HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953 Planning MIN REPORT TO THE CO~~ON COUNCIL by ASHLAND PLANNING COi~ISSION There is submitted herewith, for the information of the City Council, action taken by the Planning Commission at their meeting on January 27 and recommendations passed at said meeting. 1. It was unanimously passed that the Ashland Planning Commis- sion recommend to the city Council that the present zoning ordinances be amended to provide as follows: a. Prohibit further construction of service stations within the central business district. b. Enact an ordinance regulating the construction of service station driveways similar to the ordinances of Nedford and Grants Pass. 2. It was unanimously passed that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the City Charter be amended to provide that the office of City Recorder shall be appointive rather than elective. 3. The Planning Commission unanimously recommends that that certain pie sr~ped piece of property bounded by Hersey Street, Helman Street and the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks be changed from residential to industrial property under the zoning laws of the City on the fOllowing grounds: a. A portion of said property has always been used for industrial rather. than residential purposes. b. The property is adjacent to the present industrial area. c. The property is adjacent to the railroad tracks, has a railroad spur thereon and is much more suited for industrial rather than residential property. d. Persons are presently interested in utilizing said property for industrial purposes. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council conduct a joint hearing with the Planning Co~ission regarding said rezoning at the next regular meeting or the Council on the 17th day of February, 1953. REPORT TO THE COI'1lVION COUNCIL by ASHLArID PLANNING CO~n1ISSION There is submitted herewith, for the information of the City Council, action taken by the Planning Commission at their meeting on March 12, 1953 and reconLmendations passed at said meeting. 1. It was ~Danimously passed that the Ashland Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that there be vacated to the adjoining property owners the short dead end alley run- ning into the alley between Glenn and Hersey Streets, on the groQ~d that the alley is dead end and of no use except to the adjoining property owners. 2. It was unanimously passed that the Planning Commission recommend that the CO~Dcil deny the petition of various property O'Nners who desire to vacate 5 feet on either side of Pearl Street from Gresham Street to Meade Street. The street is now only 50 feet wide and such a vacation would narrow the street to 40 feet. The policy of the Planning Commission is to disapprove all streets which are not at least ~5 feet in width. 3. It was unanimously passed that the COlli~cil pass a resolu- tion approving a co~nty planning commission and county zoning and send copies of such resolution to the Planning Commission of Medford and the County Court. Respectfully submitted, REPORT TO THE COl~ON COUNCIL by ASHLAND PLANNING CO~~ISSION There is submitted herewith, for the information of the City Council, action taken by the Planning Commission at their meeting on April 17, 1953, and recommendations passed at said meeting. 1. The Planning Commission approved the acceptance of a 45 foot street off of Euclid Street approximately 200 feet south from Altamont Street and parallel to Altamont. This street will be approximately 300 feet in length. The application for accept- ance of the dedication of this street was made-by V~. Carroll C. Pittman. Respectfully submitted, REPORT TO THE C01~10N COm~CIL by ASKLAND PLANNING CO~ll~ISSION There is submitted herewith, for the information of the City Council, action taken by the Planning COlnmission at their meeting on ~~y 14, 1953. 1. The Pla~~ing Commission discussed at length the petition forwarded by the City Council for the vacation of a portion of Morton Street as described in the petition executed by J. D. Chappelle et ale It was moved by Gerald We~~er, seconded by Emil Kroeger and unanimously passed that the Planning Commission reco~nend to the City Council that said unopened southerly portion of Morton Street be vacated for the reason that it has never been utilized as a street and there probably will never be a need for the street. 2. It was moved by Gerald Wenner and seconded by Jim Busch and unanimously passed that it be recommended to the Councii that an amendment be made in the residential code to provide, "That a dwelling be known as any property in a residential district that is used for a home or any professional work that can be done in a home that conforms with the City of Ashland Residential Code.ll Respectfully submitted, Sam Hersh, President Ashland Planning Commission By Harry A. Skerry, Jr., Secretary REPORT TO THE COMMON COUNCIL by ASHLAND PLANNING CO~1MISSION At the regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission on June 7, the following action was taken: 1. There was first heard ~~. Sam Davis and i~. Robert Dudley of the Memorial Cemetery Parks speaking in regard to a memorial cemetery on Payne Road about a mile from Talent on the Valley View Road. After discussion it was moved and seconded that we approve the site for general cemetery purposes. Carried. 2. The Commission next considered the application of J. Q. Adams, Jr. of an auto wrecking yard on North Main Street. This application had been forwarded to the Planning Commission for recommendation by the City Council. It is unanimously recommended to the Common Council that the application be rejected as North Main Street is zoned for business and as such a wrecking yard could not be maintained in said district as the zoning law of the City allows wrecking yards in industrial zones only. There being no further business, the REPORT TO THE CQl\1MON COUNCIL by ASHLAND PLA~INING CO}~ISSION There is submitted herewith, for the information of the City Council, action taken by the PlaI1..ning Commission at their meeting on July 16, 1953. 1. There was presented the application of Charles Wilson of / I -) F~N..J- Street for the vacation of a portion of said j:::;, r-f. Street to ltr. Wilson for the reason that he has buildings which encroach upon said street 3 feet to 9 feet. The Commission unanimously passed the recommendation of the Council that said petition for vacation be denied for the following reasons: (a) Both l~. Wilson and the former owner knew of said encroachment. (b) If such vacation were granted, it would be impossible to pave the street at its regular width and it would be impossible to build sidewalks. 2. ~rr. Biegel submitted the resolution submitted by the Highway Commission requesting the approval of the Federal Aid Urban System as outlined in said resolution and the attached map. The matter was tabled until Mr. Biegel could obtain from the Highway Commission further clarification as to the purpose of such resolution. Respectfully submitted,