HomeMy WebLinkAbout1051 Creating Planning Commission Repeals 927 In,',."""ItP' I~ "~~j \' '.'-. , r ~ , -i I ',' 'r''':''.....>A.'-.;,t,'':"' . "".4. ..' ORCINAl'ICE NO. l051 ~ An Ordinance creating a City Planning Commission providing for the appointment of its members, who shall serve without compensation; fix- in~ their term of office; establishing rules an~ regulations and outlin- ing powers and duties of the Commission; repealing Ordinance No. 927; and declaring an emergency; THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ASHLAK[; [;0 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: See tion 1. That there shall be estabiished in the City of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, a commission of ten (10) members, to be known as the "Ci ty Plar,ning Commission", which shall consist of the Mayor, the ci ty Attorney,_ the Cfty Ene;ineer, Ex-officio, and of seven other members who ~. ~ are resi(:~nts of Ashland to be appointed by.the Mayor. At the"first ; meAting of the City Planning Commission, the seven (7) appointed mem- bers shall choose their term of office by lot as follows: One (1) for one (1) year; two (2) for two (2) years; two (2) for three (3) years; and two (2) for four (4) ye'ars, .nd sh'all immediately thereafter notify the r,~ayor and Ci ty Council' in wri tingofs'uc'h':'~llotment. > Their successors " shell hold office,for four (4) years.'Anyvacancy shall be filled by the . , Mayor for the unexpired portion of the term. , . , -" .., . sec,tion'2. .;. ~ ., , - Th8 C i ~y Planning: Commission. ~ t,i ts 'first meeting, ,sha 11 ,eJec ta . ,. -' ~. . . .. ~ ..' . ,C , ;:>resident and vice:-presi'dent, who' shall be members appointed by ,the Meyor, .. ,. . .".. , , ." , . and who sh all. hold. offfceduring', the' plea sure of the Corumi ssicl}~~,.D,:" .' .:.1 , .' ' . '. . "SEicticn 3. Members of the Ci ty Planning- Commission shall receive ..no sompensation. The (;i ty Pl!l-nning COmllllSsi6ri 'she.ll' elect a: secretary who need pet ,be .13 mem- ~ ,," ber of' the Commission.,2,'iSuchsecretary:"shall 'keep an aCCllr!l.te record. of all . . ,. . ,. '._ .' ;.. '~, ',J_ .,', proceedings ,of the said 'Commlssion and". the. Commission shall on the first dey of October of each year make and; filii' a' report of all transactions of the . .. ~ Commission with the City Council. ;, . Section .~. ,." , ,. . C'""" Five members of the City Planning Commission shall constitute 8. qCloruffi; provided, however, that at least four members appo~nted, b,y the Mayor shall at all times constitute a part of such quorum. The City Planning Commission may'mske and elter'rules and regulations for its government and procedure consistent with the laws of the state of Orel3cn and wi th the "City Cherter "and Ordinances, and shell meet '", ". l~, 7,... a t lea s t once every sixty (60) days.' The Ci ty Planning Commi ssion shall have the, pow(';r ..and autho.ri ty.to'employ consulting advice on municipal zoning and planning problems, and its members shall be en- titled to reimbursement for any expenses incurred by trem, but all VOllchers shell be epproved by tpe commission and shall be paid through the Hecorder's Office, by authority of the Council, the same as regu- i lur city expenditures. No expenditures shall be undertaken however~ wi thou t first securing a commitment for funds therefor from the Ci ty Council. ~f '- <<,'" 7--rr,--;;.~ "8 ;":"" t :), i ~!' , , ," . 1 ". ,,-"-....."~ ~, .....,';"..':~:..:' ,-'C";;"."~;';;;;'--.::;:;"""''''.' "'. ., _ ,.-., ':'i'~'-""><" . . .{" ,<;t. '1 Section 5. It shall be the duty of the City Planning Commission, and they , ' shall have power, except as otherwise provided by law, to recommend and make suggestions to the City Council concerning the laying out, widening, extending, parking and locating of streets, sidewalks, and boulevards, the relief oftraffia congestion, the betterment of , ' , housinG and sanitation conditions and the establishment of zones of districts limiting the use, height, area and bulk of buildings and struct,lres; to recommend to the City Council and all other public authorities plans for the regulation of the future growth, develop- ment and beautification of themunicipelity in respect to its public and private building and works, streets, parks, grounds,and vacant lots, and plans consistent with the future growth and development of the City, Section 6. I I i I , All maps, plats and replats of land laid out in building~ lots, and the streets, elleys! or othe~ portions of the same in- tended to be dedicated for pUblic use or for the Use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacen~ thereto and loceted within the city limits, ~nd ali plansur plats for vacating or lay- ing out, widening, extending, parking and locating streets or Dlans . I ,. , for public buildings may first be submitted to ,the City Planping Commission by the City Council, and,'a repor,t"thereon from the Com- mission secured in writing as !'l recommendation, to the Council. Sec tion 7. , , , " Copies of all Ordinances for 'the. establishment of the bound- aries of any zones or district provided by,~ection 5, and all Ordi- nances regulating or limiting the use, height, area, bulk and con- struction of buildings to be submitted to the Council' shall, before the same are presented to the'Council, be first subm;tted by the City Attorney to the City Planning Commission for recommendation, and said COIT@ission shall make its reco~llendation thereon in writ- ing to the Council, provided the t theC ity Planning Commission sha 11 ' , , first hold a pUblic hearing at. such time and -rlaceas may be directed by the Council, and make a careful and appropriate,investigation thereon. Section 8; The City Planning Commission maY,make recommendations to any person, co-partnership, corporation or pUblic authority with refer- ence to the location of buildings, structures or works to be erected, constructed or altered by or for such person, co-partnership, corpora- tion or public authority; provided, however, such recommendation shall not have the force or effect of a law or Ordinance except when so prescribed by the laws of the State of Oregon or by City Ordinance. Any person, co-partnership or public authority having charge of the construction, piecing or designing of buildings or other structures and improvements, or ohjects of art, may call upon the City planning Com- miss~on for a report thereon. \",J .'" c',',' ,. il '.,' !I 'J' t" " I ! ii ,I II W ]' "I .~ ,~ I 'i' . j . " , ~ ~ .~ !' II '!l I ~ ~I ~ '~. f I ~ 11 1.'- I:.: ;. .~ ,,_" ,.,' .'_" ,','1,- ...,._<....~"'~. ," ....,;" "". ~...""""":"F:-'.,,, ;H , section 9. The city Planning Commission may receive gifts, bequests or devises of property to carry out any of the purposes of this Crdinance, which shall be placed in a special fund by the Recorder for the use '--~ of said Planning Commission; Section 10. That Ordinance No. 927 be, and the same is hereby repealed. See tion 11. That inasmuch as this ordinance should be in full force and effect immedintely, in order thatthepo\'{ers of said Planning Com- mission shnll be defined, it is deemed necessary for the peace, health, and safety of the citizens of the City of Ashland that an emergency be, and the same is hereby declared to exist, "and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage by the council and approval by the Ma yor. The foregoing ordinance was duly,passed "at a regular meeting of I. the Common Council held on the 21st day of "August, 1945, under a sus- pension of the rules, the vote being as.follows: Ayes; 4 o ,'; Nays; Approved this 21st day of August, 1915, 7J! (n~^ ~. Mayor L C //dz.A/[ 1 '1'0 all of "hich :: hereby certify: Q :Ja&!a.~j .(/,. Recorder . ~. > . ," ,-'c' " .: " ' RESOLUTION ", " I I ! I Authorizing the ~Iaybr and Recorder, to ,.execute, for and on behalf of the City' of Ashland, 'a certain Street or Highway Agreement dated ~he 27th day of. November, 1945, between the Southern Pacific Company, a cor90ration of Kentucky, and the city of Ashland, which agreement covers' the use for' street purposes of certain Southern Pacific Company property located at the corner of Spring and Water Streets in the City of Ashland, ,Jackson County, Oregon. .' WHEREAS, the City of Ashland has petitioned the Southern Pacific Company for the right to use, for street purposes, a certain small tract of land located at the corner of Spring and Water Streets in the City of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, which tract of land .is des~ribed as follows: That portion of the land descrihed in deed . dated September T6~1910;fromC."C.Hicks, e"t ai, to Oregon and California Railroad Company, recorded October 17, 1910, in Book 83 of Deeds, page 392, Records of Jackson County, described as follows: I i" i I '---"' Beginning at the point of intersection of the southerly line of spring Street with the easterly line of Water Street in said Ci ty d: Ashl~1nd, said point being in the westerly 16ne of land described in said deed; thence North 23 43' East, along said westerly line, 16.00 feet, more or less, to the most northerly corner of land described in said deed; I I. I, .... 'J: i.' V:if'", ":) " _,"!C:<' ,,(,.iI;' """ ','.., ,~~.,,...;:..-,,,_; ,~~"..~"~' "..., ': '" - .,- . o ' . thence South 64 50' East, along the northeasterly line of lOGd described in said deed, 77.40 feet to the most easterly corner of land described in said deed; thence South 220 59' West, along the easterly line of land described in said deed, 16.00 feet, more or less, to a point in said southerly line of SprinG Street; thence North 640 50' West along said southerly line of Spring Street, 37;60 feet; thence ~esterly, along a curve to the left (tangent of said curve at its point of beginning is last described cou"~;e), having a radius of 39.00 feet and central angle of 91027' (chord of said curve bears South 69 26' 30" West 55,85 feet) an arc distance of 62.25 feet to a point !n said easterly line of Water Street; thence North 230 43' 'East, along said line of Water Street, also the westerly line of land described in soie deee, a distance of 40.00 feet to the point of begi~ning, containing an area of 1586 square feet, more or less, as shown outlined in red on print of Shasta Division Drawing 8395, Sheet No.1. Bevised July, 1945, hereto attached and made a ~art hereof. and ';nf'EnF~AS, said Southern Pacific C,ompany has presented to the !,'ayor and Common Council of the City of Ashland a street or Highwoy Agreement, dated November 27, 1945, relative to the use of said tract of land, under which certain conditions cne restrictions 8re imposed upon the City'Of Ashland in connection with its use, both during and aft~rthe period of. construction; and 'f,})"REAS, the ~:ayor and Common Council, have duly read said street or Highway Agreem~nt p~rtaining'to said troct of lend, and the seme is deemed satisfactory: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY , RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Ashland: 1': ThE, t the Mayor and City Recorder are' hereby J authorized to execute, for and on behalf of the City of 'i '_."' '. .. Ash18nd, that certain Street or Highway Agreement 'dated November 27, 1945, in which the Southern Pacific Company, a corporation of the State of Kentupky, is designated as the First Party, and the City of Ashlan~, a municipal cor- poration of the State of Oregon~ is designated a~ the Second Porty, and which agreement covers the use for street purposes of that certain tract of land herelnabdve described. The foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at a Specii'd Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council,. held on the 27th day of November, 1945, the.vote being as fo11cws: Ayes; 5 Nays: 0 APPROVED: November 27, 1945. . 'O#-~ () . J I jl . ,!,~:;~1~(jv1 -<], UV/Gc!_. To all of which I hereby certify. :?~~ - ..~. ,''".i'." .';.._0,.... (: 1 \,-.J , \ ! I '...~-,) _.J 'J 'I II J II t~1 1 i tJ II ~~ ': i: