HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-0218 REG MIN
Februa~ IS, '1941
Jio. i
The Counoil met in regular .essi~n at ,,30 P. M. this datee Present. lIayor
Wiley, Councilmen Daugherty, Flsohborn, Merrill, :Wosler( oame in late). Redford.
The minutes of the previous a.sting were read aDd appreved as read.
lIonthly reports ot the Water DepaMiDlent and City Reoorder were read, aocepted
aDd ordered plaoed on file. Investment ot $1.000.00 in Cemetery !rust funds was
A lett.r trom the 1,t Assiatant Postmaster General to E. E. Vail, Postmaster
was read cODoern1:ag oarrier servioewheh sidewalks were installed. New appropriat-
ions would be available on July 1, 1947.
A petition from property owners askiDg tor annexation to the City of a pieoe of
land 150 teet on Iormal Avenue, Paoiti. Highway- and the I.I 00 .F. Cemetery was read
and referred to the C1 ty A.ttorney to mol ude with ether properties, beiDg oOD.siiered
tor annexation. '
Committe. B.eport, f
Water. Fol1owi:ag !Po iaTOrab1. disoussion on water meters, it was moved by R.d....
tord and seoonded by Fisohborn that the City AttorD8Y and City Sup't. be 1>>.8truoted
to get d.ata 0:1 water aeters and rates in Tariou. 01 ties and report baok ..t the Den
street. A pet! tlon a8killg tor oil pavement 011. Meade. Terrace and Iowa St..et.
where not paved was reterred to the C1 ty Sup't tor reporto
A letter from the Public Utilities Commission oODoerDiDg oonsideration or
inoreas. in gas rates _. read.
Building Permi't8 nU1llbered from. 11 to l' bo1u.ive were approved upem 1IOt10n by
Dauglurty. seoonded and carriedo Tetal of permits .4.100.00
Letters from the Council of Parents and Teaohers and the Lilloo1n Sohool P.T.A.
WERE read thankiDg 'the City tor 'their oo-operatioD. in establishing a patrol.m.aD. at
Iowa and the Boule.rd _. read.
Bids from the Erwin I1lnraace Ageno7, J. A. Langt17 u.d award Wile1' tor liab-
ility iD.surance $ltJ..OOO-tZO,GOO and the .10.000--$100.000 were read, 'but reterred
to the City Suptt. to aErberaine the le... Did, .ince the bids as read were !lOt clear
1;0 the Counoilo
Iosler reported en the Zarka Servioe Station entranoe trom the Boule'9'&rd and
lurther 4isoussion on outting out part of the parking was oonsicle1"8d.
R.dtord reported OJl the Hoapi tal, .tati:a.g that the Doctors llad ..oided 1;0
retain same, haviDg appointed a manager.
Upon 1I01;10n by Fiaohbora. the City .A:ttorney- 8S instruoted to investigate the
availability er .,re land to 1.as8 at the .l1r Porl.
Fisoh'born rep,rted that 'the 1U1llbermen were ~hlvor of applying pressure 0. the
s. P. Com.pany 1K> help the City in ..ouriDg~~acgrtre.t location tor a Fire atatiolJ
On motion, the CO\moil adjourned to meet a t the oa1.1 .f the Kayar a
(Signed) J. Q. ADAMS
(Signed) T. S. WILEY~