HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-0426 ADJOURNED MIN
April 26, 1937
:No. 10
'.l.ihe ootnlcil uet ill 8uJoux'neG. session ut 7:30 J:. __. this elate.
Present: Eayor ..iley, COluloilnen b'pplewhi te, 131ake, Hansen, Ir,u7'le,
Koozer, Swed.entu_l'~. nQsent: l':olle. ,U
The report of the Fino.llce Oommi tteo rela ti va to th,e loa:nin.':t of
~ ~
~15000.00 to th.c~ 1'2:rk CO'L;'lissioD ViTas read. This report recornrnend:-d that
the loan be not Jrlade due td> a shox.tage of fWHls availa bIe :for this pur-
pose a t thi~~ tii;~le. It was moved b~' ,!nl.':le a.Ylft S econclec1 by Blake that the
rerort be acoeptedo Cal'I'ied.
Hansen re,1)orted tha.t he ha~ received an offer for the Riegel pro-
:perty on north I, ci. 11 ~.:treet for $150000 vmioh he rec omrnended be atJcepte(l.
The q~es tiOD arose. as to the_t\;"b~.~o ,J1~(.~i -:8n vt~ th the :property. the
Ci ty A ttorne~r feelJ.llC tha t a 1tti:k tl~e or g1. ven 1.llsteaCl of a warranty
deed since the la tter ti tle mic;h t involve uddi tioYlal eYI>ense to the City.
It was dediCl:e.d to authorize the sale 'provid.ed it vronld net the Ci ty
;j150 ...00. The SU'h'160t of b.(1)ra~.tal of oro'nerties for future sales was
.." 0..,1 J::. . .... '
discussed~ and uJ'rC:i:rltements made for the 8I''pointmGL.t of all apDrasial
commi ttee to Ulj,praise all city' ,prOlierty held for sa 1e.'
.Applewhite sta ted that; the :1eGio11 v:a:nted to have a carnival held
and asked thu t the uS1J.al license of ;~:~5.CO be waived.
;'I':he Oi ty .ntt,orney spo}::e OIL t}~e su'bject and followinG discussion,
it -\vas movec. by 3wedenburc and second.ed b~T Kaozor not to gr~~ntthe re-
~UAst for a freo license to ~~e Legiono
On moti-on the oouncil adjourned to .meet L. t the c(;,.11 of the l./fayor.
.Attest1 (Si,sned) J .;;':'. .hd~)l1S
(Signed) T. 13. Ui1ey,
lira yor