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January 12, 2010
Chair Pam Marsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 East Main Street.
Commissioners Present: Staff Present:
Larry Blake Bill Molnar, Community Development Director
Michael Dawkins Maria Harris, Planning Manager
Dave Dotterrer Brandon Goldman, Senior Planner
Pam Marsh Richard Appicello, City Attorney
Debbie Miller April Lucas, Administrative Assistant
Melanie Mindlin
Mike Morris
John Rinaldi, Jr.
Absent Members: Council Liaison:
None Eric Navickas
Commissioner Marsh announced the vacancy on the Planning Commission and encouraged interested citizens to submit
applications to the Mayor’s Office.
Community Development Director Bill Molnar indicated the Commission’s March Study Session falls over spring break and if a
Study Session is needed they will meet on March 30 instead.
Commission Rinaldi provided a brief update on the Economic Development Technical Advisory Committee. He stated the
group is currently working on a SWOT analysis and if the commissioners have any questions they can contact him later.
Commissioner Marsh recommended adding this to a future agenda so that Rinaldi can provide a more thorough update.
A.Approval of Minutes
1. December 8, 2009 Planning Commission Minutes
Commissioners Dotterrer/Blake m/s to approve the Consent Agenda. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed 8-0.
No one came forward to speak.
APPLICANT: City of Ashland
DESCRIPTION: A request to amend the Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO) creating a new Chapter 18.53
Croman Mill, to amend the multiple chapters of the Ashland Land Use Ordinance to provide consistency with
the new Chapter 18.53 Croman Mill (ALUO 18.08, 18.12.020, 18.61.042, 18.68.050, 18.70.040, 18.72.030, 18.72.080,
18.72.110, 18.72.120, 18.72.140, 18.72.180, 18.84.100, 18.88.070, 18.106), to amend the Ashland Comprehensive
Plan Map and Zoning Map to include the Croman Mill District, and to adopt the Croman Mill Site Redevelopment
Plan as a supporting document to the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
Ashland Planning Commission
January 12, 2010
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Commissioner Marsh read aloud the public hearing procedures and noted the commissioners have been asked to disclose ex
parte contact. Mr. Molnar clarified the commissioners will need to report any conversations they had outside the meetings
where they were exposed to factual information that they will use to deliberate towards a recommendation.
Declaration of Ex Parte Contact
Commissioner Dawkins stated he attended the staff organized site visit and has had conversations with Dr. Morris about the
plan in general and the cost of the infrastructure.
Commissioner Rinaldi stated he had a briefing on the Croman plan with Planning Manager Maria Harris after he was
appointed to the Commission.
Commissioner Miller disclosed that she had spoken with the man who runs the Village Farm and he had voiced his concern
with a road going through his garden. She also had a conversation with an individual who indicated their preference for the
land to remain mostly manufacturing.
Commissioner Dotterrer stated he attended the staff organized site visit.
Commissioner Mindlin stated she has had many conversations over the past year; however her exposure to factual
information was very limited. She stated she has spoken with Mark DiRienzo but they did not discuss anything that was not in
his letter. She has also spoken with the people at the Village Farm and members of the City Council.
Commissioner Blake stated he attended the site visit and has been spoken to by Huelz.
Commissioner Morris stated he attended the site visit and has also been spoken to by Huelz. He disclosed he has spoken to
his parents about the plan and noted his family received notice because their business is near the site. He added nothing was
discussed that changes his views.
Commissioner Marsh stated she has spoken with Huelz about energy efficiency and solar orientation. She has also spoken
with representatives from SOREDI, attended the Council Study Session on this plan, spoke with an Airport Commissioner
about the FAA and height limitations, and has also spoken with Mark Knox.
Commissioner Marsh noted that she will be discussing the issue of quasi-judicial procedures for legislative items further with
Staff Report
Planning Manager Maria Harris stated the Commission is being asked to make a recommendation on the Croman Mill District
implementation plan, which: 1) creates the new CM zoning district, 2) establishes development standards for the CM district,
3) revises existing Land Use Ordinance for consistency, and 4) adopts the 2008 Redevelopment Plan as a supporting
document to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Senior Planner Brandon Goldman provided a brief overview of the Plan goals
and objections. He reviewed the street framework, the central boulevard phasing, the Tolman Creek Road realignment, the
pedestrian and bicycle framework, the transit framework, the natural and open space areas in the plan, and the parking
framework. Ms. Harris noted the project webpage (www.ashland.or.us/croman) and stated there is an extensive amount of
documentation posted if anyone is looking for more information.
Ms. Harris explained the proposal before the Commission redistributes allowed uses in the district boundary, focuses on land
efficient/high employment uses, increases the residential density in the neighborhood center, and adds residential uses in
mixed use areas. She stated most of the Croman Mill District is within the city limits and the bulk of it is comprised of the
former Croman Mill site. Ms. Harris stated the current M-1 industrial title is somewhat misleading because this zoning district
allows for a wide range of commercial and employment uses in addition to what most would consider typical industrial uses.
She elaborated that retail, restaurants, offices, nightclubs/bars, and hotels/motels would all be allowed in the M-1 zone, in
addition to industrial uses like manufacturing/assembly warehouses, junk yards, and outside storage. Ms. Harris explained the
proposed Croman Mill District is really a redistribution of many of those uses.
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Ms. Harris reviewed the planning application process and stated applicants will still have to go through site review approval;
however proposals in the compatible industrial district will be subject to a smaller set of standards (similar to basic site review),
while projects in the neighborhood commercial, office employment zone, mixed use area, and those located along active edge
streets will go through a process comparable to detail site review. Ms. Harris noted the green development standards, which
focus on site infrastructure, green parking, green streets, and building orientation, and also commented briefly on the major
and minor amendment process.
Community Development Director Bill Molnar noted there have been 15 meetings on this topic, and tonight’s meeting is for the
public to see the whole package and present their comments. He explained the goal is for the Commission to work on
formulating their recommendation to the City Council, and highlighted the following three areas where the Commission could
consider issuing sub-recommendations: 1) inclusion of property outside the district boundary, 2) east-west orientation
alternative, and 3) alignment alternative for the central boulevard. Mr. Molnar reviewed these three items in further detail. In
regards to their first option, he clarified staff is recommending the front of the property on Mistletoe Rd (Mistletoe Storage) be
included in the district boundary in order to keep continuity. In regards to option two, Mr. Molnar displayed the east-west
alternative and stated recommending this layout would provide more opportunity for southern building exposure, but it would
impact block lengths and would require staff to make slight modifications to the minimum lot size requirements. Lastly, option
3 explores a potential realignment of the central boulevard during phase 2 that would look at ways to work around the two
existing buildings.
Mr. Molnar noted the Transportation Commission will be holding a meeting to further explore some of the transportation issues
and will be forwarding their comments to the Commission. As such, the Transportation Commission has requested that the
Planning Commission not make a formal recommendation to the Council until they have received their comments. Mr. Molnar
recommended the Planning Commission hear public testimony and hold a discussion on the options, but to wait and finalize
their motion(s) at the February 9 Planning Commission meeting.
Public Testimony
David Wick/2560 Eagle Creek Lane/Submitted information on bringing the “Triple Bottom Line” concept to the Croman plan.
Mr. Wick stated this approach is in line with Ashland’s values and the idea is for businesses to pay attention to the following
three bottom lines as the key to enhanced prosperity and lasting sustainability: 1) Profit – your established traditional
measures of financial performance, 2) People – commitment to your employees, customers, suppliers and community, and 3)
Planet – reduction of you carbon footprint, resource consumption and pollution. Mr. Wick cited various cities that are using this
approach and requested Ashland incorporate Triple Bottom Line as the framework for the Croman site.
Mike Montero/4497 Brownridge Terrace, Suite 105, Medford/Stated he represents the property owners of the Croman site
and stated the revised plan is wholly acceptable to his clients. He stated the plan will provide sufficient flexibility to deal with
current and future economic challenges, and he urged the Planning Commission to issue a favorable recommendation to the
City Council.
Mark DiRienzo/700 Mistletoe Road/Clarified he owns Mistletoe Road Business Park and shared his concerns with the
proposed plan. Mr. DiRienzo stated the new Croman Mill code language will be impossible to interpret and will create cost-
prohibited developments that businesses cannot practically use. He stated the site will build out slowly, if at all, and stated no
one will be happy with the results. Mr. DiRienzo explained that he has approved plans for a 10,000 sq. ft distillery building for
Organic Nation Vodka and just found out that his land is now proposed to be included in the district boundary and rezoned as
office employment. He added he is also in talks with an energy efficiency engineering company that wants a 15,000 sq. ft.
design and assembly space on his south lot. Mr. DiRienzo stated the new zone prohibits Organic Nation’s distillery building,
and he will also lose his other prospective tenant. He stated the proposed road alignment would create a deadly corner
directly in front of his office building on Mistletoe Rd., and the new zoning will make his existing building non-conforming and
they will not be able to build their planned office building. He stated the current M-1 zoning designation of his property
provides freedom to accommodate the needs of actual tenants who are looking for space, not just possible future tenants. He
stated this plan would make his property partially in the Croman Mill District and partially out. Mr. DiRienzo stated he cannot
accept this short notice inclusion of his property into the Croman Mill District without adequate time to review its impacts and
strongly urged the Commission to delay this plan’s approval until a review of the practical implementation is completed. He
stated the project has taken this long to assemble, a few more months to ensure they get it right is appropriate.
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Staff pointed out the location of Mr. DiRienzo’s property and clarified this is the property referenced in staff option 1. It was
noted that up until recently, this area was not included in the plan and staff has presented options to include either all of Mr.
DiRienzo’s property, or just the front portion.
Mr. DiRienzo clarified he owns three tax lots along the Mistletoe Rd. frontage and including the frontage of his property in the
Croman District would split the zoning for the middle lot which houses the existing office building and mini-storage complex.
He added the two lots on either side would become office employment and he already has prospective tenants for both of
these lots which are currently zoned M-1. Mr. DiRienzo also clarified his concerns with the blind corner and stated the
proposed angle of the road could create an unsafe transportation issue.
Commissioner Marsh noted Mr. DiRienzo’s suggestion to have the feasibility of the plan looked at and asked if there is any
reason why local professionals cannot take what was presented tonight and provide staff with some analysis. She noted
tonight’s hearing is just one step in the process and stated there is still time for the professionals in the field to submit their
Marilyn Briggs/590 Glenview Drive/Stated six years ago the Planning Commission voted to keep the Croman property as
light industrial and voiced her disapproval of the proposed plan. Ms. Briggs stated the plan takes away from infill and there are
office spaces downtown that could be utilized instead of constructing new office buildings on the Croman site. She voiced her
concerns with the firm Crandall Arambula and felt they were not open to public input, and asked that the Commission deny
this proposal.
John Weber/295 Mistletoe Road/Voiced his concern with a proposed bike path and stated it would be located directly behind
his house. He stated there are a lot of homeless people in this area and would prefer to not have them wandering behind his
Commissioner Marsh noted the written testimony that was handed out at the beginning of the meeting and read the letters
aloud. Letters were received from Mark Knox, Stark & Hammond P.C., Knecht Family Trust, Historic Commission Staff
Liaison Derek Seversen, and Transportation Commission Chair Colin Swales.
Commissioner Marsh closed the Public Hearing at 8:35 p.m.
Commissioner Marsh noted the public record will remain open and at this point deliberations will be deferred to their February
9, 2010 meeting.
Advice from Legal Counsel and Staff
City Attorney Richard Appicello recommended the Commission not begin their deliberations since the record is not closed. He
added the Commission is allowed to identify issues for staff.
Commissioner Dawkins shared his concerns with the plan. He stated they are being asked to up-zone a piece of property and
does not believe a new start up company is going to be able to pay for all the required infrastructure and stringent site review
Staff commented briefly on the proposed lot sizes and stated the intent was to give businesses room to grow. Ms. Harris
provided examples of existing companies in the area and stated Blackstone Audio is on a one-acre sized lot, and Modern Fan
is just under 2-acres.
Commissioner Dotterrer acknowledged the concerns expressed during the public forum and questioned if the plan places too
high of a standard. He commented on the LEED standards and asked if this would make the Croman plan economically
unviable. Staff clarified the LEED standards only come into effect if an applicant wants a height bonus; however there are
other sustainable standards that are required.
Commissioner Mindlin shared her concerns with minimum building size and the costs involved with developing a phased
concept for start-up businesses. She noted the public concerns raised about parking and asked if they have created a “catch
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22”. She also asked if it is possible to obtain more input from local professionals as suggested during the public forum. Mr.
Molnar clarified if they would like to pursue this they could recommend that the City Council work with a group of local
professionals and stated it would be most helpful if the Commission could identify specific aspects they would like evaluated.
Commissioner Morris commented that implications are site specific and will depend on the individual lots. He stated he would
be surprised if they could get the type of general comments they desire since there are site specific concerns. Commissioner
Dotterrer questioned if it would be possible to get some type of read-out on whether this plan precludes development. City
Attorney Richard Appicello noted the public hearing has been closed, however the record remains open and the Commission
could ask staff to prepare something that helps them make a judgment about the feasibility of the regulations.
Commissioner Marsh requested staff come back with evidence as to the feasibility of actually developing under the proposed
plan. Commissioner Rinaldi suggested staff instead address the specific concerns raised this evening by Mr. DiRienzo and in
the letter from Mr. Knox (what would this plan do to their development plans?) Mr. Molnar stated that focusing on Mr. DiRienzo
and Mr. Knox’s property may be the best approach. He stated in order to bring in a team to evaluate the standards the
Commission would need to identify specific objectives.
Commissioner Marsh clarified it is the Commission’s choice as to whether they want to recommend Mr. DiRienzo and Mr.
Knox’s property be included in the Croman district boundary. Commissioner Dotterrer asked if staff could elaborate on the
rational for including this property and what the impact would be for not including it.
Commissioner Mindlin noted that the central boulevard would pass through someone’s property and asked how this would be
accomplished. Mr. Molnar clarified at this point the roads are not being designed and it is not uncommon for master plans to
identify general areas of connections. Commissioner Marsh noted the staff report indicates the final design of the central
boulevard could fall under Phase 2 and be further evaluated at that time.
Mr. Molnar clarified the City’s land inventory and use needs are identified in the Economic Opportunities Analysis and this
information has been provided to the Commission. Ms. Harris added a land inventory of where less restricted manufacturing
uses could go has also previously been provided. Commissioner Marsh requested staff email their previous presentation that
contains this information to the group. Commissioner Miller stated she is also interested in vacant E-1 property that is currently
Commissioner Mindlin voiced her concern with the land at the southern end of the Croman site (Village Farm). Staff clarified
this are was included in the district boundary in the previous version of the plan that was presented to the Council and the
Planning Commission at the beginning of last year. Mr. Molnar questioned why they would want to exclude this area and
stated it is within the City’s urban growth boundary, is adjacent to the site and is owned by the same owner as the rest of the
property. He added the plan recommends to not annex this property, but it is included in the plan area. He noted if the
Commission wants to see this area remain as a certain use, they could recommend to the Council that this land be put in a
different zoning designation.
Commissioner Marsh provided clarification on the concept of minority reports. She stated her hope is that one cohesive
minority report be issued to the Council along with their formal recommendation. She added members of the commission who
want to do a minority report should get together and do this. Mr. Appicello clarified the Commission will have to make a motion
for the minority view to be forwarded to the Council, and that motion must pass.
Staff clarified if a property owner has already received planning approval for a project, then their plans are still valid until the
approval period expires.
Commissioner Rinaldi suggested that changes to the proposed accessways should be allowed under the minor approval
Commissioner Dotterrer/Morris m/s to continue the public hearing to the February 9, 2010 Planning Commission
Meeting. DISCUSSION: Marsh clarified the record is still open and asked individuals to submit their written testimony by
February 2so that it can be included in their meeting packet. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed 8-0.
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A.Selection of 2010 Hearings Board Members.
A sign-up sheet was passed around the table. Commissioners Morris, Blake and Dotterrer will serve on the Hearings Board
January through April; Commissioners Miller, Rinaldi and Dawkins will serve May through August; and Commissioners Marsh
and Mindlin will serve along with the newly appointed member September through December.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
April Lucas, Administrative Assistant
Ashland Planning Commission
January 12, 2010
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