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January 4, 201/
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January 4, 2011
Council Chambers
1175 E, Main Street
Mayor Stromberg called the meeting to order at 7:.00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilor Voisin, Morris, Lemhouse, Slattery, Silbiger, and Chapman were present.
-Please see page 5 for complete speecil-
Mayor Stromberg presented the State of the City address where he described how Federal, National, State and
regional factors affected the City. He divided City activities into three categories, On-going services, Special Projects
and Work to be Done, and addressed each one individually.
He commented on why he considered the following City Council goals for 2009-20 II important:
. The Water Plan
. The Economic Development Strategy
. Stormwater and Wastewater Plans
. Transportation System and Land Use Plan
. Dealing with Ashland's Homeless Situation in a Comprehensive Way
. Improving the predictability and efficiency of the land use, building code and fire code permitting and
approval process
. Financial Sustainability of City government
. Promoting Volunteerism
. The Ashland Forest Resiliency (AFR) Project
He felt four pieces were missing from the Council Goals. One was formulating an energy plan that addressed climate
change. The second was publicizing sustainability activities into a Sustainability Policy. The third would ensure that
food security and localization appropriate to a municipality received more support from the City and the community.
The final piece would encourage efforts to develop a regional financial infrastructure to connect local ,capital with
local investment needs and regenerate an economic infrastructure for the unemployed.
Mayor Stromberg proposed Ashland's quality of life was a principal asset that could carry community through
changes that might defeat other cities. Quality of life should encompass a state of connectedness in Ashland that
inspired visitor's to form creative ideas about transforming their own communities. A companion to 'qualityoflife'
was 'quality of community' using a definition that took care of its members while providing an environment' where
their talents and creativity could flourish.
He believed what he described in the address was an opportunity for 20 I) and beyond, and invited everyone to make
Ashland a town that increasingly creates its own future.
Councilor Voisin withdrew her earlier request for Council Chair and supported Councilor Lemhouse as the new
Council Chair. Councilor Lemhouse appreciated Councilor Voisin's statement and expressed his interest in serving
as Council Chair.
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Councilor Chapman/Slattery m/s to appoint Councilor Lemhouse as Council Chair for 2011. V oice Vote: all
A YES, Motion passed,
City Recorder Barbara Christensen announced vacancies on the Public Arts Commission, Planning Commission,
Housing Commission, and the Historic Commission.
The minutes of the Executive Session of December 21, 2010 and Regular Meeting of December 21, 2010 were
approved as presented.
The Mayor's Proclamation of January 8, 20 II as Christmas Tree Recycle Day in Ashland was read aloud.
1. Will Council accept the Minutes of the Boards, Commissions and Committees?
2. Will Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, approve the award of a contract to DeVore
Electric and Construction in the amount of $130,822.60 to construct the Laurel Street Sidewalk
Improvement Project No. 2006-18?
3, Will Council, acting as the Local Contract Review Board, approve the award of a public contract to
Tristar Risk Management for Worker's Compensation Third Party Administration?
4, Will Council reclassify Kate Jackson's Ashland Water Advisory Committee appointment from City
Council Member to Member "at-large"?
Councilor SilbigerN oisin m/s to approve Consent Agenda items, Voice Vote: all AYES, Motion passed,
Joaquin Saloma/OOO Reindeer Lane/Encouraged everyone to support diversity and to recognize and treat all people
with respect He went on to express his frustration regarding the Council's previous decision not to lift the camping
ban ordinance.
Daniel Rueff/535 Oak StreetlExpressed his concern about deporting Ashland homeless to Medford and explained
there were people camping up in the woods afraid of being cited by the Police for camping.
Jim McGinnisl629 AltamontlExplained he was the Chair of the Conservation Commission and shared the
Conservation Commission's efforts to create Sustainability Planning. He read the Commission's definition of
Sustainability Planning and explained the conservation goal the Commission created for the Council to consider
during their goal setting session.
1 Will Council accept an Oregon Department of Transportation Connect Oregon ill matching grant for the
Airport Improvement Project-Runway Rehabilitation and Precision Approach Path Indicator light
installation in the amount of $9,769,OO?
Engineering Services Manager Jim Olson explained the projects funding mechanism separated the engineering and
construction portions. The standard Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant for airport improvement projects
was 95%, requiring the City to provide the remaining 5% match. The grant covered preliminary engineering already
completed for the project and approved by the FAA. He noted a correction to the grant that the project start and finish
dates were June 22, 2010 starting date and June 30,20 II as the completion date instead of2009 and 20 I O. He went
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on to confirrn an Engineering Consultant would provide construction administration and inspection services during
the project.
Councilor Chapman/Silbiger m/s to approve the ODOT Connect Oregon III grant agreement to cover the
required 5% match for the airport improvement project in the amount $9,769,00,
Roll Call Vote: Councilor Silbiger, Chapman, Voisin, Morris, Lemhouse and Slattery; YES, Motion passed,
1. Shall Council adopt a resolution creating the AFN Executive Advisory Board? If approved, which two
Council members does Council name to serve on the board until its dissolution?
IT Director Rob Lloyd eXplained the resolution was part ofthe strategic business planning process for Ashland Fiber
Network (AFN). Staff created a board to assist Council with decisions on the execution of the plan as well as the
final decision on what happens with AFN December 20 12 when the board would dissolve. Members ofthe advisory
board would include two Councilors, three executives, one at large member from the community and one
representative from AFN's vendors. Mr. Lloyd would serve as an ex-officio member along with an additional staff
member designated by the City Administrator. Meetings would occur at least twice a year.
Councilor Silbiger and Councilor Chapman indicated interest in participating on the board.
Councilor Lemhouse/Slattery m/s to adopt Resolution #2011-01 and further moved that Councilor Silbiger
and Councilor Chapman serve on the AFN Board until its planned dissolution in December 2012. Roll Call
Vote: Councilor Voisin, Slattery, Lemhouse, Morris, Silbiger and Chapman, YES. Motion passed,
2, Will Council approve First Reading of an ordinance titled, "An Ordinance Relating to Creation of a
Firewise Commission" and move the ordinance on to second reading?
Fire Chief John Karns eXplained his goal to improve public education and participation regarding fire safety and
preparedness using the Firewise Communities program. It was a citizen-based program supported by the Fire
Department to guide communities towards fire safety and preparedness. A requirement of the program was
establishing a citizen board to ensure ongoing efforts of wildfire mitigation.
Firewise Communities Coordinator Ali True explained there was no cost to the property owner. Firewise
Communities encouraged participation and action on the part of the homeowner and working in the community to
achieve fire protection. There were grants to assist homeowners with fuels reduction. Part ofthe program required a
$2 per capita expenditure where staff and volunteer time went towards the per capita expenditure.
Chief Karns confirrned the creation of the board was a component of achieving the Firewise Communities program,
the first was the assessment. However, it was not a requirement ofFirewise to be an actual commission, just a citizen
Ms. True explained the steps involved to implement the program and noted part of the assessment was having the
citizen board work with community members to educate and share inforrnation. The board would have geographical
representation with the expectation the members work with their neighborhoods.
Chief Karns eXplained establishing a commission instead of a board sent the message there was more a perforrnance
expectation. A commission would also help attain sustainability with the program.
Ms. True further explained the program could function on its own with the long-term support of the commission and
did not necessarily require a Firewise Coordinator.
Neil Benson/363 North Laurel Street/Shared he was retired from the US Forest Service and currently a coordinator
for Jackson/Josephine County Community Wildfire Protection Plans. He commented on the cultural shift that
occurred during the 35 years he has worked and lived in the area. He saw the Commission as an important step in the
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cultural change for the public to leam to live with wildfire better. He urged Council to approve the commission and
thought it sent a message to the community that the City was providing leadership on the issue.
Brian Ballou/Oregon Department ofForestry/5286 Table Rock Road, Central Point/Explained the Department
of Forestry fights fire on 1.8 million acres. He noted there was a reduction in loss from fires because of efforts made
by people who live in the fire prone areas. Fuels reduction around the homes in the September 2009 fire prevented it
from becoming a widespread disaster. The Oak Knoll fire of20 I 0 was a different problem that Firewise could help
address. He strongly supported the Firewise Communities Program and encouraged Council to back this type of
Council was hesitant about adding a new commission but unanimously supported establishing the Firewise
Councilor VoisinlLemhouse m/s to approve the ordinance creating a Firewise Commission for first reading
and place on agenda for second reading, Roll Call Vote: Councilor Chapman, Morris, Voisin, Slattery,
Lemhouse and Silbiger, YES, Motion passed,
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder
January 4, 2011
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City of Ashland - Mayor's State of the City Address - Jan, 4, 2011
Introd uction
The State ofthe City (by which I mean both City government and the community of Ashland) is that the City Council
and City Administrator, on the one hand, and the community on the other, have set Ashland on a good path for
dealing with major changes that may affect it in the future. The next step is for the two to become more aware of
what each other is doing and the connections between their two efforts. The purpose of this address to is elaborate
that proposition.
Before I discuss the work ahead, I want to discuss the Federal, State, and regional context. I also want to discuss want
the importance of city services in our day-to-day lives, followed by the City's work that is already underway, and
conclude with the work the City needs to take up in 20 II to secure our community's health.
External Factors
In a certain sense what's happening on the national scene dwarfs events in Ashland and, to my way of thinking, the
news is not good. I believe the greatest danger to our society is that individual citizens become so discouraged by
actions at this level that they despair, become cynical and give up on the concept of our democracy. I propose instead
that we revitalize and evolve government at the local level, which is where we all have the greatest opportunity to
influence it.
Three examples are sufficient to convey what I mean: the Supreme Court decision to allow unlimiied anonymous
campaign spending by corporations and other organizations, the Federal Reserve's program to buy back large amounts
of Treasuries, and the growth of what might be called a 'national security state'.
The first seriously raises the question of whether we still have a democratic electoral process. The second is admitted
experimentation with the fragile economy. And the third, to the extent we're aware of it, does away with the most
fundamental rights for which the founding fathers fought, in the name of protecting our way oflife from terrorism. I
think it's legitimate to wonder if the current form of American democracy is functional at the scale of a nation of340
million people.
And yet, especially in Oregon, we have excellent people in our Congressional delegation who can moderate the
behavior of the Federal govemment to our benefit on the local level. And because Oregon is so small, relatively
speaking (not much larger than the combined population of the original thirteen colonies), we can have direct person-
to-person interactions with these individuals. This is a genuine advantage in producing positive effects 'on the ground'
because they can, and already have, supported and complimented our efforts in Ashland.
State of Ore!!on
The two principal factors here are projections of multi-billion dollar deficits for State government for the coming
decade, and persistent high levels of unemployment, especially in our region. In-coming Govemor Kitzhaber's
assertion that this is our last real chance to reshape State government and we'd better get it right, makes sense.
Paradoxically, the 50/50 split of the State Assembly may improve the chances of achieving the Governor's goal.
Again we have excellent elected officials with whom to work and my hope is that our leaders will act as Oregonian's
first and members of their particular parties second. And our ability to communicate with these officials is even better
than with our Federal ones.
In terms of funding cuts, the most likely targets are public safety, including the prison system, and education. The
effects of such cuts on Ashland would be both direct and indirect but definitely significant, as we will see when we
tackle the homeless issue later this month.
At the same time, the Governor has implied actual restructuring of State govemment and also seeking waivers from
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the Federal government with respect to health care. I suspect there may be bi-partisan support for this approach and
perhaps it will free up more resources for local government plus set a precedent for expanded waiver-granting by both
the Feds and the State government in other areas as well (loosened constraints on transportation funds is a possible
With the election of two new members of the County Commission, it's time for the City of Ashland to increase our
efforts to build a strong working relationship with Jackson County with other cities in the Rogue Valley including
Grants Pass, in order to better communicate Ashland's perspective on issues important to the community and to
discover ways in which we can contribute more to the well-being of the region.
Issues likely to come up in the following year include:
- Regional Problem-Solving - will the County correct Ashland's official growth rate?
- Various attempts to shift costs from the County to the City, for example responsibility for County roads within
the City limits.
- Centralization of County services in Medford (relevant to the homelessness issue).
- Creation offormal and informal agreements between the County and City regarding the City/County interface,
for example fire prevention measures, land use regulations, etc.
- Food security and localization of food production,
I want to point out a paradox in Ashland's economy...
. - On the one hand, compared to some of the retail centers in other cities, Ashland's downtown and shopping centers
are remarkably healthy. We have a relatively low vacancy rate and Ashland's vitality through the downturn has
increased, with OSF, the meals tax, the room tax and some retail businesses experiencing significant growth.
Why is Ashland's visitor economy thriving in unsettled times? It may be that Ashland itself is both a refuge and a
reassuring example of what a town, and community, can be. Our well-known "qualitv of life" mav be something
more significant than simDlv 'amenities'; perhaps it's an expression ofthe basic values that make daily life worthwhile.
Coupled with a growing sense of the importance of community shared among our citizens, we may have the
beginning of a town identity that can survive whatever changes the entire country may go through in the coming
years. (More on this later...)
- On the other hand, there are indicators of significant economic suffering: for example, the number of households
served by the Ashland Emergency Food Bank in 20 I 0 was 25% greater than in 2009 and 64% greater than in 2008.
(The total amount offood distributed was 247,000 pounds.) This is evidence that many more people are unable to
meet all their basic survival costs, which in tum is relevant to the issue of homelessness in our community,
particularly if we want to prevent people from becoming homeless. It is very important to the well-being of everyone
in Ashland that our fellow citizens not fall into homelessness.
- As is happening with many institutions of higher education, SOU has had a major increase in enrollment. This is a
mixed blessing in that itmeans increased revenues but also increased loads on both faculty and staff that have already
taken pay cuts - and it means increased economic pressure on University students as they try to come up with ways to
meet living costs and additional academic costs as well.
What the City does for the community
After two years in the Mayor's job I've become convinced that being conscious of what the City does is an essential
step forward in the community's development.
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On-l!oinl! services
We are so habituated to the abundance of services we as a community acquire through the vehicle of City government
that we mainly notice them when they don't function properly, and then we tend to be outraged. In my opinion this is
exactly the opposite of the relationship and attitude we need in order to carry us through whatever changes are
coming. It is a somewhat analogous to the way children tend to take their parents for granted except that Q.!y
government is not our parents. it is a collective buvinl! and service-providing organization that we created. inherited.
own and manage and we depend on it to provide the supporting structure for our lives.
To wake up to the importance of the City's on-going services imagine, for each one, what it would be like for that
service to stop tomorrow morning. For example...
- Electricity: no lights, no heat, no hot water, no computers or television or cell phones, no cooking,... Yes, other
cities get their electricity from private companies or separate utilities but the point is that one of the things we go in
together on is electricity and in Ashland it is provided by our Electric Department.
- Sewage (wastewater system): this one is even more shocking if you imagine it suddenly not being part of what we
expect to have every day. But, in fact, it's only there because of a dozen highly skilled people who do whatever it
takes to keep the service going.
- Water: I won't elaborate for every service but imagine of every single one of us, without this service. Yes, we'd
buy bottled water at the store and arrange to truck in emergency supplies but that always-available, pure, clean,
reliable flow from multiple taps is a treasure on which we rarely focus our attention.
Again, a small group of skilled workers sees to it that it's available to 24 hours a day. This includes maintaining the
miles of piping throughout the city, balancing pressure in the system so that it forces water out through whatever leaks
exist rather than letting contamination in. It also includes making sure there is water to the fire mains, especially
when a big fire occurs, and taking care of the watershed (hmm, does this relate to the homeless issue and precisely
how when we and the Forest Service don't really have the person-power available to police all 8,000 acres all the
time? Also, why are we using drinking water for irrigating landscaping, washing dishes, fighting fires, etc.?)
I'll simply list the rest to trigger your imagination:
Police services - how do so few individuals cover so many aspects of police work, which isn't just 'fighting
Fire-fighting, prevention and emergency preparedness service - a dramatically important function, as we're
becoming increasinglyaware.
Street maintenance
Stormwater management
Planning and building permits and inspections
AFN broadband services
Administrative support, including financial management
City Recorder - all the official accountability and documentation; Plus managing much of the City's investments
(did you know that?)
Municipal Court - that allows us to enforce the City's own laws in a way that fits our community's character and
The Council, Mayor, City Administrator and Department Heads - essentially the executive team that sets and
executes direction for the whole organization
One more thing: ifin hearing or reading the above you wake up to a new appreciation and interest in the supposedly
mundane service-providing activities of City govemment then you might wonder, "How do we determine the way
thev affect our special qualitv of life that was mentioned previouslv? And how do we make sure we're getting what
we really want and need in the way we need it?" (Read on...)
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Proiects that chanl!e or develop the oTl!anization
Defining these projects and prioritizing them in relationship to the City's capacity to deliver, is the work of the
Council. The list below includes what I consider the most important ofthe previous Council's goals as originally set
in April of2009. Council goal setting occurs now in January in order to guide the development of the City budget.
The Budget process itself is a modified 'zero-based' approach: Department Heads are charged with presenting a
budget based on the previous year's figures. Ifthere are expected cost increases this requires choosing whatto include
and what to propose as a budget increase (not a category with a high rate of success these days). But Department
Heads aren't free to choose; thev must use a set of priorities l!enerated from Council values, also established in 2009.
The process is a work in progress: the linkage between values and priorities is being strengthened and the priorities
themselves are being refined. A next step is to develop observable 'measures' or 'indicators' of the deliveryofservices
and the achievement of goals.
Notice that the framework beinl! develooed aims at connecting City activities with our "qualitv of life'. This is
important (more later...)
The goal projects are:
- The Water Plan: how to secure the community's water supply for the future, taking into account climate change,
potential conservation, redundancy, treatment plant vulnerability, altemate sources, an appropriate rate structure and
amortizing maintenance of the water infrastructure to be affordable over time.
- The Economic Development Strategy: that builds on our existing strengths, diversifies against seasonal lags and
generates family wage income in the context of Ashland's cost of living (including housing).
- Storm water and Wastewater Plans to ensure the costs of both systems, in conjunction with the drinking water
system, are affordable at all points in the future (so that the City doesn't get caught with infrastructure costs the
community can't afford).
- Transportation System and Land Use Plan in my opinion this must be a transportation plan that is built around
public transit and alternative transportations means (although personal vehicles will be part of any plan for the
foreseeable future) - and such a plan has a land use counterpart because.moving people efficiently around the town
'requires' that many live close to the transit route.
This is a very challenging task because conventional wisdom says it isn't affordable to build such a system in a town
as small as ours. However I believe we need to create a spectrum of assumptions - about different means of public
transit including ones that don't exist yet, fuel costs that may rise dramatically, possible subsidies and development
grants - so that we at least have a plan for a true transpo"rtation system ofthe future. This is the only way we will be
prepared to respond to major shifts in energy and environment that bear on transportation. We may just run busses or
jitneys or possibly get waivers from Federal transportation laws that increase the cost of transportation systems, or
privatize the system...but we have to have a plan.
- Dealing with the town's homeless situation in a comprehensive way (I'm enhancing the 2009 goal here and
guessing how the new Council might modity it - but it's clear the problem is much more complex than it is described
in the media or on the Comments-to-Council List Servo And many entities, both public and private, have resources
and interests in .its many facets ofthis issue.)
Ofthe many, many facets of this extraordinarily complex topic with a one-word name two have surfaced as needing
attention: is it right for the Cityto ban camping altogether ifthere are no available facilities without a place to sleep?
and, what can we do about panhandlers who are verbally aggressive towards visitors, residents and workers in the
Downtown area but manage to stay within the Constitutional protections of the First Amendment? The Council is
planning to work on the issue in January and will be coordinating with other entities that have interests or
responsibilities with various facets thereof.
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- Improving the predictability and efficiency of the land use, building code and fire code permitting and approval
process. This is something that's easy to espouse during a political campaign but has proven difficult to deliver on.
The root ofthe problem, I believe, is the ever-growing set oflaws and regulations that govern development. The City
creates them, as does the State and sometimes Federal government. They play an important role with respect to
Ashland's qualityoflife and economic resiliency but they have become so complex it's very difficult for City staff and
the Planning Commission to apply them in a clear, efficient and predictable way.
- Completing the Snowberry Creek affordable housing project on Clay Street. If you think about it, affordable
housing is an important tool in keeping people from becoming homeless.
- Financial sustainabilitv (not just "stability") of the City government: Besides the infrastructure Master Plans
described above, and the organizational and personnel planning, we also have at least four big financial issues to
grapple with: health care benefits, PERS, the possibilityof significant inflation as one manifestation ofthe instability
of the world economy, and potential instability in financial markets and therefore the City's ability to borrow to pay
for long-term projects. (It should be noted here that the Citv is currentlv carrying a backlog of more than $50 million
dollars worth of deferred capital proiects.)
- Promoting volunteerism - this is how the goal was expressed in 2009 but I think the Council and I have a much
richer and substantial vision of what this amounts to and its significance for the future of our community (see more in
the Some final thoughts section).
- The Ashland Forest Resiliency Project-I've left this project for last because it has multiple dimensions: first it's a
state ofthe art effort to reduce fuels that have built up in our watershed over many years due to fire suppression and
which increase the chances of catastrophic wildfires. This projectinvolves multiple stakeholders working together to
achieve the overall fire management goals while protecting endangered species, old growth forest, erosive soils, and
specialized scientific research areas at the same time. It really is a working laboratory and is probably unique in its
field because of the blend of expertise this community, including the Forest Service itself, is able to bring to bear on
the project. Also we were able to tap significant stimulus funds for the project from the Federal government (with
excellent backing from our representatives in Congress).
At the same time it is a very sensitive political/economic project because of competing interests between timber
companies and environmental organizations over the threat of wildfires being used as ajustification for logging in
wilderness areas - so the more successful the AFR the more, some environmentalists fear, it opens the door for
logging the wilderness.
The Work to be Done
The Council Goals just described were laid out in early 2009 and I believe'they were and are comprehensive and
visionary. At the same time, there are some missing pieces that now need to be added, they are:
- Formulate an explicit energy plan for City government that addresses issues of climate change.
- Publicize the multiple activities currently underway in City government to promote sustainability and amalgamate
them into an overall sustainability policy for the City. As a community Ashland has been involved with sustainability
for decades. Let's take credit for what we're doing and use it as an additional way to attract visitors and business to
our town?
- Ensure that those aspects of food security and localization appropriate to a municipality (markets, community
gardens, special water rates for food production, municipal composting, etc.) receive adequate support from both the
City and the community.
- Encourage efforts to develop a regional financial infrastructure that will connect local capital with local investment
January 4. 2011
Also encourage exchange between out of work but potentially productive individuals and those who need what they
can produce, i.e. regenerate an economic infrastructure for the unemployed and the 'unprovisioned'. With roughly
13% unemployment in Jackson County, we are 'wasting' significant amounts of un produced goods and services every
day, that are lost forever.
Some Final Thoul!hts
There are two main themes I'd like to highlight before drawing this description of the state of the City to a close.
The first has to'do with reframing the idea of 'quality of life' from a secondary attribute of the lives of Ashland's
citizens to a central organizing principle that guides the way in which we allocate governmental resources and that is a
foundation of our economy and our life as a community. I would propose that Ashland's quality oflife is one of our
principal assets that can carry us through externally driven changes that may defeat other cities.
This may be conjecture on my part but I think that our qualityoflife stands out more vividly in the current 'climate' in
the U.S. and the world than it did a few years ago and if we take this into account (as the Visitor and Convention
Bureau is doing with its emphasis on "The Ashland Experience", for example) we can strengthen our economy at a
time when the overall economic environment is very uncertain to say the least.
Also our quality of life has the potential to be about more than pleasure, relaxation and cultural opportunities. It
should encompass the whole sphere of heal thy and vibrant community - that is, a state of connectedness in our town -
that inspires people who visit here to form creative ideas about transforming their own communities.
Ifthe world is indeed groping for a way ofliving that no longer simply exploits natural resources and creates a never-
ending stream of consumerism and environmental damage then maybe the alternative isn't falling back to a primitive,
survival-level existence. Maybe a shift in the way in which we perceive our lives together in this extraordinary
physical place and the values we place on those aspects of our lives that are most important and most meaningful will
be a key to moving more gracefully through the changes and challenges that are coming.
And as a companion piece to quality oflife I suggest we consider the idea of'quality of community'. By this I mean
becoming more conscious of the many ways that we are bui Iding and sustaining a strong community that takes care of
its members while providing them an environment in which their talents and creativity can flourish. Community need
not be just about social welfare and how we come together in the face of emergencies. It may not be just about
helping the less fortunate but also about the satisfaction of working together with each other on things from which we
all benefit.
Taking some examples from this past year, the Ashland food Project stands out, as does the more informal
collaboration on discovering the sources of E Coli contamination in Ashland Creek that is being led by the Rogue
River Keeper from KS Wild, working with individuals from SOU and the community in general and collaborating
with the City's Public Works Department. We also should recognize the community celebrations that are produced by
the members ofthe Ashland Chamber of Commerce that attract visitors but also enrich our entire community. And
there's the new farm to School program that's bringing locally grown food to our schoolchildren.
Now I'm sure many of you are wondering why I'm not mentioning some other worthwhile activity that you know of
and which is equally deserving of recognition. This is just my point: this community has an instinctive impulse
towards creative actions that enhance our shared existence (the Ashland Woodland Trails Association or the No frills
Shelter or the solar powered green house at Science Works, for example - and more names burgeon up). We do these
tasks and projects for ourselves and each other and for the reward and challenges of the work itself. This is an
important fundamental characteristic ofliving in this city, which will benefit us more the more we recognize it for
what it is and see it with fresh eyes.
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A remarkable number of individuals are involved with City government itself; for example:
- Well over 100 people on 18 commissions and ad hoc committees
-Parks and Recreation Department (more than 100 active volunteers)
Garden maintenance at North Mountain Park, special events, docents, special projects etc.
-Ashland Fire and Rescue (more than 200 active volunteers)
CERT (light search and rescue, sl1)all fire suppression)
-Senior Center (about 50 active volunteers)
Reception duties, meals on wheels home delivery and lunch volunteers
- Police (25 active volunteers)
Downtown foot patrol, summer bike path patrol, vacation house watch, mail courier, radar board
Plus we have the activities of the churches and service organizations and OLL! and the volunteers at the Hospital; and
the list goes on and on...
And in these things we do together for ourselves and each other we tap the enormous potential of our diversity as
individual human beings living together and being forced to relate to our differences.
You can't get away from differences and diversity. They can be an irritant and provoke us to cruel polarization and
vilification of one another. Or we can create little spheres of social distance around ourselves, avoiding eye contact as
we walk down the street, and become a lifeless community of zombies (which I believe is why so many larger cities
are so 'dead' in their central cores). Or we can meet each other as unique individuals, give each other the respect of
understanding the other person's perspective, and break through to that 'space' in which our differences become our
greatest assets in a resilient, creative and resourceful community.
I believe what I have described in this address is our opportunity for 20 II and beyond, and I invite us all to make
Ashland a town that increasingly creates its own future.
City staff have written a draft to assist me in preparing this address. I believe it contains valuable information and
will make it available on the City website as a companion piece. What I want to do with the above address is place
the subject (the state ofthe City) in a context and also discuss what this means for all members of the community.
Also this address contains my personal perspective and I welcome commentary, dissent, and amplification.