HomeMy WebLinkAbout1916-0518 Regular Meeting MIN
j;:sh~Lild, CY.egon, IT.'_\y 18, 1916.
Council lIronvonoct in To[':u12T ecljoul'noc1. "'8ssian 8' ? :45 P.'L on
prf):.:.iOing.. ?oJ. c[':,ll [:;.Dc1 tLe following OOlulcilr;lPn presont,
Cc,rnelius". Ai)~:~ent, ITininf!or.
GG,te ..
Coramunicc:.tj.on from t}~e '3.P.Compcn~l bei.ng -he 1e2i38 b;,T -LJ:18 co:n,pony to
IsJ~lC'i.1d for ':.he IDTIQ at the d.81)ot v:Jiere ti:fJ n1incYE,'l f,-nntr:jns st.~:.nd Vif:)~l rosd.
..,' ,.'
. .
I' ...
ntf:: rnnved that the lesse 1)8 c_!ll:n;'oved cncl that tJ,'- Ilf::~Tor r~Tl0 ~~eco::c eel' be instructed
n in behalf nf the Cjtv ~nd thDt the J~ecor~er be instructed ~n~ 2.utllorj_zed, to
~>he fi.rst :p::::yr:l~nt of ~'O~'lt 02.11 for' 11~! f38.id ~:; H~3e. l~oI1. 0[;,11 I)lf;S, LS];CY8ft,
B8ntr;, I,c:mlJ, C rl1c.} ::U8. Absent, Niningc:r. ~'herG beinf'.rive in favur hereof
. Dr 8,gains~ the I.!8yor declare~t}1e motion carried.
e Committee ,;.ppointed. to investigote end'TepoTt un tJce claims of the CameTon
~8,nk Company ngn:1.nst the city,. on ecccunt of a l'o~Ta1~~y, alleged to 1)8 due foy
se of the S81Jtic tanks cf the city report trn, t afte:r a gre2:t cl 881 of correspondence
xamination of numerous t311thc,rii;l~s',afld that s8r:H~: 'has been ih the II1ecleral Court three
ent times and tJHit :Lnl;he last docision it WGS held. by both the DistTi ct CouTt and
urt of Appeals, thBt the United :3tates patent did not expire with tlble life of
itisll PD.tGnt. Since ~'he reno8r:l.ng of' this le.st decision, the !:::eptic 'rr:nk. compa1Y
evewec" thetT demands on hunc1.Tec1.s o{'nmni.cipalities all over'.l"e Unite!! st:d,es.
our cOTrespondence, we c1.iGCOVeTed that theTe ills recently been oTganized.
PTocess PTotective ),e[,gue, having, fOT its princi,paii pUTpose, the
e of Imy municipality bele,nging to the league which rni.ght be sued by the CameTon
Tfmk Company. The fees faT jC'inG this a:soci8tion of municipalities, iG
tl"e population of such municipBli~;y, 2nc1. in car3e of LShlrmd, will 8molmt
city joins this Nation>:;l PTotoctive /isssocistion, it h')s the aSSUTance of the
assistonct th8t can he pTocureo in cnse of suit agr:.insi; this city, and that
e of suit 8glo,inst any othoT ci ty, the matter wil', be token to the :SupTerne CouTt
Unitec1. states.
t:'orefoTe stronp;lv 8d.'17i,se the city ,ioininp: thi s league, onc1. eut' oTize tho !!oyor
w the necessary ~a~rant for th~ ~2o.6o. -
, Bonta movec1. the adoption of the
Rut 8., I.[;(nb, Cor neli 1J.8. J\bs ent I
De agr.iniTt the I-.Iaycy c1eclcred the
.... ~' .
anc1. upon roll call Ayes, Ashcraft,
:11~e're 11eit-lg five in f:~'vor hereot'
r:.do~tec1. by t e council,
solution ~'f intention to crente S8\7er district No. 18 rend'cnd 1-.11'. L,;3hcro,ft rnoved
on of rOi301ution. Roll c[,11, Ayes. AshcTOft, Poct, Br'.nta, 181;lb, CTYE li.us.
Nininger. 'There being f1ve in fo,vor theroof and none 2,g;:inst the T:;ayor oeclered
solution ac1.opted.
Committee IJTeSented the followinG TOpOT t:
"A.shlu,ndt Oregon, i..Tay 18, 1916.
Mayor and Cpuncil
City of IS]l]" nc1. Orogon.
the street Committee. in consideTat:i.on of the fact thp,twe hBve two men, JGhn
:m(l Chester ':;:'uttle on the stroot force of the City of i,sr,];? nd who have Vie Tked
City 8 numbeT of yeaTS sns who aTO Teceived only;~2.00 per !!ay would recommend
ey be paid Bt the.To.te of~'2.25 per rJe,y of eight hOUTS c'Jrnrnencing J.'lay 1st, 1916.
B.P.Corne lius
streot Committee C.W.Root,
movw' Bdoption 0 f the repor t.
Root mo.de B veTbal ropoT t stnting' that all tho wOTk TofoTrec' to the Pin2,nce
ee hed been done with the exception of contract faT cuttinf wood for nExt
.8n<1 everything in the in<1,iGent line except the Knutsen farn:l.ly, almd Fr. F.cbt
or leaf of Bbsonce as he \'Iould {i.2ve to be awav faT a while on ncccunt of his
ea1th~ Hr. Bo.ntamoved t leo.o' '.'i obsence"be granted Councilmen Hoot in
nee 1Nith the })l'ovlsions of the Ol'(l';n.'~ilC(~ YCT-~jl_ 8(--:'J.[(~:, C"-.'.i I,c.
" Gorc1. VICeS pTesent :ana. vms idven permission to bring 8. matter befoTe tho Council
iJl;lows that the. I,oc1.i,es of the Civic ImpTOVem? nt Club be 8110we!! to pL ce :m obstruction
}.~. Gi:nnite street an<1 Pioneer "'.venuo from '1:30 o'clock to 10 o'clock on ~'uosd8.Y
May 23, 1916. ;!'T. Cornelious ,"lOvec1 thf'.t the ToC]uest bo gn:mted. COTTied.
.' AS}lcTaft moved tb2_ t tl:8 Eecorder be 8,uthorized to trr.J1sfer to Gcnero.l Fund such
. t ,'3 might be ~.cessaTY from the "'Ie ctTic I,ight Dopreciation TI'und to po.y intcTest
'llcipfll on p8Tk lane options helc1 by the City of shl,nc1. ,':01:i cull,. Aycs,
, Root, Bent2" L;;!mb, Cornelius.. J\psent, nininge:c. r.2her8 .being five in favor
n11(l. none t~.ginst- the T.13YOl' o8c18Teo the Illotion c8.rriecl.
Bent8 moved thDt the :3poci 81 Commi ttoe on :)eptic '~'[mk cm tteTs be c1..ischoTged.
1:~)ectTic LiGht Committee Toporter1 8E to the lIGhting of the. ps.l'ks ':'uesday
I:rev 23. 1'11'. Banta moved that "[',mo. be left to the electT.lc liGht committee
.. net. C2'yyj_eCl.
Br,nta brought t.o the 2.ttept on of tho Council tho wi<1enine: of Park /.venue fTom
l'bTidge to thp nOTth cornET of Perozzi wl':rehouRe fend on the eest side of the
fTom the point o]Jposi te the Billings baTn th8t 8. line be Tun p8.Tlllell to [wd
, k Ivenue t,oking a stri,Plnt~n fe.et wic1e off fT0'11 the Chautauqua P'crk Association
p to viheTO smid, line VI~nteTsect. !lsLll:.nd creok, whtcl1 JJe movec1.. be Dpproved .
.ced 011 file, and Committee ap:)oi.nted to take up the IlntteT. lioll c811, Ayes,
,t, '::,oot, Banta, J,cmb, Cnenlius. Absent., lHnin,'o;eT. ':'here bsin" fivG jn f[vor
~f aIle1 none agninst ~he Eayor (tecla-YAel the H1ntion GEl_Tried. ".
,or then 8ppointed r:s SUCll Committee, Bantf:., IJ8TI b, .AS(1CTc:ft.
p?~ ((,';;/'1,'. --;:-~.__..~'
>t;--: li~ Y>{'/0--'C{;>,"!- LL.
City recorde .
The HecoTdeT bToght to ., IF' attention of Uce Council the matteT
streot cUTb nc1 gutt0r :f]~orn Nutley stTeet south. ,iy. /,ShCT!'ft Tnoved tre:
be -j nstrucfer1 to - t[-ke necess~T:Y steps for its bntJding-::and c'bmIrl~tfon.
';'he Police DepflTtrlent bTCDlgJ;t to the aUm tion of th.e Council the
di.d not hsve i;he neCeSSGTY bc;dges. Nr. II[;rnb mover1 tJlf1. [' dozen be purefu
a discussion !"~Y. T2.flln rnoved to ai:lE:Ylc1 the nurnbrT.nncl mpke ~,ho number 25 ui
one rlozen. Amendment put nd 'c8rTied rnd oTigin".l motion'r's "mend,ed ',;a
c;-',rrle'~ .
The ol'clins.nce rer;ulO,ting the use of the J?nblic PEr'ks v,:[;,s then t::,,"
t[,ble [mil read. LIT. ;cShCl:;ft offe:'-ed 8,S p.n amendment ;.YS' following See
Np pe::."c;on ever tl:e age of 16 ycar~:_~ shall be 0.110\'/8(1 to use an~T oi,' th3 a
"In the chilrrens }!lay 8Touncl_s. _~":l. ,;-'Ler8 l)e~ing five in favor
none J.nst 1:he U[yor decJ.2I'eB trre &i110ndITcnt ndopted. .
l,ry.. err fiolius i~GVerl tIle f llo~ing 2mAn~~nsnt to to secti,oil No. 35~
11oweve::c, thrt the juris~iction Gild pOWAYS herein gycnted to tllG P[:rk com"
~')e r~iven tD tr.8 SrY~il1gs vV,\?,tOT COfn_:1issi.Ol1 Vii th.in the lirni ts of thr:t; clistri:
fit'n0 ncrJr ~nil i'n(~ Q~'l'rl ~-{J~]'rl~~ :J~~or n,~m~'l'or"LC)'1 ~}1~]1 '0 Gn~ IJeTfr;TF, l'~l"
~'.'-~ ,..' -' ,,> c... ).._./ ,..r." ".... ~.. ".;".:;J .<-..l.<.:;__ \.~,~...,_j ,;:),". 1 >:;) _.....;. U c._, ~,_ . _.'_ .. "
lir;;its 8.11 t}-~inp:8' hc::cein :~-.- Crujyocl to be pAl~~i:'O.:c r:-le(J Ol~ oxereL3ed b;y the. :.?ar
rLntj_l the .SF (J_ 3..~.:rings ','-:e.tcr Co(r~;:li:::::jico:.n 2~h8_11 hf:1.:-e CC:llpJ.st8c1 tYL8 T'l:ysic;-,
f?nr. fi Tefl 1ts fi.Ylr~_ :rs't):-,:y:, '-,:~! rociul:red ~Y~T cYnl.ter [l!llen(lM81.1t now in ib ree..
Holl cti.ll A:~T8S, I)~::.::'lb, t:c)rnolius. ~ lJr;}]s,"J/-\:3}-:Cl';..-rt, Eoot,Bsnta, Thel"€ be~'
i_-l1<;",l-"00f p,,(l ti',yee <:,::,-::-ql'Y1'~1- t},c :'::;"';T(''Y' rrc.clc-~Tclrl J..,'-e ,-:.j''ilr.':'lcl!'clC''I"t lo'-""~'
J~..'-'..L'_ ~..l.L. .J.~. '....,:..~(..i.L~.' ,_~\:., "_',-:__'~ \"'-<.-Cc<,,__ ,11'(_^L'_'-'-~.~'-"..LJ QU.
T,'~y ..
Br,nt2 t~hen '"(l'Ve0_ the .:;;(lo'ntion ""DC fj.nnl T)r~_8snge of the 01' (l-intf
, !~-.r.' -1'';,- nCJo'I' -0.>:."11'.;:, . TJ' ,ie. T. ",,,,"':-'b ~ ("-'T"'l;,l-i 11<:) rrq,oTC'
8, "'-:::";',.. ._.', _. .. -', Li.-L "', _' ,/,:', .'...._.. , ..1". ".~.,__LU.,-'. --'-""<.-__..
r:nn t\~-'O r"gr.:Linst the T.'~DYOY decJ~~':re(l the orC1innnce i1't-C'rted
Poll cEll
f::::voy ';y.,c:yc:of
':i1hf; foJ.lo\~;il1f< oTc1j.nnnce Y/i-',S '01~E;~:~ented b7/ tl--:,~ nrrlinance COI'l1!TIittee.!
(jc23 , an ordi_Hcnce Ih:ovicl ing :~"Ol' the peyrnent f Cl license fee by common ca
irig :r tes fell' ~.)':(~ trr"l1p(n~t[itinn of P81~S(JnS ;-_'l1cl pC8sengers cfrom Jul~l 3rd t'
both j_nelu~3i ve, r'e,~'(1_. !II'. }3,s:,nto (nove~ t'bet tll~' r~118s I~I(- suspenc1ec1 rrl(l 8'
to s8con(l- rp:ro nncl 8.r3.(:ptton lJ-:l the c'!\Jxicil, ti.vo-thirc1s voting in ]:'[;1701:' th
(lecl~ll'e(1 thp i:10tj_on CGTTieo. ('::rC1inGTIce w,.,-;s re."'(1. by title only 'end Lx. B
o"'ption. Pol1 Of.":l}, Ayes, J\s}"jCy-"rt, Foot, Br:::.:ntD, Lanlb, CoynelilF;. Ab
l.2here l)c:i.ng five jl1 f('~v(';y 1;):cyc:of .":110 none ;::gin~3t the 1'.IG.yor ClcclD.recJ the
l)y tJ'Je councIl.
OrcliTlonce T,ro. '624 being: {:,n oY0i112TlCe }Jl'oviding faT the sranting Q.
p:nd coJlectine-: .'0 license fee therefcrr, on D.ccount of tIle OOTlrl-q.cting of te')
such PS confectinncry 2nrl peanut str~na8 <?:l1rl ice cT'e,~~~-n:"perlors i,vithin the
of the c it:y~ r)f :'1snlcl1(1, nregon, ~uring tpc:; three cl.f:';Ys ce1ebT2,ti'~~n to br h
4th,5th, nc1. 6th, 19:16, reoo,fiTsttirne. ET. jcshcH'ft moveo, th&t the
.nc1 ol~nint~'nce p88S8cl to ~~econn ,l'endi.ng [':n'~ final PDSS[?P,'c. ~hcre b Ci.::lg
ft?vor tbf'TeoJ' nc1. nc,ne a.gainst the 1:'.8yor c1.eclored the motion c1lTI'i.ed. Ot
~Jecon(l time ::11(1 on r~lotion of TIr. 1~shc1'2.ft p18.cee on its final pn_ss[;.g8 ~nd
IDuncil. Roll cnll Ayes. AshcT8ft, Roci, B nt2, LGrnb, CGrnelius. Abse
T~cre being five in favor thsyoof nnd TIODe against the ~Iayrlr declered the
nc1.opted by the Council.
~4n (rr ninnnce grnatj.nR' a s ~oecia1 1)ermi t to [-iJ.]o',,;~' ,'} fire-vi/orks [lisp
Street, near lithe Ps~k, on {he e~en'ng ~f July 4th, 2nc1. afternoon c1.isple
::nc1. 6th, 1916, read first ti.r~e. j'"Lr. Bt~nt" movec1. tht"t ,r,o rules be suspe.
p?ssed 1.0 secono 'reac1. ~no final nction, two-thiTds voting in faver theTeo~
oeclu:ed the motion c2TTi.erl. OTc1.lnmce Te,?d. seconc1. ti"Hi by j;Jtle on]y.
that it be passed to final action &no siloption by thA Council. Ayes, As
B2nt" J mb, C.:rnel1.us. Absent TJininger. ~"J'eTe be1.>11': five in fav'Jr the
Bgcinst thg ~Qyor c1.eclared the oTdInBnce Bdopted.
tIT. Bhnte. moved f'djCilunment, CccTTi.ed.