HomeMy WebLinkAbout626 Public Parks -~. :,,~ 'jP: 0 "" ____1 o ~ ( ,~ o ~""'Q ~-- ORDINANCE NO. ~ ~~. An ordinanoe defining the meaning of the words apark" and aparksa, and to regulate the use of thepublio parks of the oity of Ashland, Oregon. ------000000000------ THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section 1.- Unless some other meaning olearly appear s, the' words apark" and "Parks" mean the lands dedioated for park , tion of the publio,and the greatest possible use is encouraged, sub- jeot only to suoh regulation as will preserve. the parkS for the purposes for which they are laid out, and the enjoyment, con- venience and aafety of all concerned. Section 3.-The Park Commission of the oity of Ashland is authorized to make such rules and regulations not in oonfliot with the ordinances of the oity of Ashland, as it may think neoessary for the better oontrol and management of the parks. I 1- If any person feels aggrieved by any suoh rule or regulation, he may appeal to the Council for its amendment or repeal by fili ng with the City Rec order, a petition which shall be presented to <. -the oounoil at its ne'xt regular meeting~but until amended or repe- aled by the Counoil, suoh rule or regulation shall be in full foroe and effect as if it were an ordinanoe. Seotion.4.-No one shall hold or take part in any ~ rJ ~ o o musioal, theatrioal or other entertainment, any parade, prooession, publio gathering or meeting, or make any oration, harangue, demon- stration or address, in any of the parks without the written permission of the Park Commission. Seotion 5.- No one shall make any politioal or re- ligious address, or solioitfares or beg or publicly solicit sub- scriptions in any part of the parks. Seotion 6.- No one shall sell or offer for sale any artiole or perform or offer to perform any servioe for hire in any .of the parks without a written permit for suoh conoession properly and regularly granted by the Park Commission. No one shall hawk or peddle popoorn, ice oream, candy, soda water, peanuts or similiar wares within or on any of the park grounds of the oity, without first securing a permit so to do from the Park Commission. ~f1 , '/-.""" fM1'(~ tr;,,,,~ ~I'~r. Section 7.- Solioitors,~photographers# agents, fakirs~ peddlers, mendioants, strolling musioians, organ grinders, exhorters and showmen shall not ply their several vocations within the park limits. Section g.- No one shall plaoe or carry any structure, sign, bulletin board or advertising device of any kind whatever, or erect any post or pole or the attachment of any notice, bill, poster, sign, wire, rod or oord, to any tree, shrub, fenoe, rail- ing, fountain, wall, post or structure, or plaoe any advertising,. deoorative or other devioe of any kind whatever, on any of the vases, statues,. bridges or monuments in any Park. Provided, that the Park Commission, may by a written permit, allow the ereotion of temporary deooration on oooasions of publio oelebrations or holidays. Section 9.- No person shall take into or upon any park any intoxioating liquor, either for sale to others or for his own use, or for the use of others; nor shall any person sell, give away or dispose of any intoXioating liquors in or upon any park. No intoxioated person Shall enter or remain in any of the city parks. -2- 1.- . L ~ d \, o o . I Csj Section 10.- No one shall obstruot the free use and enjoyment of any park, or plaoe any straw, dirt, chips, paper, shavings, shells, ashes, swill or garbage, or other rubbish, even though not offensive to health, in or upon the same. No one shall distribute any circulars, cards, or other written or printed matter, in any park. Section 11.- No one ehall remove, destroy, break, injure, mutilate or defaoe in any way, any structure, monument, statue vase, fountain" wall, fenoe, railing, vehicle, bench, treE!, shrub, fern, plant, flower, or other property in any park. Section 12.- No one shall climb any tree, or walk, etand or sit upon the monuments, vasee, fountains, railings or fences in any park. Section 13.- No game of chance or betting of any kind will be permitted within the park boundariee. Section 14.- No one shall use fire-arms, fire-works, / fire-crackers, torpedoes or explosives of any kind in any park. Seotion 15.~ No one shall use any weapon, stick" stone or miesile of any kind to the destruction, injury; disturbance or molestation of any wild or domestio animal, fowl or fish within the park l1mi ts. Seotion l6.-No person shall solioit' the aoquaintanoe of another in any park, or annoy or foll.ow children, or distribute obscene literature, or in any way annoy another. Section 17.- No one shall fish, wade, swim or bathe in any of the parkS exoept in theplaoes designated for suoh purposes. Section l~.- Visitors shall not sound whistles in any of the parks. Seotion 19.- No person shall injure, deface or destroy any notioe of the rules and regulations for the government of the parks, whioh shall have been posted or permanently fixed by order or permission of the Park Commission. Seotion 20.- Dogs,unless accompanied by their owners and held in leash, shall not be allowed within the parkS. Animals shall not be allowed to run at large, and,if -3- o , o ~ found within the park limits, may be impounded. No animals of any kind shall be allowed. to enter any of the lakes, ponds, fountaine or streams. Owners of dogs or other animals, damaging or destroy- ing park property, will be held liable for the full value of the property damaged or destroyed, in addition t.o the penalty imposed for violation of this ordinance. Sect.ion 21. - No one shall ride or drive any bioyole, motoroycle, motor vehicle, truck, wagon, horse, or any vehiole or animal in any part of the parks, except o~~~~ves desig- nated therefor; provided, that baby carriages4and such vehioles as are used in the park service are not included in the foregoing prohi- bi tion. No one shall drive any hearse,vehiole in a funeral prooession, market wagon, milk wagon, dirt cart, moving van, dray, truck, heavy-laden vehiole"or vehioles carrying or ordinarily used in carrying merchandise, goods, tools, material or rubbish, ,exoept suoh as are used in the park servioe, over any drive or boulevard in any 9f the parks; provided, however, the Park Commission may in'its discretion, grant permission in writing for vehicles to carry materials over the park drives or boulevards to buildinge abutting on parks, when no other road, street or way is aooessible or passable. Vehicles shall be driven with great caution and at a reasonable speed, having regard for ,the traffio, the safety of the publio and use of the parks. The speed on any of the publio drive ways in the parks of the city, Shall not exceed fifteen miies per hour. No one Shall hitoh horses or other animals to any tree, shrub, fence, railing or other structure, exoept such as are prOVided for suoh purpose, or allow horses or other,animals to stand unhitched while the driver or attendant is beyond reach of suoh horse or other animal. Seotion 22.~ In case of emergancy,or in any oase _11- l = C> o o o 0- where life and property are endangered, all persons, if requested to do so, by the ~uperintendent or other park employe, shall depart from the portion of the grounds specified by such officer or employe, and shall remain off the same until permission is 'given to return. Section 23.- No one shall sleep on the seats or benches, or ,use loud, boisterous, threatening, abusive insulting or indeoent language or behave in a disorderly manner, or do any aot tending to a breach of the public peaoe. Seotion 24.- No male person other than a child with . '..... its mother, or a park employe in the discharge of his regular duties, shall enter a publio comfort station marked !!\Yol)'len ~,'6r"'loi ter, about::', the entrances of such comfort stations. Section 25.- No person shall enter any building, enolosure, or place within any of the parks upon which the words "No Admittanoea shall be displayed or posted by sign,plaoard ~r other- wise, without the consent of the superintendent or other offioer of the parks. I I I Seotion 26.- No swings or hammocks shall be hung or swung in any of the parks, exoept on the posts erected for the purpose. Seotion 27.- No person shall eat lunches in any summer house or pavilion in any of the parks except in such as are desig- nated by the Park Commission for "suoh pUrPoses. No person shall build any fires at any place within the limits of any park,~ ~~--v1~'l~/'~ Seotion 28.- Any person olaiming to have a permit from the Park Commission shall produce and exhibit suoh permit upon request of any authorized person who may desire to inspect the same. Seotion 29.-All permits issued by the Park Commieeion shall be subjeot to the City Ordinances and the persons to whom such permits are issued shall be bound by said rules,regulatione and ordi- nanoes as fully as though the same were ineerted in such permits, and any person or persons to whom such permits shall be issued shall be -5- D ~,. ,-- ,~ ~~ .~ G 1_ .. ~~f\~~ ,--~;:; '. -,~ , "- . .;x~ " , .\ o o , 0 0- liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained by any person what- ever by reason of the negligence of the person or persons to whom such permite shall be issued, as well as for any breach of such rules, regulations and ordinances, to' the person or persons eo suffering damages or injury. Seotion 30.- No. person shall ride, drive or walk on such parts or portions of the parks or pavements ae may be olosed to publio travel or interfere with barriers erected against the pu~l1c. Seotion 31-. No person shall refuse a request to obey any reasonable direction of the park offioers or employes. Seotion 32.- Nothing oontained herein shall ~revent the performance of any aot or service by the park offioers or employes which has been duly authorized by the Park Commission in charge. Section 33.- The park Commission is authorized to designate proper looations for Auto CE'.JllpS or other Camping places within the limits of the oity park lands and to make all needed rulee and regulations governing euoh c~nping privileges; and no camping shall be permitted within the park limite except in the locations so designated or upon speoial written permit ~~- from the Park Section .3J('- Commission. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinanoe, Shall upon conviotion thereof, be punished by a fine of not exceeding two hundred ($200.00) dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period not exoeeding ~h1rty days. The Park. Commission may also exolude any person who violates any provision of this ordinanoe, or any such rule or regu- lation, from any oity park, for a period of not more than ten days. ! This ordinance ehall take ,effeot and be in full ,force upon the expirat~on of ten days after its adoption by the oounoil and approval by the Mayor. -6- ---- .,f~._. -, -~-'-- o,"_"_C~d q'. ",.~~_",.., . n ---- -"":":''''~l'''-II.'''~:;;4''-L:t-i:/~~' '," " . . . - --~"- '~""-""~~~-~~~-'~>. . ~ ". "".,_~i.:.-.;"......- """"~-"7"i'!;l"""", , r .... ~....~ " ''',;~,Jii~'.__'~~:'~:JL'-~- , ,---;_..,~~.'..<".;.-"-.;,.,,,~~~ -'""-"'-'._~,",~~;"':,~L/''''')'' . ~'.': :>.:ri'.-..'.~cl"""~ "'-,-_~- ~",~~,",,~,.,~ --- .,;;~-~.~ 6 o o o ~ The foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the. oommon ~unCil of the city of ~ thereof, held on the voting in favor thereof, by ASh~nd, orego~ at a regular If" d,&;;t?,f~' 1916, two thirds a. vote of ~ in fa.vor thereof, and ?t;ffl- against the same. To all of whioh I hereby certify. M~4- bitY Recorder. I hereby approve the foregoing ordinanoe this cZ-:Z ~day of JJ 1916. r Mayor /