where there wre 1lO aidewalks was
read.. JIr. Vail, P. I. .tated that it graated" 1't would mean that two additional eity
mail earriera would besadded to the present City delivery servi'oe. Voaler repprted that
he was in t'avor .r 'the .iciewalka and 1 t ..... _ved 'by Xerrill and seeoMed 'by .oaler
that the aidewalka be ordered i. aDd rollowiDg IlL U1'lani moue rel1 eall, _. earriedo
A let1;er tre. the Oregon State HiglDray Co.m.ssion atatiDg that a ....Dd oall tor
bids ter'the Ashla_ PJ.aa$ Project had Deen made, .ame 1;0 b. reoeived .n Fe'bruary 4:" 1941.
and .alliDi tonrork 1;0 'be oompleted by Jut t 31" 1941 lad been set.
Sta.,.e Zarka a".d 'that the parking strip en the Boulavard be narr....ed tor areV
sake. The atter was discus.ed. also t he taking out .t 'the e.tire .trip or Ie.viae a.
i.land. Dear the Zarka .errioe station 'WaS dlaeu8sed. !he aatter would have 'be> 'be appre...
e4 'by the 1I1g~y Commission lunrever.
· Cemmitt.e Report..
Street. Bosler reported tawring the plaeiDg .t a patrolmaa at the "hool eressiD.g
en tn. .DOU~.vard during aohool opening and olo81Di hour. and. the .oon hour. lIe also
.uggea'ted tha1; .C. Street be repaved. erosa walks be painted" parkiltg &o.e. paiated
ud parkiDc ..ters be oOD,siel.red.
Poli... An agenda 1;0 the annual report of' the Polioe Department was read tir.t"
whioh elisou8.eel the parkiDg probl em.8 aDd. an old traffic oriinanoe pa88M in 1931 ...
reaci aDd d,i.ou.8sed in part. !hi. ordinanoe oovered 11UU1y' of the poiD."s 1Ihieh had Ja...
r...mm.ended by t he street CoBDi ttee. !'he puroha.e ot a paillt maobi.. tor. marld.Dg lane.
whioh had been ordered, but !lOt authorized, was authoriae4 upOD. motion by..aler"
a.e.Dded by Fisohborn &Dd carried u~i~us17.
It .... meved 'by Redtord and seeonded 'by Kerrill 'that the street C.ami ttee laY..t-
19ate parkiDg .eters and report baok. Oarr1e4.
Jan. 23. 194:1
Bo. S oon1td
Bosler reoommended that a speoial polioe otfi..r be assigned tor duty at the
High School aDd Lincoln School and be plaoed at the interseotion of the Boulevard..
Iowa aad Beaoh Streets to supervise pedestrian or.ssiDls on a part time basis during
the hours when ohildren are going to and from sohool. (Counoilman Kerrill was exoused)
It was DOved by Daugherty that the .peoial offioer be employed. Se.ended and ....imoUSM
1y oarriedo
Buildillg perm t8 .umbered from. 3 to 7 iJlclusive were approved upon motion by
Redford, seconded by Weitsal and oarried. total of permits, $6.500.00
The publishing ot the supplem.entary Polioe Report .....s approved upon motion 'by
Daugherty, ae.onded by Fischborn ,.3l'i 9!l.17i,p..J11&niD.o~sly.
!he expenditure ot tl.OOO.Oorr-u &'lShr~7 aoquired oity equipment was approv..
upon motion by Fisohbir., secoDded by Redtord and earriedo
The City Attorne7 reported on the purohase or surplus governm.ent property reoentlyo
The purohase ot 250 ."eel ohairs and other needed equipment and supplies was authorized
upon motion by Hosler, seoonded by Fisohbor11 and oarried.
Fisohborn discussed the .1 te tor the Fire Ra1l en property belongiDi to the
Seirthern Pacific Company near the Shell Oil Station. H. belieTed. that the mills oould
,et enou,h presl.rar. to oauae the S. P. to .ell the property tG the 01 ty due .to their
oontrol or the large amount .r llaLber shipped .ut or Ashland.
Sulphur water near the golf .ours. was disoussed.
On lIOtion. the Counoil adjourned to m.et at the oal1 .t the lIayora
(Signed) J. Q. ADAMS
(Signed) T. S. WILEY,