HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-134 Agrmt - US WestAgreement Number Oiling NUml~ U 8 WFJT COMMUNIP..,ATION~ DII~I'AI. ~ql'CHED RAll ~ABILITY PLAN AGREEMENT Tllililaeen4oeAgmemem~tween ~./TV ,~/:::: A.~/*//..~b . ('CL~M~'), WEST C~:)MU~ICATION$, INC. ('U,~W~"), lot the provision of U 8 ~NEST COMMUNICAT)ON8 This Agreemare perlal~ to use of the dlgtfal DS~ faoility and common equipmen~ or~y. Flat usage Irunks for Imoe~eing the Ioeal exche~tge and tol~ mehvor~ are ~uppIted out of ~ I~gitaJ ,~dlch~l S~lvlce Tariff, I:,rlee U~ or Catalog. USWG provides ~ewl¢.e In a~ordance wtth the applicable Tariff, Price Ual, or Catalog ('1'&riff') for the state In which 8erv~ce Is provl(led, Incorpmated herein by It~ reference, U~Rq~ agrees to fumlsh ~"vlee between the fOIlOW-~ localtorre. Cu~tomer'~ U~WC'a USWC will tem~inate Sewice at lhe USWC Stanclarcl Network Interface (SNI) at CUGTOMER premises. The 8NI is that location wh~e USWC's protected n~work facilities and service end and CUSTOMER's ~ wire or nelw,~k begins. The term og this Agreement shall ,~ommence on the leteel algr~.u~ date in the execution section This Agreement will terrainlie .~t x~'~ ( (,,0 ) ~)rtttm from a. The first Inetallation date of ~ervice (on evidenced I:)y UgWG's records), ff ,~ervioe h new; or b. F? 8hould USWC conUnue to !xovlde ~ervice after this term without a further agreemere, the Service charges will conveal to the &ppficaMe month-to-month rM® under the terms and conditions of the applicable Tariff; or, In Ira abeence, this Agreement. CHARO~. CUST~ER agrees to pay the following charges for Service: Total MontNy Recurring Charge $ ~"/~) c~_p_. Accelerated In.lalatton Charge Applicable taxes ~hall be a(lded to the above charges. Charges shall commence upon provision of Sewice as evldenctKI by USWC raceeels and ~all be guaranteed for the tom1 of this AgreemeN. TM charges for ~wvlces under Ihis Agreement, Including any ~nd M discounts to which CUSTOMER may be entitled, will be offered and charged to CUSTOMER Indepel~entty from and regardless of the CUSTOMER's purchase of any customer promises equipment or enhanced services from U~4C. Ol.Ot44e OON~EOULq~mAL, INDIREOT, OR SPECIAL DAMAOLC~ OF ANY KIND, INCL~ OUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY ~ OF USE, LO~S OF OU81NIE88, OF! ~ OF PROFTT. 11. UIMTATION OF LIABIUTY. USWC 8HALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CU~~ FOR ANY INCIDENTN. INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND INCLUDII~I i~UT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LO~8 OF US~ LOe~ OF BU91NES$, OR ~ OF PROFIT, ~ A~ I:)FIO~ IN eECTION 10. ANY USWC LIABILITY TO CUSTOMER FOR ANY OAMAGE8 OF ANY KIND UNDER THIS A(;II:~EMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED, IN AMOUNT, A SUM EQUIV~ _FNT TO OUT-OF-SERVICE CREDIT UNDER THI9 AGREEMENT. REMEDIES UNDER Tfl!8 A(~IEEMENT ARE EXOLUSlVE AND LIMITED TO THO~E EXPRESSLY DESCRIBED IN THIS AQREEMENT, NO WARIqANTIE~. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRE~ OR IMPLIED, INGLL~)ING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRAHTIE8 OF MERC~IANTABILITY AND FITNE~ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPO6E. UNCONTROLLABLE CONDITIONS. Neither pa~y shall be cM4rned b~ violatiOn Of ~i8 Agreement if it is prevented from performing any o~ lhe Obtigltlons hereunder by mam)n of ~evem weather ~ Monna; elllt~lUekee o~ other natural oc~,urmr~es: Mrlkes 04' other labor unrest: power/allurer,: nuclear or other civil or mll/tary emergencies: am of leglsMtive, judicial. executive or administrative aulhoriiles; or any ofher circun~tan~ whic~ am not within its Ml~onable control, 14. [XSPUTE RE~:)LUTION. Olher than those claims over which a reg~d~o~y agency has exclu~ive juan, all claim, a, regaMlas~ of legal theory, mlate<l directly or indirectly to this Agreement, whenever broughl and whether hotween the parties or between one of the parties to this Agreement ~ Ihe igent~ or atflllateO I)~minesses of the other party, M~ell be re~31ved by arMration. A aingle .-,~tmtor en(~aOed In the I~ Of law ~ ~ elx)u~ te;e~ommmlcafJorm law sMII Gonduof the arbitmUon In 8ccoTdsnce with the then current rule~ of the American A~itretion Ammoiatk)n expedited pmcadurea pre~cribad by the AAA rd~11 apply. There shell be no dlKoveqf other than the excrmnge of tnfonnatio~ wNch 19 provided to the arbltretor by ~e par~les. The ad3tlrato~s dectslen shall be flmll and binding and jtxloment may be entered )n eny ~oud haytrig jurisd~ion 1hereof. Other than the determinerich of those claims over which a regulatory eOency ha~ exclueive jurisdiction, federal law (incJucling the proviZohs of the Fedenll Arbitralion ACt, 9 U.S.C. 8eoltorls 1-15) govern and control wfth mM:)ect to any issue relating to the validity of this A~eement to s~l)itm~e the arl~trebllity ol the ctakn~. tf arty party files a judicial or administrative action asserting claims subject to arbitration, and another party succesafuliy stays such action and/or compels arbitration of such clalme, the party filing the action shall pay the other perry's ccals and expenses incurred in seeldng such stay or compelling e~lratio~, Including reaeoneble attorney's feel. 15. LAWFULNESt. This ~nt and the I:~'ties' actior~ under this Agreement sh~ll comply with al:~)lV, able fedreal, state, and local laws, ndes, mgutatlorle, Court orders, and governmental agantT Orders. Service under this Agreement shall ordy be effective when mandatory rngulato~y filing requirements are met, if al~lk;able. Thi~ Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state where Service is provkJed. 16. ~"VERA~ILITY. In the overIt that a court or 8 goYemmental or m~llatory age~oy, ~ proper jurisdiction riMermines that this Agreement or a provision 0t this Agreement is unlawful, this Agreement, or that provision of the Agreement to the extent it is unlawful, shell terminste. If a prov~on o( this Agreement is temfinated but the parties can legally, commemlally and pra~lcably continue wtthouI the terminated provfslon. It~ remainder of this Agreement shah (x)nUnue in effect. 17. QENERAL PROVISIONS. a. Failure or delay by either party to exercise arty right, power, or privilege hereunder, will not operato & waiver hereto. b. 'This Agreement will not be assignable by CUSTOMER without the express wfitlen consent of USWC. c. This Agreement benefits CUSTOMER and USWC. Them are no thl~ party beneficiaries. JMy 17, 1~ ~ 01-0144C d. Thl~ Agreement cormlltute~ the entire un~e~tanc~ng trotween CUSTO!VlEI~ and USVV~ with reqxml to 8errlee provlcled herein and 8ui~..cd~ any prk~' agr. e..ent~ or uncbmtandinge. OUSTOMEFI u 8 WEST i:~:~ld¢.lldOAT .~fONS, IAIO. 01.0144o November 19, 1997 Jill Turner Director of Finance City of Ashland 20 E. Main AshlancL OR 97520 I ant returning your copies of the rate stabilization agreement for your service installation. You will want to keep this for your records. I am working on some changes that will vastly improve my accessibility to you, by the first of the year. I know that you expect the best and that is what my goal is. I appreciate your business very much. Please call me ff you have any questions. Have a great Thanksgiving! Sincerely, (Ag~ount Manager T2800-965-5664 Authoeed a~en, ~ 11J~,'~fE, S'F60MMUNICA TIONS (~) Vancouver, WA 98682 Office (360) 896-6078 Facsimile (360) 896-6923 11701 N.E. 95th Street, Suite E Direct (800) 925-WANS (9267)