HomeMy WebLinkAbout2994 Voluntary Spending Limits ORDINANCE NO. d. '1 '1 Y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AMC CHAPTER 2.41 CONCERNING VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION AND SPENDING LIMITS FOR CANDIDATES FOR CITY OFFICES Annotated to show deletions and additions to the code sections being modified. Deletions are bold . .L and additions are in bold underline. WHEREAS, Article 2. Section 1 of the Ashland City Charter provides: Powers of the Citv The City shall have all powers which the constitutions, statutes, and common law of the United States and of this State expressly or impliedly grant or allow municipalities, as fully as though this Charter specifically enumerated each of those powers, as well as all powers not inconsistent with the foregoing; and, in addition thereto, shall possess all powers hereinafter specifically granted. All the authority thereof shall have perpetual succession. WHEREAS, the above referenced grant of power has been interpreted as affording all . legislative powers home rule constitutional provisions reserved to Oregon. Cities. Citv of Beaverton v. International Ass'n of Firefiahters, Local 1660. Beaverton Shoo. 20 Or. App. 293, (1975); and WHEREAS, the City Council requested the City Recorder review the City's voluntary campaign finance limits and recommend any desirable changes; and WHEREAS, on the recommendation of the City Recorder, the City of Ashland wishes to modify City Ordinances relating to Voluntary Contribution and Spending Limits for Candidates for City Offices to be more consistent with the requirements of state law; and THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2. AMC Chapter 2.41 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2.41.010 Definitions. The words and phrases used in this chapter shall be construed as defined in ORS Chapter 260 - Campaian Finance Reaulations. The following words and phrases whcmever used in this ohapter shall be oonstrues as defined in this seotion unless from the oontext a different meaning is intended. t.. "Candidate" means: Page 1 of 10 1. t.n individual .....hose name is printed on a ballot, for whom a deolmation of oandidaoy or nominating petition has been filed, who requested a tally of write in votes under OR8 249.007 or whose name is expeoted to be or has been presented '/lith the individual's oonsent, for election to public offioe; 2. .^.n individual who has solicited or reoeived and accepted a oontribution, made an expenditure, or given oonsent to an individual, organization or politioal oommittee to solicit or reoeive and aooept a oontribution or make an expenditure on the individual's behalf to seoure eleotion to any public offioe at any time, whether or not the offioe who whioh the individual will seek election is known when the solicitation is made, the oontribution reoeived and retained or the expenditure is made, and whether or not the name of the individual is printed on the ballot; or d. .^. publio offioe holder against '.vhom a reoall petition has been oompleted and fiIeā‚¬h B. Exoept as provided in section 2.41.020, 1. ~Contribute" or "oontribution" inoludes: a. The payment, loan, gift, forgiving of indebtedness, or furnishing 'Nithout equivalent oompensation or oonsideration, of money, servioes other than personal servioes for whioh no oompensation is asked or given, supplies, equipment or any other thing of value: i. For the purpose of influenoing an election for publio office or of reduoing the debt of a oandidate for eleotion to public offioe or the debt of a politioal oommittee; or ii. To or on behalf of a oandidate, politioal oommittee; and (ORD 2794,81 -1W+t 2. Regarding a oontribu,tion made for oompensation or oonsideration of less than equivalent value, only the excess value of it shall be oonsidered a oontribution. C. "Elector" means: an indi'/idual qualified to vote under section 2, /\rtiole II, Oregon Constitution. D. Exoept as provided in section 2.41.020, "expend" or "Clcpenditure" inoludes the payment or furnishing of money or any thing of value or the inourring or repayment of indebtedness or obligation by or on behalf of a oandidate, politioal oommittee or person in oonsideration for any servioes, supplies, equipment or other thing of value performed or furnished for any reason, inoluding in support of or in opposition to a oandidate, politioal oommittee, or for reduoing the debt of a oandiElate for eleotion to publio offioe. "Expenditure" also inoludes oontributions made by a oandidate or politioal oommittee to or behalf of nay other oandidate for public offioe or politioal oommittee. (ORD 2794, 82 1 (97) E. "Independent expenditure" means an expenditure by a person for a communioation expressly advocating the eleotion of a olearly identified oandidate Page 2 of 10 that is not made with the oooperation or '.vith the prior oonsent of, or in oonsultation with, or at the request or suggestion of, a oandidate or any agent or authorized oommittee of the candidate. As used in this subseotion: 1. "t.gent" means any person 'Nho has: a. /\otual oral or written authority, either express or implied, to make or to authorize the making of expenditures on behalf of a oandidate; or b. Been plaoed in a position within the campaign organization where it would reasonably appem that in the ordinary oourse of oampaign related aotivities the person may authorize expenditures. 2. "Clearly identified" means: a. The name of the candidate involved appears; b. A photograph or drawing of the oandidate appears; or o. The identity of the oandidate is appment by unambiguous referenoe. d. "ExDresslv ad'/ooatina" means any oommunioation oontaining a message advooating eleotion or def-cat, inoluding but not limited to the name of the candidate, or expressions suoh as "vote for," "eleot," "support," "oast your ballot for," or "vote against," "defeat" or "reject." 4. "Made with the oooperation or with the prior consent of, or in consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of, a oandidate or any agent or authorized oommittee of the oandidate": a. Means any arrangement, ooordination or direotion by the oandidate or the oandidate's agent prior to the publication, distribution, display or broadoast of the oommunioation. /\n expenditure shall be presumed to be made so when it is; i. Based on information about the candidate's plans, projects or needs pro'/ided to the expending person by the oandidate or by the oandidate's agent, with a view towmd having an expenditure made; or ii. Made by or through any person who is, or has been, authorized to raise or expend funds, .....ho is, or has been, an offioer of a politioal committee authorized by the oandidate or who is, or has been, reoeiving any form of compensation or reimbursement from the candidate, the oandidate's principal oampaign oommittee or agenoy; and b. Does not include providing to the expending person upon request a oopy of this ohapter or any rules adopted by the recorder relating to independent expenditures. F. "Labor organization" means any organization of any kind, or any agenoy or employee representation committee or plan, in whioh employees partioipate and that exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers oonoerning grievanoes, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment. or oonditions of work. G. "Person" means an individual or a oorporation, assooiation firm, partnership, joint stook oompany olub, organization or other oombination of individuals having collecti','e oapaoity. Page 3 of 10 H. "Politioal committee" means a oombination of two or more individuals, or a person other than an individual, that has received a oontribution or made an expenditure for the purpose of: 1. Supporting or opposing a oandidate; or 2. Making independent expenditures in support of or in opposition to a candidate. (ORD 29794 84, 19(7) I.. "Publio offioe" means any oity offioe or position that is filled by the electors. J. "/Vith respeot to a single election" means, in the oase of a oontribution to a oandidate for public office: 1. The next eleotion to that public office, after the oontribution is made; or 2. In the caGe of a oontribution made after an eleotion and designated in writing by the oontributor for the previous eleotion, the election so designated. /I, oontribution may be designated for a pre'/ious eleotion under this subseotion if the oontribution does not exoeed the expenditure defioit of the oandidate or principal campaign committee of the candidate reoeiving the oontribution. Section 2.41.020 Contribution and Expenditure Exclusions. Contribution and Expenditure Exclusions shall be as defined and set forth in ORS Chapter 260 - Campaian Finance Reaulations. I\s used in this chapter, "oontribute," "oontribution," "expend" or "expenditure" does not include: ,^,. /\ny written news story, oommentary or editorial dictributed through the faoilities of any broadoasting station, newspaper, magazine or other periodioal publication, unless a politioal oommittee owns the faoility; B. t,n individual's use of the individual's own personal residenoe, inoluding a oommunity room assooiated with the individual's residenoe, to oonduct a reoeption for a oandidate, and the oost of invitations, food and beverages pro'/ided at the reoeption; C. ^ vendor's sale of food and beverages for use in a candidate's campaign at oharge loss than the normal compmable charge, if the charge is at loast equal to the oost of the food or beverages to the vendor; D. I\ny un reimbursed payment for travel expenses an individual makes on behalf of a oandidate; E. Any loan of money made by a state bank, a federally ohartered depository institution or a depository institution insured by the Federal Deposit Insuranoe Corporation, Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Administration, other than any overdraft oharge made with respect to a oheoking or savings aocount, if the loan bems the usual and oustomary interest rates for the oategory of loan involved, is made on the basis that assures repayment, is evidenoed by a written instrument and is subject to a due date or amortization sohedule. Eaoh endorser or guarantor of the loan, however, shall be oonsidered to have oontributed that portion of the total amount of the loan for Page 4 of 10 whioh the person agreed to be liable in a written agreement, exoept if the endorser or gumantor is the oandidate's spouse; F. .^,ny nonpartisan aotivity designed to enoourage individuals to vote or to register to vote; G. Any communioation a membership organization or oorporation makes to its memberG, shmeholders or employees if the membership organization or oorporation is not organized primarily for the purpose of influenoing an eleotion to offioe; and H. The payment of oompensation for legal and aooounting services rendered to a oandidate if the person paying for the Gervioes is the regular employer of the individual rendering the servioes and the services are solely for the purpose of insuring oomplianoe with the provisions of this ohapter. Section 2.41.040 Expenditure Limit Definitions. The words and phrases used in this chapter. includina specificallv Expenditure Limit Definitions. shall be construed as defined in ORS Chapter 260 - CampaiQn Finance Reaulations. t.s used in sections 2.41.040 to 2.41.090: J\. "/\ttributable expenditure" means an expenditure from oontributions, inoluding any loans reoeived, including aooounts payable, made or authorized: 1. By the oandidate or a person aoting for the candidate; 2. For the treasurer of the oandidate or the oandidate's principal campaign oommittee; 3. For another person or political oommittee under the direotion or oontrol of the oandidate or the treasurer of the oandidate or the oandidate's prinoipal campaign oommittee. B. "Attributable expenditure" does not inolude an expenditure that is a repayment on a loan or an independent expenditure. C. "Reoorder" means the City Reoorder. D. ''With respeot to the special or primarj' eleotion" means the period beginning on the date that the name of a treasurer is oertified to the reoorder under ORS 260.035 or 260.037 or the day following the last day of the aooounting period for a previous statement of oontributions reoeived or expenditures made if the statement shows an expended balance of oontributions or an oxpenditure deficit, and ending on the 20th day after the date of the speoial or primary oleotion. E. ",'Vith respeot to the general election" means the period extending from the date the namo of a treasurer for the candidate or the prinoipal campaign oommittee of the oandidate is oertified to the reoorder and ending on Deoember 31. Section 2.41.050 Expenditure Limits. A) A. A oandidate fo"r public office may file a declaration of limitation on expenditures as described in section 2.41.060 with the recorder stating that the candidate, including the principal campaign committee of the candidate, will not Page 5 of 10 make attributable expenditures in excess of $2,500 .246 times the number of reaistered voters on April 1 of each year for any public office. B. For purposes of this section, attributable expenditures made prior to the applicable special, primary or general eleotion reporting period in consideration for goods to be delivered or services to be rendered solely during the special, primary or general eleotion reporting period shall be oharged against the expenditure limits described in subsections A and 8 of this seotion in the reporting period during whioh the goods or services are delivered. C. A candidate or politioal committee desoribed in subseotions A and B of this section who have filed a declaration under this section stating that the candidate or committee will not make attributable expenditures with respect to the special, primary and general election in exoess of the limits described in subsections A and B of this section shall not be bound by the deolaration if any opposing oandidate or politioal oommittee for the same public office at the same election has not filed a declaration indicating that the candidate or political committee will limit expenditures or has filed the statement but has made expenditures exceeding the applioable limit. (ORD 2794, S7 1997) D. The recorder is authorized to adjust annually on April 1 st of each year the expenditure limits imposed by this seotion to account for inflation, based on the Consumer Price Index - All Urban Consumer Portland Index (cPI-U) December to December. Section 2.41.060 Declaration of Limits on Expenditures. A. The declaration of limits on expenditures filed under section 2.41.050 shall certify that with respect to the special, primary or general election, the candidate or the principal oampaign committee of the oandidate or political committee will not incur attributable expenditures in excess of the applicable expenditure limit described in section 2.41.050. B. The recorder shall presoribe forms for the filing of the information required by this seotion. The forms shall also include the name of the candidate by which the candidate is commonly known and by which the candidate transacts important private or official business. (ORD 2794, sa 1997) C. The declaration shall be filed with the recorder: 1. For a candidate, not later than the date the candidate files the name of the candidate's campaign treasurer; and 2. For a politioal committee, not later than the date that the name of a treasurer is certified to the recorder under ORS 260.035 or 260.037. Section 2.41.070 Expenditures Not Qualifying as an Independent Expenditure. Expenditures Not Qualifyina as an Independent Expenditure shall be as defined and set forth in ORS Chapter 260 - Campaian Finance ReQulations. ,^,. /\n expenditure not qualifying as an independent expenditure shall be oonsidered an Page 6 of 10 in kind oontribution to the oandidate or the prinoipal oampaign oommittee of the oandidate or politioal oommittee and an expenditure by the oandidate or the prinoipal oampaign oommittee of the candidate or politioal oommittee. B. For purposes of section 2.41.050, the amount of an expenditure not qualifying as an independent expenditure shall oount against the expenditure limits of the oandidate or politioal oommittee for whose benefit the expenditure was made. C. For purposes of the oontribution limitations established by seotion 2.41.030, the amount of an expenditure not qualifying as an independent expenditure shall oount against the oontribution limits of the person or political oommittee making the expenditure. D. ~lo person, inoluding a oandidate or politioal oommittee, shall report an expenditure as an independent expenditure if the expenditure does not qualify as an independent expenditure under seotion 2.41.01 O.E. Section 2.41.080 Procedures and Appeals. A. With respect to any election, the recorder shall examine eaoh contribution and expenditure statement of each candidate and political oommittee who filed a declaration of limitation on expenditures under section 2.41.050 to determine whether any candidate or political oommittee exceeded the applicable expenditure limit. If the reoorder determines after any filing that a candidate or political committee has exceeded the applioable expenditure limit, the reoorder shall send a notioe of the recorder's determination to the candidate or the treasurer of the political committee. Notice shall be sent by certified mail. return receipt reauested.. If the reoorder determines that the recorder or any candidate for election to an office for which the recorder is also a oandidate for election has exceeded the applioable expenditure limit, the information shall be sent to the city attorney, who shall be substituted for the recorder in any enforcement prooeeding under this section and section 2.41.090. The notice also shall state that the candidate may appeal the recorder's or the city attorney's determination as provided in this section. S. An Appeal of the City Recorder or City Attorney's determination under subsection A shall be processed in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Appeals Ordinance AMC 2.30.. except that the appeal shall be filed and processed in the office of the City Administrator and the Hearina Officer will be selected by City Council. The appeal must be filed within ten (10) calendar days of the date of mailina of the notice of determination. A hearing to contest the determination that a oandidate or politioal oommittee has violated the deolmation of limitation on expenditures as desoribed in subseotion /\ of this section and to oonGider oiroumstanoes in mitigation shall be held bofore a hearings officer appointed by the oity administrator: 1. Upon request of the oandidate or politioal oommittee, if the request is made not later than the seventh day after the candidate reoeived the notioe sent under subsection.^. of this seotion; or 2. Upon the reoorder's or oity attorney's ovm motion if the motion is filed not later than the seventh day after the oandidate reoeived the notioe sent under subseotion ,II, of this section. Page 7 of 10 C. /\11 parties shall be afforded an opportunity for hearing after reasonable notice, zerved personally or by registered or oertified mail. 1. The notioe shall inolude: i. A statement of the party's right to hearing, or a statement of the time and plaoe of the hearing; ii. /I, statement of the authority and jurisdiotion under which the hearing is to be AeJ4,. III. /I, reference to the partioulm sections of this ohapter involved; and i'I. 1\ short and plain statement of the matters asserted or ohmged. 2. Parties may elect to be represented by oounsel and to respond and present evidenoe and argument on all issues involved. 3. Informal disposition may be made of any oase by stipulation, agreed settlement, consent order or default. 4. At the oommencement of the heming, the hearings officer shall explain the issues involved in the hearing and the matters that the parties must either prove or disprove. 5. Testimony shall be taken upon oath or affirmation of the witness from whom reoeived. 6. The hearings officer shall plaoe on the reoord a statement of the substanoe of any written or oral ex parte oommunications on a fact in issue made to the offioer durin'g the pendenoy of the proceeding and notify the parties of the oommunioation and of their right to rebut suoh.oommunications. 7. The hearings offioer shall insure that the reoord developed at the hearing shows a full and fair inquiry into the facts neoessmy for oonsideration of all issues properly before the presiding officer in the oase. 3. ,II. verbatim oral, '.vritten or meohanical reoord shall be made of all motions, rulings and testimony. The reoord need not be transcribed unless requested for purposes of rehearing or oourt reviC'o.... The oity may oharge the party requesting transoription the cost of a oopY of transoription. D. The oandidate or the treasurer of the politioal oommittee need not appem in person at a hearing held under this seotion, but instead may submit written testimony and other evidenoe, subject to the penalty for false swearing, to the reoorder for entry in the heming reoord. Suoh doouments must be reoeived by the reoorder not later than fi'/e business days before the day of the hearing. Section 2.41.100 Recorder Responsibilities. The recorder shall: A. Adopt rules as neGessary to Garry out the provisions of seGtions 2.41.040 to 2.41.090. B. Prescribe forms for deolarations required by section 2.41.050, and furnish the forms to persons required to file. B.G. . Investigate when appropriate under the provisions of sections 2.41.040 to 2.41.090. Section 2.41.110 Publication. A. The recorder shall: Page 8 of 10 1. For eaoh candidate and political committee described in section 2.41.050, publish a statement in a newspaper of general oiroulation and published in the City, and any other medium the reoorder shall deem appropriate, indioating whether or not the oandidate has agreed to limit expenditures underseotion 2.41.050. 2. Inolude the statement described in subsection 1 on the nominating petitions of all prospeotive oandidates for public office. B. If a candidate or political oommittee described in seotion 2.41.050 has agreed to limit expenditures, but is not bound by the agreement because an opponent or opposing political committee of the candidate or political committee for the same office at the same election has not agreed to limit expenditures or has exceeded the applicable expenditure limit, the published statement described in subsection 2.41.11 0.A.1 shall indicate that the candidate or political committee has agreed to limit expenditures and that the candidate or political committee is not bound by the agreement because an opponent of the candidate or opposing political oommittee for the same office at the same election has not agreed to limit expenditures or has exceeded the applicable spending limit. (ORD 2794,8101997) C. If the recorder or the city attorney finds under seotion 2.41.080 that a candidate described in section 2.41.050 filing a declaration of limitation on expenditures under section 2.41.050 has exceeded the applicable expenditure limit, at the next election at which the candidate is a oandidate for election to publio office, the recorder shall publish a statement, in a newspaper of general circulation and published in the City, indicating that the candidate violated a previous declaration of limitation on expenditures under section 2.41.050. The statement required by this subsection shall identify the date of the election at which the candidate exceeded the applicable expenditure limit. SECTION 3. Severability. The sections, subsections, paragraphs and clauses of this ordinanoe are severable. The invalidity of one seotion, subsection, paragraph, or clause shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, subseotions, paragraphs and clauses. SECTION 4. Codification. Provisions of this Ordinanoe shall be incorporated in the City Code and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "code", "article", "section", or another word, and the seotions of this Ordinanoe may be renumbered, or re-Iettered, provided however that any Whereas clauses and boilerplate provisions (Le. Sections 1, 3-4) need not be codified and the City Recorder is authorized to correct any cross- referenoes and any typographioal errors.. Page 9 of 10 The foregoing ordinance was first read by title only in a$ with Article X, Section 2(c) of the City Charter on the ?-z.. day of ~ w'- , 2009 and duly PASSED and ADOPTED this (, day of , 2009. ~j/(~ Barbara M. Christensen, City Recorder SIGNED and APPROVED this 7 day of ~2009 ~~ ReRj']CJ Richard Appicell61 City Attorney V. Page 10 of 10