HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-0122 ADJOURNED MIN No. S Janua.ry 22. 1936 The Council met in adJourned session at 7:30 P. ~. this date. Presen1 Mayor Wiley; Councilmen. Gregg, Hansen, Ingle. Absent: Oounoilman Blake. F. G. Swedenburg and R. E. Koozer were present and were sworn in as members of the Gommon Gounail by the City Recorder. The Mayor announoed the following appointments for the year 1936, whioh were approved by the caunail by unanimous vote: Fire Department Chief of Police ABs't Ohief Patrolman Patrolman Ohiet of Fire Dep't Fireman No. 1 Fireman No. 2 c. P. Talent M. P. Dunn M. T. Burns R. W. Ha11 C. J. Ba!18hm.an L. At. Wilson J. W. King Police Department ~ January 22,"19Z6 lIo.Z street Department Electr1c Department Su.perintendent Superintendent and City Sup't. Superintendent Su.perintendent Frank Davi8 E. c. Biegel E. R. Hosler G. M. Fr08t Water Department Cemetery Department Ci"7 Attornet F. J. Van Dyke !he tOllning oomm1ttee appointments were announced. Finanoe: Blake. Gregg. Koozer Eleotric: S.eienburg. KOoser, Ingle Water: Gregg, Swedenburg, Ingle street: Kooser, lIansen, Swedenburg Fire: Ingle, Blake. Hansen Realty: Raneen. Gregg, Blake Board ot Health: Swedanburg, GreBS' Blake. Air Port: Blake. Kooser. Cla7001lb. ~~ a lla,J11../.' R. A. Wo048. ~~.1Omrs. Vpon the suggestion ot the Kayor, 1 t was moved by Han8en anel seoona- ed by Swedenburg that a oommittee D8 appointed to investigate city lio.n- .e.. !he Mayor appointed the tollowins eomBdttee: Ingle. Koozer. !alent. Tan D7k.. W. :D. Jackson, H. R. Brower, Fred A. Tayler. A latter from G. M. Green. as a member ot the Bat10nal Youth AIII1n- 1etration oommitte. was i.ad requesting the Citlto appropriate.p t. t40000 tor paper at eosl.for use in connection wi..tb the proJeot ot making a history ot Ashland. It was mOTed by Gregg ani 8econ4ed by Swedenbur. that the expen41 ture be approvel. bu" not to exeeed. III t.O.OO . Carried. A resolution authorizing and direct1ng the )(ayor and the Reoorder to exeoute an agreement wi th :r. E. Russill tor the op,eration ot the eleotr1. power plant belonging to the C1 ty of Ashland; and declaring an ..ergenoy was reael. Kovea. b7 Ingle ant .eetnde" Gresg that "he resolution be pass- e' '50 the aecond reading b7 title on17. Carri.l.. :rollow1ng the .80en4 reading by title. 1 t wa. aoved by Gregg ana ..oonde4 'by lIanaen that th. reselut10n b8 a&opted as real. Roll oall was ordere4 on its adoption. the vote being. Ayes. Gregg, Kanaen. Ingle. Kooser. S.e4enbuq. 11&18: Bone. !hereapen the Kayor declareel the r...l1di.. adoptea:. ill ~e salary ordinanoe was the next order ot business. Pollow1.ng 80me disousslon. 1t W88 moved by Ingle ant 8econde4 by Swedenburg that the rai... 111 aalar7 &8 proTidea. tor in the lnulget tor 'Ihe )ea:r 1936 be app- !'oTecl :tor the8ala17 or41nanoe. HHUH-I;" Carri.... It was mOTe4 D7 Ingle and .econled by Swedenburg tha t a 5 ~ rai.e in salary be allll:tho:rizecl tor t.he Wat.r and ne.trict >>epartments. Curl.a.. Upon motion by S.81.n- burg. seconted by HAnsen. the salary of Ward Cr.tt, Bani Leader was re- terred to the :Finance Committee to report to the Goune1.J.. Carr1.l.o It was "hen .0Ted by Raneen ani seconded by Sweclenburg that 1ih. or4inance be pas8el to the 8eoon4 reading by title on17. Carr1e4. :Follow1ng the .eoond reading, it was moved b7 Ingle ana. aecondecl by lfaDsen tha" the orl1nance be alopt.4 as read. Roll oall was ordered on its adoption, the Tote being. Ayes, Gregg, Kansen, Ingle, ICo_zer, ".denburg. Bays: Bon.. !hereu:pon the lfayor d.,lared City Ortinance Bo. 955 adopt.to Januaryb22. 1936 Jlo. 3 It was moved by KOelzer and seoonded by Swedenburg thai the A.hlanl I1n1sterial Assooiation be g1ven seats tor the Ohautauqua :Building. On motion, the Counoil adjourned to meet at the oall ot the 1fa7or. Attest: (Signed) J. Q. Adams, a.corder (Signed) ~. S. Wi187" Jrayor