HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-1030 ADJOURNED MIN
Ootober 30, 1936
1'0: 25
!he counail met in adJourned session at ':30 P. M. this date
Preaent:Kayor Wile7. Councilmen Blake, Gregg, XOozer, Swedenburg:
Abseil': Oounoilmen Ingle. Bansa. .
The JI.ayor announoed tlla't the meeting was oalled 'to hear any
obJections that there m1ght be aga1nst the ~e propo8ed budget tor
the year 19Z' and aeked it there was anyone in the aud1enoe vrho had
any obJeotions to otter. the
S. S. Davies and W. G. Prescott spoke on!p*oposed budgot. ~l.
appropriation for the Chamber of Commeroe being one ot the points tor
obJeotion and others were brought up by fir. Danea. Following a tall.
dlsGuac10n ot all obJeotions to the budget. none of which were oon-
e14ere4 practical or adYlssble, 1t wae mO.84 by Koozer and seconded by
Gregg that the rules be suspended and theord1nanoe authoriztJng the
19Z' Budget whioh had been read, be passed to the seoond :reaolng by
title only. Carried. Following the seoond reading by title, it was moved
b7 Blake and seoonded '01' Xoozer that the ord1nanoe be adopted as read.
Roll oal1 was ordered on its ado.ption. the Tote being. Ayes: Blake. Gregg
Koozer, Sweoenburg. !here.pon the .ayor announoed C1ty Ordinanoe No.96~
A proposed ordinance requiring 1ihe 01 ty of Ashland to notify the
County Aseessor and County Clerk ot all delinqu.ent spe01al benefit
assessments and docketed oity liens was read. MOved by Gregg and
seoonded 'by Swedenburg that the rules bo suspended and the ord1nanoe
be passed to the seoond rea(l.ing by title only. Carried. lPollow1ng the
seoond reading, it was moved by Blake anci seoonded by Swea.enburg that
the ordinance be adopted 8S read. Roll oall was o:r4ered on its e40pt1on,
the vote being; Ayec,Blake. Gregg- !{oozer, Swedenbu.rg. Thereupon, the
MaJor announced City Ordinance No. 966 adopted.
On motion, tlle council adJourned to meet at the oall ot the Mayor.
Attest: (Jlgned) J. Q. Adams,
(Signed) T. B. Wiley,