HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952 Planning MIN MINftES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETDG January 3, 19,2 A $~cial ~eting of "the PlamU.ng QQmm1ssi@ TMaseall.ed to or;dierby h~esiden:t W$n.ner~t 10 $20 A.M. All~bar$ W,!'$ pre~nt $xcept Dr. Schultz. fhe llaeti,ng was held for thepurp'oseot d1s- eU$$i1:lg "","bat aS$istanee the City-might be to th~ stateB1~wa:r Conuuission,wi.:th1'e:terenee to highway improvements with1n and Eldjacetl't t!rl the Ci 1;.y or As}iland. 1fr~,e following :rep;l1'$sentatives of the State R1gh~Y Comtni~siQ11 were pre--Sebt:Mr.tom Edwa:t'd.s, Division Engineer. 'Ro$e~g Of'tice; Mr. J. W. Ce.ttrall.Tra1"fic' $n,gineer; Mr. Frank Morgan., Assist'.fmt Div1'sion Engin~er "Ros:eburgOffioe; Mr . BrueeCrandall , Engineer, County and City J!Wl~-t:i.OllS. . Mr. Edwetfdssta.ted there W6l'e two tmi tso't COllstruction of the It-l~e.. bigl;i.~7 between. l~()rd and Asb11.ud. ifhe first unit, from. Med!pl",(i to' ~eG1mt7 farm nea;r Phoenix, ,...lo:ttld ,p.r(1)ab-ly b$ l,11deeon~t.l"Uet.1on. . Q:r.~l.Y s~r. . On the $~eQnd unt t'., .from the ~O'Wit7 f'arratQA$bl(itnd.}. the' Highway ~i$$iQn. ts'now cqm- pl&ti.ng)1t~ $:t:a',V$y '. and .'th'Sr. will be $dfic1entfmld.s for the cQn$t;tw~rt1..on to ~ 3w.lane hi:ghway appro.tich1ng theunde:rpass. Mr. '. Edwards' ,stated that it' sufficient funds remained ai'te~ the a.fQli'enten'1<;)n.icpns~e't1on~ the Coi1I1missj:on. wqUld p1"()Mply eitb,er lrtid,n the .erlst,iJl.g unde:rl'ass or split the nor'th and SQuth bQunQ t1:'afiic.' * 41 Edwa:rd$~ta 't\ed tha t theB:i;;g~T Commls$1on bas made a very prel~nri'llR?Y, sndY".... of the. w1denit;ig of. Nal'th MaJ.n andsueh wi,den1ng would QecoQutingeat u.~ tur'tber $tU"vey111 the event mon~y w3."eaV4ilable af~rthe' atol?em$nt1Qned. .l:r0l"k.In~..nswer to Mr-. Wemlel"ts. ~q~ya~ut .the wid~n1ng C)f $l~~YOU BO"Ulsvard, Mr,. E(bra.;i?is.st~:tE!d'tha.t the. b$st solution '.wou:!.d pwaba,bly be the narrowing" oftheeen1t-ersti'"1p audthe widen1ng Qt' the parking strips. He sta-ted. the center ,$tnp should not be .smalJ;er than 12 .feetaero$'sand pref'erably 1lt teet.. ~,.; Blegel'statad, the center strip i$~oW22 feet and thUS, it 'lrl&S t,~n:tatively su~ested that thereshQuld be 6 feet taken off eaeh sid,eof o/he parking str1pand6 teet ort the e$nt~r st:rip. .In ~~1er to Mr. Biegel's inqu1ry,~., EClw~~'s stated that no study .h.ad yet been mad~ot the possibUi.t7of widening' the highway in tIlt;) businessdis'~J.'>iet. Xhe $ubj,eet of .the .cc>n.stnet1on 0: a highway bypas:$:i.ng AshlandwCl.s next d;isc-:;'~4ed. .Mr. iQ:wards stated that under the new' freewaylaw,loeal bU$1n~ss men are proteoted asbusinesaes eannot move on to the freeway. Mr. Crandall ~tated that the sub- jects of a bypass and intracity cQnst:ruetlon sheruld. be treated separately as the eonstruet1onot one does not prejudice the eQn.- sideration or the other. Be gave further information relative to the approximate amount of traffic to be taken a.round the City by a bypass route_ He stated, as a rough est:i.mate, that only about 25S' ot the traffic would probably go around town and this would be balanced by a city tl'"a:ff'ie increase of' about ,% a year. Mr. ~wa:rtis ~ther stated that any Asilland bypass would be Considered 1.~ (::Qrmeetion w1 th an over all bypa.ss from Blackwell Hil~ to ,Ashland. Mr. Crandall stated that all construction problems, qf course, are dependen.t upon the mQ:..'ley available but that the city evidenCing the greatest interest in reeeiv1ng assistance frQll the Hi,.ghway Comm1ssion wotlld undoubtedly raeeive greater consideration. pt,.r. Edwards; stated that the Highway Commission could give an opi.nion as to the poss1bUi;ti$s of improvEln:.ents within Ashland befo~$ i~iY' so that City costs could be included in the budget. It was fUJ.....tber stated. by Mr.. Edwards that the Ashland ... ~dtord it-lane :t'J.!p\0J8.y woul4 probably be c9m.pl.eted. by midsummer 1953 and that th~re is d~.fi..TJ.i tel,. en.ough money to construct .tbe h.1ghway at ~e$.st to the 3-1~ne highway approaching the u.'l4erpas$ but tha. t the widening of theUl:ll:lGrpass 1/""11.1 be considered as a separa.te un.it.. It -was mov~d by Hersh,sec'onded and unanimo\l$ly passed; (1) T".aa. t we thank the members of tile High~-a.y Commis siGn. present tor their val:uable assistance. (2) Tha't it be :recommended to the Ci.ty Coune11 that the Couneil pa.ss a resoluti.on e:x;p1"e.samg th~ desi.re of the City CouncU t~..at the portIon of P:.1gnway 99 within the City be widened... . In answer to Mr. Hersh, MIi'. Cr&"l:dal.l stated that priortQ the CQnstruction of any bypass within Ashland there would not only have to be money available, 'but justification of sueh a bypass would definitely have tOr be shown.. Mr. i40rl"is requ.ested that we receive definite inf'ormatlonas to the manner of the construction ot the highway tmder or around the 'unde;t'pass soon in order th~ t the Host!:! tal Commi tree can detet'ltnine whethe;e i t-s "Pl"eSEt!lt site is de~d.rabl~ for Ul;$ construction of.9o hospital. ~ Mr. E<lwards stated that the CoimiUss1on hoped to have ft ts survey completed wi.thin twa or three m.onths. There ~1ng no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1.1 :2'~. Respectfully submitted, Harry A.. Skerry, dr.. Secretary ."~..,.,,.~ ..~ REPORT TO TEE COMMON COUNCIL by ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION 'At.the regular meeting of the Planning Commission em. January 14 the fOllowing action was taken: 1. The Planning Commission held a public hearing in accordance with the ordinances of Ashland and laws of the State of Oregon, and it is the unanimous recommendation by the members of the Planning Commission that Ordinance No. 1053 be amended to provide that there be rezoned as industrial area the following described property, to-wit: That certain area immediately southerly of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way 400 feet in width between California Street southeasterly to the northwesterly boundary of the Mountain View Cemetery. 2. The Planning Commission received a report from l\fr. Newton and Miss Cora Mason showing the definite need of additional library facilities and construction, and a committee composed of Mr. Newton, Chairman; Mr. Biegel and Dr. Schultz will survey the matter further in regard to proposing needed additions to the library facilities and the Obtaining of necessary finances. 3. The Planning Commission determined that it is desirable that the business zone be enlarged and discussed the possibility of enlarging the business zone to provide that that certain area from Main Street northeasterly to the industrial area and between Third or Fourth Street and Water Street be rezoned as business. No action was taken; however, the Commission plans to look further into the desirability of such rezoning. Enclosed, for your information, please find a copy of the minutes of the special meeting held with members of the State Highway Commission on January 3rd. y submitted, REPORT TO THE COHlVION COU1'JCIL by ASH1..4.ND PLil...'JiNING CmllvlISSION At the regular meeting of the Pl~Dning Commission on ~~rch 10, 1952, the following action was taken: 1. The Plalli~ing Cownission, after holding a public hearing set for said date, unanimously passed a motion reco~~ending to the Council that there be rezoned from residential to business that area between the alley way between 4th and 5th streets to the present industrial boundary between Water and Oak Streets as the east and west boundaries, and between the present business area and present industrial area as the north and south boundaries. 2. The Planning Commission unanimously passed a motion favoring the proposal by the Library Board that said Library Board by public subscription obtaL~ sufficient f~~ds to provide adequate library facilities. 3. The Commission unanimously disapproved the application by James Hoots for requested rezoning on Oak Street. 4. The Cormnission unanimously disapproved and rejected the application by R. E. Bugbee for rezoning on Mountain Avenue. The Cownission rejected the aforementioned two applica- tions for rezoning for the reason that it was felt that the recent additional industrial area provided by ordinance was sufficient for present industrial expansion in the City, and for the further reason that the property owners sU11rounding the~eas proposed to be rezoned expressed their objections and disapproval of any rezoning. Respectfully submitted, _~ Lu:/_~~__z__/ ~e~er, President 1Shl~7;;/;:4