HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Planning MIN MINUTES OF THE ~JEETING OF THE ASHIAND PLANNING COMMISSION - November 13 t 1968 The Regular meeting of the Ashlam Planning Commission was held November 13. 1968 at 7: 30 PM, John Billings, Chairman, presiding. Other Regular and ex officio member s attending were Elliott M9.cCracken, James Ragland, Jim C. Busch, Richard Thorpe, Charles Lockridge and Allen Alsing t Director of Public Works. Th@ secretAryO s report of the Regular meeting of . October 14, 1968 was read and approved A communication was read by the Chairman stating that. an olganizational meeting of the Oregon Planning Commission would be held in Eortland Nov. 29th and 30th. Public Hearings: 1. 7:45 PM Application for conditional use permit 1/=42, Richard Ackerman, 2005 Wine St. l\Jir. Ackerman Was present .as was lViI's. Bunnell, owner of the propert.1 Appearing in opposition were close neighbors. fir. Bob Witt, lV.irs. J. R. Swenson, Mrs. Gabrielson, am lfJrs. Walt Taylor. who were ag:"\inst changing to a Business Zone (ll.-l). unless it should be for a handiC;'p.pped person's benefit. After discussion Dr. MacCracken made a recommend.ation .that this request be denied. It pa.ssed 4-1, lV1r-. Ragland voting in the negative. 2. 8 :00 PH Application for conditional use permit #43. School District No.5, Walker Avenue. After discussion this Public Hearing was continued until 8 PM Dec. 9. 1968. 3. 8:15 PM Application for conditional use permit 1144, Ellen Hall. East Main and. S. Second st. After discussion, this request which was for the establishment of a parking lot. was passed by unanimous vote after a motion was made by Dr. lV1acCracken and 2nded by Mr-. Thorpe . 4. 8:30 PM ApplJ.~ation for zone variance 1166, Zilda Terrill, 107 1/2 St. kfter discussion, A motion was made by Dr. M3.cGracken and. seconded by YJr. Thorpe ani passed l:V' unanimous vote that this be cOn'tinued. "...... Agenda: 1. Application for Zone Change #018, Oregon Shakespearean Association, Between Lithia Park and Bldgs. on E. Main. After presentation and discussion this Application was referred to Committee; A Public Hearing set for 7 :45 PM on December 9. 1968. lYir. H~rry Sker!"'lJ, City Attorney, discussed with the Planning Connnission the desirab- ili ty of amending the ordinanca dealing with Zoning by dropping the word e'commonlyi~ from the definition of Home Occupations as those occupations which arc ~'cornmonly" carried on within a dwelling.; Pending clarification of the legal aspects of this ques- tion this matter of business will be continued... pending a report from the City Attorney. Adjournment followed H. Kinney, Sec.