HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-191 Conservation Agrmt - Bacon A. BORROWER(S): :Tt:NAJ,'F€iL B IICO,", ADDRESS: I:,oz ~4;ll...v;l:-W 8, ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES TO BE INSTAllED I... ...,~ 8 '*ow): look: Ar- t'u''''f C, AMOUNT BORROWED (He.-.v.. C '*ow): . 7 \O~ 2, AMOUNT OF MONTHLY INSTALLMENT PAYMENT II" "..2 below): . Il..j CITY OF ASHLAND . CONSERVATION DIVISION CONSERVATION SERVICE CHARGE FINANCING fIAOGRAM AGREEMENT Energy conlerv8l1on servtce charge nnlnet"" ...menl dlled ILl L 17 a I u City of Ashl8nd ICily) and /he Ibove-named Bono_arl'), be'-n lhe Recltll.: A, City has conclucled an energy anaIysl. of Borro\\oer'. r..ldence Ioclled 8l/he addrn. d..ctlbed above In Box A ("!he re.Iclenc:aO). B, The City hn recommended certain energy laving m.nures delCribed Ibove In Box B. C, Borrower hal or wtIlln.laII/he energy CDnurv.uon m....... .nd de...... 10 borrow from /he City /he llllount .peclflecllbove In Box C tor lhe purJlClM of purchasing Ind ",.1IIIIng .uph meesures. City IIld EIorro_ ... II follows: " R_unlaiJan of 0wMnhIn Ind 0eeu1lMeOl of R..IdMe., BaIl~.JW (whenever ,..ulNd by /he contexl of thlllllll'eem.m, /he IlnlJUllr lhal/lnclude /he plurll) repreMnllth.. 8cII re...lI/he owrw or cantrlct purch..., of /he re.Idence, lhIl Bonower ~ resides, Ind wi continue 10 reslde In /he re.ldence 10 long II /he IIWlW IIfVIc:I charge rllll,'n. Ullplld, Ind lhIIl/he re.ldence currently receive. .1eclrk:1I ..,.,1cI from lhe City 01 Ashl.nd Depllltmenl of EJectrtc: Utlllilt. 2, Pram,.. to PlY bv 1kuM1i._, Borro_ prom/_Io p~ City the .um lpecIfIed lbuve In Box C lor luch ,...., lllloum II .h.. equll /he llllount ~Id by City pursUlnt to per.. 0 p1u. I .~OO slfVlce ch8rgl) PlYlbIe In monlhly In.lIlImen" II speclfled lIbove In Bo' 2, with /he flrsllnallllment due within 20 cr.y. after /he dlle of /he next monthly utility bIIIng 10 /he IIomII\. for utllty IIfVIca 10 the re.Idence, 2,1, The monthly Inslellment .hll be Idded 10 lhe BGmlwr'. utility ICCOUnt for /he residence, The monlhly ~~.nt wIf be shown II I ....ale line 111m on the IIomIWIl". utility bl.nd remlllance m~ be Included with lhe reguler monthly ulllty ~ent. 2_2, No inl_.1 .haI be charged by City unllsllloml...1s In dlflUlt I' de.ctlbed In plragrlph 0, In IUch eII.e, 1n1_1 lhaI be cherged 8lthe rate provided In .... 0, 3_ PI_ent bv Cw_ SubjecllO /he lerm. of Ihl. .lIIIllenl. Cily .h.. p~ the lum lpecIfIecllbove In Box C or lhe acrull inllalled co.I of /he lnergy laving me..ur.. plul I '5000 .1fV1c:I cherge. whichever IIIIOUnt is I.... 10 /he 1IomI_ upon CIty'1 Ipprovll of lhe insllll.uon Ind /he 'ubmlsllon of lhe appropriale invoic.. The Involc.. shal delli/the equlpmenl cOlllnd the 'Ibor co'1 al IlpIrlle ileml for .ech m..ure, ..- Allumolllln of R'eaanSibilllll bv Barro_. THE CITY MAKES NO WARRANTY. EITHER EXP.RESS OR IMPlIED. AS TO THE FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY OF THE ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES INSTALLED IN THE RESIDENCE. OR AS TO THE SUITABILITY THEREOF FOR AHV PARTICULAR PURPOSE. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE ADEQUACY OR EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES, 8orro_ further undnlllldlllld ....Ih.. Borroww il solely r'lponllble 10 purchase OIlnelal/lIte .nergy con'lI'Yllion m..urn. provided however PAn,: 1~r:n~_C:I:D\I.&TII"\.le~n"I"" ........_..._ _____... _ __~__.~ that no payments ahIII be mede by the City unIeIIlhe conI<<V1lIon m.num 10 In.taIIId mill 01 .xceed \he City'. en.g, Sm" DeliF ~.. The 1nI1"""'" must comply wlItIthe IpplIcabIe c:ocIII .nd .lendard. and \he BorrllVl* mu.t obtain \he ".....y perm". 1 , , I i 5, IndMlnlfDtlan, BarraI/M ..,...10 defend. indemnify and RVe'City. ill ofIIcer. empb,... and agents harmlel. from lIlY and ..101.... claim.. 1dIol.. coall. ellJllfl... judgm....IUIIr~.. 01 atNr amagn rauIIIng from Injury III lIlY person (1ndudIng Injury reIUIIInlIln eIIath.) 01 clam. (including 10M 01 dntructlon) 10 propIIty. of whalIoIV. naIIn ariIIng out of 01 ~lCIdInllD \he "",tOfmance of thlI aweement by BomIwIr (1nducIIng buI not Hmlted to. Borrower'. emlJlo'l.... egenlI. and oIherI dniF.leeI by Borrower to .,etfOfm work 01 aervlceS attanUnt to thlIl9IIInent), Barra_ ahIII not be held rnporlllble 101 d8magn c8UIICI by the negliglInCI of City, 8, RimcW~- of eon.....,.uan MeHUnltl Prahlbhd. Energy cCll1llrVIlIon m.nur.. In1I8111d pursuant 10 thle .-ment .".. not be removed from the rnldence at lIlY lime durtng theW u.efulllfe. unIa. auch m...urn c.... 10 funcUon .nd are lrrep8fable 01 unit.. lhey are lemporllrly removed IOf PUrpolll of r8P*, 7_ Default, Time'. of Ihe ..s.nce under Ihl. agreement. .nd . del8UII.h_ occur wh.n Borrower: 7.1, Fall. 10 pay .ny In.tallment when due .. provldeclln par...ph O. 7,2, Mov.. from 01 f... to occupy the re.ldenc. fOl' period of more than three COr1aecutlve monlhl. Ir.n.fen lhe uUllty account to .nother. purch.... electricity for the re.ldence lrom .nother 01 .eIl. 01 othelwlle Iran.fen the re.1dence to any penon. 01 7,3, Fall. to abide by the lann. of Ihl.aweement 8, RIMII8dI.., In the event a default occura: 8,1. All principal .haI beconIe Immedlalely due and c:oIIec:IIbIe at the option of the City. 1,2. The City may a110 w1Ul1.o1d paymantl fOl energy conaarvatlon m_ur... nek recovery of any loan. made 10 Borrower. obtain .pecIfIc performance of aon--. obllgallon. und.1hII agr..,..ent. 01 .eek other remeclln avaRable at law Olin equity. Including. wtthouIllmltallon. the rtghIlo tarmlnale Borrower'. 01 water 01 electric .ervIce 10 the ra.ldence. 01 ilny other raaldence owned Of eontrQlled by Barrawer. 1,3. Any balanca then remaining to be paid by Borrower 10 City shall bear 1n1.....1 .1 the rate of ona percenl per month ~nlng from the date of default. All remadle. sel forth abova are cumulative .nd not mutually exclu.lve. .nd lhe City may slmultaneou.1y exerel.e .ny ona or all of them, g, AtllImeV ha., If elegal ecllon I. comm.nced 10 enforce any of lhe provlalonl of thle aareem.nt. Including. wtthout limitation. any arbllratlon. m8dlatlon. ar action In any court. lhe prevailing party .1111 be anlllfecllo recover from lhe other party co.I.. dl.buraemanll and attornay f... Incurred both at lrlaI and on appeal. BORROWER(S): ~~~ CITY OF ASHLAND: Borrower SSN: CONTENT REVI (City FORM REVIEW: (City AI\orIMIy) Coding: (fOl City purpo... only)