HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-0825 Special Meeting PACKET
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Civic Center Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street
5:00 p.m. Regular Meeting
1. Water Curtailment
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact the City Administrator's office at (541) 488-6002 (TTY phone number 1-800-735-
2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to
ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35. 102-35. 104 ADA Title I).
Council Communication
Meeting Date:
Secondary Dep!.:
Special Council Meeting -Stage] Water Curtailment
August 25, 2009 Primary Staff Contact: Mike Faughl 552-2411
Public Works E-Mail: faughtm@ashland.oLus
N/A Secondary Contact: Terry Ellis
Martha Bennett Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Will the Council ratify the City Administrators decision to declare a water shortage emergency and
implement Stage 1 Water Curtailment as outlined in the Ashland Municipal Code (AMC) 14.06?
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends that Council ratify the City Administralor's decision to declare a water shortage
cmergency and implemenl Stage 1 Water Curtailment as outlined in (AMC) 14.06.
The City Administrator declared a water emergency and implemented Stage I Water Curtailment
effeclive Tuesday August 25, 2009 per AMC 14.06.020. Determination of a Water Shortage requires
that a waler shortage emergency exists. "Such delerminalion shall be based on an analysis of the
demand for water in lhe City, the volume of water in Reeder Reservoir, the standard drawdown curve
for Reeder Reservoir, lhe projected curtailment dalc for Talenl Irrigation District watcr and flows in
the easl and wesl forks of Ashland Creek."
1. Demand for water in the City: The demand for waler exceeds the supply. The average daily
production which includes a y, million gallons 10 produce the water and an addition y, million
gallons for Ashland Creek is as follows:
6.82 MGD (Million Gallons per Day)
671 MGD
Note: In July there were 13 days whcre waler production exceeded 6 MGD.
On the supply side there has only been .18 inches ofrain since June 30, 2009.
2.. Volume of water in Reeder Reservoir: As of August 23, 2009 the volume of water in the
reservoir is 59%. The Minimum desirable draw down level is 35% and the current daily
reservoir drawdown has been between .8% and 1 %. At the current draw down rate, the
reservoir will hit 35% by September 19, 2009.
3. Standard drawdown curve for Reeder Reservoir: The reservoir dropped below the standard
drawdown curve on August 8, 2009. In an attempt to correct the steep drawdown curve, the
City imposed a voluntary 20% water usage rcduclion on August 11,2009. While the
Pagc 1 of 5
Communily responded to the request to reduce water usage by about I MGD per day, flows
from the easl and wesl fork also reduced by I MGD during the same time period.
Reeder Reservoir Orawdown
100 -
.u 60.
. !
u /
"0 50
. /
" j
. 40
/ 8/16/2001 Slaned
/ WalerCurlailmenl
10117/2001 Ended Mandatory
Water curtailmen1. Avera e
drawdown rale = 0.42 % per day.
8/24/2009 Slar1ed
Water Curtailment
3llli% ~nBll. Wl",..n~IlllIloD.. 1I.",,,,,,n
"'.""2001-2008 Average
I -0- 2009
i ~ 2001 last Cunailmenl I
. 1-
"-.. ,
... ,<1 'l,Of ,,"1 rV' ,a 1" '1" "1 ,OJ 'V ,'<f ~' ,'> '1-'0 ........- "1,,<1 -~ '):J '<J '1-" .... '\' .. ....' r-:j'
4. Projected curtailment date for Talent Irrigation District (TID) water: The projected
curtailment date ofTID water is October] 5,2009. The official date won't be determined until
September I during TID's board meeting. The Public Works Director will attend the TlD
Board September 1,2009 to request that TlD extend the curtailment date to October 30, 2009.
TID water is not currently being used however staff lested the pumps and piping system and is
now waiting for the lab test results. If the lests meet the source water standards, staff may be
able to use TlD water by August 26, 2009.
5. Flows in the east and west forks of Ashland Creek. The current daily flows from the easl and
the west forks of Ashland Creek is 3.14 MGD. That is about a 60% reduction in flows in 24
days. While lhe flows have flattened oul to 3. I 4 since August 20, 2009, staff is concerned thaI
the flows will continue to decrease at lhe same rate in the future.
Page 2 of 5
Stream Flows (10 Yearvrs Current Year)
18 - l-L
14- 1-1-
~ \1 ~
': -t-~ \J
rr l,\
. Stream Inft~ 10 Year A"91
:__2009 Stream inftow
1 16 1 16 31 15 30 15 30 14 29 13 28 13 28 12 27 12 27 11 26 10 25 11 26
Water Supply and Current Demand
The maximum storage behind the dam is 860 acre-feet or 280 million gallons of raw water with the
overflow weirs in place. Rccder Reservoir is fed from snow melt and watershed rain runoff from
Mount Ashland. Typically, lhe rescrvoir reaches capacity (fills to the top) in April, spills over the
overflow weirs at thc dam lhrough to the end of May, and then the water level behind the dam slowly
starts to fall until the rains begin again usually sometime in October. The reservoir through thc end of
June was holding at 99.5% of full depth. As of AuguSl 23, 2009 the reservoir is 59% of the total
capacity or 506 acre-feet of water remaining in lhe reservoir.
The condilions that determine water supply are snow pack / snow melt and weather. The last reading
in April indicates snow depths al and average of 41 inches or 55% of normal and a water content
density of 42%. The wcather has been unseasonably hot since July I and the only measurable rainfall
since that time is .18 inches. Ashland residents are using over 3 MGD more that flows coming in from
the east and west forks of Ashland Creek. Flows into the reservoir from the east and west forks are
now at 3. I 4 MGD and the water plant produced 6.29 MGD AuguSl 22, 2009.
Page 3 of 5
The City has an alIemate water source to draw upon through an agreement for 769 acre-feet of
perpetual domestic water rights from the Talent Irrigalion District (TID). While Till waler is not
being used yet, staff ran a low pressure test of the system lasl Friday and ran a full pressure test of the
system loday. In order 10 use TID water, it is has to be tested to ensure that it can be trealed to
drinking water slandards. Those tests were mailed early last week and staff is now awailing the
resulIs. I f the TID water can be treated to drinking water standards through our plant then Till water
can augment lhe cities drinking water as early as August 26, 2009. If lhe water cannot be treated to
drinking water slandards through our plant, then staff may install a portable pre-treatmenl plant which
could delay the use ofTID water for a couple more weeks. The TID water can provide an addition 1.5
Once TID water begins to flow through the water plant, the waler plant will have to be staffed 24/7 at
leasl in lhe short tem1 as the plant adjusts to the new, fluctuating water source. In order to staff the
water plant 24/7 water plant employees will be placed on emergency 12-hour shi fts.
Financial Impacts
Thc FY 2009-10 adopted budgets did not anticipate the need 10 augment the drinking water supply and
as such lhe following eSlimated costs will have to be funded by either reducing approved projects or
contingency funds. The estimated costs are as follows:
. TID water tests (20 different tests)
. System repairs (new starter)
. Overtime (emergency 12 hours shifts)
. Engineering Services
. Pre-Treatment or Plant upgrades
Eslimates are being developed
What is the Citv doin2 to conserve Water?
. The wastewater department now uses recycled wastcwaler to clean sewer lines, storm drains
and pump stations ( DEQ approved)
. The washing of City vehicles and equipment has been haltcd
. No waler is uscd to hose down sidewalks and walkways
What is the Parks Department doin2 to limit its use of water'!
. Lilhia Park lawns reduced by 80%
. All other non-essential lawns - 60% reduction
. Watering of shrubs - 80% reduction
. Watering of medians - 50% reduction
. Cemeteries - 30% reduction
What about other A2encies landscape maintained bv the Parks Department?
. Hospital lawns- 60% reduction
. School Athletic Fields - 80% reduction except for the football field for safety reasons
. All olher school lawns - 60% reduction
. Airport - 60% reduction
How is staff communicatiDl! the Stage 1 Curtailment Message to the Community?
. CERT volunteers distributed door hangers notifying residents of the water curtailment
. Letters have been mailed to all water ulility accounts with water use in excess of amounts
allowed under the Water Curtailment Ordinance nOlifying them of the decision.
. The Chamber of Commerce has agreed to provide tent cards for restaurants and door hangers
for hotels.
. News Media
. People with Questions should call 488-5353
What about Talent Ashland Phoenix (TAP) Intertie?
The current plan is to complete a comprehensive "Right Water-for-Right Use Water Master Plan that
will evaluate all of Ashland waler resources including the TID for Irrigation, Wastewaler Effluent and
TAP. The Water Master Plan RFP has been recently advertised and once the work has been awarded
to a firm the study will take about two years to complete.
Related City Policies:
AMC 14.05
Council Options:
(I) The City Council could decide 10 ratify the City Administrators decision 10 declare a water
shortage emergency and implement Stage] Waler Curtailment as outlined in (AMC)
(2) The City Council could decidc to modify (
) staffs recommendation.
(3) The City Council could decide 10 invalidate the City Administrators declaration of a water
shortage emergency and implemenlation of Stage I Water Curtailment.
Potential Motions:
(I) Move to raljfy lhe Cily Administrators decision to declare a water emergency and
imp]emenl Stage 1 Water Curtailment as outlined in AMC ]4.06.
(2) Move 10 modify (
) staff recommendation.
(3)Move to invalidate the City Administrators declaration of a water shortage emergency and
implementation of Stage 1 Water Curtailment.
. AMC ]4.06
Page 5 of5
14.06.0] 0 Definitions.
]4.06.0]OA Exhibits.
] 4.06.020 Determination of water shortage.
]4.06.030 Water curtailment stages.
14.06.060 Exemptions and Appeals.
] 4.06.080 Excess water consumption surcharge.
]4.06.090 ]'enalties and enforcement.
SECTION ]4.06.010 Definitions.
The following words and phrases whenever used in this chapter shall be construed as defined in this
section unless from the context a different meaning is inlended.
A. "Billing period" means that period used by the City for the reading of water meters consisting of
approximately 30 calendar days.
B. "City walcr" means water sold or delivered by the City of Ashland and includes Talent Irrigation
District water delivered through the City's water system.
C. "Cf" means cubic feet.
D. "Cuslomer" means lhat person or persons designated in City records to receive bills for water
E. "MulIi-famiIy dwelling" means a building containing two or more residential units.
F. "Outside plants" means grass, lawns, ground-cover, shrubbery, gardens, crops, vegetal ion and
trees not located within a fully enclosed building.
G. "Permanent residenl" means a person who resides at the dwelling at 1easl five days a week, nine
months a year.
H. "Temporary or Drop-In Guesl" means a person who resides at the dwelling less than 3
consecutive months per year. '-
I. "Water Allocation Table" means that table of meter types and sizes and maximum volumes of
water sel forth in Exhibil "A" attached 10 this Ordinance.(See section 14.06.010 Exhibits for
water table)
J. "Waste" means:
1. To use City water to irrigate outside plants:
a. Between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. May lhrough July or between 10:00 a.m.
and 7:00 p.m. August through October, excepl that drip irrigation systems may be used
during these limes.
b. in such a manner as to resulI in runoff on a street, sidewalk, alley or adjacenl property for
more lhan five minutes.
2. To use City water to wash sidewalks, walkways, streets, driveways, parking lots, open ground
or other hard surfaced areas except where necessary for public health or safety.
3, To allow City water to escape from breaks within a plumbing system for more than 24 hours
after the person who owns or is in control of the system is notified or discovers the break.
4. To use City water to wash cars, boalS, trailers, aircraft, or other vehicles by hose without
using a shutoff nozzle except 10 wash such vehicles at commercial or fleet vehicle washing
facilities using waler recycling equipment.
5. To serve City water for drinking at a restauranl, hotel, cafe, cafeteria or other public place
where food is sold, served or offered for sale, to any person unless expressly requested by
such person.
6. To use City water to clean, fill or maintain decorative fountains, lakes or ponds unless all
such water is recirculated.
7. Except for purposes of building construction, to use City water for construction, compaction,
dust control, cleaning or wetting or for building washdown (except in preparation for
8. To use City water for filling swimming pools or for filling toy, play or other pools with a
capacity in excess of 100 gallons, provided, however, that water may be added to swimming
pools to replace volume los due to evaporation.
(Ord 2869, Amended, 05/15/2001) .
SECTION 14.06.010A Exhibits.
The Water Allocation Table sel forth below is substituted for the Waler Allocation Table adopted as
Exhibit A and defined in section
Res IrrTO A 0.75 1800 600 100 0
Res Irrig 8 1.00 1800 600 100 0
Res Irrin C 1.50 1800 600 100 0
Res Irrin D 2.00 1800 600 100 0
Com Irrin A 0.75 3200 1100 100 0
Com Irrin 8 1.00 6100 2100 200 0
Com Irrin C 1.50 10400 3700 400 0
Com Irrin D 2.00 15200 5300 500 0
Comlr~ E 3.00 30400 10600 1100 0
Gov Irrin A 0.75 3200 1100 100 0
Gov Irrin 8 1,00 6100 2100 200 0
Gov lrrig C 1.50 10400 3700 400 0
Gov Irrig D 2.00 15200 5300 500 0
Govlr~ E 3.00 30400 10600 1100 0
Gov Ir('i'n"" F 4.00 48100 16800 1700 0
TIDlrr~ F 4.00 48100 16800 1700 0
Comm I A 0.75 6400 4800 3200 t600
Co0101-1 B 1.00 t2200 9200 6100 3IOO
Co0101-l C 1.50 20900 15600 10400 5200
Com01-l D 2.00 30400 22800 15200 7600
Comm-l E 3.00 60800 45600 30400 15200
Co0101-l F 4.00 96200 72200 48100 24100
COO101=1 G 6.00 186400 139800 93200 46600
(00101-1 H 8.00 304400 228300 152200 76100
Condo All All 2700 2000 1300 700
Resid 1 A 0,75 3600 2500 1800 900
Resid=J 8 1.00 3600 2500 1800 900
1 Res;d-I Ie 11.50
(Ord 2869, Amended, 05/15/2001)
SECTION ]4.06.020 Determination of water shortage.
A. The City Adminislrator is authorized to prohibil waste as defined in seclion 14.060.010 or implement
water curtailment stages upon determination that a water shortage emergency conditions exists. Such
dctennination shall be based on an analysis of the demand for water in the City, the volume of waler
in Reeder Reservoir, the standard drawdown curve for Reeder Reservoir, the projected curtailment
date for Talent Irrigation Districl water and flows in the east and west forks of Ashland Creek. The
detennination of lhe Cily Administralor under lhis section shall be effective until the nexl council
meeling following such detenninalion at which time the council shall either ratify or invalidate the
B. The City Administrator is authorized 10 tenninate wasle prohibitions or water curtailment stages upon
detennination that a water shortage emergency condition no longer exists. Such determination shall
be based upon faclors listed in section 14.06.020. The lennination shall be effective unlil the next
council meeting following the determination of the City Administrator at which lime the council shall
either ratify or invalidate lhe determination.
(Ord 2869, Amended, 05/15/2001)
SECTION ]4.06.030 Water eurtailment stages.
Depending on the severity of lhe potential water shortage, lhe City Administrator may implement the
following water curtailmenl slages. During any stage, no person shall waste City water.
Stage I. The following restriclions are effective during water curtailment Stage I:
1. No customer shall receive through the water meter assigned to such customer more than lhe
maximum volume ofwaler for such meter indicaled for Slage I in the Water Allocation Table.
2. Government agencies, including but not limited to parks, schools, colleges and municipalities
may have separate accounl allotments combined inlo one "agency" allotmenl and are exempt
from Stage I restrictions if their water consumption is otherwise reduced by 20% from the
volume of waIer delivered in the same billing period for lhe firsl previous non-waler curlailment
Stage2.The following restrictions are effective during water curtailment Stage 2:
I, No cuslomer shall receive through the waler meter assigned to such customer more lhan the
maximum volume of water for such meter indicated for Stage 2 in the Water Allocation Table.
2. Government agencies, including bul not limited to parks, schools, colleges and municipalilies
may have separate account allotments combined into one "agency" allotment and are exempl
from Stage 2 restrictions if their water consumption is otherwise reduced by 30% from the
volume of water detennined under Stage 1.
Stage3.The following restrictions are effective during waler curtailment Stage 3:
I. No cuslomer shall receive through the water meler assigned to such customer more than the
maximum volume ofwaler for such meter indicated for Stage 3 in the Water Allocation Table.
2. Government agencies, including but nOl limited to parks, schools, colleges and municipalities
may have separate account allolments combined into one "agency" allotment and are exempt
from 3 restrictions if lheir waler consumption is otherwise reduced by 40% from the volume of
water determined under Slage 2.
Stage4.The following restriclions are effective during water curtailment Stage 4:
1. No customer shall receive through the water meter assigned to such customer more than the
maximum volume ofwaler for such meter indicated for Stage 4 in the Water Allocation Table.
2. Govemmenl agencies, including but not limited 10 parks, schools, colleges and municipalities
may have separate account allotments combined into one "agency" allotmenl and are exempl
from Stage 4 reslriclions if their water consumption is otherwise reduced by 50% from the
volume of water determined under Stage 3.
3. No City water shall be used 10 irrigate outside plants, except for trees, shrubs and food plants. If
the customer has an irrigation meter, the inigiation meter shall nol be used_ The watering of
trees, shrubs and food plants shall be lhrough the non-irrigalion meler and the total allocation
shall not excced the amounl allowed for lhe non-irrigation meter.
SECTION 14.06.060 Exemptions and Appeals.
A. Any person who wishes to be exempted from a restriction imposed by any water curtailment stage
shall request an exemption in writing on forms provided by the City and file the request for
exemption in writing with the Utility Billing Office.
B_ Requests will be reviewed after a water audit is conducted by the City and a detcrmmation made by
the utility billing account representative as to the validity of the request for an exemption. No
exemptions will be considered until the City has conducted a water audit.
C. Exemptions may be granted for the following:
1_ Any person with substantial medical requirements as prescribed in writing by a physician.
Examples would be hydrotherapy pools or life support systems.
2, Residential connections with more than four permanent residents in a single family residence or
three permanent residents per unit in a multi-family dwelling can receive up to 350 cf per month
per addilional permanent resident. A census may be conducled 10 determine the aclual number of
permanent residents per living unit. Temporary or drop-in guests will not be considered for
additional allocations.
3_ For commercial or industrial accounts where water supply reductions will result in unemployment
or decrease production, after confirmation by the City that the account has instituted all
applicable water efficiency improvements.
4. For any other reason upon showing of good cause and where necessary for public health or
5_ For commercial accounts where water meter is undersized (as delermined under the Uniform
Plumbing Code) for the current occupancy, the allocaIion for such accounts may be increased up
to the allocation for the water meler size designaled for such occupancy in 1he Uniform Plumbing
D_ Exemplions will not be allowed for steam cleaning or similar uses ofwa1er. The amount allocaled for
any given customer will include such uses and no additional allocalion will be allowed,
E. The utility billing accounl represenlative shall report to the Direclor of Public Works the findings and
conclusions resulting from the review. The Director shall approve or deny the request for exemplions
and may impose conditions. Such condilions may include lhe amount volume restrictions may be
exceeded and that all applicable plumbing fixtures or inigalion systems be replaced or modified for
maximum water conservation_ If the Director and the applicant are unable to reach accord on the
exempli on, or if the applicant is dissatisfied with the decision, the applicant may appeal to the City
Administrator in writing who will make the final determination.
F. Except for an exemption granted under section 14.06,060.C. I, C.2 and C.5, the water consumption
surcharge specified in section 14.06.080 shall apply to all exemplions.
(Ord 2869, Amcnded, 05/]5/2001)
SECTION 14.06.080 Excess water consumption surcharge.
For any full billing period that begins after lhe City Administrator's determination is made and ratified as
provided in seclion 14.06.0060:
A. Any customer who exceeds lhe maximum volumes established in the Water Allocation Table for
Stages 1,2 or 3 shall pay a surcharge of four times the rate for waler delivered in excess of the
established maximum volume.
B. During Stage 4, any customer who exceeds the maximum volumes established in the Water
Allocalion Table shall pay a surcharge of len times lhe rale for water delivered in excess of the
established maximum volume.
(Ord 2869, Amended, 05/15/2001)
SECTION 14.06.090 Penalties and enforcement.
The penalties for violations of this chapter shall be cumulative in that they may be in addition to, not in
lieu of, other penalties, remedies or surcharges established by this chapter.
A. A person shall not violate or procure, aid or abel in the violation of any provision of this chapter.
A vioIalion of any provision of this chapter is an infraclion and shall be punished as sel forth in
seclion 1.08.020 of the Municipal Code.
B.. If a customer exceeds the maximum volume for more lhan one billing period, the City may install
a flow restricting device at the service meler which reduces water flow and pressure. For services
up to one and one-half inch size lhe City may install a flow restricting device of two gallon-per-
minute capacity, and for larger services, comparatively sized restricting devices for larger
services, for a period of seven days. Before normal service will be restored, a flow restrictor
installation and removal charge of $ I 00 shall be paid by lhe person who subscribes for the water
servl ce.
C. Service may be lerminated to any cllslomer who knowingly and willfully violates any provision
of this chapler. (Ord. 2736, 1994)
Michael Faught, Public Works Direct
Martha J. Bennett, City Administrato
August 24, 2009
Water Curtailment Order
Based on the information that you have provided about current water consumption, the supply in Reeder
Reservoir, and the draw down of Reeder Reservoir, I find that a water shortage exists as defined by
Ashland Municipal Code (AMC) 14.06.020.
I therefore order Water Curtailment, stage one, as defined by AMC 14.06.030. This order includes
implementation of Water Curtailment rates defined by AMC 14.06.080. City staff should notify water
customers and the news media of this order as quickly as possible. Staff should also provide
information to customers about the process for reviewing appeals and exceptions as defined in AMC
This order will be discussed with the Ashland City Council at a Special Meeting on Tuesday, August 25,
2009. At this meeting, Council will review findings related to water supply and consumption. Council
will then either ratify of invalidate this order.
c. Mayor Stromberg and the Ashland City Council
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder
Richard Appicello, City Attorney
City Department Directors
20 East Main Street
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Tel: 541-488-6002
Fax: 541-488-5311
TTY: 800-735-2900
Date: August 21, 2009
From: Michael R. Faught, Public Works Director
To: Martha Bennett, City Administrator
Re: Determination of Water Shortage - AMC 14.06.020
The Public Works Department is recommending that the City Administrator declare a water shortage
and implement Stage 1 of the Water Curtailment Ordinance. This recommendation is based on the
following findings as outlined in the ordinance:
Demand for water in the City: The demand for water exceeds the supply. The average daily
production which includes a Yz million gallons to produce the water and an additional Yz million
gallons for Ashland Creek is as follows:
6.82 MGD (Million Gallons per Day)
6.71 MGD
Note: In July there were 13 days where water production exceeded 6 MGD.
On the Supply side there has only been .18 inches ofrain since June 30, 2009.
Volume of water in Reeder Reservoir: As of August 23, 2009 the reservoir is at 59%. The
Minimum desirable draw down level is 35% and the daily reservoir drawdown has been between .8%
and I %. At the current draw down rate, the reservoir will lowered to 35% by September 23,2009.
Standard drawdown curve for Reeder Reservoir: The reservoir dropped below the standard
drawdown curve on August 8, 2009. In an attempt to correct the steep drawdown curve, the City
imposed a voluntary 20% water usage reduction on August 11,2009. While the community responded
to the request to reduce water usage by about I MGD per day, flows from the east and west fork were
also reduced by 1 MFG during the same time period.
Projected curtailment date for Talent Irrigation District (TID) water: The projected curtailment
date ofTID water is October 15, 2009. I will be meeting with the TID Board September 1, 2009 to
request that TID extend the curtailment date to October 30, 2009.
We are not currently using TID water to supplement the water in Ashland Creek however; staff tested
the pumps and piping system and is now simply waiting for the lab test results. If the tests meet the
source water standards, staff may be able to use TID water by August 26, 2009.
Flows in the east and west forks of Ashland Creek. The current daily flows from the east' and west
forks of Ashland creek is 3.14 MGD. That is an approximate 60% reduction in flows over the last 24
days. While the flows have flattened out to 3.14 since August 20, 2009, staff is concerned that the
flows will continue to decrease at the same rate over the course of the next month and a half.
20 E. Main Street
Ashland OR 97520
Tel 541/488-5347
Fax: 541/488-6006
TTY: 800/735-2900