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September 21,2010
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Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street
Mayor Stromberg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m, in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilor Voisin, Navickas, Lemhouse, Jackson, Silbiger and Chapman were present.
Mayor Stromberg announced vacancies on the Planning Commission, Public Arts Commission, Housing
Commission, Conservation Commission and Tree Commission.
He noted the dedication of,the Peace Wall earlier and expressed appreciation of Management Analyst Ann Seltzer
and the volunteers for their efforts. He went on to introduce long time visitors from Seattle Washington.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 7, 20 I 0 were approved as presented.
Fire Chief John Karns introduced staff and Division Chief - Fire Marshal Margueritte Hickman explained Ashland's
theme for Fire Prevention Week was "Smoke Alarms a Sound You Can Live With" that included an essay contest
for 4th Graders based on the theme.
The Mayor's Proclamation of October 3-10, 2010 as National Fire Prevention Week was read aloud.
1. Should Council postpone the public hearing on adoption of amendments to Chapter 18.62, Chapter
15.10 of the Ashland Municipal Code and revisions to tlie FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps?
2. Will Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, authorize a Competitive Sealed Bid (Invitation
to Bid) for an ambulance?
3. Will Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, authorize a Competitive Sealed Proposal
(RFP) for operation of Ashland Fiber Network television services? '
4. Will Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, approve a special procurement contract with
GE Water and Process Technologies for the purchase of new wastewater membrane filters in the
amount of$429,684?
5. Will Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, approve a Contract-Specific Special
Procurement for the direct award (purchase) of evidence rolling rack storage system at the cost of
$11,769 from Spacesaver Specialists, Inc.?
6. Does Council wish to approve a Liquor License Application from Geoff Shaffer dba Boulevard Coffee at
555 Siskiyou Boulevard?
Councilor Voisin requested that Consent Agenda item #4 be pulled for discussion.
Councilor NavickaslLemhouse mls to approve Consent Agenda items #1 through #3, #5 and #6. V oice Vote:
all A YES. Motion passed.
Engineering Services Manager Jim Olson explained the membrane filtration system is in operation during May
September 21, 2010
through November because there is less water flowing in the creeks, During the months of December through April,
the water level and flow are at an adequate level that membrane filters are not necessary. Membranes tend to have a
life expectancy of 10 years but deterioration in some membranes prompted replacement at year 8. Budgct
constraints prevent staff from purchasing back-up membranes at this time.
City Administrator Martha Bennett added the purchase was less than projected and the extra $105,000 will go to the
Wastewater Fund. '
Councilor V oisinlNavickas m1s to approve Consent Agenda item #4. V oice Vote: all A YES. Motion passed.
Linda Richards/20ll NW 53"' Street #69, Corvallis, ORlExplained she was the Ashland/Corvallis representative
for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Vigil. She shared her background and rcsults from a survey of Corvallis middIe and
high school students that revealed less than 20% understood the United States dropped the atomic bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. She attended the official commemorations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and met
Hiroshima City Mayor Akiba who encouraged Oregon residents to use the US Conference Resolution to create more
Mayors for Peace. Currently there were 4,144 members with three fourths of world land mass designated as nuclear
weapons free zones. She noted the www.mavorsforoeace.ore website for those who wanted to learn how to support
the Year 2020 Campaign. Mayor Akiba asked US citizens to press for the US Senate confIrmation of the Strategic
Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. She shared experiences
with survivors of the bombings who invited Americans to move forward with them to create a world free of nuclear
1. Will Council provide direction to staff on the request received from the Elk's Oub to close East Main
Street for two hours on October 10, 2010?
Management Analyst Ann Seltzer explained the Elks would be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Elks Lodge
building and had submitted a special permit application to close East Main between First and Second Street for two
hours Sunday October 10, 2010.
Pete Belcastro, an Ashland Elks Club member added local businesses were notified of the closure via letter and were
supportive. Councilor Silbiger disclosed hc was a member of the Ashland Elks Lodge. ,
Councilor Lemhouse/Navickas m1s to approve request of the Elks Oub. DISCUSSION: Councilor Lemhousc
noted the Elks Club long time presence in Ashland and supported closing the street for their celebration. Councilor,
Navickas complimented the building's edifice and added the Elks deserved this opportunity. Roll Call Vote:
Councilor Voisin, Navickas, Lemhouse, Jackson, Silbiger and Chapman, YES. Motion passed.
2. Does Council have questions about tax increment fmancing as an option that will be studied to
implement the Council's goals of addressing infrastructure financing and economic development?
Community Development Director Bill Molnar explained the Council Goal under the Economy section included
implementing a strategy to fund infrastnicture. Urban renewal is a tool that Oregon has used for several decades to
facilitate economic development. He introduced Dan Thorndyke, former Medford Urban Renewal Agency (MURA)
Board member and Don Burt, the Planning Manager of Central Point and former directOr of MURA.
Mr. Burt and Mr. Thorndyke provided an Urban Renewal Introduction presentation that included:
. Urban Renewal is a Tool that can be used to attain state goals
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. Urban renewal Statutory Provisions and General Overview
. Authorization ORS 457 - Urban Renewal
. Blight
I. UnfitlUnsafe Structures
2. Faulty Plamring Resulting in Economic Deterioration
3. Poor Platting
4. Inadequate Infrastructure
5, Property Value Depreciation
6. Underutilized Property
7. Flooding .
. Urban renewal District Limitations (for cities under 50,000 population)
I. District(s) limited to 25% of the City's Assessed Value at Time of Creation
2. District(s) limited to 25% of the City's Land Area at Time of Creation
It was explained that urban renewal districts do not have to be continuous. Each district is its own profit center, and
revenue cannot be transferred from one district to another. Urban Renewal Districts require a feasibility study to
determine whether the intention can be cxecuted without taking from another district.
Enterprise Zones do not require a business to pay taxes for 5 years where urban renewal would receive a tax benefit
but forgo taxes for five years. Urban renewal works when there is a large capital investment upfront that affects
multiple properties. Enterprise Zones buy down the cost of developing a business but the property will not leverage
sufficient resources to put in a large investment in infrastructure that affects an entire area.
. Urban Renewal Components - Urban Renewal Plan
o Projects
o Urban Renewal Area
o Local Goals 7 Objectives
o Proposed land Uses
o Relocation Policy
o Property Acquisition
o Maximum Indebtedness
When the District is defined, the assessed value is frozen at that time. Council could act as the Urban Renewal
. Urban Renewal Components - Urban Renewal Report
o Existing Conditions
o Justification for Urban Renewal Area
o Project Justification, Costs, Timing
o Maximum Indebtedness and Financial Timing
o Financial Feasibility Analysis and Impact Report
o Relocation Report
. Initial Feasibility Study (Urban Renewal Report)
I. Determination of Blight
2, Financial Feasibility
3. Tax Impacts on Overlapping Districts
Staff explained there has to be a gap between real market value and assessed value. With commercial and industrial
commerce, using urban renewal may not be accurate because they are assessed differently from residential
properties. For urban renewal, public infrastructure must encourage private development. Urban renewal directs
development to create conditions in a specific area as opposed to where the free market would occur and does not
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subsidize private enterprise.
Mr. Thomdyke added the trade off when creating an Urban Renewal District within the City was the revenues
generated could only be spent within that area.
. Typical Project
I. Property Acquisition
2. Design & Construction of Public Infrastructure
3. Sell or Lease PropertylRedevelopment
4. Administrative Costs
. Basic Tax Increment Mechanics - Urban Renewal District - Key Terms
o Tax Increment Revenue (TIR)
o Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
o Maximum Indebtedness (M!)
. Tax Increment Revenue (TIR)
o Base Assessed Value
o Incremental Assessed Value
Mr. Burt clarified tax increment financing was based on the same principals that apply to individuals, money cannot
be borrowed without a designated income stream.'
. lax Increment Revenue Calculation: (incremental Valuellooo)*Consolidated Rate- Tax Increment
Revenue (TIR)
. Projected Growth in Assessed Value Chart
. Projected Growth in Tax Increment Revenue
. Uses of Tax Increment Revenue: Payment of principal and interest on indebtedness incurred in
carrying out an urban renewal plan (ORS 457.440)
. Tax Increment Revenue Flow: Tax Increment Revenue - IndebtednesslTIR Bonds (principal &
interest) - Projects & Activities
. Maximum Indebtedness Calculation ORS 457.190(4)(b): Function of Assessed Value of Urban
Renewal District i.e. ($50,000,000 + 50% of A V over $50,000,000)
. Financial Feasibility
. Maximum Indebtedness Balance
. Urban Renewal Plan Duration 10, 20, 25 Years?
. Fiscal Impact - Urban Renewal District
Money used in urban renewal cannot be used to payoff debt in another area not related to that specific urban
renewal district. State law allows cities to set up urban renewal districts, school districts and counties cannot. Both
are consulted on the district but do not have to agree. If the City amends the plan, they will need their agreement.
Staff clarified the feasibility study would look at the Croman Mill Site, Rail Road District and downtown area, types
,of projects and research all funding sources in addition to tax increment fmancing.
Council was supportive noting the need to create circumstances to encourage private development in the community
and review public infrastructure to fill commercial vacancies. Urban renewal was a tool that could improve public
environment and add amenities. Combining enterprise zones with urban renewal zones was suggested. Concerns
included the increased amount of commercial vacancies, researching other alternatives for fInancing infrastructure
and the costs associated with the feasibility study that would most likely produce very little new information.
Staff clarified this was aD opportunity to determine if urban renewal was an appropriate tool for Ashland and not an
endorsement. The Feasibility Study would focus on the Croman Mill Site, the Rail Road district and the downtown
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area and cost $30,000-$35,000 of funds already budgeted.
Councilor LemhouselNavickas mls to direct staff to continue with feasibility study in regards to Urban
Renewal and other taxing districts. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Navickas, Silbiger, Jackson and Lemhouse,
YES; Councilor Voisin and Chapman, NO. Motion passed 4-2.
3. Does Council agree with the timing and plan to conduct the National Citizen Survey (NCS) in Ashland as
part of using performance measures and improving communications with citizens?
Management Analyst Ann Seltzer provided background and explained why staff recommended using the National
Citizen Survey (NCS). Survey results would benchmark service ratings, identify opportunities to increase civic
involvement, track and evaluate perfonnance measures and monitor trends in resident opinions. NCS questions
centered on eight areas that align with Council Values and will enable staff to compare results with more than 500
jurisdictions from around the country. It was a standardized survey and more cost effective than contracting with a
different provider. The cost was approximately $15,600 and included the base survey, comparisons to previous
Ashland survey results, customer benchmark comparisons, demographic cross tabs within the community, one open-
ended question and a web survey that was not a scientific sample open to the entire community. The results were
usually a 35%-45% return rate and staff anticipated survey results early April 2011.
Ms. Seltzer confirmed prior surveys were from different companies and that NCS reviewed that data and was
confident there was enough information to compare and continue the trend from earlier surveys. The survey will be
mailed to randomly selected households. Some questions could be removed if they did not apply to Ashland and
there were a few free questions. Staff contacted other cities regarding NCS and noted Corvallis uses the NCS
survey results every two years to base their entire budget process on performance measure budgeting and spoke
highly ofNCS.
Councilor JacksonlLemhouse mls to authorize staff to proceed with the National Citizens Survey.
DISCUSSION: Councilor Jackson thought the survey was important for performance based budgeting. Councilor
Lemhouse noted the last survey was done 7 years ago and it was worth doing to understand how the City was
performing and what citizen's values were in terms of funding. Staff confirmed the funds for the survey were
already in the budget. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Voisin, Lemhouse, Jackson, Navickas and Silbiger, YES;
Councilor Chapman, NO. Motion passed 5-1.
1. Will Council approve First Reading of an ordinance titled, "An Ordinance Relating to Noise and Heat
Pumps or Mechanical Devices and Amending AMC 9.08.170, 9.08.175, and 15.04.185" and move the
ordinance on to Second Reading?
Acting City Attorney Megan Thornton explained the ordinance would clearly define heat pump standards, move
provisions from Chapter 15 in the Building Code to Chapter 9 Noise, eliminate portions in Chapter 15 and
consolidate them in Chapter 9.
Staff confirmed that Street SweePers were not allowed to run before certain hours without a waiver from the
Council. Ms. Thornton clarified the standards had not changed and was still based on the Reasonable Person
Council and staff discussed that permits could be revoked if an individual did not abide by the permit rules and that
motorized skateboards would fall under the general catch all provision in Section B and possibly under the Vehicle
Code section. Concern was expressed the ordinance seemed subjective towards musical instruments.
Councilor Voisin/Chapman mls to approve first reading of ordinance and place on agenda for second
reading. Roll Call Vote: Councilor Silbiger, Voisin, Chapman, Lemhouse, Jackson and Navickas, YES.
Motion passed.
September 21, 2010
, .
1. Housing Commission
Councilor Lemhouse spoke regarding the dedication of the Peace Wall to the City. The Utility Box Beautification
Project was progressing well and there was discussion on establishing murals and other projects.
2. Transportation Commission
Councilor Chapman noted concern from the Transportation Commission and bike community regarding unsafe
passing. Grants Pass adopted an ordinance in 2006 prohibiting cars from passing closer than three feet to a bicyclist
or pedestrian, and bicyclists passing pedestrians within 3 feet and described State laws 81 1.065 Unsafe passing
of person operating bicycle and 811.410 Unsafe passing on left. He was not ready to pursue an ordinance
addressing safe distances but if one was adopted it could not conflict with State law, and should educate the public
on what a safe distance is with informational warnings issued instead of tickets.
3. Housing Commission
Councilor Navickas explained the Housing Commission was interested in focusing on the homeless situation and
wanted direction from Council. He suggested a Study Session to direct the Housing Commission to move forward
on something within their parameter.
City Administrator Martha Bennett commented there was a Joint Study Session with Community Development
Department on prioritizing issues that might work for a discussion on the Housing Commission and homelessness.
4. Tree Commission '
Councilor Jackson announced October was Tree of Year month and encouraged people to vote. Five trees were
nominated and the ballot was on the City website under the Tree Commission.
5. Parks and Recreation Commission
Councilor Jackson noted a recent Study Session regarding dogs in parks that produced a tremendous amount of
interest. Dog owners want to take their dogs into parks on leashes and there was considerable backlash from the
6. Ashland Emergency Food Bank
Councilor Jackson explained the Food Bank was a volunteer organization that has provided food to the needy in
Ashland and Talent since 1976. The demand for food has increased 5%-10% annually since 2007 and the Food
Bank was undergoing strategic planning to formalize the organization. She concluded the Ashland Food Project has
been successful for a year and generates a 1/3 of food nceded for the food bank.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:46 p,m,
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder