HomeMy WebLinkAboutInsurance Certificate: Jackson County Fire District 3 Dec,16, 2009 2: 30PM .Ashland Fi Ie & Rescue Stat ion No.2654 P. 'l~!~~\i~tfl~~~if:~ .~~~:~'~r~ ~b:~~~!'iQ:~~~+.~: ....:.,::.. '1'< .: CERTiFicATE OF COVERAGE. 'c~ruric8te II: :. 5619 \.Y. , '.' " , ". .~, ..., n.' . .' ," ",' . . . '., .., f AClENT THIS CERTI~ICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATiON ONLY AND cONFERS NO RIGHTS UPoN THE CERTIFICATE HOLbeR OTHER Wilson-Heirgood Associales THAN THOSE PROVIDED It-! THE COVERAGE DocUMENT. THIS P.O. Box 1.421 CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY rHE COVERAGE DOCUMENTS LISTED HEREIN. Eugene, OR 8744Q COMPANIES AFFORDINCl COVERAGE NAMED PARTICIPANT COMPANY A _ Sp~e!31 DllIotrlc.l!l ASBocialion or Oregon (Selr-Insured Pool) Jackson Counly FIre Dislrict #3 COMPANY B.. Genl:5ls IJl!lUranC9 Company 8333 Agate Road lM1ite City, OR 97503 , COMPANY C COMPANY D (~gY~_M.t;F.~:;~!~;':~:~'i~;PJ:~~t:~(:~'J'~:,Jf:~:::'~~';;:.i:!t~i\<: .::f:;':l.;','~': ~,;:'.:l i;'~:.., /;~~:;{6~:.\i:.:'t~;:~;~: :'. ':. .:;,::;\:.:..::....:.,.:;-.::..'..; .;;~.- ;;:>~::;' ",:~:<:: ::.:'-.::..:\.~-~\t:~f;::j$l~:~ :..i'l)~~~:> Thl5 Is Lo certify that coverage documenle.lislod hereIn hEll/if baan issued 10 the Na.mad Participanl hcteln ror the Coverage poriod Indl~led. Nothwilt'u;la.ndrng 8ny requirement. Lerm or condlUQn 01 any conlrilct or other documenlWilh respe.clto which lhe ccrtifica\e may baluued or may pertaIn, the coveraga afforded by the covera.ge documcnts listed herein ie. sub/c[;llo fill Lhe hums, condillons and e:lC:lullions of such coverage documents. ~e TyP9 of Coverage Cert.ificilte # EtfocUve Date ElIlplratlon Dete Limits Generalllab\llty 25P52299.548 1/112010 111/2011 GcncralAggregele None A I-- $500,000 Eeell Occurrence X Commercial General liability -- X PUbUc:OlTldala Liability I-- X Emplovment Practices 1-. . X occurrence -'-C.. Automobile LiabilIty 25P52288.648 1/1/2010 1/1/2011 GcneralAggre.gale None A - Ellen Occurrenoo $500,000 X Scheduled Aulos -.-- X HIred AutOB - X Non-Owned Aulas - Auto Physical Damage 25P52299.S48 1/1/2010 1/1/2011 A '-- X Scl1eduledAutos - J-llredAuloil - Non-Owned Aulo'li - E:a:ce99 Liability 25P62288.S4B 1/1/2010 1/1/2011 General Aggragalo Nano B - Each Occurrence $9,500,000 ~ aenenllUebfllty X Aulomobie L1~blUty I-- EPL'Each Occurtence $4,500.000 X PublicOfficlalsl-lablllty I-- EPlAggregB{c $4,500.000 ..:. EmploymenlPnlcUc.ae X Occurrent::: I-- A Property 25P52299-548 1/112010 11'120'1 DESCRIPTION Certificale holder is named addlllonal pllrlicipanlln respflcts to particlpant's us.e or Mobile Fire Tranlng Unll unit covered for replacement value. bul only with raspects Lo negligence claIms for bodily injury or property damage where the named par1icipent Is deemed 10 have liability. CE~TJFICA.n: HOL.DER cANC~LlATION; Should any of the cQverage doolJrr'lonts herein be clI.nc&lIl1d before the expIration date thereof, SCAD will endeal/or to mail 3D d"ys wrlthln noUee to the City of Ashlandl Ashland FIre and Rescue certlflCllte holder named herein, but failure la mall r;;uch (lotlce BhalllmpoSD no cbllg~tlon or liability 01 any kh,d upon SDAO. ils alJtlnts or reprellenlatiV'lls. or Ihe IsaUQr 455 Siskiyou Blvd, ofthls IicrtlflcalQ, Ashland. OR 97520 rI-" 7 1tI.~ By. Date; 1219/2009 .- D~ ~O~ .. x r:r;-. r--"'" ~ ^ rc='~~~r- 1::':'_-,;