HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-068 CONT Chg Order - Kennedy Jenks Consultants
26 January 2010
IT - 7
City 2010
Of IlSh/anC/
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Engineers & Scientists
200 S.w. Market Street, Suite 500
Portland, Oregon 97201-5715
503-295-4901 (Fax)
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
20 E. Main Street
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Subject Proposal for Professional Consulting Services
Ashland Stormwater Master Plan Update - Additional Services
City of Ashland - K1J 0791023*00
Dear Pieter:
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants (Kennedy/Jenks) is pleased to present this proposal for providing
professional consulting services to the City of Ashland (City) for the above-referenced work.
This project will be performed under our existing Engineering Services Contract, City Project 07-
11. We have teamed with Shaun Pigott Associates to provide utility rate analysis that is needed
in conjunction with the Stormwater Master Planning and System Development Charge(SDC)
work currently underway.
Introduction and Understanding
Based on our understanding of Ashland's objectives for the storm water master plan and rate
update, this project is intended to provide a zero-based look at current operations, pending
capital requirements and the financial alternatives that are consistent with the City's storm water
management program objectives, This project will also address the specific concern that field
maintenance costs and NPDES compliance expense be identified and included in the utility's
overall revenue requirements recoverable through rates. Since the inception of Ashland's storm
water utility rates and SDCs, incremental adjustments to its two primary storm water revenue
streams have occurred, but this Master Plan Update has afforded the opportunity to evaluate
both rates and SDCs (previous analysis) in the context of longer term operational and capital
planning. Our approach toward the rate update stresses two specific building blocks for utility
service charges including: a) estimation of revenue requirements, and b) customer impacts and
pricing (Le., rate design). We also recognize that the City is interested in these funding sources
in terms of both revenue capacity and the ability to integrate financial incentives for ratepayers
to affect improved storm water quality at their sites. Accordingly, we will be evaluating with the
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 2
City options for service charge credits that are consistent with Ashland's storm water quality
objectives. The analysis will also establish levels of service within the operational and capital
program options in order to provide a menu of program elements opposite specific rate
requirements with particular attention to NPDES compliance costs. Defining these levels of
service with City staff and then costing each of these levels will be an integral part of this
financial analysis. The following is our understanding of the additional elements of work being
Additional Elements of Work
Additional elements of work related to the stormwater master plan update include:
· Expand the Executive Summary
· Incorporate the impacts of the newly passed Ashland Water Resources Ordinance, Bear
Creek TMDl, and NPDES Phase II Regulatory Requirements into the Public Engagement,
Financial, and Operational Plans
· Public Engagement Program to determine level of Service Goals
· Financial Alternatives Analysis and Recommended Program
These four elements of remaining work are further described in the following paragraphs.
Expand the Executive Summary
Kennedy/Jenks will provide a stand-alone executive summary that summarizes the findings,
assumptions, and recommendations of the Storm Water Master Plan update in simple, direct,
and concise language. It will include a summary of all of the conclusions of previous work as
well as the additional work described in the following pa'ragraphs.
Incorporate the impacts of the newly passed Ashland Water Resources
Ordinance, Bear Creek TMDL, and NPDES Phase II Regulatory
Requirements into the Public Engagement, Financial, and Operational
Plans including:
1. Public Education
a. Recommend different public education methods.
b. Evaluate the possibility of incorporating public education into the three (3) required
public mailings.
2, Public involvement to improve storm water quality
a. Recommend different public involvement options.
3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
a. Provide options and procedures tor detection and elimination.
b. Recommend methods of enforcement.
4. Construction Runoff and Control
a. Review and assess City policies.
b. Recommend City Policies to control, and methods of enforcement including specific
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 3
design and construction standards and drawings.
5, Post Construction Storm Water Management
a. Review City Policies
b. Recommend City Policies and methods of maintenance and enforcement.
6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping tor City Operations
a. Evaluate tor existing and potential sources of water pollution the City may be responsible
b. Provide recommendations to stop, treat or prevent existing, or potential sources of water
pollution the City may be responsible tor.
c. Consider impacts of storm drainage on existing City drinking water supply and recommend
corrections if needed.
Public Engagement Program to determine the Level of Service Goals
1. Conduct two additional open house format public meetings during the master
planning process to provide an opportunity for the publiC to comment on the master
a. Consultants may be asked to conduct additional open house meetings to share the
designs and cost estimates with the public and answer questions,
2. Inform the City Council of master planning status.. Present a summary and the status of
the master planning effort to Council three (3) times during the duration of the project.
3. Prepare three separate mailings, to be mailed by the City, which will inform citizens of
master planning efforts.
4. Draft three (3) news releases informing citizens of the progress of the master planning
5. Modify the CIP project list and prioritization to reflect the regulatory requirements and
public input as appropriate.
Financial Alternatives Analysis and Recommended Program
The financial program will be presented in a chapter added to the end of the Master Plan
document that includes the following:
1. Past and Present Financial Condition - summarize stormwater utility financial
performance for the past six years and document outstanding long-term debt and bonding
2. Available Revenue Sources - Document available sources of revenue and funding for
capital and operational costs and describe historical approaches and/or policies that
establish the City's funding methods.
3. Capital Financing Alternatives and Approaches - Identify capital financing. Identify and
document Capital Funding Assistance Programs - Available State and Federal grant and
loan programs, .
4. Operation and Maintenance Costs including Life Cycle Replacement Costs - Develop
perpetual life replacement program for the stormwater system, recommended service life
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 4
for stormwater pipelines, stormwater control devices, open drainage and
retention/detention systems, and other components.
i. The program shall include an average, annual revenue requirement
needed to fully fund a replacement program,
ii. The replacement program shall consider an assessment of backlogged
needs, recommend a specific program to address the backlog, and shall
recommend criteria for use in ranking projects.
iii. Develop a recommended on-going maintenance program, detailing types
of maintenance needed to protect investment and frequency of
maintenance activities.
iv. Develop a detailed phasing plan for recommended improvements.
Include new stormwater systems in the undeveloped areas within the
UGB. Show facilities as closely as pOSSible to final design locations to
permit them to be constructed with development projects,
ii. Prepare system wide maps showing locations and phasing of these
improvements. Improvement locations shall be provided to assist staff in
ensuring the improvements will be provided with land development.
5. SDe Implementation -
A. Provide detailed cost estimates for all recommended stormwater system
i. Calculate future operation and maintenance costs.
ii. Define, in detail, the portion of individual project Costs attributable to
existing customers and the portion attributable to growth. Provide
documentation for the basis and methodology used to allocate costs.
iii. Review the City's existing system development charges (SDC) and
. recommend any improvements to the methodology used to allocate
costs. Include a list of the recommended improvements that are eligible
for SDC funds and the amount each is eligible for.
B. Thoroughly review all possible funding sources for the preferred stormwater
system improvements and develop a funding mechanism for the proposed
i. Review all funds available and the status of capital improvements,
operation, and maintenance funds for the water system.
ii. Identify different funding sources including State, Federal, and private
6. Rate Structure - Complete a rate analysis in. order to estimate future stormwater
revenues. Utilize projected annual operation and maintenance costs and any needed
capital improvement bonding to project. Potential rate impacts for the needed
improvements. Identify opportunities that might be addressed through rate structure
revisions. Summarize City's approach to utility rate studies, status of rates recommended
in the previous rate study, and anticipated scope of 2010 rate study.
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 5
7. Recommended Financial Strategy - Recommend a financial strategy addressing funding
sources, basic financial policies, rates and charges.
Project Budget
A budget breakdown by Phase is provided below..
Phase K1J Budget
Expand Executive Summary
Storm Water Program Policies
Public Engagement
Financial Alternatives and Program
Shaun Pigott
(Sub) Budget
Our budget for this project shall not exceed a fee of $49,384. We propose to submit monthly
status reports and invoices, billed on a time and expense reimburseme'nt basis.
The tasks described in this proposal are anticipated and budgeted to be performed from March
2010 through December 2010.
Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions for this work shall be in accordance with the Engineering Services
Contract, City Project No. 07-11, dated September 13,2007.
If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign where noted below and return a copy to
our office to serve as our authorization.
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE .
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 6
Thank you for considering us for this work. We look forward to advancing this work with you..
Very truly yours,
~ ~'''~l:3-
Brad R. Moore, P.E.
Senior Water Resources/Project Manager
~ L. /t..uV~~
(Print Name)
~/NMJC~ .D/~t:..11lX-
IP~ ;;0
Heather Stephens, P.E.
Water Environment Group Manager
cc: Central File 0791023.00
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Engineers & Scientists
200 s.w. Markel Street, Suite 500
Portland, Oregon 97201-5715
503-295-4901 (Fax)
26 January 2010
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
20 E. Main Street
Ashland, Oregon 97520
Subject Proposal for Professional Consulting Services
Ashland Stormwater Master Plan Update - Additional Services
City of Ashland - K1J 0791023*00
Dear Pieter:
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants (Kennedy/Jenks) is pleased to present this proposal for providing
professional consulting services to the City of Ashland (City) for the above-referenced work.
This project will be performed under our existing Engineering Services Contract, City Project 07-
11. We have teamed with Shaun Pigott Associates to provide utility rate analysis that is needed
in conjunction with the Stormwater Master Planning and System Development Charge(SDC)
work currently underway.
Introduction and Understanding
Based on our understanding of Ashland's objectives for the storm water master plan and rate
update, this project is intended to provide a zero-based look at current operations, pending
capital requirements and the financial alternatives that are consistent with the City's storm water
management program objectives. This project will also address the specific concern that field
maintenance costs and NPDES compliance expense be identified and included in the utility's
overall revenue requirements recoverable through rates, Since the inception of Ashland's storm
water utility rates and SDCs, incremental adjustments to its two primary storm water revenue
streams have occurred, but this Master Plan Update has afforded the opportunity to evaluate
both rates and SDCs (previous analysis) in the context of longer term operational and capital
planning. Our approach toward the rate update stresses two specific building blocks for utility
service charges including: a) estimation of revenue requirements, and b) customer impacts and
pricing (Le., rate design). We also recognize that the City is interested in these funding sources
in terms of both revenue capacity and the ability to integrate financial incentives for ratepayers
to affect improved storm water quality at their sites, Accordingly, we will be evaluating with the
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 2
City options for service charge credits that are consistent with Ashland's storm water quality
objectives. The analysis will also establish levels of service within the operational and capital
program options in order to provide a menu of program elements opposite specific rate
requirements with particular attention to NPDES compliance costs. Defining these levels of
service with City staff and then costing each of these levels will be an integral part of this
financial analysis. The following is our understanding of the additional elements of work being
Additional Elements of Work
Additional elements of work related to the stormwater master plan update include:
· Expand the Executive Summary
. Incorporate the impacts of the newly passed Ashland Water Resources Ordinance, Bear
Creek TMDL, and NPDES Phase II Regulatory Requirements into the Public Engagement,
Financial, and Operational Plans
· Public Engagement Program to determine Level of Service Goals
. Financial Alternatives Analysis and Recommended Program
These four elements of remaining work are further described in the following paragraphs.
Expand the Executive Summary
Kennedy/Jenks will provide a stand-alone executive summary that summarizes the findings,
assumptions, and recommendations of the Storm Water Master Plan update in simple, direct,
and concise language, It will include a summary of all of the conclusions of previous work as
well as the additional work described in the following paragraphs,
Incorporate the impacts of the newly passed Ashland Water Resources
Ordinance, Bear Creek TMDL, and NPDES Phase II Regulatory
Requirements into the Public Engagement, Financial, and Operational
Plans including:
1. Public Education
a. Recommend different public education methods.
b. Evaluate the possibility of incorporating public education into the three (3) required
public mailings.
2. Public involvement to improve stonm water quality
a. Recommend different public involvement options.
3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
a. Provide options and procedures tor detection and elimination.
b. Recommend methods of enforcement.
4. Construction Runoff and Control
a. Review and assess City policies.
b. Recommend City Policies to control, and methods of enforcement including specific
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 3
design and construction standards and drawings,
5. Post Construction Storm Water Management
a. Review City Policies
b. Recommend City Policies and methods of maintenance and enforcement.
6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping tor City Operations
a. Evaluate tor existiFlg and potential sources of water pollution the City may be responsible
b. Provide recommendations to stop, treat or prevent existing, or potential sources of water
pollution the City may be responsible tor.
c. Consider impacts of storm drainage on existing City drinking water supply and recommend
corrections if needed.
Public Engagement Program to determine the Level of Service Goals
1. Conduct two additional open house format publiC meetings during the master
planning process to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the master
a. Consultants may be asked to conduct additional open house meetings to share the
designs and cost estimates with the public and answer questions.
2. Inform the City Council of master planning status.. Present a summary and the status of
the master planning effort to Council three (3) times during the duration of the project.
3. Prepare three separate mailings, to be mailed by the City, which will inform citizens of
master planning efforts.
4. Draft three (3) news releases informing citizens of the progress of the master planning
5. Modify the CIP project list and prioritization to reflect the regulatory requirements and
public input as appropriate.
Financial Alternatives Analysis and Recommended Program
The financial program will be presented in a chapter added to the end of the Master Plan
document that includes the following:
1. Past and Present Financial Condition - summarize stormwater utility financial
performance for the past six years and document outstanding long-term debt and bonding
2. Available Revenue Sources - Document available sources of revenue and funding for
capital and operational costs and describe historical approaches and/or policies that
establish the City's funding methods.
3. Capital Financing Alternatives and Approaches - Identify capital financing. Identify and
document Capital Funding Assistance Programs - Available State and Federal grant and
loan programs.
4. Operation and Maintenance Costs including Life Cycle Replacement Costs - Develop
perpetual life replacement program for the stormwater system, recommended service life
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 4
for stormwater pipelines, stormwater control devices, open drainage and
retention/detention systems, and other components,
i. The program shall include an average, annual revenue requirement
needed to fUlly fund a replacement program.
ii. The replacement program shall consider an assessment of backlogged
needs, recommend a specific program to address the backlog, and shall
recommend criteria for use in ranking projects.
iii. Develop a recommended on-going maintenance program, detailing types
of maintenance needed to protect investment and frequency of
maintenance activities.
iv. Develop a detailed phasing plan for recommended improvements.
Include new stormwater systems in the undeveloped areas within the
UGB. Show facilities as closely as possible to final design locations to
permit them to be constructed with development projects.
ii. Prepare system wide maps showing locations and phasing of these
improvements. Improvement locations shall be provided to assist staff in
ensuring the improvements will be provided with land development.
5. SDC Implementation -
A. Provide detailed cost estimates for all recommended stormwater system
i. Calculate future operation and maintenance costs.
ii. Define, in detail, the portion of individual project Costs attributable to
existing customers and the portion attributable to growth. Provide
documentation for the basis and methodology used to allocate costs.
iii. Review the City's existing system development charges (SDC) and
recommend any improvements to the methodology used to allocate
costs. Include a list of the recommended improvements that are eligible
for SDC funds and the amount each is eligible for.
B. Thoroughly review all possible funding sources for the preferred stormwater
system improvements and develop a funding mechanism for the proposed
i. Review all funds available and the status of capital improvements,
operation, and maintenance funds for the water system.
ii. Identify different funding sources including State, Federal, and private
6. Rate Structure - Complete a rate analysis in order to estimate future stormwater
revenues. Utilize projected annual operation and maintenance costs and any needed
capital improvement bonding to project. Potential rate impacts for the needed
improvements. Identify opportunities that might be addressed through rate structure
revisions. Summarize City's approach to utility rate studies, status of rates recommended
in the previous rate study, and anticipated scope of 2010 rate study.
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 5
7. Recommended Financial Strategy - Recommend a financial strategy addressing funding
sources, basic financial policies, rates and charges.
Project Budget
A budget breakdown by Phase is provided below.
Phase K1J Budget
Expand Executive Summary
Storm Water Program Policies
Public Engagement
Financial Alternatives and Program
Shaun Pigott
(Sub) Budget
Our budget for this project shall not exceed a fee of $49,384. We propose to submit monthly
status reports and invoices, billed on a time and expense reimbursement basis,
The tasks described in this proposal are anticipated and budgeted to be performed from March
2010 through December 201 O. . .
Terms & Conditions
The terms' and conditions for this work shall be in accordance with the Engineering Services
Contract, City Project No. 07-11, dated September 13,2007.
If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign where noted below and return a copy to
our office to serve as our authorization.
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Mr. Pieter Smeenk, PE
City of Ashland
26 January 2010
Page 6
Thank you for considering us for this work. We look forward to advancing this work with you.
Very truly yours,
~ J..u .~
Brad R. Moore, P.E.
Senior Water Resources/Project Manager
~n.,) L 7U>>~b4,
(Print Name)
Heather Stephens, P.E.
Water Environment Group Manager
!'JAJI'/7VC","- !J~
& /1//0
cc: Central File 0791023.00
or'Sh~ ~O,
(541) 488-5300
1012212007 l
VENOOR, 012765
PORTLAND, OR 97201.5715
SHIP TO: Ashland Public Works
(541) 488-5587.
FOB Point
Terms: Net
Req. Del. Date:
Req. No.:
Contad: Paula Brown
Confirming? No
~, ,,~, '1(\' '.. -. ,-,1'>- _ b : ,1_, - . .. - ,,'j',I ...~" - .. .' "'--'l'~_ -"i' W .' ,
.Consultant work to update .the ------. 60,000.00
Stormwater Master Plan and Stormwater
SOC methodotORY.
Date of agreement: September 13. 2007
Insurance requiredlOn File
. -
BIU TO: Account Payable TAX 0.00
541.552.2028 TOTAL 60,000,00
E Q(
60 000.00
VENDOR copy.
G:PubWorks\Eng\DeptAdmin\Engineer\Project\07-11 KennedyJenks SW Payment 7
Meeting Date:
Secondary Dept.:
\ J\p~('vv€d ~/Oa'\~\O'f\
Approval of Kennedy Jenks Contract Amerili ent for Stormwater Master Plan
U date Additional Se vices
March 2, 2010 Primary Sta
Public Works E-Mail:
Finance Secondary Contact:
Martha Bennett Estimated Time:
Mike Faught (488-5347)
Council Communication
Will the Council approve an engineering services contract amendment to the current contract with
Kennedy Jenks Consultants for $49,384 to complete phase II of the Stormwater Master PlanUpdate?
The additional services include incorporation of the impacts of new regulatory requirements,
organization of a public engagement program, and preparation of a comprehensive financial and .
operational program for inclusion in the Stormwater Master Plan.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends that Council approve a contract amendment fOl.:,$49,384 to the current Kennedy
Jenks Consultants contract that includes incorporation of the impacts of new regulatory requirements,
organization of a public engagement program, and preparation of a comprehensive financial and
operational program.
Because of the increasing complexity of new regulatory requirements (specifically the 2009 Bear
Creek TMDL, 2006 NPDES Phase II, & 2009 Ashland Water Resources Ordinance), it is becoming
increasingly challenging to meet the City's stormwater quality goals. In 2007, Council authorized
funding to update the Stormwater Master Plan through the CIP program in an effort to address these
new issues.
The FY2008 Capital Improvement Plan budgeted $75,000 for this update. Kennedy Jenks Consultants,
in partnership with Greenworks LLC and Shaun Pigott Associates, was chosen through a competitive
Request for Proposals process to provide that work. They researched the current state of the City's
stormwater system, conducted public meetings, compiled an updated project list, and prepared updates
to the existing 2000 Stormwater Master Plan, Kennedy Jenks Consultants' contract for that work was
$60,000, and $57,321 of that amount has now been expended.
In the FY2010 budget, an additional $75,000 was budgeted to expand this master plan to include the
additional services listed in the attached Proposal for Professional Consulting Services. Kennedy
Jenks Consultants now proposes to complete the expanded update for $49,384 in a manner consistent
with the new Comprehensive Water Master Plan now underway. Staff proposes to continue working
with Kennedy Jenks for the following reasons:
1. Kennedy Jenks has nearly completed phase I of the updated Storm Water Master Plan, arid
has demonstrated a clear knowledge of the existing stormwater system as well as an
understanding of its current issues.
City of Ashland, Oregon - Agendas And Minutes
Page 1 of6
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I search site 1 GO I
site map I advanced search
Cltv of Ashland Oreaon I Cltv Council
City Council - Minutes
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
March 2, 2010
Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street
Mayor Stromberg called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilor Voisin, Navickas, Jackson, Silbiger and Chapman were preseot. Councilor Lemhouse was absent.
Mayor Stromberg read an article in the Oregonian about the Battalion of the 41st Brigade Combat Team of
the Oregon National Guard (11186) regarding job opportunity issues some of the 1/186 will face when they
return to Oregon.
Mayor Stromberg announced vacancies for the annual appointments for Commission and Committee
members. The deadline for applications is March 19,2010.
The minutes of the Continued Regular Council of February 8, 2010, Executive Session of February 16,2010
and the Regular Council of February 16,2010 were approved as presented.
The Mayor's Proclamations of AsWand High School Day and International Women's Day were read aloud.
1. Does Council wish to approve the minutes of the Boards, Commissions,
and Committees?
2. Will Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, approve a contract-specific special
procurement requesting approval to directly award a contract to Hunter Communications for
Internet Bandwidth for a period of six months?
3. Will Council approve an engineering services contract amendment to the current contract with
Kennedy Jenks Consultants for $49,384 to complete phase II of the Stormwater Master Plan
Update? .
Councilor JacksonlNavickas m/s to approve Consent Agenda. Voice Vote: all A YES. J\.10tion passed.
1. Should the Council continue until April 6, 2010 the public hearing and first reading of ordinances
amending the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Maps to include the Croman Mill District?
Councilor Silbiger declared a conflict of interest and requested Council to excuse him from the discussion.
Councilor Jackson/Chapman m/s to recuse Councilor Silbiger from the discussion. Voice Vote: all
A YES. Motion passed. .
Councilor Silbiger left the room at 7:14 p.m.
Public Hearing Opened: 7:15pm
Public Hearing Closed: 7:15pm
Councilor NavickasNoisin m/s to continue the Public Hearing and First Reading on the proposed
Council Communication
Meeting Date:
Secondary Dept.:
Approval of Kennedy Jenks Contract Amendment for Stormwater Master Plan
Update Additional Services
March 2, 2010 Primary Staff Contact:
Public Works E-Mail:
Finance Secondary Contact:
Martha Bennett Estimated Time:
Mike Faught (488-5347)
Pieter Smeenk PE (552-2413)
Will the Council approve an engineering services contract amendment to the current contract with
Kennedy Jenks Consultants for $49,384 to complete phase II of the Stormwater Master Plan Update?
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends that Council approve a contract amendment for $49,384 to the current Kennedy
Jenks Consultants contract. The additional services include incorporation of the impacts of new
regulatory requirements, organization of a public engagement program, and preparation of a
comprehensive financial and operational program for inclusion in the Stormwater Master Plan.
Because of the increasing complexity of new regulatory requirements (specifically the 2009 Bear
Creek TMDL, 2006 NPDES Phase II, & 2009 Ashland Water Resources Ordinance), it is becoming
increasingly challenging to meet the City's stormwater quality goals. In 2007, Council authorized
funding to update the Stormwater Master Plan through the CIP program in an effort to address these
new issues.
The FY2008 Capital Improvement Plan budgeted $75,000 for this update. Kennedy Jenks Consultants,
in partnership with Greenworks LLC and Shaun Pigott Associates, was chosen through a competitive
Request for Proposals process to provide that work. They researched the current state of the City's
stormwater system, conducted public meetings, compiled an updated project list, and prepared updates
to the existing 2000 Stormwater Master Plan. Kennedy Jenks Consultants' contract for that work was
$60,000, and $57,321 of that amount has now been expended,
In the FY2010 budget, an additional $75,000 was budgeted to expand this master plan to include the
additional services listed in the attached Proposal for Professional Consulting Services. Kennedy
Jenks Consultants now proposes to complete the expanded update for $49,384 in a manner consistent
with the new Comprehensive Water Master Plan now underway. Staff proposes to continue working
with Kennedy Jenks for the following reasons:
1. Kennedy Jenks has nearly completed phase I of the updatedStormwater Master Plan, and
has demonstrated a clear knowledge of the existing stoimwater system as well as an
understanding of its current issues.
2. A new consultant would incur additional costs to become familiar enough with our system
that are needed in order to provide the additional services.
3. The Kennedy Jenks team includes the same financial sub-consultant chosen by the Water
Master Plan consultant, which ensures consistency between master plans.
Page 1 of2
r... .,
Related City Policies:
Capital Improvement Plan Project previously adopted by City Council for Stormwater Master Plan
Under current City of Ashland Rules of Procedure for Public Contracting AMC 2.52.050 (D), and
Oregon Revised Statute ORS 279C, 115, the contract was subject to selection procedures established
in accordance with state regulations, and the scope of this amendment is a continuation of the contract
that consists of work substantially studied in that earlier contract.
Council Options:
The Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, may approve this engineering services
contract, direct staffto make changes to the contract, or reject the contract amendment.
Potential Motions:
Council may move to approve or reject the attached Engineering Services Contract Amendment with
Kennedy Jenks Consultants.
Council may direct staff to modify the contract amendment.
Attachments: .
Contract Amendment with Kennedy Jenks Consultants.
Page 2 of2
r.t. ,
City of Ashland, Oregon - Agendas And Minutes
Page I of I
March 2, 20]0
Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street
Mayor Stromberg called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilor Voisin, Navickas, Jackson, Silbiger and Chapman were present. Councilor Lemhollse was absent.
Mayor Stromberg read an article in the Oregonian about the Battalion of the 41st Brigade Combat Team of the Oregon National Guard (1/186)
regarding job opportunity issues some afthe 1/186 will face when they return to Oregon.
Mayor Stromberg announced vacancies for the armual appointments for Commission and Committee members. The deadline for" applications is March
The minutes of the Continued Regular Council of February 8, 2010, Executive Session of-February 16,2010 and the Regular Council of February 16,
20 I 0 were approved as presented.
The Mayor's Proclamations of Ashland High School Day and International Women's Day were read aloud.
1. Does Council wish to approve tbe minutes of the Boards, Commissions,
and Committees?
2. Will Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, approve a contract-specific special procurement requesting approval to directly
award a contract to Hunter Communications for Internet Bandwidth for a period of six months?
3: Will Council approve an engineering services contract amendment to the current contract with Kennedy Jenks Consultants for S49,384 to
complete phase II of the Stormwater l\laster Plan Update?
Councilor JacksonlNavickas mts to approve Consent Agenda. Voice Vote: all A YES. Motion passed.
Consultant services contract made on the date specified below in Recital A between the City and Consultant as
A. The following information applies to this contract:
City Hall Address: 200 SW MARKET STREET SUITE 500
20 E. Main SI. PORTLAND OR 97201-5715
Ashland, Oregon 97520
(541) 488-6002 Telephone: 503/295-4911
FAX: (541) 488-5311 FAX: 5031295-4901
Date of this agreement: ~ B: RFP date: JULY 24, 2007
SEPTEMBER 13, 2007 Proposal date: AUGUST 22, 2007
-~2;2. Contracting'offic~r: PAULA C. BROWN, PE
~6. Consultant's representative: BRAD MOORE, PE
~8.3. Maximum contract amount: NTE $60,000
B. On the date noted above, City issued a request for proposals (RFP) for consulting services needed by City
for the project described above. Consultant submitted a proposal in response to the RFP on the date nOted
C. After reviewing Consultanfs proposal and proposals submitted by other offerors, City selected Consultant to
provide the services covered by the RFP,
City and Consultant agree as follows:
1. Relalionshio between City and Consultant:
Consultant accepts the relationship of trust and confidence established between Consultant and City by this
contract. Consultant covenants with the City to perform services and duties in conformance to and consistent
with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals of consultanfs caliber in the
locality of the project. Consultant further covenants to COoperate with City, City's representatives, contractors,
and other interested parties in furthering the interests of City with respect to the project. In order to promote
successful completion of the project in an expeditious and economical manner, Consultant shall provide
professional consulting services for City in all phases of the project to which this contract applies, serve as City's
professional consulting representative for the project, and give professional consultation and advice during the
term of this contract. Consultant acknowledges that City is relying on consultant to provide professional
consulting services in a manner that is consistent with the interests of City.
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. .'
2. Definitions:
Generally words, terms and phrases used in. this contract shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the
construction industry, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. As used in this contract:
2.1. 'City' means the City of Ashland, Oregon.
2,2. 'Contracting officer' means the person specified in Recnal A above or that person's designee.
2,3. 'Project' means the project described in Recital A.
2.4, 'Work' or 'Services' shall mean all labor, materials, plans, specifications, opinions, reports, and
other consulting services and products which Consultant is required to provide under this contract.
3. Term: The term of this contract shall commence on the date specmed in Recital A above and end on
completion of all services required by this contract unless sooner terminated as provided in this contract.
4. Authority of Contractina Officer: The contracting officer shall have the authority to act on beha~ of City in the
administration and interpretation of this contract. The contracting officer shall have complete authority to
authorize services, transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define City's policies and make other
decisions with respect to Consultant's services.
5. 'Consultina Services: Consultant shall provide services to City that are described in the RFP.
5.1. In connection with the services described in the RFP, Consultant shall:
5.1.1. Consult appropriate representatives of City to clarify and define City's
requirements relative to the services.
5.1.2. Review available data relative to the services.
5.1.3. Identify data which is not available and is needed to fulfill the services, and act
as City's representative in obtaining such data.
5.1.4. Prepare monthly progress reports to the contracting Officer on the status of
services. .
5.1.5. Cooperate with other consultants retained by City in the exchange of
information needed for completion of the services and the project.
5.2. Consultant shall commence performance of services within five days after receiving written
authorization from the contracting officer for work described in the RFP, Consultant shall perform the services
as expeditiously as is consistent with professional skill and care and the orderly progress of the project Upon
request of City, Consultant shall submn for City's approval, a schedule for the performance of work elements
described in the RFP. Each schedule shall include allowance for periods of time required for City's review and
approval of Consultant's services. Each schedule, approved by City, shall become a part of this contract.
5.3. Consultant shall perform the services as an independent contractor in accordance with generally
accepted standards in Consultant's profession. Consultant shall be responsible for the professional quality,
technical accuracy and the coordination of all services performed by Consultarit Consultant shall, without
additional compensation, correct or revise any error or deficiencies in the services that are caused by
Consultant's negligence. City's review, approval, acceptance of, or payment for, any of the services shall not be
construed to waive any of City's rights under this contract or of any cause of action arising out of Consultant's
services. In the event of any breach of this contract by Consultant or negligent performance of any of the
services, City's cause of action against Consultant shall not be deemed to accrue until City discovers such
breach or negligence, or should have, with reasonable diligence, discovered such breach or negligence, The
preceding sentence shall not be construed, however, to allow City to prosecute an action against Consultant
beyond the maximum time limitation provided by Oregon law:
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6. Assionment of Consultant's Personnel:
6.1. The services covered by this contract shall be rendered by, or under the supervision of the person
specified in Recital A above, who shall act as Consultanfs representative in all communications and
transactions with City. .
6.2. Consultant will endeavor to honor reasonable specific requests of City with regard to assignment of
Consultanfs employees to perform services if the requests are consistent with sound business and professional
7. Resoonsibilities of City:
7.1. City will cooperate fully with Consultant to achieve the objectives of this contract.
7.2. City will provide information, documents, materials and services that are within the possession or
control of City and are required by Consultant for performance of the services.
7.3. City will arrange for access to, and make all provisions for Consuftant to enter upon, public and
private property as required for Consultant to perform the services.
7A City will provide all permits necessary for completion of the project.
7.5. The contracting officer will act as liaison between City, Consultant, public agencies, and others
involved in the project. .
8. Pavrnent:
8.1. City shall pay Consultant for services and reimburse Consultant for expenses incurred by
Consultant in performance of services in accordance with a payment schedule to be submitted by Consultant
and accepted by City. No reimbursement will be made for expenses that are not specifically itemized in this
payment schedule without prior approval by the contracting officer.
8.2. Consultant shall submit monthly invoices to City for Consultanfs services within ten days after the
end of the month covered by the invoice,
8,3. Total payments under this contract or any amendments shall not exceed the sum specified in
Recital A above.
9, Como6ance with Law:
9.1, This contra91 will be govemed by and construed in accordance with laws of the State of Oregon.
Consultant shall promptly observe and comply with all present and future laws, orders, regulations, rules and
ordinances of federal, state, City and city govemments with respect to the services including, but not limited to,
provisions of ORS 279C.505, 279C.515, 279C.520 and 279C.530.
9.2. Pursuant to ORS 279C.520(2) any person employed by Consultant who performs work under this
contract shall be paid at least time and a half pay for all overtime in excess of 40 hours in anyone week, except
for persons who are excluded or exempt from overtime pay under ORS 653.010 to 653.261 or under 29 U.S.C.
Sections 201 to 209. .
9.3. Consultant is a 'subject employer' as defined in ORS 656.005 and shall comply with ORS 656.017.
Prior to commencing any work, Consultant shall certify to City that Consultant has workers' compensation
coverage required by ORS Chapter 656. If Consultant is a carlier insured employer, Consultant shall provide
City with a certificate of insurance. If Consultant is a self-insured employer, Consuftant shall provide City with a
certification from the Oregon Department of Insurance and Finance as evidence of Consultant's status.
9.4. If the amount of this contract is $17,342.00 or more, Consultant is required to comply with chapter
3.12 of the Ashland Municipal Code by paying a living wage, as defined in this chapter, to all employees
performing work under this contract and to any subcontractor who performs 50% or more of the service work
under this contract. Consultant is also required to post the attached notice predominantly in areas where it will
be seen by all employees.
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10. Ownershio of Documents:
All documents prepared by Consultant pursuant to this contract shall be the property of City. To the extent
pennitted by law, City shall, within the limits of the Oregon Tort Claims Act, defend, indemnify and hold
hannless Consultant its consultants, agents and employees against all damages, claims, expenses and losses
arising out of any reuse of plans, specifications and other documents prepared by Consultant without prior
written authorization of Consultant .
11. Records:
11.1. Consultant shall develop and maintain complete books of account and other records on the
services which are adequate for evaluating Consultanfs perfonnance. Consultant shall maintain rl!-cords in such
a manner as to provide a clear distinction between the expenditures and revenues related to the project and the
expenditures and revenues related to Consultanfs other business. .
11.2. Consultant's books and records shall be made available for inspection by City at reasonable
times, to verify Consultant's compliance with this contract City shall have the right to request an audit of
Consultant's books and r9Fords by a certified public accountant retained by City.
12. Indemnification:
Consultant shall defend, indemnify and save City, its officers, agents, and employees hannless from any and all
claims, actions, costs, judgments, damages or other expenses resutting from injury to any person (including
injury resulting in death), or damage to property (including loss or destruction), of whatsoever nature arising out
of or incident to the negligent perfonnance of this contract by Cons!lltant (including but not limited to, the
negligent acts or omissions of Consultant's employees, agents, and others designated by Consuttant to perfonn
work or services attendant to this contract). Consultant shall not be held responsible for any claims, action$,
costs, judgments, damages or other expenses, directly and proximately caused by the negligence of City,
13. Insurance:
))'13.1. Consultant shall, at its own expense, at all times during the tenn of this contract, maintain in force:
r ~. 13.1.1. A comprehensive general liability policy including coverage for contractual . ^
liability4er Q~Ii!lalieR91l99~lReg IIRdllr IRis geRlre.91, blanket contractual liability, products and '
completed operations and owner's and contractor's protective insurance;
13.1.2. A professional errors and omissions liability policy; and
13.1.3. A comprehensive automobile liability policy including owned and non-owned
,13.2. The coverage under each liability insurance policy shall be equal to or greater than the limits for
claims made under the Oregon Tort Claims Act with minimum coverage of $500,000 per occurrence (combined
single limit for bodily injury and property damage claims) or $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and
$100,000 per occurrence for property damage.
13.3. Uability coverage shall be provided on an 'occurrence' basis. 'Claims made' coverage will not be
acceptable, except for the coverage required by subsection 13.1.2.
13.4. Contractor shall submit certificates of insurance acceptable to the City with the signed contract
prior to the commencement of any work under this agreement Each certificate shall state that coverage
afforded under the policy cannot be cancelled or reduced in coverage cannot be made until at least 30 days
prior written notice has been given to City. A certificate which states merely that the issuing company 'will
endeavor to mail' written notice is unacceptable.
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14. Default:
14.1. There shall be a default under this contract if either party fails to perform any act or obligation
required by this contract within ten days after the other party gives written notice specifying the nature of the
breach with reasonable particularity. If the breach specified in the notice is of such a nature that it cannot be .' .
completely cured within the ten day period, no default shall occur if the party receiving the notice begins
performance of the act or obligation within the ten day period and thereafter proceeds with reasonable diligence
and in good faith to effect the remedy as soon as practicable.
14.2. Notwithstanding subsection 14.1, either party may declare a default by written notice to the other
party, without allowing an opportunity to cure, if the other party repeatedly breaches the terms of this contract.
14.3. If a default occurs, the party injured by the default may elect to terminate this contract and pursue
any equ~able or legal rights and remedies available under Oregon law. All remedies shall be cumulative.
14.4. Any litigation 'arising out of this contract shall be conducted in Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Jackson County.
15. Termination:
15.1 Mutual consent. This contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of both
15.2 City's Convenience, This contract may be terminated at any time by City upon 30 days'
notice in writing and delivered by certified mail or in person.
15.3 For Cause. City may terminate or modify this contract, in whole or in part, effective upon
delivery of written notice to Contractor, or at such later date as may be established by City under anyof the
following conditions:
a. If City funding from federal, state, county, or other sources is not obtained and
continued at levels sufficient to allow for the purchase of the indicated quantity of services;
b, If federal or State regulations or guidelines are modified, changed or interpreted in such
a way that the services are no longer allowable or appropriate for purchase under this cOntract or
are no longer eligible for the funding proposed for payments authorized by this contract; or
c. If any license or certificate required by law or regulation to be held by Contractor to
provide the services required by this contract for any reason denied, revoked, suspended, or not
15.4 For Default or Breach.
a. Either City or Contractor may terminate this contract in the event of a breach of the
contract by the other. Prior to such termination the party seeking termination shall give to the other
party written notice of the breach and intent to terminate. If the party committing the breach has
not entirely cured lI1e breach within 15 days of the date of the notice, or within such other periOd as
the party giving notice may authorize or require, then the contract may be terminated at any time
thereafter by a written notice of termination by the party giving notice.
b. lime is of the essence for Contractor's performance of each and every obligation and
duty under this contract. City by written notice to Contractor of default or breach, may at any time
terminate the whole or any part of this contract if Contractor fails to provide services called for by
this contract within the time specified herein or in any extension thereof.
c. The rights and remedies of City provided in this subsection (15.4) are not exclusive and
are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract.
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.' "
15.5 OblioationlLiabilitv of Parties: Termination or modification of this contract pursuant to
subsections 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 above shall be without prejudice to any obligations or liabilities or either
party already accrued prior to such termination or modification. However, upon receiving a notice of
termination (regardless whether such notice is given pursuant to subsections 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 of this
section, Contractor shall immediately ceased all activities under this contract, unless expressly directed
otherwise by City in notice of termination. Further, upon termination, Contractor shall deliver to City all contract,
documents, information, wOIKs-in-progress and other property that are or would be deliverables had the contract .M,
been completed. City shall pay Contractor for work performed prior to the termination date if such work was { 'lI('"
performed in accordance with the Contract. Use. ,f LU'lC-D""fIe.W wo>"k shP-U Le- a;t- c.;.l-ys sclLviSK.
16, Funds Available and Authorized: City h~~fficient funds currently available and authorized for expenditure
to finance the costs of this contract within the City's fiscal year budget. Consultant understands and agrees that
City's payment of amounts under this contract attributable to work performed after the last day of the current
fiscal year is contingent on City applopriations, or other expenditure authority sufficient to allow City in the
exercise of its reasonable administrative discretion, to continue to make payments under this contract. In the
event City has insufficient appropriations, limitations or other expenditure authority, City may terminate this
contract without penalty or liability to City, effective upon the delivery of written notice to Consultants, with no
further liability to Consultants.
17. Notices:
Any notice required to be given under this cOntract or any notice required to be given by law shall be in writing
and may be given by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail, or by any other manner prescribed by
17.1. Notices to City shall be addressed to the contracting officer at the address provided for the City in
Recital A above. .
17.2. Notices to Consultant shall be addressed to the COnsultanfs representative at the address
provided for the Consultant in Recital A above.
18. Assionmenl:
City and Consultant and the respective successors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives of each
are bound by this contract to the other party and to the partners, successors, administrators, assigns and legal
representatives of the other party. Consultant shall not assign or subcontract Consultanfs rights or obligations
under this contract without prior written consent of City. Except as stated in this section, nothing in this contract
shall be construed to give any rights or benefits to anyone other than City and Consultant.
19. Govemino law: Jurisdiction: Venue: This contract shall be govemed and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Oregon without resort to any jurisdiction's conflict of laws, rules or doctrines. Any claim,
action, suit or proceeding (collectively; 'the claim') between the City (and/or any other or department of the
State of Oregon) and the Contractor that arises from or relates to this contract shall be brought and conducted
solely and exclusively within the Circuit Court of Jackson'County for the State of Oregon. If, however, the claim
must be brought in a federal forum, then it shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the
United States District Court for the District of Oregon filed in Jackson County; Oregon. Contractor, by the
signature herein of its authorized representative, hereby consents to the in personam jurisdiction of said courts.
In no event shall this section be construed as a waiver by City of any form of defense or immunity, based on the
Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution, or otherwise, from any claim or from the jurisdiction,
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. ,
21. Modification:
No modification of this contract shall be valid unless in writing and signed by the parties.
By: DQ(i. vb -.:.J<f\l.,.."'-
. Signature
Printed Name
Its: \j\ (~ (J K B \ OltJ"(
Fed 10# tJt-/- ~/tf 7 IJ 07
By: ~;J'~
Lee Tuneberg
Finance Director
By' ~
,9ipartment ead
By: \
Legal Department
Date: /"-'c? 07
(For City use only)
G:Ipub-wrks\engldept-adminIENGINEERIPROJEC1\2007\07-11 Kennedy Jenks Contract g 07.doc
Page 7 0120
(541) 488-5300
Page 1/1
.DATEi' "1
I '.' PO NUMBER . '1
VENDOR: 012765
SHIP TO: Ashland Public Works
(541 )488-5587
FOB Point:
Terms: Net
Req. Del. Date:
Req. No.:
Conlact: Mike Faught
Confirming? No
~..~ ; Quaniit\i;,:' , . Unit,. n', .. " .. . .':. ...:-:. ,>'. ,'Descrlntlon ' .. - .. . . .' Unit 'Price :. ,'... Ext>Price,'~.._,
.. 'i ..
Ashland Stormwater Master Plan Update 49,384.00
Project 2007-11, Change order approved
by Council on 03/02/2010
. .
SUBTOTAL 49 384.00
BILL TO: Account Payable TAX 0.00
541 :552-2028 TOTAL 49,384.00
.U'ACCOLjrirNumbe~: ".. ProJecfNlunber' .. .. - Amount Account Number .' , Project'Number Amount
,-,- -
E E 200711.100 49 384.00
e' 'Jpo
Aut~ed Signature
I. FORM #12 I
Description of Change Order I Contract Amendment to original contract
Consultant: ~c.bI' A...L-dj, "j37~.r; L,91U'?tcLh~ .H,Totalamountofchange ~r?er;:
Purchase Order Number: /.i a ~7 /) $ ...g '//J ~'
(;/ -( (./ vr ? 8 if.
~ attached contract amendment /. ..
Contract Amendment for PERSONAL SERVICES
$ 6 cP;-~'t1' ~ . 6'-& ("tf2. C
Original cDntract amount
Total amount of orevious contract amendments
% of original contract
.L-/ 1, -:;; @ cf &--C ffJ P- % of original contract
$ /"?J 1: ~ g ~ M / f7 ?-- % of original contract
Amount of this contract amendment
Is the iotal aggregate cost change for the Personal Services contract
less than or equal to 25% of the original contract amount?
YES _ NO v-N'ot Applicable_ .
If "No", City Council approval is required. City Council approval was received on
t9 9' - C:;:2 - J&te? /' 0
Are there any aPilHcable performance or payment bonds and insurance coverages ~
that need to be 'a'djuSted !o account for the change in the contract amount? YES _ NO _ Not Applicable _
Contract amendments for::~n~ services are subject to the following conditions: The orig' al contract imposes binding obligation on
the parties covering the terms andconditions regarding changes in the work; Dr/he a nded contract does not substantially alter the
scope or nature of the project. Has eithe~~se conditions been met?
. _ ~ YES NO_ N/A
If "NO", Council approval is required. Council approval received on
Was the original contract approved by the City Council, o~ pt?
NO'(B(empUNot Required)
Nbr II.;;f Q . ~
Aff Iv! (t? A-L l' ~n for exemption)
~ ~ ~b ~~,.YO--
YES (Approved by Council)
Comments I Additional Information:
Prepared by:
Zf7 {{2e/ ~
(f: -"'" ~~,.,'''"''
tJ~ -:?-@ ~/O
,.....---~pr;;-vev / NotApproved
Lee Tuneberg
Form #11 - Contract Amendment Approval Request Form - PERSONAL SERVICES, Page 1 of 1, 5/28/2010
, reauest/or <1 Purchase Order
. ,
Date of Request: 11/1/J D
Required Date of Delivery/Service: 4 10
THIS REQUEST IS A: fD., [!),v~cJl !")eQGG-"
~ Change Order(existing PO # fllJlllfJ rc.. - I;; "''' e.. a /) e.tv cYl........
Vendor Name
City, State, Zip
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Contact Name
503 2115 ~
Small Procurement o Sole Source o Invitation to Bid
o Less than $5,000 o Written tindings attached (Copies on file)
o Quotes (Optional) o Quote or Prooosal attached
Cooperative Procurement .IKI Reaueslfor Proposal
o State of ORIWA contract (Copies on lile)
I Intermediate Procurement o Other govemment agency contract 0 Special I Exempt
o (3) Written Quotes 0 Copy of contract attached 0 Wrillen findings attached
. (Copies attached) , 0 Quote or Proposal attached
0 Contract # 0 Emeraencv
0 Written findings attached
0 Quale or ProDosal attached
Description of SERVICES
ChOfrje Or dfA
~/7lJ'e.d ?:t Cl52VI1c.j) '512 /2PID
'( 5E.e o-t!-ac.),<L:j /Y),,,,,-Ie<::)
Total Cost .
Per attached PROPOSAL
Item # Quantity
Description of MATERIALS
Unit Price
Total Cost
D ;JT()TAIi.\ciisT?~
Per attached QUOTE ~:, >~J~~*~~~:ti;~~:~':t:!
- . '. ",.f ".'v ~;'''''' 1.
Project Number -~1- I J ,:~:,,~::'~~~:;:liJ~iI.~~i~~~~:
- - - -
Account Number ?~~. ~. 31- ~ - M .1Lo..cJ
'tems and services must be charged to the appropriate account numbers for the financ/als to reffect the actual expenditures accurately.
By signing this requisition for certify that the infonnation provided above meets the City of Ashland public contracting requirements,
and the documentation ca e rovid pon re est.
SupervisorlDept. Head Signature: ~^ .<>
Employee Signature:
G: Finance\Procedure\AP\Forms\8_Requisition form revised.doc
Updated on: 313112010