HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-0204 REG MIN
February ~_ 1947
1'0. "
The Counoil met in regular aessien at 1alO P. M. thienate. Prese.t. lIayer lI'1ley.
a.unoilme Daugherty. Fisohborm.. Merrill. :loeler(eame in late) Reclford. .A.bsel1t. COUll-
oilman Weiteel.
The minute. .r the previous .eeting were read and approved &8 read,.
Jloathl,. repor'ta of1he Library and Ci..,. Judge were read. accepted and ordered
plaoed on tile.
Bills amounting to .21,2&0.10 were read as to total amount only. .ame havbg been
eked 'by the various departments. eommittee. and finanoe oomnittee and were ordered paid.
Co.u. ttee Reportsl
Water. It...s reported that the cooling unit er the 11 thie. fountain was in .oed or
repair and an e~e.trieian who 11'&8 working en it .tated that it the l1Jli twas plaoed
above ground it 'Would operate much better. . Upon motion by Fiachborn, aeconded by Ker-
rill, the matter was referred to the Sup'ts er the Jneotrio and Water Departll.enta tor .
study and report.
Street. bo steel arches were reported w have beeD. put in recently. reelaoiag 014-
wooden arehes and the purchase of additional arohes ....s approved upon aotion by Daugher'tJ
s..onded by Kerrill aRd oarried.
Daugherty rep,rted en 'the meeting with the Chief 01' Police, Street Cemmittee.
City Attorne,. and City Sup'T ooaeernil\g parkiDg aee'ter. aDd .ther _tters d.ealing with
traffio. CouncilJII8D. Bosler entered and wok hi. place at this point. Bosler re-
ported on the condition of the alleys.
:-;ty. Redford reported that the R..It)' Committee m.et with the City At'ter..,. and
C1't7 up to on til. matter .1' the Dl_cement e1' the C-.aunity Hospital and had agreed
tUt the JlaYQr appoint a eomm1tt.. er the Realty Committee to ao1; as a beard te ..-a,.
the hoapi tal. Fel1nixlg considerable d.iseu8sion d.uring wh10h the Kayor aai Counoilman
Daugherty expressed them. sel Tes as eppo.ed to 'the plan of management 'bJ' a eoJDBd. ttee.
preterrhg that ~ Ci'ty lea8e the hospital to a private party. J'18ohbon;# reU a 1iat
.r 1IA11Y additions aDd improvements -.hioh had been reoemmended by Bob Lugar t..te.ti...e
aana~er or the Mapi tal. Councilman Kerrill ..... excused at this tiD.
Mr. R. E. Dodge aud Che.ter Corry spoke on the Carter .eight. developma:h and
reque.ted the vacatien of street. aDd. the aoceptanoe .t reads ..a8 put in. It ft. .eved
by Dau,herty and s..onded by Redford that the lIequests be granted aDd the ...8S sary
legal papers be dra... Carried..
BuildiJlg Permits Jlumbered. 8 to 10 ine. .ere approved. T.~ of permita_ .".200.00
The i1l8talIation et sewers on Soenie Drive am "1aer Street. was approved llpon
MUon 'b7 Da.Cherty. Seconded aDd earried. .
On .otion_ the Couneil adjouraed to .eet at the call et the Kayors
(Sip.ed) J. Q. AD.AJIS
(Signed) T. S. WILBY.