HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-142 Agrmt - Hunter Communications i' H u N T E R com m u n cations Internet / Intranet Service Agreement Vo1.9.3.4 - QUO-02256-05XXG - V.O - 8/3/10 1. SERVICES.........................~.................................................................................................................................;.....3 1.1. DATA SERVICES 3 1.2. INSTALLATION SERVICES 3 2. TERMS......................................................................................................................................................................3 3. CHARGES .................................................................................................................................................................3 3.1. DATA SERVICES RATE 3 3.2. INSTALLATION SERVIC~S CHARGE 3 3.2.1. UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY 3 3.3. LATE PAYMENT, DEPosn, ELECTRONIC BILUNG 3 3.4. TAXES, FEES, GOVERNMENT CHARGES 3 3.5. COST SAVINGS 3 4. SERVICE REQUIREMENTS AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS................................................................................3 4.1. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 3 4.2. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 3 5. HUNTER FACIlmES AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................3 5.1. REMOVAL 4 5.2. PROPER ENVIRONMENT 4 5.3. DAMAGE 4 6. OUTAGE NOTIFICATION AND RESOLUTION PROTOCOL........................................................................................4 6.1. DEGRADA~ON OF SERVICE REQUIREMENTS AND PERFORMANCE STADARDS 6.2. OUTAGE 6.3. EMERGENCY 4 4 5 7. RIGHTS AND OBLICATION5 OF CUSTOMER ...........................................................................................................5 7.1. INSTALLATION 6 7.2. PREMISES ACCESS 6 7.3. CUSTOMER'S CONNEcnON TO DATA SERVICES 6 7.4. SYSTEM INTEGRITY 6 7.5. HUNTER EQUIPMENT MOVEMENT 6 8. ACCEPTABLE USE POLICIES (AUP) ........................................................................................................................6 9. TERMINATION ......................;.................................................................................................................................6 9.1. WITHOUT CAUSE . 6 9.2. OPERATION STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE/LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 6 9.3. CESSATION OF SERVICE 6 9.4. CESSATION OF AcCESS 6 9.5. TERMINATION FEE 6 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS .........................................:...................................................................................6 10.1. INDEMNIFICATION 6 10.2. NON-WAIVER 6 10.3. LmGATION AND ATTORNEYS' FEES 6 10.4. CoNTRACT ADMINISTRATION 6 10.5. NOTICES 6 10.6. '\ AMENDMENTS AND ASSIGNMENT 6 10.7. I No WARRANTIES 6 10.B. FORCE MAJEURE 7 10.9. LIMITATION OF LIABIlITY 7 10.10. GOVERNING LAw 7 10.11. SEVERABIlITY 7 10.12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 7 't H u N T E R commun -c a t o n 5 . Internet/Intranet Service Agreement ("Agreement") between Hunter Communications ("Hunter", "Contractor" or "Provider") and the City of Ashland ("Customer" or "City'') dated. August 16, 2010. Customer Name: Customer Name: City of Ashland (Ashland Fiber Network) Key Billing Contact: Rob Lloyd Billing Address: City of Ashland, 20 E. Main St., Ashland, OR, 97520 Phone: 541.552.2314 Email Address: lIoydr@ashland.or.us Premises Address (if different): 90 N. Mountain Avenue, Ashland, OR, 97520 Service Address (if different): Branch Address (if different): 2 Hunter Initials Customer Initials e-L (l-l- Date i !t71b Date 'tI1t?-;,. 'I 1. Services. The City of Ashland ("Otyj shall purchase and Hunter Communications rHunter") shall provide: 1.1. Data Services. Data Setvlces permit access by Oty to Hunter's telecommunications system to receive Internet bandwIdth at the point of delivery located at 90 N. Mountain Avenue, .Ashland, Oregon. The poInt of delivery Is the location where the network and Oty's system are Interconnected. The data services provIded shalf meet all the service standards of SectIon 4. 1.2. Installation Services. Installation services consist of coordinating wIth the Oty the necessary engineering, site survey, system configuration and other services necessary to provide City with Data services. These services shall be provided up to the date that the service testlng Is completed based on Hunter's customary testing procedures and the service Is available to the Oty rthe servIce acceptance date"}. In addition, Hunter will provide the equipment (collectively referred to as "ProvIder facilities") necessary to connect City's facilities to the network. 2. Tenns. ThIs Agreement will be effective upon the date executed by Hunter and shall continue for 24 months from the service start-up date, unless sooner terminated or extended as provided In this Agreement. This Agreement shall be subject to quarterly financial reviews, the first of which shall occur three (3) months from the service start-up date. Financial review wlll be completed prior to extensIon of this Agreement. As part of the quarterfy flnandal review, Hunter wIU provIde to City all applicable Information necessary, IncludIng but not limited to: . Oty's Bandwidth Consumption, Service rates, . Provider bandwidth costs, and Provider support costs. City has the option at the time of the final financial review to renegotiate the Agreement pricing and renew for an additional twelve (12) month term. To renew the Agreement for an additional twelve (12) month term, both parties must agree to the extension In wrIting. This Agreement may be renewed for a maxImum of three (3) additIonal twelve (12) month terms. In the event written notice Is not given by either party to renew and/or terminate this Agreement according to the spedficatlons set forth herein, this Agreement shall automatically revert to a month-to-month service agreement basis on the same terms and conditions except for the rate Specified In Section 3 for a maxllT!um of six (6) months. The rate for each extension period shall be the rate In effect, as published by Hunter, at least 45 days prior to termination date. 3. Charges. Hunter agrees to provide an Internet connection service for which City agrees to provide consideration as outlined below and In accordance with the Fee Schedule attached as Exhibit A. and Incorporated herein by this reference. ExhIbit A applies except In contradiction to terms stated In the sections of this Agreement. (Please initial and date selected option.) Option A - 500Mb Initial (2.V- Date ~ll?j,C . $11,000.00 billed monthly. , . Hunter wf1l notify the City when bandwidth utHlzatlon reaches 500Mb per month (servIce wfJI not be capped) to coordinate an addendum to upgrade the City to Option B. Level of Service 5ooMbD.'; Option B - 1000Mb '. $17,000.00 bJlJed monthly. Level of Service 1000Mbos Initial _ Date 3.1. Data Services Rate. From September 3, 2010, City shall pay the rate of the option selected In Section 3 and In Exhibit A for each month of service. Performance Standards do not apply until the service start-up date. If the servlce does not begIn on the first day of a billing cycle, then payments for the first month shall be prorated on a dally basis. All accounts wJlJ be InvoIced on the first day of each month, and all sums shall be paId within 20 days after the date of the monthly billIng for services (the "due date"). Hunter shall Indude detailed usage and pricing on each Invoice submitted to the Oty for payment. 3 / 3.2. Installation Services Charge. City shall pay the Installation charge ("Non-recurring Charge" or "NRCj Specified below for the Installation services provided by Hunter. Total NRC wUl be required on this project prior to commencement and will be billed upon contract signing. Completion by Hunter of onslte InstallatIon of the fiber terminating hardware and acceptance by the City will serve as the servIce start-up date. The City maIntains the right to refuse Installation and servlce If, In the Oty's dJsaet:ion, the service will not meet all standards of Section 4. Hardware and fiber installation: $50,000.00 onetime fee. .. NRC hardware belongs to Hunter. 3.2.1. Unlnterruptible Power S~pply. City shall provIde a form of uninterruptlble power for the fiber termination hardware and any agreed Hunter facilities or equipment at the City's locatlon(s). If the City does not provide an unlnterruptlble power source, Hunter wJlJ provide It for an additional cost, to be set forth In the form of a mutually agreed upon addendum to thIs Agreement. 3.3. Late Paymen\# Deposi~ Electronic Billing. Payments received after the due date may be subjected to a charge of 1 Y2% per month on the unpaid balance at the discretion of Hunter. Hunter may require Oty to pay a deposit In advance of the provision of any service. Hunter shall hold any such deposIt In a non-Interest bearing account and used to satIsfy (In whole or In part) any obligation of City under this agreement. The City agrees to accept all Invoices via electronic mall. If CIty requests paper Involdng; a $5.00 monthly processlng fee wJtl be assessed to City's account. There will be a $25.00 returned check fee. 3.4. Taxes, Fees, Government Charges. City agrees to pay any applicable taxes, franchise fees or other governmental charges imposed upon Hunter Communications by governIng body with jUrisdictional authority over this servIce or for use of public rIght of ways and easements. 3.5. Cost Savings. To encourage Hunter to Innovate and take advantage of new technologies that may be capable of providing cost savings to the City, thIs Agreement and Exhibit A may be changed by mutually agreed upon addendum at any time during the term of thIs Agreement In order to proVide for an allocation of the cost savings between City and Hunter for mutual benefit. 4. Service Requirements and Performance Standards. 4.1. Minimum Requirements. Hunter agrees to provide data servIces and equipment to City that meet the following minImum requirements: (a) Physlcaliy and topologically redundant connections to the Internet, (b) Minimum single link speed of 500 megabIts per second, (c) Packet delay not to exceed.20 ms at 300 megabIts per second network loading per llnk to Hunter's upstream network Interfaces, (d) BGP4 routing management of AFN's Autonomous System Number, (e) Redundant multlmegablt local loop connections, and (f) Routlng equIpment The redundant multfmegablt local loop connections wilt be from local Internet poInt of presence (POP) to the Ashland Headend located at 90 N. Mountain Avenue, Ashland, OR, 97520. 4.2. Perfonnance Standards. Hunter agrees to provIde data services that meet the following standards: (a) Internet bandwidth must be Fully operational 99.95% of the time It Is scheduled to be 50, . (b) Redundant lineS must provide no less than 500 megabits per second speed 99.95% of the time, (c) Internet bandwidth must maIntain packet. delay not to exceed 20 mllUseconds at 300 megabits per .second network loading per link to Hunter's upstream network Interfaces, (d) Hunter shall have a process In place spedfically for City use to process/execute work orders, (e) Hunter shall have expert staff available and accessible vIa the designated tofl.free numbers 99% of the tIme, and (f) Hunter shall follow the Outage Notification and Resolution Protocol In SectIon 6. 5. Hunter Facilities and Equipment. Any Hunter fadlitles and/or eqUI~ment Installed on Oty's premlS~alJ be and remaIn the property of Hunter Initials ~A2 Date $I /I., It" Customer Initials (Z..l- Date f5lr1"/ItJ -, Hunter unless otherwIse stipulated, and may be repaired or replaced at any time and removed at the termination of service, and may be used to supply other customers of Hunter whether or not on the same premises, so long as It does not negatively Impact Performance Standards defined In Subsection 4.2. No rent or other charge shall be made by City on Hunter for pfadng or maIntaIning its fadUtles or equipment upon City's premIses. Hunter shall be entitled, at any time, to affix to Hunter facilities or equipment a label IndIcating the Interest of Hunter. After at least 48 hours' notice, Oty will grant Hunter Communications or cooperate with Hunter CommunIcations in obtaining reasonable access to Qty premises for the Installation, operation, removal, repair and/or maintenance of the fadlltles and equipment for the services hereunder. In the event that City does not provide Hunterwlth the necessary access to remove said equipment and/or facilities after the termination of service upon recelvlng notification as Indicated above, Hunter may assess a fee to City equal to the retail cost of said equipment and/or facilities plus 25%. 5.1. Removal. City will use reasonable efforts to ensure that Hunter facilities and/or equipment are not removed or caused to be removed by any person, other than Hunter or without Hunter's prior written consent 5.2. Proper Environment. Oty shall use reasonable efforts to k.eep the location of Hunter's facilities and/or equIpment In the proper environment as specified by Hunter. 5.3. Damage. City agrees to exercise due care and caution to protect Hunter's facilities and equIpment from the weather, vandaJJsm and other potential problems. City shall be liable for any loss or damage to Hunter's facilities and/or equipment at any 10catJon arising from City's negligence, IntentlonaJ act, unauthorized maintenance or other cause within the reasonable control of City, Its employees or agents. In the event of any loss or damage to Hunter's facilities or equipment for which Oty Is liable, Oty shall reimburse Hunter for the lesser of the reasonable cost of repair or the actual cost of replacement. 6. Outage Notification and Resolution Protocol. 6.1. Degradation of Service Requirements and Performance Standards. Hunter shall notify City withIn three (3) hours of when Hunter knows about any degradation of Its data services. Degradation occurs when Hunter Is providing data services, but those services fall to meet the service requirements and performance standards In Section 4. Failure to resolve the degradation In accordance within the time periods In Subsection 9.3 may result In liquidated damageS, and such continued failure may resuJt In termination pursuant to Section 9. 6.2. Outage. Hunter shall notify City within one (1) hour If Hunter Is unable to proVide data services due to an outage that is not due to a force majeure. Hunter shall restore data services within eIght (8) hours. Failure to restore data services In accordance with this section and Subsection 9.3 shall resuJt In liquIdated damages, and may result In terminatJon pursuant to Section 9. 6.3. Emergency. Hunter shalf notify City Immediately If Hunter Is unable to provide data services due to a force majeure 7. Rights and Obligations of Customer. 7.1. Installation. CIty shall .at Its expense undertake all necessary preparations required to comply with Hunter's Installation and maintenance Instructions. Such preparations Indude obtaining all necessary consents for the InstallatIon and use of Hunter facilities and/or equipment In the building, Including consents for necessary alterations to buildings; ensuring that any noor 10adJng limits will not be exceeded; providing suItable accommodations, foundations and an environment to meet the environmental specifications for Hunter Including all necessary trunklng, conduIts and cable trays; providing suitable electric power and any other utilities needed by Hunter to install, test and or maintain Hunter's fadllties and equipment; providing a ~Itable and safe working environment for Hunter's personneJ, Including an environment safe from environmental hazards; and taking up or removIng, In time to allow Hunter to carry out Installation as scheduled, any fitted or fixed floor coverings, ceiling tiles, suspended celllngs and partition covers. City will provide Hunter with access to all existing conduits, raceways and etc. to be used In cable pathway. Hunter Is not responsible for the condition or fill rate o~ any City provided or existing conduits, raceways and etc. to be used In cabJe pathway; City 4 guarantees that said pathway meets all required fill ,rate capacities and that all components of said pathway comply with NEe (National Electric Code) recommended "bend ratios. n If, during the course of installation, Hunter encounters City provided conduit which Is unusable due to excessive nil rate, bend ratio or condition (crushed, blocked, missIng, etc.) additional material or labor may be required to complete Installation. Additional material or labor needed to complete installation shall require prior authorization by both parties In the form of a signed "OIange Order.n Any changes to the physical Installation lengths, delays caused by adverse soli/rock conditions and/or material requirements, and delays caused by other contractors and/or subcontractors made after notice to proceed wUJ require a written "Change Order" and be considered due upon compJetlon. Each occurrence will be reviewed on an Individual basis, (unless otherwise agreed upon by Contractor and City) and any additional costs Incurred wJII be the responsibility of City. All required changes will be described as 'addJtlonal work' and be blUed accordingly only after written approval has been reviewed and signed by both parties describing material, labor and compensation requirements Contractor shall, after notice from Oty, commence work. At such time, Contractor may designate resources and continue dillgently In the performance of such work.. COntractor shall employ suffident crew, work sufficIent hours and/or shifts so as to complete the requirements within the time frames noted on this contract; If no time frames for completion are provided In this contract, Contractor shall complete all service activation requirements within a reasonable period of time not to exceed 90-days after the estimated start date. Estimated start date: (5) five days or sgoner, after notice to proceed has been given by City, materials have been received and. all preparatory and preiJminary requirements of this proposal have been satisfied, IncludIng the receJpt of aU necessary technicaJ Information from the Oty and any worl<: or construction permJts aSSOCiated with the project. For the purpose of change(s) to the contract, the following rates are to be used unless otherwise agreed In writing: standard hourly labor rate per employee wHl be bJlled at $85.00 per hour. This hourly rate does not provide for any materials. (.Adverse soli/rock condJtlons: Contractor will not be held responsible for the removal of any material or obstructions such as lava rock, large boulders, sandstone, concrete slabs/sIdewalks or any other materials not normally removed by hand trenching or ,by backhoe-bucket attachments). 7.2. Premises Access. Oty shall provide Hunter or other persons authorized by Hunter with access (on both a routine and emergent)' basis) for the Implementation of all servJce acceptance date; Oty will provide Hunter reasonable access to the City preml~s where any Hunter fadlltles or equipment are installed. Hunter shall not be responSible for any faults on the network or any failure to perform the provisions of this agreement to the extent that Hunter, In good faith, reqUires access, and any such faults or failures or the continuation thereof are a result of the fallure of City to provide access to the place at each location where Hunter facllJtles and/or equipment are Installed supporting the failing service or connection. Hunter employees accessing oty fadllties and sites are required to sign access forms and proVide contact Information prior to being granted access. The Oty maintains the right to deny Individuals access to sensitive areas at Its sole dIscretion, and will work with Hunter to make alternate arrangements in such cases. (a) During Implementation, Hunter will normally carry out worl<: required to Install and/or repair Hunter's facllltles and equipment during Its normal working hours but may, on reasonable notice, require access at other times. At CIty's request, Hunter will carry out work. to Install Hunter's fadlltles and equIpment outside Hunter's regular working hours, In which event the City agrees to pay overtime and any other approprlate charges agreed to between the parties. (b) Any out-of-pocket costs, reasonably Incurred by Hunter, as a consequence of the denial of access by Oty (or building owner) to any Oty location shall be paid by City. Hunter shall advise Crty of any such costs on a case-by-case basls.- 7.3. Customer's Connection to Data Services. Upon notice from Hunter that any equJpment or software not provided by Hunter Is causing or Is likely to cause a hazard, Interference, or service obstruct/on to data servJces, Hunter and Oty shall coordinate the elimination of the hazard, Interference, or service obstruction. Hunter Initials Customer Initials e~ ~ Date -P//?,~cJ Date <6/'-H.'<1 (, City will only connect to the network to receIve data services using Industry standard equipment that has compatible standards with the service Specifications set forth In applicable technical publications. Hunter may suspend the provision of data services to any connection 50 affected If service to the Oty would directly and solely cause the cessation of Hunter's network to function. following remedial action by Oty satisfactory to Hunter, Hunter will reinstate data service provided through that connection as soon as possible. City will cooperate with Hunter In setting the InItial configuratIon for Its equipment Interface with the network. Hunter may from time to time issue technical Instructions on the use of the network to ensure the proper functioning of the services or the protection of the network from damage or deterioration. Oty will observe all essential technicallnstructlons. 7.4. System Integrity. Unless otherwise noted hereIn, Oty agrees to cure any violation (other than Failure to pay) of the provisions of this agreement within 30 days notice by Hunter. 7.5. Hunter Equipment Movement. City Is obligated to obtain written approval From Hunter prior to moving any of Hunter's equipment. Moving of equipment without authorization may cause damages and/or an outage. A customer-caused outage, due to the moving of equipment without written authorization, will be the sole responsibiUty of the oty. Costs for repairs perlonned by Hunter technicians as a result of damages due to movement of Hunter equipment shall be borne by the Oty. No deductions to billing will be made For Clty-caused outages. 8. Acceptable Use Policies (AUP). Hunter's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B and Is "Incorporated herein For reFerence. Hunter's AUP Is also posted to the Hunter Communications web site (www.hunterflber.com) and is to be acknowledged and known by the Oty at all reasonable times. Hunter's Acceptable Use Policy applies except In contradiction to terms stated In the sections of this agreement 9. Termination. Either party may terminate this agreement for cause, provided written notice Is given the other party specifying the cause for termination and requestfng correction within 10 days for failure to pay a sum due, or within 30 days for any other cause, and such cause Is'not corrected within the applicable period. Cause Is any material breach of the terms of this agreement, Including the failure to pay any amount when due; the filing of a petition In bankruptcy; Inability to meet financial obligations when due; or failure to provide selVices as detailed In this agreement. In the event of a failure to pay a sum due, Hunter may choose to temporarily deactivate service in /leu of terminating this agreement For service deactivation(s), Hunter must follow all notification guidelines relating to agreement termination set Forth. In the event of a service deactivation, City may have service reactivated by paying all sums due. Hunter may assess a $50.00 service reconnection fee. Hunter will provide additional Information upon request. \ 9.1. Without Cause. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause, provided written notice is given to the other party at least 180 days prior to the proposed termination date. 9.2. Operation Standards of Performance/Liquidated Damages. Spedfic functions and performance described In the Oty's RFP must operate at or above levels spedfied In the RFP; and all functions, whether or not described in the RFP, must operate and perform at or above levels meeting the requirements of this Agreement, and In particular, those of SectIon 4. The Parties acknowledge that operation and support of the solution depend upon cooperation and diligence by the Oty as well as Hunter. In the event of unsatisfactory performance by Hunter in providing operations and support of Internet bandwidth and Hunter's inability to enable the honorlng of the sale of services through no fault of the City, Hunter shall be responsible for the direct payment to the Oty for any liquidated damages as provided In this Agreement. Fault of the City shall Include, without limitation, delays beyond the time allocated or mutually agreed upon between the Parties for the City to provide Information, work input, or approvals necessary for Hunter to proceed. The maximum llablUty of Hunter For liquidated damages and other damages provided for In this Agreement shall not "exceed the amounts set Forth In Subsection 10.9. Hunter shall pay the Oty the following amounts in connection with the following defidencies. When unsatisfactory performance 5 by Hunter affects more than one of the Following deficiencies and where one of the deficiencies Is clearly the cause of the other(s), Hunter shall be liable to pay only the amount of the damage for the defidency resulting In the greatest amount of damages, not to exceed the limits set forth herein. (a) As to noncompliance with standards below, such damages shall accrue from the date(s) that unsatisfactory -performance has occurred and will continue through the resolution of such defidency provided the oty gives written notice of such defidency as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than sixty (60) business days after Hunter's provIsion of Information to the City by whIch the CIty can determine Hunter's compliance/noncompliance with said standards. If the aty gives written notice more than "sixty (60) business days after Hunter's provisIon of such Information, then such damages shall aCOlle from the date of Hunter's receipt of written notice from the oty of noncompliance with said standards; unless the damages are waived In writing by the Oty or excused by force majeure, and not to exceed the limits Indicated In Subsection 10.9. (1) Bandwfdth Availability. Internet bandwidth must be fully operational 99.95% of the time It Is scheduled to be so. Outage periods for maintenance wlJl"not be counted against this performance level If agreed to, in advance, by both parties. If the bandwidth Is nonfunctional or Inaccessible more than 0.5% In any 90-day period, Hunter shall be liable to the Oty for $1500.00 for each quarter of such occurrence. FOr each full or partial one-tenth of a percentage poInt over .5% that the sOlution is nonFunctional or inaccessible, Hunter shall be liable to the Oty For an additional $500.00 for each month, not to exceed the limits indicated in Subsection 10.9. Provided however, Hunter shall have no liab1lJty to the Oty under the provisions of this Paragraph If the solution Is nonfunctional or inaccessible due to a general failure of public telecommunications or other force majeure. (2) Provider Availability. Hunter must: have expert staff available and accessible via the designated toll-free numbers 99% of the time. Hunter must also have staff capable of responding to 90 N. Mountain, Ashland, Oregon, within thirty (30) minutes IF necessary to resolve the problem. If Hunter's staff are Inaccessible more than 1.0% In any month, Hunter shall be liable to the oty for $500.00 that month. For each full or partial one-tenth of a percentage point over 1.0% that the system Is nonFunctional or inacceSSible, Hunter shall be liable to the City for an additional $250.00 for each such fraction of a percentage per month. Hunter 'wllJ prov(de measured results of the occurrence of periods where no staff is available. Damages are not to exceed the limits Indicated in Subsection 10.9. Hunter shall have no lIabllJty to the City under the provisions of this Paragraph If the InaccessJbUlty of the Call Center Webslte is attributable to a general fallure of pubUc telecommunications or other force majeure. (3) Redundancy. Internet bandwidth must have physically and topologically redundant connections to the Internet. Service must provide no less than 500 megabits per second speed 99.95% of the time. If aggregate bandwidth performance drops below 99.95% In any 7-day period, Hunter shall be liable to the Oty For $2000.00 For each occurrence. For each full or partlal one-tenth percentage point over .1% that the solution does not perfonn to this standard, Hunter shall be liable to the Oty for an additional $500.00 for each 7-day period. ProvIded however, Hunter shall have no llablllty to the Qty under the provisions of thIs Paragraph If the solution Is nonfunctional or Inaccessible due to a general failure of public telecommunications or other Force majeure. (4) Response Time. Internet bandwidth must maintain packet delay to not exceed 20 miIHseconds at SOD megabits per second network loading per link to Hunter's upstream network Interfaces. For each hour that the solution exceeds the perfonnance threshold, Hunter shalf be liable to the Oty for $50.00 per hour for each full millisecond over 20 milliseconds, not to exceed an amount of $2000.00. In general, damages are not to exceed the limits Indicated In SubsectIon 10.9. Hunter shall have no liability to the City under the provisions of this Paragraph If the solution is nonfunctional or InaccessIble due to a general Failure of public telecommunications or other force majeure. (5) Provider Response. Oty staff must receive correct, reliable information about the solution In a timely fashion, as well as answers to questions they have regarding any aspect of Its operation as they relate to equipment or any problems caused by the solution to operate Hunter Initials Customer Initials g:~ ru..-- Date S II? j,tt> Date '#/r?'hiJ 'j In accordance with the Agreement using the contact InformatIon and order provided by Hunter. If more than 5% of such calls for assistance remain unresolved for more thari two (2) days, the Oty shall notify Hunter of such event as soon as Is practicable, explain the Specific unresolved complaint, and determine If a violation has occurred for which liquidated damages would be payable. If so, and If within two (2) business days after receipt of such notice, Hunter has failed to satisfactorlly resolve said complaint by taking appropriate action to repair/replace hardware or software, or reasonably assist with dlagnoslng other problems not within the control of Hunter, and to the extent compensation for such damages is not provIded for elsewhere In the Agreement. For each full percentage point over 5%, Hunter shall be liable to the Oty tor an additional $250 per day. Damages are not to exceed the limits indicated In Subsection 10.9. In no event shall Hunter be liable for failure to remedy a problem not within Hunter's control, unless Hunter has not provided reasonable assistance In diagnosing other locallzed problems not within the control of Hunter or provides an Incorrect diagnosis due to negligence on the part of Hunter. (6) Storage of Data. Specific customer data from the Oty's services shall not be saved or utilized by Hunter for any purpose or reason. If data Is saved, shared, or used In violation of this requirement with Hunter's prior knowledge and/or consent, Hunter wJlJ be liable to the Oty for an amount not to exceed the monthly cost of this Agreement Damages are not to exceed the limits Indicated In Subsection 10.9. Hunter shall have no Jlablllty to the Oty under the provisions of this Paragraph for usage of metadata In the administration of the network and bandwidth, as well as If specific data Is required by law, the direct order of a court of law and law enforcement, or other force majeure. (7) Work Order Process. Hunter shall have a specific process In place to process/execute work orders. This process shall account for thorough analysis, design, test, and Implementation any changes. If, through no fault or delay of the City, a signed work order Is not accepted by the Oty as completed within two weeks of Its scheduled completion date, Hunter shall be liable to the City for $1000 per day until the work order is delivered by Hunter and accepted by the City. Hunter shall be Hable to the Oty for an additional $200 for each full or partial day of delay beyond the 15th day of the scheduled change or update. Damages are not to exceed the limits Indicated In Subsection 10.9. (b) Hunter shall provide notice pursuant to Subsection 10.5 of Its performance relative to the standards described In Section 4, as well as all noncompliant performance, upon discovery of such noncompliance. {c} The Parties agree that damages from breach of this Agreement are difficult to prove or _ estimate, and the amount of liquidated damages specified herein represents a reasonable estimation of damages that will be suffered by the Oty from late perlormance, Including costs of additional Inspection and oversIght and lost opportunity for additional efficiencies that would have attended on.time completion of performance. Damages are not to exceed the limits Indicated In Section 10.9. Cd} The rights and remedies granted to Oty under this section constitute Oty's sole and exdusive remedy against Hunter, It's agents, officials and employees for any and all dalms arising under statutory or common law or otherwise. There are no third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. Oty agrees that Hunter shall have no liability for the negligence, products, services or websltes of City; of affiliates; of developers or consultants Identified or referred to Oty by Hunter; or of any other third party, Including but not limited to liability for the content, quality and accuracy of the foregOing which are accessible by use of the system or servlc~ of Hunter. 9.2. Cessation of Service. Hunter may deny Oty access to the network and cease to provide all or part of any services described In this agreement without notice If City: {a} violates any provision of applicable acceptable use policies; (b) engages In any conduct or activity that Hunter, In Its sole discretion, reasonably believes causes a risk that Hunter may be subjected to cMI or crimIna/litigation, charges, or damages; or; (c) would cause Hunter to be denied access or to lose services by one of Hunter's Internet providers. 6 9.3. Cessation of Access. If Hunter ceases to provide or denies Oty access to the network pursuant to tIils section, neither Oty nor any of Its customers shall have any right: (a) to access through Hunter any materials stored on the Internet, {b} to obtain any credits othel'\\llse due to Oty, and such credits shall be forfeited, or; (c) to access third party services, merchandise or Information on the Internet through Hunter. Hunter shall have no responSibility to notify any thlrd.party providers of services, merchandise or Information of any dlstontlnuance of any services pursuant to this section, nor any responsibility for any consequences resulting from lack of such notification. 9.4. Termination Fee. If Hunter terminates this agreement with cause, or If Oty terminates this Agreement without cause, Oty shall pay Hunter a termination fee equal to tf:Ie lesser of: {a} the remaining charges applicable through the end of the scheduled term, or; {b} sIx months charges. 10. Miscellaneous Provisions. 10.1. Indemnification. To the extent legally possible, Hunter shall Indemnify and hold City, Its officers, agents and employees, harmless from and against any and all dalms, actions, liabilities, costs, Indudlng costs of defense, arising out of or In any way related to any act, failure to act, or negligence by Hunter or Its employees, agents, officers and contractors In connection with this Agreement. 10.2. Non-waiver. Waiver by either party of strict performance of any proviSion of this Agreement shall not waive or prejudice the party's right to require strict performance of the same provision or any other provision In the future. No waiver, consent, modification, or change of the terms of this Agreement shall bind either party unless In writing and signed by aU parties. Such walve'r, consent, modification, or change shall be effectIve only In the specific Instance and for the specific purpose given. 10.3. Litigation and Attorneys' Fees. In the event that liquidated damages are not specified for the default that occurs, the City may elect to pursue an action In a court of competent jurisdiction. If any litigation Is commenced between the parties to this Agreement concerning this Agreement, or the rights and duties of either party, the prevaUfng party In that litigation shall be entitled, In addition to any other relief that may be granted In the litigation, to a reasonable sum for that party's attorneys' fees, including attorneys' fees on appeal. The amount of the fees shall be determined by the court In that litigation or in a separate action brought for that purpose. 10.4. Contract Administration. ThIs Agreement shall be administered by the Oty's Information Technology Department, through Its Information Technology Director/aD and by Hunter through the representative listed In Subsection 10.5. Either party may change Its representative by providing the ottier party written notice of the new representative's name and address. 10.5. Notices. Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, any and all notices or other communications required or permitted by this Agreement or by law to be served on or given to a party of this Agreement shall be In writing and shall be deemed duly served and given when personally delivered to the party, any managing employee of the party, or, In /leu of personal service, when deposited In the United States mali, first class postage prepaid, addressed to the appropriate party as follows: CUSTOMER/crTY City of Ashland Attn: IT Dlrector/aO 90 N. Mountain Ave. Ashland, OR 97520 PROVIDER Hunter Communications Attn: Contract Manager 801 Enterprise Drive Central Point, OR 97502 10.6. Amendments and Assignment. No amendment to this Agreement, or assignment of this Agreement will be effective unless It Is In writing and Signed by both parties. 10.7. No Warranties. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Hunter Is providing the servIces and the system (Including but not limited to Hunter fadlltles and/or equipment and any access to the Hunter Initials Customer Initials 4-/L fU.- Date ,pit? ~l> Date <6f11.)tIl (:, network). Hunter agrees, to the extent feasible, that all equIpment provided by Hunter shall function to permit City access to the bandwidth purchased hereunder. Except for the obtrgatlons assumed by Hunter under the terms and conditions of thIs Agreement, Hunter hereby disclaims all other warranties, If any, eIther Implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to any of the system and services provided or to be provided under thIs Agreement, Including but not limIted to warranties of merchantablllty, fitness for a particular purpose, or lack of vIruses. Hunter makes no warranty of title, quiet enjoyment or lack of Infringement with respect to the system or services. 10.8. Force Majeure. NeIther party shall be deemed In violation of this Agreement If It Is prevented from performing any of the obligations under this Agreement by reason of severe weather and storms; earthquakes, fire or other natural occurrences; human caused fire or facUlty damages; strikes or other labor unrest; power failures; nuclear or other dvU or military emergendesi acts of legIslative; judidali executive or adminIstrative authorities; or any other drcumstances which are not withIn Its reasonable control. 10,9 Limitation of Liability. Hunter's totalliabllJty to City under this agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, IncludIng without limitation any lIablUty of Hunter for any damages of any nature whatsoever, Including without limItation direct or actual damages, shall be limited to the direct damages Incurred by City In actual and reasonable reliance on the system or services, which damages shall not, In the aggregate, exceed 100% of the amount havlng actually been paid by City to Hunter In the twelve month perIod ImmedIately preceding the date on which the breach giving rise to the damages occurred. Per occurrence damages are not to exceed the monthly cost of this Agreement 10.10. Governing Law. This Agreement, and all matters relating to this Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oregon In force at the time any need for InterpretatIon of this Agreement or any decision or holdIng concerning thIs Agreement arises. 10.11. Severability. If any provlslon of this Agreement is held by a court, governmental agency, or regulatory body of competent jurisdiction to be either Invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaInIng provISions of this Agreement shall remain In full force and effect unimpaired by the holding. The Invalidity of a section, subsection, paragraph, or dause shall not affect the validity of the remaInIng sectlons, subsections, paragraphs and clauses as long as the parties can legally, commercially and practicably continue wIthout the Invalid provision. 10.12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and any attachments constitute the entire and sole agreement between the City and Hunter. Any agreements or representations respecting Internet selVlce or any related matters dIscussed In this Agreement not expressly set forth or Incorporated Into thIs Agreement are null and void. INTENDING TO BE BOUND, the parties have executed thIs Agreement as of the date written below. Customer/CITY: City of Ashland Name: Robert Uoyd Title: Information Technology Director/GO SIgnature: ~["...0 Date: 'rSkr)11? Hunter Comm~nica : Richard Ryan, I tv Signature: DateO~ f(.J 7 Hunter Initials Customer Initials A!.-e.. rU/ Date j? //7 It D Date 'PII'7"),11 ACC;;;U ~ 06/23/10 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. P t e cert cate 0 er IS an OJ the po ie les must e en orse . B ATI N I W . su Ject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP 10 DB DATE (MM/DDIYYYY) united Risk Solutions, Inc. PO Box 936 Medford OR 97501-0067 Phone.541-245-1111 Fax.541-245-1112 NAME, Dana Brinkley AiC No Exl' 541-494-7713 (AiC.Nol' ADDRESS, dana. brinkley@unitedrisk.com CUSTOMER 10#: HUNT02C INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURERA: National Farmers union 541-245-111 NAlC . INSURED Hunter C~icatians, Xnc. 801 Enterpr1se Dr. Ste. 101 Central P01nt OR 97502 INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER 0 : INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER MMlDDfYYYY MMIOO,vm) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE .1,000,000 f- A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY lRU0658780 06110/09 06/10/10 PREMISES(Ea occurrence) .300,000 I CLAIMS-MADE ~ OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone person) .5,000 f- X PERSONAL & I>DV INJURY .1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE .NA f-- @L AGG~En LIMIT APnS PER: PRODUCTS.COM~OPAGG .2,000,000 X POLICY j~8T LOC . . - n AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT '1,000,000 f-- (Eaaccident) A ~ AtfYAUTO lRU0658780 , 06/10/10 06/20/11 BODILY INJURY (Per person) . ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per aCCident) . f-- SCHEDULED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE f-- . ~ HIRED AUTOS (Per accident) ~ NON-OWNED AUTOS . . A .It.. UMBRELLA LIAB ~ OCCUR lCB0658781 06/20/10 06/20/11 EACH OCCURRENCE .1,000,000 EXCESS L1AB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE '1,000,000 - DEDUCTIBLE . X RETENTION . 10,000 . WCR~ERS COMPENSATION ITORYlIMITS , I~Elt AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETORlPARTNERlEXECUTIVD lA E.L. EACH ACCIDENT . OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE . ~~~~~~J~ ~~~PERATIONS below E.L. DISE..I\SE - POLICY LIMIT . DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES lAttach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, If more spacels required) City of Ashland is Additiona Insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE ASHASO 1 THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELNERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City of Ashland AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 90 N Mountain Ave ~~ '/~/A Ashland OR 97520 I @1988-20Il1lACORDCORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2009/09) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD rA' . CITY RECORDER Page 1/1 CITY OF ASHLAND 20 E MAIN ST. ASHLAND, OR 97520 (541) 488-5300 i:P;:Z::i;i'l:DATE!jJ~.?:>:::{,~~ ilin:-';;:'RO:NUMBER~L4Y 8/18/2010 09756 VENDOR: 000082 HUNTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 801 ENTERPRISE DR STE 101 CENTRAL POINT, OR 97502 SHIP TO: Ashland Fiber Network (541) 488-5354 90 N. MOUNTAIN ASHLAND, OR 97520 FOB Point: Ashland Terms: Net 15 days Req. Del. Date: Speciallnst: Req. No.: Dept.: Contact: Rob Lloyd Confirming? No /i(Quar;i~ ~~ ~~~~~;;1~t~n~HG~i~{t;~;~~~~Lti{ir.Descri~f1bnjZ:'~";~l~'; CL':' "'~,,, ,'<. . . lO"'" """"~'~'~~"""'<' '.~~~." i~";~1:rEx~P.rlc~[fJ']! :. .~, .UmtPnce,:~::; THIS IS A REVISED PURCHASE ORDER Internet Bandwidth Services projected @ 110,000.00 $11,OOO/month per new agreement resulting from RFP completed and approved by the City Council on July 20.2010. Internet Service Agreement Beginning date: September, 2010' Completion date: August 2012 (24 months) Agreement may be extended annually for up to 3 years for a total term of 5 years. Non-recurring equipment to upgrade 50,000.00 infrastructure - one time payment. SUBTOTAL 160000.00 BILL TO: Account Payable TAX 0.00 20 EAST MAIN ST FREIGHT 0.00 541-552-2028 TOTAL 160,000.00 ASHLAND, OR 97520 _.lcc_o_unlLNuml:J_el'i - _P.rOjec~NUmb~ ~1m~moun~ g~ccounf:Nljj1i1);rJ!:S~ ~'~ro~'NumD~ ~Amount_ E 691. 160 000.00 -/ #~ -_~ t//~O Authorized Signature VENDOR COPY A request for a Purchase Order REQUISITION FORM CITY OF ASHLAND Date of Request: ,. Aug I?,2QlO'. I Required Date of Delivery/Service: 1.l1OY lQ~l1 THIS REQUEST IS A: PO o Change Order Vendor Name Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone Number Fax Number, Contact Name Hunter Communications 801 Enterprise Drive Central Point, OR 7502 (541) 772-9282 Rich Ryan SOLICITATION PROCESS Small Procurement o Sole Source 0 Invitation to Bid o Less than $5,000 o Written findings attached (Copies on fiie) o Quotes (Not required) 1ZI Reauest for ProDosal CooDerative Procurement o State of ORN/A contract (Copies on fiie) Intermediate Procurement o Other govemment agency contract 0 SDecial1 ExemDt o (3) Written Quotes 0 Copy of contract attached 0 Written findings attached (Copies attached) 0 Ememencv 0 Contract # 0 Written findings attached Description of SERVICES D Internet Bandwidth Services projected @ $11,000 month per new contract agreement. Term is from September 2010 through the end of June 2011. Item # Quantity Unit Description of MATERIALS Unit Price $50,000 for non-recurring equipment to upgrade infrastructure $50,000 Total Cost $50,000 'Project Number _ _ _ _ _ _ '_ __ D Per attached QUOTE Account Number 691. . Items end services must be charged to the appropriate account numbers for the financia/s to reflect the actual expendftures accurately. By signing this requisition form, / certify that the information provided above meets the City of Ash/and public contracting requirements, and the documentation can be provided upon request. Employee Slgnature~ ~'&::?0~ . , Michael Ainsworth Supervisor/Dept. Head Signature: ~4_~ Rob Lloyd -41~lt() G: FinanceIProcedureIAP\Forms\10 11 PO Req Hunter combo.doc Updated on: 8113/2010