HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-1008 ADJOURNED MIN Ootober 8. 1936 No.2Z The council met in adJourned session at '1:30 P. :M. this date. Present: Mayor Wiley. Counoilmen Blake. Ingle, Koozer. Absent: CouncIl- men Gregg. Hansen, Swedenburg. The Citizen's Budget Comm1 ttee consisti~ of W. J. Crandall, A. B. I1nney. Frank Jordan, P. R. Hardy, Chas. Fort- miller and George W. Dunn. were all present. The llayor stated that the purpose at the meeting was to pass the budget tor 'the year 193'/. Frank Jordan was elected ohairman and P. R. Hard" .ecretary. aop1es ot details ot all expenditures and revenues of all departments and fUnds tor the year 1956 and estimates tor 'the .ear were provided for 193'/ and .ere taken up And considered in order. Moved by Dunn and seot)nded by Crandall that the estimates for the Council,and Mayor be approved. Carried. Moved by Hardy and seconded by Dunn that the estimates fer the Recorder be approved. Carried. Koved by Dunn arit. seconded by Fortmiller that the estimates tor the Treasurer be approved. Carriedo MOved by FortmI11er and seconded by KInney that the estimates for the City Attorney be approved. CarrIed. Moved by Kinney and seconded by Koozer that the es'imates tor the Bui14ings be approved. Carried. Moved by Koozer and seconded by Fortm1ller that the estimates for the MUnicipal Court be approved. Carried. Koved by Kinney and seoonded by Koozer that the estimates for Elections be approved. Carried. Moved by Hardy and seconded by Fortmiller that the estimates for Auditing be approved. Carried. . Moved by Kinney and seoonded by Fortm1ller that the estimates for the Engineer be approved. Carried. Moved by Crandall and seoonded by Kinney that the est ima te s fer the Police Department be approved. Carried. "Moved by Hardy and seconded by Koozer that the estimates for ~he Fire Department be approved. Carried. Moved by Dunn and seoonded by Crandall tha t the estimates tor the street Department be approved. Carried. .. Moved by Kinney anti seconded by Crandall that the est~mates for the Refuse Collection and Btaposal be approved. Carried. Moved by Crandall and seoonded by Hardy that tm estimate for street Lighting be approved. carri8ddd. b Kinney that 'the estimate tor Moved by Fortm11ler ani saoon e. Y Drinking Fountains be approved. Carr~edo Ootober a, 1936 No. 23 Moved by Koozer and seoonded by Fortmiller that estimates for the Health Offioer be approved. Carried. Moved by Dunn and seconded by Blake that the estimates for the Hospital be approved. Carried. Moved by Hardy and seconded by Koozer that the estimates for Relief be approved. Carried. Moved by Fortmll1er and seconded by HArdy that the estlmates for Celebrations and Entertainments be approvea. Carried. Moved by Crandall and seoonded by Fortmiller that the estima tee for thB Park Department be approve4. Carrled. MOved by Crandall and seoonded by Blake that the estimates fer the Library Department be approved. Carried. Moved by Keozer and seoonded by Crandall that the estimates for the Cemet8rY Department be approved. Carried. Moved by Ingle ahd seoonded by Crandall that the estimates fer Misoellanepus Expenditures inoluding Emergency appropriation be approved. Carriedo Moved by Ingle and seoonded by Fortml1ler that the estimates for the Sinking Fund be approved. Carrled.. Estima tes for tm three utili tles were explained and passe' around by Sup't Biegel. This being the first time that the utilities were re- quired to make budgets. Moved by Koozer and seoonded by Fortm111er that the estimates for the Sewage Disposal Department be approved. Carried. Moved by Hardy and seoonded by Fortm11ler that the est imates for the Water DepartmEll t be approved. Canled. Moved by Hardy and seoonded by Fortm1l1ervthat" the estimates fer the Electrio Department be approved. 'arrled. There being a surplus of $4806.00 estimated from the Electrio Depart- ment. it was moved by Hardy and seoonded by Crandall that same be paid into the 'eneral fund as a revenue. Carried. The estdlmates of revenues being considered conslstent with the pre- vious years aotual revenues were approved. Moved by Crandall and seoonded by Bl.te that the budget as a Whole be approved and publlshed as requlred by law and the hearing set tor Ootober 3eth 1936. C~rt'6i On motion the Commdttee adjourned. Attest: J. Q. Adams. Reoorder P. R. Hardy, See'ty, Budget Comml tte~ (Signed) T. S. Wiley, Mayor