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I (12/14/2009) Barbara christensen - Water Curtailment, 12/15/09 City Council Meeting (CORRECTED)
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<ch risteb@ashland.or.us>
<m ickchurch@gmail.com>, <faevans@charter.net>, <kristigomez@charter.net>...
12/12/20094:41 PM .
Water Curtailment, 12/15/09 City Council Meeting (CORRECTED)
Ms. Christensen:
I am a homeowner and Board of Directors member ofthe Clay Creek Homeowners Association.
I am writing in support of our President MichaelChurch who will address the Ashland Mayor and
Councilors at their December 15,2009 meeting on the issue of water curtailment andlong-range water
Mr. Church has submitted the following letterwith detailed background on our home owners association's
recent experiencewith the City of Ashland's Water Curtailment Ordinance and the need to updatethe
The Clay Creek Homeowner's Association will be pleased to participate on any task force created to
update the ordinance.
I have included a copy of Mr. Church's letteron this issue. Please distributemy e-mail and the letter to
Members of the Council
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
Vic Biondi
Clay Creek Home Owner's Association
I represent the Clay Creek Gardens Home Owner'sAssociation (CCGHOA). The CCGHOA contains 62
homes and lots ofcommon open space. I do not know whether the precise form of ourdevelopment was
all the developers idea or partly the City's; but it is certain that in the late 1990's and early 2000's, the City
approved our development,and that the developer installed the following:
3 pocket parkscontaining about 1/2 acre of grass and landscaping - but mostly grass.
Over 3/4 mile of planter strip, most of it about 7' in width, amounting to 0.60 acres andcontaining over 170
trees as well as shrubs.
1 community gardenof 6-8,000 sf
The dues the residents pay goes in large parttowards the watering and landscape maintenance of this
space. Around 2004we put up a play structure in the westernmost of the three green spaces for
the benefit of resident families with children; but we found that because of thewalkway connections through
the neighborhood, this space has almost become aproxy City park serving people from outside the
Our neighborhood developed in at least twophases and the landscaping maintained by the HOA was put
on two watermeters: the first phase received a 2" meter, the second a1". As you know, the Water
Curtailment Ordinance defines waterallocations according to meter size ( we are classed as
"commerciallandscape" and so the 2" meter gets 15,200 cu ft of water/month, the1" 6,100 cu ft under a
Stage 1 alert). We found we had enough waterin the area serviced by the 2" meter but a severe shortage
on the1".
I (12/14/2009) Barbara christensen. Water Curtailment, 12/15/09 City Council Meeting (CORRECTED)
Page 21
The CCGHOA is one entity, recognized by the City- not an ad hoc collection of water meters. Staff
hasadvised that the current Water Curtailment Ordinance is quite old and that it'sprobably due for
updating. If you do make changes I encourage you toconsider recognizing the roie of HOA's. We would
be pleased to be part of any task force you might create to consider this issue.
As a postscript, I would note that the issue oICity recognition (actually lack of recognition) of the role of
HOA's is broaderthan this water problem: The CCGHOA is charged with the maintenance ofthe planter
strips in our neighborhood. However, if the City determinesthat there is a code enforcement issue (say
with the height of bushes at acorner that block car drivers line of sight, or street tree branches
scrapingdeiivery vehicles) the Municipal Code apparently requires the City towarn the adjacent home
owner, not the HOA. This has made the jobof the HOA much harder and exacerbated conflicts between
the HOA andresrdents.
Thank you for your work on behalf of the City.
Michael Church
Clay Creek Gardens Home Owners Association
- .
]) Complete this form and return it to the City Recorder prior to the discussion of the item vou wish
to speak about.
2) Speak to the City Council from the table podium microphone.
. 3) .St.'!tte.yg!!L!l1illle"!lctl'QQreS'iJQr thl'Tecor.Q,._.....
4) Limit your comments to the amount oftime given to you by the Mayor, usually 3 or 5 minutes.
5) If you present written materials, please give a copy to the City Recorder fa
6) You may give written comments to the City Recorder for the record if y do not wish to speak.
(Comments can be added to the back of this sheet if necessary) 'S.e.... .Ve V"Se.
7) Speakers are solely responsible for the content of their public statement. re
Regular Meeting
Agenda topiditemnumber )(\ \
Topic for public forum (non agenda item)
Land Use Public Hearing
Please indicate the following:
For: Against:
Challenge fnr Conflict orInterest or Bias
If you are challenging a member (a city councilor or a planning commissioner) with a conflict of interest
or bias, please write your allegation complete with supporting facts on this form and deliver it to the clerk
immediately. The Presiding Officer will address the written challenge with !he memoer. Please be
respectful of the proceedmg and do not interrupt. . You may also provide testimony about the challenge
when you testify during the normal order of proceedings.
Written Comments/Challenge:
The Public Meeting Law requires that all city meetings are open to the public. Oregon law does not
always require that the public be permitted to speak. The Ashland City Council generally irrvites the
public 10 speak on agenda items and during public forum on non-agenda items unless time constraints
limit public testimony. No person has an absolute right. "to speak or participate in every phase of a
proceeding. Please respect the order of proceedings for public hearings and strictly follow the directions
of the presiding officer. Behavior or actions which are un.reasonably loud or disruptive are disrespectful,
and may constitute disorderly conduct. Offenders will be requested to leave the room.
Comments and statements by speakers do not represent the opinion oftbe City Council, City Officers or
employees or the City of Ashland.
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I) Complete this form and return it to the City Recorderorior to the discussion of the item Vou wish
to soeak about.
2) Speak to the City Council from the table podium microphone.
. 3) _~t!!J5'yol!U1!!!)leJl!].(L,!Q.c!r.\'llsJQr!ill>J~fQ[c!.___...._ .____..
4) Limit your comments to the amount of time given to you by the Mayor, usually 3 or 5 minutes.
5) If you present written materials; please give a copy to the City Recorder for
6) You may give written comments to the City Recorder for the record if yo 0
(Comments can be added to the back of this sheet if necessary)
7) Speakers are solely responsible for the content of their public statement.
Regular Meeting
Agenda topicJitem number ')( II 1.
Topic for public forum (non agenda item)
Land Use Public Hearing
Please indicate the following:
For: Against:
Cballenge for Conflict oCInterest or Bias
If you are challenging a member (a city councilor or a planning commissioner) with a conflict of interest
or bias, please write your allegation complete with supporting facts on th-is form and deliver it to the clerk
immediately. The Presiding Officer will address the written challenge with !he member. Please be
respectful of the proceediIlg and do not mtenupt. You may also provide testimony about the challenge
when you testifY during the normal order of proceedings.
Written Comments/Challenge:
The Public Meeting Law requires that all city meetings are open to the public. Oregon law does not
always require that the public be permitted to speak. The Ashland City Council generally invites the
public to speak on agenda items and during public forum on non-agenda items unless time- constraints
limit public testimony. No person has an absolute right, to speak or participate in every phase of a
proceeding. Please respect the order of proceedings for public hearings and strictly follow the directions
of the presiding officer. Behavior or actions which are zm.reasonably loud or disruptive are disrespectful,
and may constitute disorderly conduct. Offenders will be requested to leave the room.
Comments ana statements by speakers do not represent the opinion of the City Council, City Officers or
employees or the City of Ashland.
I would like to state my support for the safety and security of the children of our community. I would
also like to state my support for the widest freedom of expression. I don't believe that these two
issues are mutually exclusive; that orie need be sacrificed for the other. I would also like to state my
belief that freedom of expression, like the security of our children, is a fragile but wholly worthwhile
goal for a democratic society. So fragile that it cannot speak for itself or defend itself when it is under
attack. When freedom of expression is threatened and when it causes the most discomfort is when it
most needs our support and our protection.
I encourage the Council to maintain and expand the freedom of expression that we have and to find
a way, not with boundaries or zones where that freedom can or can't be expressed, but through the
support of laws that already exist, to insure that children are not targets of inappropriate behaviour.
In that scenario, it might even be possible that through the freedom of expression, a stronger, more
positive attitude of our creativity and our humanity might result.
Bruce Bayard
621 A Street
letkv prt~d ~
DeJhI v~7 c5ft l'2/tS/rfj
Dear Mayor Stromberg and City Council Members,
I am submitting this letter to you on behalf of children, teens and adult victims of
sexual abuse who have not had a voice in the issue of the allowance of nudity in
Ashland. I am submitting this testimony as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over
25 years experience in the mental health'field.
It is a well established fact that sexual abuse and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
are highly correlated. PTSD is a cluster of symptoms that includes but is not limited to:
current and intrusive distressing memories, dreams, thoughts, feelings; a sense of
reliving the traumatic event which may include dissociative flashbacks episodes and
intense osvcholoaical distress at exoosure to internal or external triaaers
that svmbolize an asoect of the traumatic event: ohvsioloaical reactivity on
exoosure to internal or external triaaers ....
. It is my professional opinion that involuntary exoosure to nudity and human
genitalia will cause harm in those where viewing nudity/seeing genitals is a trigger for
past sexual abuse. Children and teens who experience intense psychological and or
physiological reactivity are at increased risk to additional abuse due to their level of
vulnerability when in a distressed state. These children have no capacity for self-
protection. They cannot rationalize or explain or in some cases even understand the
intense feelings they experience that can include fear, panic, numbness, terror when
exposed to triggers ,such as nudity and human genitalia. Though triggers can vary
widely, exposure to nudity and genitals are of the most common triggers for those who
have been sexually abuse.
It is my personal opinion that a community's strength and character is not
measured by the loudest or strongest on freedom of speech but in how it
attends to its most vulnerable. Please above all,' do no harm. Please
consider the community's responsibility to protect our most vulnerable: child
and youth victims of sexual abuse.
Diane Potratz, LCSW
5255 Pioneer Rd.,
Medford, Oregon 97501 541-773-2158