HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958 Planning MIN ASHLAND PLANNING COW!IISSION MINUTES OF MEETING January 9, 1958 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Beard at 8:00 P.M. Members present were MacCracken, Beard, Holt, Baratti, Buck, Hald, Skerry and Neill. 1~. Beard suggested that nominations for new officers were in order, so Mr. MacCracken nominated Hald for Chairman and Holt as secretary, and moved that nominations be closed and that the secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for the individuals nominated. The motion was seconded by :Mr. Buck and carried. Dr. Stevenson representing S.O.C. presented maps, together with a request that certain areas of the college campus be changed to a school zone. After lengthy discussion by the commissioners and questioning of Stevenson, we were unable to determine just exactly what the college was requesting in the way of exact boundaries, for their proposed school zone. The matter was referred back to Dr. Stevenson, with the request that he make a written request in detail as to just what the college desired and to present his request direct to city attorney r~. Skerry, who would then present at the next meeting legal counsel on the matter. Dro Hald appointed :Mr. Beard and :Mr. Buck to look into the possibility of establishing a church zone and to determine whether an occupancy permit would be required on new construction and amending the zoning ordinances in accordance therewith. They are to report back at the next meeting. 1~. llihcCracken had no report to make on the committee investigating zoning conditions in Ashland with the object in view of reclassifying our zones as outlined in our minutes of November 14. Dr. Hald reappointed MacCracken as chairman and Holt to serve on the committee to investigate the matter for changing our zoning ordinances and to present ideas to set up a new structure for subject ordinance. They are to report at the next meetingo Dr. Hald directed Mr. Beard to obtain an aerial map of the City of Ashland for review by the planning commissiono As the planning commission has had difficulty getting a quorum present during the past few months on our Thursday meeting date, it was decided to resume our meetings on the first Monday of each month at 8: 00 P.M. at the city halL The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. F. S. Holt Secretary ASHLAND PLAI'-INING COlliIMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING FEBRUARY 3, 1958 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hald at 8:00 PM. Members present were 1~cCracken, Holt, Beard, Baratti, Buck, Reed, Hald, Biegel, Neill and Skerry. Hald read letter from Texas Co, attached hereto, requesting re-zoning from residential to marginal business for the purpose of erecting a service station. Mr. R. C. Wilson, representing fhe Texas Co spoke in favor of their request. He briefly informed the members they had lost 3 out of 4 stations in Ashland due to various reasons and therefore felt his Co was reasonable in requesting only 1 replacement. He stated he had obtained the impression from City Superintendent about 1 year ago that the area was zoned for business and only recently found out that his impressions were in error. As the Co intended to spend about $35,000. in improvements to the property he felt it would substantially improve the tax structure of the City of Ashland. He further gave various miscellaneous comments in support of the re-zoning. Mr. K.B.Teeter, wholesale distributor for Texas Co commented that the operation of station will be a local man with local help. Mr. Ben Lombard, attorney, spoke briefly for the opponents of re-zoning which included one Laura Axel who lives at rear of subject site and a Mr. Thomas who lives across street of Hersey from site. Thomas is purchasing his property on contract and the service station will detract from the value and appearance of his property. He further stated that zoning for private gain is wrong and not judicial in character and particularily is not for the common good and welfare of the entire community. He cited certain cases that have been tried in courts to substantiate his position. He further indicated that if the property was re-zoned there would probably be a law suit instigated. Mr. Thomas spoke briefly in regard to his property and the effect of the station on value and appearance. City attorney, Skerry, concurred in the comments of Mr. Lombard regarding the general laws affecting similar situations in zoning, particularly where there is a question as to whether it is spot zoning or zoning for the common good and welfare of the entire community. After general discussion it was found that the city had recommended the commission request zoning of all of lots 4, 5 & 6, Block 12, with a frontage of 300' on Main St and extending back 200' on Hersey St. to even the business zoning to conform with other side of lJain St. We also found that no representative opinion was expressed and no representive present for the owners of lots 4 & 5. Baratti moved that request and action of commission be tabled for 1 week to allow time for subject owners to state their views. Beard seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Hald appointed Lombard to contact absentee owner of lot 5 and Graham Dean to contact owner of Myrtle Wood shop on lot 4.(Mr.Leach) ASHLAND PLANNJ:NG COfiUnSSION, MINUTES OF MEETING Feb. 3, 1958 Page 2 General discussion was instigated by Hald as to agenda and proper proceedure for the planning commission to follow on new business reveived. McCracken moved that persons having business to present to commission be instructed to submit said business in writing for the consideration of the commission. Provision also be made to waive this requirement in the best interest of all parties concerned aif the commission so desires. Barratti seconded motion and it passed unanimously. MacCracken gave report on zoning ordinance of Medford and requirement structure for Ashland as outlined in minutes of Jan 9th meeting. Written portion attac~ed made a part of minutes. Beard gave a brief verbal report of his committee. Hald appointed MacCracken to talk to Dr Elmo Stevenson regardingSOC request for a school zone for the college. It seems there is some misunderstanding between Dr Elmo and the planning cownission on the subject and this meeting is to smooth out any differences. Hald appointed Reed and Baratti to look into the parking lot situation in general in Ashland, this resulted from an unrecorded discussion by Mr. Lombard and Mr. SkerTY with the planning commission on the subject. Hald appointed Buck and Holt to contact the Ministerial Ass'n to solicit their counsel in drawing our new zoning ordinance with regard to churches and their problems. Buck volunteered to make the contact. Above committee's to report at our regular meeting in ~~rch. Hald directed a special meeting be called on Feb 10, 1958 for the sole purpose of continuing the public hearing first discussed above. Hald also directed a special meeting to be held on Feb 17, 1958 for the sole purpose of a work session to analize the Medford zoning ordinance and start the basic structure for a new Ashland zoning ordinance. Hald also suggested that in view of the heavy work load of the commission at the present time that we regularly meet 2 times a month to speed up the work on projects now under consideration. This will undoubtedly be further discussed in future meetings Meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM F. E. Holt Secretary PS: Invoice for $9.00 for cost of Arial maps of Ashland was presented by Beard. Hald instructed Biegel to pay same and. copy of invoice is attached hereto. REPORT TO THE cor-moN COUNCIL from AS~~D D~JING CO}~rrSSION At the llBetiij.g of' the Plar1."1ing Commission held on March 3, 1958 the cOnmD.ssion agreed by majority vote of 4 \vith 1 not voting to recownen~ to the Common Council to vacate a portion of ~eade Street extending a width of 3 1/2 feet on the extreme easterly side of Heade Street extending from rowax Street in a northerly direction past Pearl street to just beyond the northerly boundary of the Frost Property. Respectfully submitted, ~ F. E. !bIt Secretary Aslland Plan.1'1ing Commission REFORT TO COMMON COUNCIL FROM ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION At the regular session of the Planning Commission held on May 5, 1958 the commission approved unanimouslyto recommend to the Common Council to approve and adopt the following: 1. That City of Ashland return to Mr. Clarence Bell that certain pie shaped parcel of la.nd located on the, corner of Guthrie and Ashland. This parcel was formerly donated to City by Mr. Bell. 2. That City of Ashland extend Courtney St. north 381.1) feet then east 240.03 feet to intersect Guthrie Street. ~~:}. 3. . That City of Ashland annex an area extending 670 feet west from Walker Avenue OW and extending back 122 feet above Windsor. \ E. duplica te of the minutes of Planning Commission meeting is attached and made a part of this report. Respectfully Submitted, ~ F. E. Holt, Secretary "~ -, '--. G cY & ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION MINTJTES OF MEETING *' * * if- '* '* PK..A.Y S J 1958 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hald at 8:20 PM. Members present were. Beard-Holt-Buck-Reed-Baratti-MacCracken-Hald-Biegel-Neill. Ma.-. Biegel read petition from Harold A. ~'1erri1.l to exte,nd Courtney St. North 381.4 feet then east 240.03 feet to interesct Guthrie street. Plat of area. was also reviewed by commission. After general discussion Mr. Beard moved that we recommerdl to the COllllllOn Council that Courtney be extended. as requested. SeConded by Mr. .... Buck. Motion passed. Kr. Bi agel presented request on behalf of Clarence Bell that City of Ashland return to him a pie piece shaped ti_a:'I"'Wii. pariel of land on the corner of Guthrie and A.shland. This parcel had previously been donated to city by Mr. Bell to allow street to curve around a hOllse that was too close to street to allow proper set-back lines. Subject house has sinee been destroyed by tire. Atter general discussion Mr. Baratti moved that subject parcel be returned to Mr. Bell and recommendation be made to the Common Council. SeConded by Mr. Macaracken Wid passed. Mr. Biegel presented request together with rough plat of an area extending 670 feet vest from \valker aye and extending back 1.22 teet above Windsor tor annexation to City. Atter general discussion Mr. Buck lfIOved that we recommend to Coaon Council that area be annexedto City of Ashland with the provision that ~ormal plat be presented to Planning Commission for formal ap?r'Oval. Seconded by Mr. .i5acOracken, motion passed. Mr. MacCraeken moved that City Engineer be requested, to look into the Revel-Sammons professional building now under Bonstruction at corner of Mountain Ave and Siskiyou Blvd for conformance to ordnances particular in reference to expiration ot building permit and to request that plans be submitted to palnning commission for their approval. Seconded by Buck, mtion passed. Mr. Beard moved that planning commission give a vote of appreciation to Mr. Biegel for handling the overall public relations and obtaining Federal Aid through Mr. Jensen on behalf of the Commission. SeConded by Holt J mtion passed. General discussion was instigated by Mr. Rald regarding Rules of Procedure as adopted by planning commission on Feb 3, 1958 and so made of record in the minutes as of that date. Suggestion were made and the following procedures were recommended and are to be presented to Oity fngineer to prepare copies and have on hand to give to persons having business with the planni'1g coll1Il1ission so there w ill be no m.isunderstandi~ as to our procedure and requirements for presentation at regular meetings: 1. Prepare in writing a brief description of the item ot business to be presented to planning commission for their consideration. 2. If the item of business is in regard to Subdivision or annexation of property that an ap")ropia.te plat or area a:tfeeted by the proposed changes be submitted with the written request. 3. Planning Commission meets at 8;00 PM, City Hall, the First Monday of each and every' month in regular session. If business if of extreme urgency J you may request <the Secretary to call a special meeting. Always contact the Secretary for apnointJ'l\e!l't. on the agenda. _ Mr. Beard moved that the above procedure be ... adopted as a supllement to procedure adopted on Feb 3, 1958. Seconded by Baratti, 'notion passed. Secretary is directed to provide Mr. Biegel with copy of these minutes. Meeting adjouned 9:4S PM. ~ FE. Holt, Secretary Ashland Planning Commission Meeting: Monday, June 2, 1958. Present: C. Hald, D. Beard, E. fu~cCracken, J. Holt, J. Reed, V. Baratti, H. Buck, and R. Neill. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Jack Holt presented his resignation as he is leaving the city to move to Portland. Copies of "Planning Commission Procedure" were distributed, reviewed and it was decided to return the supply to ~~. E. Biegel. E. MacCracken was elected to be secretary of the commission. C. Hald presented a set of rules of order for action and adoption; these were discussed and adopted with some alteration. A letter from fu~. and }~s. E. H. McGee, relative to permission to add off street parking for the Market Basket, was presented by ]~. McGee. After reading and discussion, }k. Hald volunteered to seek and opinion from the city attorney relative to the request, and suggested Mr. McGee investigate further the present ordinances. l~. Hald inquired as to action of the committee on ordinance relative to church buildings. Mr. Buck reported no specific progress, and Mr. Hald stated he felt some action should be taken immediately to provide a more orderly growth of the city. The following recommendations to the city council: 1. Relative to an ordinance to amend No. 1053, Section 13, Paragraph 1. to strike out the words "for any other use other than that presently existing" So as to read as shown on the accompanying sheet. 2. Relative to building permits: (a) to set a period (of possibly 6 months) during which the permit would be valid, and at the end of which it would ~apse. (b) that the finished product should conform to the specifications of the initial plans to within 10% of the floor area. 3. Relative to the ordinance on setback: That this be strengthened to make it more precise in stating what constitutes the established setback on old streets. Mr. Buck and Mr. Beard were appointed to see that the air photos recently received were properly processed and mounted. The next regular meeting was announced for July 7, 1958, and ~~. Hald also announced he anticipated at least one special meetjng before that date. Elliott VacCracken Secretary. July 7, 1958. The meeting of the Ashland Plarffiing commission was called to order at 8 p.m. by chairman, C. Hald; others present were: H. Buck, V. Barrati, D. Beard, E. ~.acCracken R. Neill, H. Skerry, E. Biegel. Minutes of the June meeting were read. The committee on maps reported some progress; some delay bY the local forest office which is doing some of the work, and that the plan is that the work will be comFieted bef~re the next meeting. A letter from Mr. H. A. Cloer relative to modification of setback and street width in preci!?itous regions was read. Comment was called for: Mr. Biegel recommended the l8-fBot street (25-foot right of way) be approved for this proposal from Glenwood to Beach. Mr. Skerry furnished information relative to amending the setback ordanance to allow construction at edges of right-of-way line. Mr. Buck moved the planning commission go on record approiing the 25-foot rgght of way for this plat, and that the city attorney be directed to provide an a@ndment to the setback ordKnance to allow reduced setback. Motion secondeEd: Under discussion, it was noted that narrowing of ProsFect street was also included in the requests in the letter. Mr. Biegel stated ~e recommended delay be made until lines in this region were investigated and ~e more certain. The motion was withdrawn, with the recommendation ~ action be delayed pending further info~ation. Information was requested of Mr. Skerry relative to the time requirements for getting ordnances ready for presentation, and he stated he planned to have mare rial organized by the next meeting. Mr. ib:i: Wm. Briggs presented a proposal for an ordnance to amend Section 8 of the zoning ordnance (#1053) concerning offstreet parking of non-conforming users. It would allow non-conforming businesses to provide off-street parking subject to approval and recommendation of the planning commission. Mr. Skerry indicated history has shown ordnances Dm! similar to this stood better if specific standards are included in it. Mr. MacCracken stated that various citizens in the vicinity of the Market Basket had indicated interest in not having parking lots deyelop on Beach Street. Mr. Beard moved the city attornw draft an ordnance for off-street parking for non conforming businesses, and that it include standards for parking lot construction. It Was seconded and passed. Mr. WI. Briggs announced the planning commission vaS invited to visit the NosIer Bullet Factory tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. E. H. McGee appeared for the Church of Christ in ....ch of ~ increased parking in the vicinity of B and Second streets through use of present park strips. It was suggested he make his proposal through the traffic committee of the city council. Mr. Skerry introduced problems relative to trailers and trailer courts. He suggested a committee be appointed to give study to it. Mr. RaId askee that he read the proffered information first, and lIJI's. Skerry presented it to Mr. Hald. Meeting adjourned 9::25 p.m. E. MacGracken, secretary \ August 4, 1958. Ashland Planning Commission ' The meeting was called to order at eight p.m. by chairman C. Hald; others present: D. Beard, J. Billings, V. Barrati, H. Buck, E., Biegel, R. Neill, E. MacCra.cken. . Minutes of the regular Ju1y meeting wre read and approeed. The new member, John Billings, was welcomed to the commission. The first business related to streets in accord with Mr. Harold Cloer's reqUest presented at the July meeting. Considerable discussion ensued. Mr. Biegel recommended that an IS-foot street be accepted from Glenwood to Beach with sufficient right of way to provide necessary cuts and fills to provide the IS-foot roadway. Mr. Buck moved that the commission recommend the proposed extension from Glenwood Drive to Beach to give an IS-foot roadway, and also that the commission recommend the vacation of Glenwood from the point of deplrture ot the new dri va to Prospect and the land dedicated back to the adjacent owners. Motion seconded. Afger discussion the question was called tor and the motion passed. Considerable discussion centered around the extension of Prospect to Beach street and disposition of part of the land now dedicated to Prospect Street. Several property owners of this area were present and plrticiplted; Mr. H. moer, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Beatty, and Mr. Clarence Rykken. Arter considerable discussion Mr. Biegel suggested the city engineers could layout a street of satisfactory grade from Prospect to Beach wi thin the next tan days, and after that time could make a recommandation to cover the problems in ' this region. Mr. Buck recommended further discussion be tabled until atter the engineering work 'WB.S completed and reported, and suggested willingness to ask tor a special meeting if necessary. It was placed as a motion, seconded, and carried. Relative to change in s..-back requirements for structures, Mr. Buck stated the city attorney was working on an ordnance to provide forallowing change in set-back. A letter trom Mr.. V. Barrati relative to continuation of Emma Street trom Mountain Avenue to Elkader Street was presented a1\4 read; (Emma Street, presently' extends both eastward and westward of this bloc*, a 50-foot right of way. Mr. Billings moved it be recommended to the councll that the city accept the 25-foot right of way offered by Mr. Barrati connecting Mountain Avenue to Elkader Street. It was noted this eftected a continuation of the south half of Emma. street. Mr. Biegel remarked a thorofare could be put through Wich could become the south half of Emma street it another 25-foot strip a~cent and north (f this strip wre to be dedicated for street. The motion was seconded, discussed, called for, and carried. Mr. Bald presented a collection of ordnances from other cities relative to trailer parks. The DrdnancEB tor Coos Bay, and for Sutherlin vere read, and Mr. Bald stated a combinationot these would cover the requirements for Ashland adequately . It was moved the city attorney present an ordnance concerning .traUer parking tQ the planning commission; seconded. Under discussion several items were noted for referral to the city engineer tor recommendation: 1'. lighting requirements in the Coos Bay ordnance 2. relationship of fees to Ashland's business license ordnance .3. designation ot suitable areas for trailer }:8.rks in terms of Ashland's zoning ordnance to restrict them to marginal business and industriaal zones. 4. - problem ot }:8.rldng single trailer by owner on a lot while building a home (inference being that such not be allowed in excess ot 15 days). 5. propoasl that:: there shall be no permanent trailer installation unless the trailer be converted to conform esthetically with surroundings, and a pproval of the poamdng commission be required. Question was called for, and the motion carried. - Mr. Hald eJlPressed thanks to the committee on the photo-map tor progress made. The map, not yet assembled, was presented eor viewing. Meeting adjourned; 9 :50 p.m. Elliott MacCraeken, Secretary Ashland Planning Commi ssion Monday, ~eptember 8, 1@58. The meeting was called to orlnr by chairmAn C. H~ld. present: C. RaId, J, Reed, J. Billings, E. ~acCracken: E. Biegel, and H. Skerry. The minutes of the Ausust 4 m'''etinp.: were read. A letter from Mr. Harold Cloer dated september 5, 1@58, Subject: Item 5 of proposal dated July 3, 1958 was ~esentd; re building closer to property line than presently allowed, in a specified area. It was noted this wouldrequire an amendment to a city ordance; ~r. Skerry read a proposal for a suitable ordanance; after discussion a motion was made, seconded and passed to recommend such an ordBBnce be forwarded to the city council for action. Ordnance would a.llow building closer to property line Khan presentlyallaved. It Tras moved, seconded, and passed that ~A'r. Cloer's request be favorably recommenJed to the council subject to chmgein ordnance and acceptance of dedication of property for street in this area, from Glenwood to Beach streets. A ,second letter from ~irr.. Cloer; Subject: reduction of the right of way. fior T"rospect Street, west cf jI.'fOuntain Avenue, from "D 'to-,?'5 feet. 'TAraS received and tabled until further reT'ort fro'\'l1 the city en,;;'ineer concerning feasibility of the request. A petition from severaJ residents in the area brunded by highw~y 66, hi rhway qo and the city lim! ts was received: it rellu.estedchange in 2;oning to make the area predominately,residenti~l. (excepiing a" strip ISO feet deep adjacent to each named highway. A committee of John Pill:ings and John Reed was apDoinf;pd to study and report their findings rel ptive t theis matte!f at the next !peeting. .. , 1'1I"r. Skerry }r esented a trailer court control ordnance; various parts l-Jere discussed, ul"'l""estions rr>ade, and the topjo c,ontinued for bu~iness at t1-e next meeting. ,," ~1!eetj,ng adjourned, q :1.~5 n.m. n '" /) 'IAJVY\. riD . ~III~ Ellio tt ~A'acGradr en ,'I, Secretary't , . . ~. ; < ' ~\ ^, September 5, 1958 To: Ashland Planning Commission From: Subject: H. A. Cloer, Southern Oregon COllege Item 5 or proposal dated July 3, 1958 1. Because of the steepness of the terrain, it 1s requestad that permission be gran.ted to start construction at the street right of vlay line on sites located on the hillside lying between Prospect Street, Glanwood Drive, and Beach Street. ' 2. Granting this request would make 1t possible to immed- fa tely begin construction of a house on the down-hill side of the new street right of way connecting Glenwood Drive and Beach Street. It would also make it poss- ible to prepare a plot plan needed as an exhibit for G.l. financing of a house to be constructed on the down-hill line of the extension of Prospect Street west of Mountain Avenue. 3. Arguments for constructing at or near street level~ (a) To provide good access to garage or carport. (b) To provide good access to sewer line. (c) Better appearance of the house (front elevation vs. root a ppea ra nee) . (d) Increased construction problems and expense in achieving (a}-(c), above, if constructiou set-back j.s required. September 5, 1958 To: Ashland Planning Commission Property o}mers whose land adjoins the unimproved extension of Prospect street west or Mountain Avenue. Fr-om: Subject~ Reduction of the right of way for ITospect street, "ria s t of Noun tain Avenue, f':"~om 40 to 25 f ae t . 1. We request that any extension of Prospect street west of Uountain Avenue be made an 18 foot street. 2. We request that the level of' the street extension remain sub- stant:lally ths.t of the ~outh side of' the present right of way_ 3. He reques'j; that the right of way for anY' extension of' Prospect Stree"!:; west of Hountain Avenue be reduoed to 25 teet by return- ing 15 (of the present 1~0) feet of the north side 01' tb.e right of way to the adjacent land. L~. Arguments for this proposal: (a) The htllside 1s so steep as to require exeess1ve cuts and .fills if streets are kept 'Wide. (b) This extension of Prospect need not be a tv-ide street, since it will provide access to a lliuited number of building sites; there is little likelihood that the street would ever carry enough cross-town traffic to warrant putting up with the dif'flculties associated with a wide street. (c) The pl"'esent right of way elevation gives good aoce~s to properties adjacent to, the south side of the right of way. cutting the road level to provide.' equal cut and .fl1~ 'WouJ.d place the road level about 3i f'est beJ.oW' the south prop- erty lines.. (d) 'rhe ppoposed 25-foot right or way would make it possible to retain several large i..-re&s on the nor>th s1d~)r of the street \fhich S.1"€t 12'GO 14 :teet 'Hi thin tb.e preS811:t right of: way", Ylt's. R. C. Barker ~~ ~llLJ ~~~n ~ II. A. Cloer ~<R.Q,.~~ ~l( -' City Planning Commission . Ashland, 6regon October 6, 1958. Present: C. Bald, chairman; J. Reed, H. Buck, J. Billings, E. ~cCracken; H. Skerry, R. Neill. Mr. Skerry presented a proposal for a trailer court operation ordnance; he explained changes made since last m:3eting, and that he had met with the fire chief and the city engineer concerning several items. The ordnance was read, discussed, and a motion made that an additional section be added to make specific and set the responsibility for inspection of trailers presently parked. No second; but cha"ges accepted for incorporation into the ordnance. . Mr. Skerry suggested that the ordnance with further changes be presedad to the cormnission again before forwarding to the city council. Mt-. Skerry presented a suggested change: Ordnance to Amend Section. 9 ot ordnance 1053 (zoning ordnance) relative to building set-back. This would make provision that where the 16t foot setback was impractical because ot steepness of terrain that, upon application, the city plahing commissilo!). could recommend that the council (and the)" be empowered) act to allow other than the 16t foot setback. It was moved, seconded, discussed, and passed that such an ordnance be forwarded to the council. Mention was made of a petition to annex to the city an area near Cla)" street. Description ot the area was presented, but a plot showing the area was not. Dr.Ha1d asked for further inforDiation; discussion ensued, but no action was taken. The committee ot J. Billings, and J. Reed were asked relati e to their report on rezoning of the area bounded by highways 66, 99, and _st cit)" ,limits; report deferred until later. Mr. Skerry brought up the problem of complaints ot Up road-blocking by S.P.R.R. trains, and advisability of ordnance to help cdntrcl"'aam. The concensus was that such an ordnance should be presented. J Discussion was held relative to frequency ot cODDDission meetings, with a twice-e.-month plan suggested. No motion vas made, but the commif;.lsion was polled. Announcement was made t e commission would meet Monday Oct. 20, 1958, 8 p.m. Elliott MacCracken, Secreta.l7 City Planning Commission Ashiand, Oregon Ocboer 20, 1958 Present: J. Billings, V. Barrati, H. Buck, E. Mac Cracken R. Neill, rrayorl H. SkerrJ.', cityatty; E. Biegel, city eggineer I1tblic hearing was held relative to an amendment. for the set-back ordnance. Mr. Skerry read thel't9dnsnce amendment; no citizens appeared and no objections were raised. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the passage ot the ordnance to amend the set-rack ordnance be recommended to the city cou"cil. A plat of the Mary Jane area annexation was presented, viewed and discussed. Motion was made, seconded, and passed to recommend to the city cour:cil the annexation of this area to the city. ... A plat of an area idjacent to Peachy Lane and ;nst south of the city limits was presented; commission reaction was requested conceming fJossible annexation of this area to be used for church and church school ground. The commission expressed itself as being fa-rorable, should arplication for annexation be made. Mr. Skerry &'1D.ounced the trailer court amendment 'WflS not yet ready for consideration. . Report concerniDg rezoni",g of the area between high\ll8.Ys 66, 99, and east city limits was also deferred. Meeting adjourned 8:45 p... Elliott ~cCracken, secretary Decem' er 1, 1058. AShland Planning Commission present: C. RaId, H. Buck, J. Reed, ~. ~acCracken, H. Skerry, R. Neill, R. ~iegel, J. ~illin~s. \'JTinu; es of Noverr(her meetinf" we1'e not present, ani so not read. R. Skerry re~'orted investigation continuing relative, to parking in areas of non-conforming businesses in residentialastricts. E. niegel r-er-c'rted w'rk nc wunder' 'ay toward feasibili ty of extending Prospect street to Beach Street. Dr. PaId pepo!'ted two or dnance s, 1()63 ..,n:l 10Ro were ,"ecl!:lred void, l~elatj ve to zoning along North 1V"ain north'lrJard of h1imer Qt, and tha.t ordnance 1??6 had been upheld in the same cirtu"i t court 1.=;ci8i on. Tt vJas noted that the voided ordnances also covered areas in the eastern part of the c1 ty. Tv1r. '-\iegel vJill present a man fm' cons5,deration of action to be talcen relative to the two voide:l ('.rgnances. It was noted the areas now revert to residential zone. Zoning of the area in The vicini ty of' the ci ty l.varehouse on First and C streets pas bro' ,..,.ht up for consiieration. "cnsl aerable discussion ensued involv~ng ~ntroductiol' of npw tynes of zones, rez(nin~ of various sixes md loca~ions of' adgacent areas, and the expectation of funds f'or a study of 7.oninp- in general. Motion l'\TR a '~"'ade t01rJ'ard rezoning" the SO" th half' of the b10ck facing c. qtreet between N. ~!on€er Ave. and ~irst, md also 7,('ninr:- the lot on the SH cOY'ner of ti'irst 2nd C. It 1-19,S P" inted out this l-Tould prrduce an island zone aurronnded 1....'7 business zrne No second~ or action taren. Other proposals were ,1'"'1ade, but no l'!'lotj ons r;'ached the voting stap-e. It 'pas moved ad aeconded the ci ty a ttorney present a draf't to rezone in ihis area at the January ~eeting. The responsibility was accepi ed by 1'~r. C:;kerry wi thC'ut vote ta1,en. A letter fro:rrl [1fr. ('\. A. Tebrun reluest:i.np. an area c,n t""'e corner of ~ a.nd "imerick ~treets be rezoned for exta'--lisbrnent of a tra:ile:t~ court. The rJrea j s abcut )lOO hy 300 feet. D1 scussion follcltTed, al1'1 the letter vms tabled. ~1eet:ing adjolJrne,~j, ("):('\1") p.m. Elliott ~ac~racken,sec.