HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Planning MIN bU:UTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARPJG OF 'T'BE A3RLATTD FLAJ1NIl\lG COl'-:l'HSSION A Public Hearing was held by the Ashland Flanning Co~mission Mon~ay Night, Jan. 7, 1063, with John Billings, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members prespnt were: John Billings, Vince Baratti, Floyd Vogel, John Reed, Harry Skerry, Allen Alsing, Robert Buchanan, and Elmer Bieqel. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unani~ously, that the Ashland Planning Commission recommend to the Common Council that the proposed ordinance permitting garages from Nor~al Avenue to the City Limits on Highway 66 be passed. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission Was held Jan. 14, 1963 with John Billings, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: John Billings, Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Whitland Locke, Floyd Vogel, John Reed, Robert Buchanan, Allen Alsing, and Elmer Biegel. The minutes of the Regular meeting of Dec. 10, the Special meeting of Dec. 13, 1962, and the Public Hearing held Jan. 7, 1963, were read by the secretary and approved as read. The election of a chairman was held. Dr. Elliott MacCracken was nominated by John Reed; a motion was made by Floyd Vogel that the nominations be closed which was seconded by Whitland Locke. This was carried unanimously. The chairman instructed the secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for Dr. Elliott MacCracken as Chairman of the Ashland Planning Commission for 1963. Dr. MacCracken requested John Billings tobe Acting Chairman for the remainder of the evening. Mr. Billings extended his congratulations to Dr. MacCracken, and thanked the members for their cooperation during his term as chairman, and gave a resume of the year's work by the Planning Commission. Floyd Vogel, in behalf of the Commission members, thanked Mr. Billings for his work as chairman during the preceding 2 years. To conform with the Pla~ Commission Ordinance regulations the following termination dates of membership were drawn by lot. December, 1963 John Billings December, 1964 Harold Buck Floyd Vogel December, 1~5 Dr. MacCracken John Reed December, 1966 Vince Baratti Whitland Locke A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to send the results of this drawing to the mayor to solicit his appointment of the same. Following a report of the Sub-division committee, a recommendation was made by Floyd Vogel, seconded by John Reed, and passed that the preliminary plat of the R. L. Crosby Sub-division be approved ~s recommended by the committee, subject to filing of a formal plat, and placed on file. A motion was made, seconded and passed to recommend to the Common Council that the extension of the Junction of Leonard and Bieber streets to the intersection of the pipeline Right-of-Way as indicated on the draWing be accepted. A-suggestion was made by George Brenner, Jackson County Planning Consultant, that ordinances as presented be stamped, initia~e?; -- one copy kept on file and the other to be sent to the sub-d1v1der. Mrs. David Alexander, 1352 Madrone St. and VITS. Julian Battaile, 1550 Oregon St., were present, representing the League of ~Nomen Voters. The Planning Consultants presented the tentative zoning ordinance & map. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLA.T\TNING COlllMI SSION The Regular meeting of The Ashland Planning Commission was held February 11, 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were~ Dr. MacCracken, John Billings, Floyd Vogel, John Reed, Harold Buck, Allen Alsing, Robert Buchanan, and Harry Skerry. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 14 were read by the sec- retary and approved as read. A request for a change of street name was presented by Allen Alsing. After discussion, a motion was made to refer to committee the request that Bieber Street and part of Emma Street be renamed Woodland Drive; and also the forthcoming extension westward of Emma Street as Westward Drive. A motion was made by Harold Buck, seconded by John Billings, and passed unanimo~sly that the Ashland Planning Commission recommend to the Common Council that Curry Plumbing and Heating, 1035 Iowa Street5 be permitted to establish a small temporary sign not to exceed 2 feet in height, not illuminated, which thereafter may be replaced by a sign ~-)t to exceed 2 feet in height and 20 feet~width, set flat against the front of the building and which may be illuminated but non-flashing and otherwise to conform to the city sign ordinance. The fOllowing committees were appointed by the chairman~ Sub-divisions and Arterials~ Billings, Ch.; Baratti, Reed. Vogel, Ch.; Locke, Buck. Buck, Ch.; Vogel, Locke. Annexations and Zoning: IvIiscellaneous: It was announced that because of the absence of the Mayor at the Council meeting the appointment of the members of the Planning Commission had not been confirmed. Mrs. D. E. Fehlman, 500 Liberty, was present and explained her request to establish a kindergarten at this address. She was referred to the committee (Zoning) and it was suggested that she meet with them. The formal plat of the Orchard Hill Sub-division was presented for signing- the requirements having been met. Mrs. David Alexander and Mrs. Carl Neely , representing the League of Women Voters, were present. Norman Wade of Talent appeared before the Commission, requesting information concerning property on Beach and Ashland Streets in the interest of the Lithia Church of Christ. He was instructed to confer with Robert Buchanan. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMl':1ISSION The Regular Meeting of the Ashland 'Planning Commission was held March ll~ 1963~ with Dr. Elliott MacCracken~ Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were~ Dr. MacCracken, John Billings~ Harold Buck~ John Reed, Floyd Vogel, Allen Alsing, Harry 6kerry~ and Robert Buchanan. "...01- The minutes of the meeting of Feb. 11 wer~~bY the secretary and approved as corrected. A petition asking to change certain street names was read and in accord with this~ a motion was made to change street names as follows~ (1), Bieber Street~ (2), a portion of 1mma Street from Palmer Road to Leonard Street~ and (3), proposed p.xtension from the vicinity of Leonard Street to the pipeline easement. This matter was tabled; Dr. MacCracken asked r~. Alsing to inform Mrs. Bieber of this motion and invite her reaction. Discussion followed on the request of Mrs. D. E. Fehlman who wished to establish a kindergarten at 500 Liberty Street. Speaking in favor of the establishment of the kindergarten were fITS. Fehlman and }~. Roy Nason~ 338 Scenic Drive. The folloWing spoke against the proposal~-- l'Ir. and Mrs. Wm. M. VanDyke, 501 Liberty St.; Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Robinson~ 509 Libery; ~trs. Dorothy WOlf, 860 Ashland st.; Mr. Wayne Hood, 508 Liberty Street; Mr. Arthur Kreisman, 455 Liberty street; and ~trs. Betty Walters, 520 Liberty Street. A motion was made by Floyd Vogel and seconded by John Billings that the Common Council be n~r.ified that the request for permission to operate a private kindergarten at 500 Lib8~ty Street had been denied. This motion was passed by a 4-0 voice vote. Following the reading of a letter of request from Mr. Henry Galey~ a motion was made and second to ask the Common Council for the following zone change~ To change the property described below to Zone. 1, Business: That part of property bounded by \~ralker Avenue, Lit \flay, Highway 66 and the south boundary of the Foster tract not now zoned to Business. Reference map 120-84. This ~otion was passed unanimously. A progress report on the Zoning Ordinance was made by Robert Buchanan. A motion Was made, seconded~ and passed unanimously to approve the final plat of, the Pleasant View Subdivision; it having been approved, as being the same as the tentative plat. The tentative sub-division of property owned by the City of Ashland was referred to the Sub-division Committee~ The League of Women Voters was represented by rITs. Donald Moore, 496 Beach Street. AdjOurnment follow~d. Hilda Kinney~ Sec. MEETING OF THE ASHL~~D PLANNING CO~MISSION A special meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held April 1, 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Dr. MacCracken, John Billings, Floxd Vogel, ~fuitland Locke, Vince Baratti, Elmer Biegel, Allen Alsing, and rtobert Buchanan. After considering the request in a letter from the Van Vleet Realty, 1450 Siskiyou Blvd., and general discussion, the following motion was made: that the Ashland Planning Commission recommends to the COamon Council that those portions of the following lots, 3-2, 3, 21-1, and 21 shown on City Map 5-1, 120-85, be changed from Zone 4, low density, Residential to Zone 1, Business District. This motion was seconded, and passed unanimously. Mr. Biegel presented proposals fOD a street in the vicinity of the intersection of Leonard and Emma Streets. The progress report on the zoning ordinance was continued by Robert Buchanan. Visitors introduced were Bob Van Vleet; Duane Alvord, rector of the Episcopal Church, 44 IT. 2nd, Ashland; and Victor Milnes, 15 No. Groveland, Medford. Adjournment Dllowed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. Minutes of the meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission VIas held April 8, 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Dr. MacCracken, John Billings, John Reed, Harold Buck, Floyd Vogel, Allen Alsing, Harry Skerry, and Robert Buchanan. The Ninutes of the Regular Heeting of Mar. 11 were read by the secretary and approved as read. The Ninutes of the Special Eeeting of April 1 ",Jere read by tbe secretary and approved as corrected. Following a report by John Billings, of the sub-division, a motion was made to accept the report of the sub-division committee, and to approve the tentative sub-division sketch of city-owned land in the vicinity of Mountain View Cemetery and to refer the matter back to the City Engineer for a preliminary plat. A motion was made to instruct the city engineer to take steps to negotiate for the properties that would extend the proposed streets north and south as well as east and west near the Clyde Caton. property which extends from Normal Ave. to Park Street. This was seconded and passed unanimously. Public Hearings were held concerning rezoning two areas near Highway 66 and Walker Avenue. A motion was made to recommend to the Common COQDcil that zone changes be made in accordance with the ordinances as published in the Ashland Daily Tidings, week of April 1, and read by Hr. Skerry, city attorney: (1) to include all the property, formerly the location of the Bellview Lumber Co. on Highway 66, and (2) the property of Dr. John Bradshaw and other properties in accordance with the request for rezoning. This was seconded and passed unanimously. The Ashland Planning Commission was asked by YIT. Skerry to consider the desirability of extending the Zo~ing O~dinance to permit home occupations and trades within Zone # 3 Residential district. Discussion followed; VIT. Vogel moved that the present restrictions as stated in the current ordinance be enforced. This was seconded and passed by voice vote. The chairman requested the zoning Committee to give careful consideration to this topic in preparing a new ordinance. VIT. John Schoenewald, 266 N. Second St. requested information on building multiple units at that location to replace a burned house. }/~. Buck would head a committee to investigate this. Mr. Schoenewald was asked to confer with VIT. Buchanan relative to his request. Dr. E. C. McGill, Mrs. Helen 1.;lalz, and Mr. 3c Mrs. B. '/1. Gerke, appeared, asking about obtaining specific description of property, bordering on a proposed street in the vicinity of Leonard and Emma streets. Discussion ensued. No proposed plan appeared completely satisfactory. Owners were encouraged to work out further proposals in cooneration wi th Iv.Ir. Als ing. -. MINuTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COM}tlI SSION A Special Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held April 29, 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Dr. MacCracken~ Floyd Vogel, Harold Buck , Whitland Locke, Allen Alsing, and Robert Buchanan. After discussion a motion was made by Floyd Vogel that the Plan 4 for the street in the Helen Walz' property as shown on the City Engineer's drawing be approved by the Ashland Planning Commission and that it be recommended to the Ashland City Council for acceptancen This motion Was seconded by Harold Buck and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Floyd Vogel that it be recommended to the City Council that the proposed new street and those parts of the streets now referred to as Emma, Bieber or Smith, which lie East- ward from the proposed new street all be called Woodland Drive. This motion was seconded by WhitlandLocke and passed unanimously. A preliminary sketch showing a sub-division, (Cascade), which had been proposed and containing the two proposed streets, Rogue and l'::.odoc, by the City of Ashland, was shown. A motion was made by Harold Buck and seconded by Floyd Vogel that the proposed sketch be approved. This was passed unanimously. Announcement Was made of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Planning Officials to be held in Seattle, May 5-9. No reservations could be made by members of the Planning Commission; although Robert BUChanan, member of the Bureau of Municipal ResearCh, plans to attend. The proposed Zoning map was presented by Robert Buchanan. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. NINUTES OF THE v.1EETING OF THE ASHLArID PLANNING CmlNISSION The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held May 139 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were~ Dr. ~fucCracken, John Billings, John Reed9 Harold Buck, lA/hitlam Locke, Vince Baratti, Floyd Vogel, Allen Alsing, Harry Skerry, and George Brenner, the Jackson Co. Planning consultant. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 8 were road and approved as corrected - Ca proposal by Floyd Vogel that "present restrictions as stated in the current ordinance be enforcedn had been referred to as a motion rather than as a proposal.) The minutes of the Special Meoting of April 29 were read and approved as read. A request was presented by the Jackson Co. Realty, 1670 Siskiyou Boulevard 9 in behalf of Mrs. L. Naomi Daniel - who is the purchaser of 160 N. Main st'9 to rezone with a depth of 150' the property on North Main, beginning at the intersection of Helman street and North Main street to the intersection of North Main and Central Avenue to Commercial. Following discussion, a motion \.Iras made by Floyd Vogel and seconded by Vince Baratti that the Ashland Planning Commission recommend to the Common Council that this property not be rezoned and that hearings not be held.. This was passed unanimously. A committee report wqs given by ~tr. Vogel of the Zoning Committee. The Chairman asked that a copy of Plan # 4 be placed in the file of the secretary. Mr. C. C. Squire, 1167 Tolman Road, and Mr. Harry HaWk, 1163 Bellview Ave. presented a petition for a proposed annexation in the . Bellview Area. This was referred to the Committee on Annexation and Zoning working in cooperation with lf~. Alsing, relative to roads and public utilities. A Petition of Withdrawal , within the Bellview Area "vas presented by VIT. Milton Hamilton and others. This was turned over to Mr. Vogel by the Chairman. Dr. E. C. McGill and Mr. Vincent Oredson appeared before the Planning Commission as representatives of the Chamber of Commerce to secure the reaction of the Planning Commission to restudy of the Plaza and Lithia Park Area. After discussion, a motion was made by John Billings that the Planning Commission request the Economic Development Commission give serious consideration to the request of the Chamber of Commerce for a survey of possible development of the Plaza area and offer the services of the Planning Consultant to be of assistance where possible. This was seconded by Mr. Vogel, passed unanimously. Following discussion a motion was made by John Billings that the Ashland Planning Comm ission recommend to the Common Council that proper proceedings be taken to open Catalina Drive from Chestnut street to Scenic Drive. This was seconded and passed unanimously. This is a reaffirmation of a previous action. It was stated that at the next meeting the presentation of a new zoning ordinance is expected. Adjournment followed. H. Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held June.l?, 1963 at 8 o'clock, Wi~h Dr. Elliot~ MacCracken, Chairman, presldlng. Regular and ex offlcio members present were: Dr. Mac- Cracken, John Reed, John Billings, Harold Buck, ~~1tland Locke, Vince Baratti, Floyd Vogel, Harry Skerry, Allen Alsing, Robert Buchanan, and George Brenner, Jackson Co. Planning Consultant. The secretary's report of the regular meeting of May 13 was read by the secretary and approved as read. An announcement was made by George Brenner that the Jackson County Planning Commission will meet at the Bellview School, Wednesday, June 12 at 8 p.m. to discuss Interim Zoning. Letters from J. W. King 147 Central, W. J. Burgoyne, 320 Iowa, and Robert W. Preston, 338 N. Laurel that had been received by the chairman and answered were read and placed on file. A letter from Rev. R. L. Cornwall, minister of the Assombly of God Church, was read and referred to Committee. A letter from Frank and Maxine Hoehner, 1253 S. Tolman Road, stating their views against annexation, was read by the chairman. A report was given by the Chairman of the Annexation Committee, Floyd Vogel, stating that after examining the proposed plans, they found that either plan is satisfactory with the provision of one street. A motion wa.~ made. by Harold BUCk and seconded b7 30hn Billing. s, that ~t be veco~onded to the CQrnmon qo~c~~ th~t ?~ther Plan fo~ the proposeo annexatio~ ~n the aQl1vt~w area ~s ~~peptabl~ ~itn the provt~ion o~ o~e'qon~eQting~treet aCro$~ th~ creek~ This Wa~ passed unanimousl~. ~ am~ndment to this was maqe py JOhn Reed: . A recommenCla.Hon bE) made to the Common Counc:j..l that Publi~ Eearlng$ be called by both the Council and the Planning Commissiop ontne . proposed annexation; and that the re~ort of the committee be accepted. This motion was passed unanimously_ . Quite a number of residents were present. Carl Surber; 965 Bellview Ave. and Harry Hawks spoke regarding the annexation. The Chairman made the statement that after the Public Hearings were held, the Planning Commission would make a recommendation. After discussion of a proposed project, a motion was made by Harold Buck that the Ashland Planning Commission recommend to the Common Council that in regard to the proposed buildingtla variance be allowed; with regard to the proposal from Hr. Bert de Korte for a l2-unit apartment(a Seni~r Citizen Housing project)~ located on Haple and Rock Streets named. Haple-Rock Garden Apartments~ that the off-street parking spaces (2 on Rock Street and 1 on Haple) be re. moved and the area landscaped;(and that the Ashland Planning Com- mission permit a Variance requesting 10 off-street parking spaces of the required 12". Seconded by J. Billings; passed 5-1. J }rr. Leo Wine appeared before the Planning Commission relative to a request for an alteration in Faith Tabernacle. A drawing showing the proposal was presented. A motion was made to recommend to the Common Council that permission be granted to Leo Wine to make an : alte~Qtion in the upstairs of the Faith Tabornacle to prOVide one 2-bedroom apartment; ,;" up _to 1200 sq_. feota This ,was seconded by John Reed'9ud passed unanimously. ~tt. H. O. Martin, representing the Lithia Church of Christ, asked advice on tentative plans of building of a new church. The Ashland Planning Commission asked that a Public Hearing be called on the request of the Lithia Church of Christ at the next regUlar meeting (July 8) to determine whether a church shall be permitted as a con- ditional use on Park Street. This motion was made by }~. Billings, seconded by Vince Baratti, and passed unanimously. A re-presentation, including change, in the tentatively-called Crosby sub-division was referred to Committee. The Chairman announced a Committee-of-the-whole meeting on Zoning -to be held in 2 weeks-June 24, at 7:30 pm in the council chambers. It was decided to change the time of the Commission meetings to 7:30. Adj. followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHL~ID PL~TNING COMMISSION The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held July 8, 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Dr. MacCracken, Vince Baratti, Floyd Vogel, John Billings, Whitland LOCke, Harry Skerry, Allen Alsing, Robert Buchanan, and George Brenner, Jackson Co. Planning Consultant. The Minutes of the Meeting of June 10 were read by the secretary and approved as read. The Chairman announced that the Ashland Planning Commission had met as a Committee-of-the-Whole to consider the proposed Zoning Ordinance. He reported that the Council had decided not to call Hearings on the proposed annexation, and returned the matter to committee for study before taking action. It was also announced that Leo Wine's request had been allowed provided that the Faith Tabernacle be brought up to comply with building regulations A Public Hearing was held regarding the proposed Lithia Church of Christ on Park street. A favorable Comittee report was given by Floyd Vogel. Inquity was made relative to comment from interested people. Mr. Norman Wade, Trustee of the Lithia Church of Christ, and member of their BUilding Committee, stated a canvass of houses in the neighborhood indicated the occupants were favorable toward permitting the church; at three homes no one was found. One of these families-~~. and ~~so Lloyd Hoadley, 981 Park street, were present and gave their reasons objecting to the building of the church at this location. After discussion a motion was made to continue the Heari~g until June 22 at 7:30 pm. This was soconded and passed unanimOUSly. Mr. Wade was asked to obtain signatures to a statement regarding the proposal under consideration of the feeling of the property owners. After discussion a motion was made by Floyd Vogel to accept the plans as submitted by the Assembly of God Church for a proposed church at Iowa, Garfield, and Quincy Streets, providing 70 parking spaces and to grant the Variance to the Assembly of God Church. This was seconded and passed unanimOUSly. A continuance of the proposed Crosby Sub-division was ordered. A request from Joe Jarvis of Medford concerning a proposed annexation of land on Walker Ave. was turned over to the Annexation Committee for consideration. A request from Robert Preston, 338 N. Laurel to build a duplex in a single-family zone near the intersection of Oregon and Indiana Streets W3S presented. It was pointed out that this is zoned for single-family; not near multiple-family zoning. It was suggested that ~~. Preston meet with V~. BUChanan, City Planning COl~sultant, to discuss use of his land. George Brenner, Jackson Co. Planning Consultant, presented the final section of the new Zoning Ordinance for consideration of the Commission. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. ;..S. .;j.":I- , , ,,;,:.1 Secretary's Report for Planning Commission I:v~e3;_tingo, JulY 22, 1963. A Continuation of the Public Hearing requested 1:;y the Litbia Church of Christ Has held Jully 22, 1963. Re3ular 8nd ex offici'J members present were: Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, Floyd Vo;el, Vince Baratti, Harold Buck, John Billi'~;gs, Harry Skerry, R'Jcert Buchanan, P.I.n,d Geor::;e Brenner, County Planning Consultant. The meeting was declared open, and announcement made by the chair- man that he would ask for the minutes of the last meeting before con- tinuing with the hearing relative to the use of land on Park 3treet for a church. The minutes were read, and the heari0g continued. A letter from Mr. Galey concerning the description of the size and ownership of the property was read. Hl~. Norman 'dade, representing the Lithia Church of Christ, made a presentation of the plans for the buildinB and land. A petition with signatures of some of the resid~nts in this vicinity was pre- sented by ~IT. Lloyd Hoadley. It stated the signers were not in favor of having the church. fill'. Wade offered to answer questions. Some discussion fOllowedJincluding opposition to having the church at this location. Explanation of the term "Conditional usell was given. At the conclusion of discussion, a motion was called for. A motion "Jas made by Hr. Vogel and seconded by Nr. Baratti: fhat the request to build a church on Park Street bv Lithia Church of Christ ai a conditional use be denied based on i~adequate circula- tion of traffic on that street. The motion was 'passed 4-1 8i'ter 5:lf-1e further discussion. - 1'.'Irs. 1'lary S. .l:Judey, 667 north Main Street made a request to extend Greenbriar Street from the 'present cuI de sac to 8. Doi''j,t approximately half way from it to ~Torth Hain3treet. This-i,vould be through her property. She furnished a plat shovJing the location of the street and division of her land into lots faci~g it. This was referred to the committee on subBivisions and arterials. After discussion John Billings made a motion that the proposed Crosby sub-division be approved as herein indicated with an added slope easement of 5' on each side of the extended Pracht street, and an c6ditional 5' added to the r3dius of the half cuI de sac off of Euclid. This was seconded by I'r. VO,c:el and passed 3-1. Following discussion a motion was made ( Billi~Gs) and seconded (Baratti) to Eject the request of Pace Setter Homes, Inc. to divide property at S. E. Holly and Kearney Streets bec use it was contrary to present zoning. This was 9assed uanimously. HINUTES OF THE 1"1EETING OF THE ASHL.C>.ND PLANNING C01v11<I3SION The Regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Co~~ission was held August 12, 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Dr. MacCracken, John Billings, Harold Buck, Floyd Vogel, Vince Baratti, Allen Alsing and Robert Buchanan. The~~~n~tes of the Special meeting of July 22 were read byfue secretary and approved as read. Mr. ~ illings, for the subdivisions and arterials committee, reported a satisfactory plan for the request of Mrs. t1ary S. Eudey 667 N. Main Street to subdivide her property had not yetbeen achieved. Discussion of progress ensued. Mrs. Eudey and her daughter Mrs. Josephine Croskell were present. Mr. Alsing presented a suggested acceptable street pattern which included land of different ownership. The request was returned to committee for continued study in eooperation with Mr. Alsing. A request from Mr. Karl Windbigler, 975 s. Walker Avenue, was received. He asked that the city accept a re-subdivision of six lots on Plaza Ave. to form eight lots. These would be of less than 6000 square feet area each. ~fter discussion a motion was made by Mr. Baratti that the request not be granted. This was seconded by Mr. Nogel and passed unanimously. Mr. Floyd Vogel reported relative to ~ request of Mr. Joe Jarvis for annexation to the city of approximately ten acres near Walker Avenue. He reported a satisfactory street pattern had not been achieved. Mr. Jarvis was present. Discussion followed, including opportunity to establish streets through adjacent land belonging to Mr. Karl Windbigler. The chairman noted he had read a letter concerning this area along the southern boundary of the city, and in it indicated need for general large area consideration as opposed to fitting various small packages serially into an eventual use of the la~ger area. The terrain makes both furnishing uti~jties and streets a matter for large scale policy. The request was turned over to Mr. Alsing for a further proposal. Mr. Alvin J. Bro~n, 807 S. Mountain Avenue requested that property on Iowa and California Streets be rezoned from Rl to R3-multiple family zoning. This request was referred to the Zoning Committee. Discussion followed concerning the request of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Swing to establish a kindergarten at 692 Elkader St. Mr. MacCracken commented these requests presented difficulties to the commission partly because its work dealt mostly with land use, that there were also often opera- tional problems linked closely with these requests, and that there was little legislation covering these. A petition signed by various residents in the neighborhood indicating they favored the request was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Swing. They also presented a sketch of the property as pp~posed for kihdergarten Use. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Mr. Buck and seconded by Mr. Billings that the city attorney be instructed to make arrangements for a public hearing at the earliest possible time (possibly Aug. 26) to consider the request that a kindergarten be estab- lished as a conditional use at 692 Elkader Street. Motion passed. Mr. Vogel reported progress on the proposed zoning ordinance and commented Mr. . Brenner was in the hospital and probably would not be able to present the or~lnance for at least a month. AdJ. followed Hilda Kinney, Sec. 1~1I:r\~'T~1!E2 OI~ THE l-':EETIT.JG. Ci~F ~~E l~'SHLhI\TD r"IJ~wJ\Jr,JIr\ZG COf/:.Iv! ISS IC'r.J TT . A Public ~learing ~as held by the Ashland plaruling Commission September 3, 1963 l.vith Dr. .l1;lliott NacCrc1cl:en, chairn:an, presiding. Regular cHld ex officio members present were: Dr. MacCracken, ~arold Buck, Floyd Vogel, ~Oitland Locke) H.:'.I.rr;l Skerry, Allen .c.13ing, and ""obert Bucb;,ns.n. The report of the Hegulat meeting of the Planning Co~mi3sion on AOgQst wss reed and approved as read. 1 ':1 ..L "- .L. PllrJ1ic EeE.ring -t,e cOEsider the request of br. 2.nd leI's. j'~. J. i.:hdflg to esto'blisTl :::. l{inde...~g.::::.rtGrJ or da../ l~ilirsei~~' sC~lccl at (')'2 Ell{aeJ.er ;3t. ;:,.3 [1 (':'....,r'.::;.;+.'O.'~..,il i1'='e ".''''~ hel,] 'Tihe ("i-'a-:""".<,,,, c;",--,'i"'.r' ~'l.'c- '~':';""l'C'~ion "'8<0,0.- 'C. :l'~t '.J.L.t:' _......,"-.lU~.,.~~..J.. .l.2.:.~.. '_~...J \illv_;:; .1................. -...1 '.-.....1 ...!...!.i._.,.('.....lJ~ ~d_. ...1.Jb ="'':'''-' '.1.-'.,..]'-.0 1...J~_ _..., ..L. ,_ '-'....... "-'v _ the residents of the neighbor~ood who were in favor of the proposed k~~der- ~:rt,e'~l., He c~so l'er:::d 8. lett~r fro;::; ;~Dm 'Tooley, H.e&lto:r~ i>lh? .\e);:j~. opposed to IllS !~nQergartan. ~ave Curtls, Re~ltor, appezred to VOlce hlS Q~sapproval. A stateelent ','ias :nade 'by tl'1e Cha~l~LM3.n, tha t Chas. Delsrna.n ~ a pI'C..perty owner-, was in favor of it. Mr. Floyd agel made a statement that the proposed . , . 1:\' ... "'T .!-"" -.". :'l . + . ... 2on1l1g orUl:Q.s.,~C8 vJOU Q not al...l.OVV Lile .K1.nQergc.r~en f.'J.S a conal ~lOna..L l{~e. ;dt~r C ~ .52~; ;o? -'on 5 c. ,,'_~~:i CL ,,,,.I&S n','d 8,,1:.y l'Z:~ I'o Id ~ u~k, .3 nd s el? C! j'}dc dT~":(ii hi tl:" d Loc"s, t112.t :he l:'ec;Lles'c of l<r. 8.nd l'J.rs. J'l. J. 0wlng be den.led. -iUS'v18.S pas sed 1.1naninlousl.jl,. r"""', ,,~- ...,.~ .. ,.... .. .. .." C," . ('''f .. ... '1 ' J' lDe l~Snl.ana ~lannlng ~ommlsslon reco~mendea to he Q~mmeft ~ounCl~ t~~t cne i<'r-C:~L-er'~1 -lu~.;7t r-.f iTe'~":;rc::.+ iY'l +-r'l'e ""ei'O~' T,~,','~r ,C'"."._. .. '''l'c<i,~,-, 1.,_:, ",-".'-"";',...] ~.c: .L:.IU_ ...LJ -- U .~. J. u..:::L.'t _U u e ..1-... 1, --.!.. _~ ,: L..:..:.'-_'.';-'; '-- 4!.j....~',-~ J_ I. ~ _V~~ f.~C \ ::..;,....c:. 1...0.... '~_,'...... . d' ' . . ... 1 iJ' -.. ., '~- . . . . . T' 1 - -. . reqL1este. OY~J:'lI:. A2,r 'lD.C.UJlg.l.6I'. '11'::'lS ;rotlcn '"ja~3!E,Qe cy rlfiI'O ct ceLiCH.? - 8e O'.-,,~ e('~ 'i-: '.' ';:. 1 _.. "~U..] ~'.-., ,~. i:' 1 '" "," -'I.' '" C' e,~ r . -. ;0; ", -" ',. :. '" 1 -.:r .:J " ..._\...1. u. "~.J ...L..UJ 1......0......._' ,-,-l...'-A. 1;''-'"'''''''' ,..(. ..1L~__ _.-_1. -.l....l~-'_., e :'lr. ':'::'ley, Llsing presented (ilte:C.0.1:,t8 P:[,:Jpo:::'::i13 LoI' ~:Le s-tr8et~1 LLe ~tj'-1.'-;e:;;t of ~::r'.i. Budey fer i? :-;;uL-Gi'..-lsICir1. :'-~~e::'8 <,JC:'C 'Ji6;J8d "we. ;.' COLSe~lSl.:!S re;:u:;:led 011 \\i]'11cll "W C u Id t e ~-3;':1 t l. S..f' e c t c:e .Y. Of16 0 r.ll? ~ i~\ Is in.g :::~; .~: t e d. .r- ;~_a ',::, tLG re ;/~ ~:.. 3 ":J.O t ,;:L gl~ e e~l~er.J. t ~~~ ~.EO.t1g L 118 f':'::'~IJ ~J 8 .~" ..._:) t 8 1::2" o~r icl e llor 1 S ;--. i_I .::L ~: /. c~ s roe t u r'l'~ eic 0 Cor.'~rr~i t t ee.. ~ ~r. tlsing presented a pre1iffiin~ry plat for the area pwned by Mr. Joe J8rvis. for c02sideraticn. After~scQssion and suggestions it w~s returned tc COffiillittee fOl~ f ur~ti'-ler de.'Jelo prrlsn t :L lvlr. - Alsing ;i;::;-;l:;;l::;;;Bg.j::.1resented a ske ~c:1. of' a suc-di~.'ision of the ~hndoigla!' la.nd c,et','jeen 'v'J&lker "[~o,~e. c.nd tile '?iel:2':' su.1:...i5c.:iE3ic,;-.. DisC4:5s~or" lullm'Jec.. 1'Li8 ',<.s returned t cO:;l:::;it:t88 I'er f'~.n't:her J80'-GJ:i}:;~!S It. Th8::~lCl it, '_;::ill s t ''::' t sd t i:.c; t C Gel. ; j (; ':'-' . i eel ';j S i'8lJ.J b g J.:i'G::~ 1: o:c~,L~e 0 penirlg 01' ~codson Street. 3rief discussicn follo~ed. ~ '~+t-cr p~~(,. .n......,~..~5~ ,~,~rl ".0'""\ ~,;. ....L-1i:i'.J '-_ ..1.,,!-V/..i..l '-' ._...... _""__ Ge2stery be ~c of AshlDlld :r. -t ~ ........ .{-}-. .", .t.. ..tL ~ "'\.... ,. 'r ,-. ,-, t 1 .'~_ ..I,.l~L..:.l.v\NOr:"'J,.l'T:~'-:lIOE!.l.b.~v c.~ ..,::ctVJ, \,},3. S r~e3 d. 3.118. .t:' 1a c ed. Ofl III e . COl1csr"'li:-lg the pIiO po S ad. It 1,.,}:;\8 decided {~h.:J.t -che next meetir:g 'hlQuld :-;e,~ speciD.l meeting to DO ll81tl ~spt. 16 ~o consjier tl18 p~opGseQ ordinaLce for zcni~g. r;"~-l .~:. r"',....... ).. ~ ..., ,-,. J_...{:; 1--C;CL_....o ~:~. 's.J -:.:.,' !.111 rl8u , ~. " t~le C~-: 11 of .tIle Ch~.ir2~2;1= =Iild.:.'. Ie illIl8 '~..:r II> J C' c . v , CITY OF ASHLAND ASHLAND, OREGON 'Jamou~ fo't cJ.Ie.atth-glrJlng d1t{lne.'tat <Wate.'t~ cJ.Iome. of the. ~hake~pe.a'te.an 'Je.~tlrJat OFFICE OF CITY PLAL~NING COMl1ISSION Minutes of meeting, September 16, 196) commissioners present: Elliott MacCracken John Billings John Buck Howard Pierce Floyd Vogel others present: Robert Buchanan George Brenner The planning commissioners held a discussion of the preliminary draft of the proposed Ashland Zoning Ordinance. Following discussion the following motion was made by John Buck, seconded by John Billings~ and unanimously approved: motion - Moved that the preliminary draft of the proposed Ashland Zoning ordin~~ce be approved and that the draft and map be submitted to the Common Council with a request that public hearings be set as soon as feasible. MINUTES OF THE }ffiETING OF THE ASHLAND PL_~ING COMMISSION The Regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held October 14, 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Cbairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Dr. MacCracken, John Billings, Floyd Vogel, Vince Baratti, Allen Alsing, and Robert Buchanan. The secretary's report of the Public Hearing of Sept. 3 was ,; read by the seretary and approved as changed by additions. The minutes of the Special meeting of the Commission of Sept. 16 were read. It was noted that the Planning Commission had met with the Council on October 1 for discussion of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. A request from Leo Wine for annexation of a plat of land which faces Park Street near Crestvie'l." was referred to Committee. Following discussion, a motion was made that there is no objection to closing the alley on the Frank Reeves' property adjacent to Wimer Street. The motion was made by Vince Baratti, and seconded by IvIr. Vogel, and carried 2-1. Mr~.Billings questioned the vote as to majority. Following discussions ana various motions, a motion was made by ~IT. Baratti and seconded by :rv~. Vogel that the Planning Commission recommend to the Common Council th~all 3 proposals submitted by }tr. Joe Jarvis and Ivtr. Karl Windbigler for sub-division and annexation be accepted with the provision that there be an easement of Woodland Drive through to Walker Ave. and that Pinecrest be a oeeded right-of-way to the west property line. This carr~ed (2-1). Dr. MacCracken stated that his vote on this was "Yes". A preliminary plat of the proposed Terra-Linda sub-division #2 by Mr. Windbigler was accepted and referred to the Sub- division and to the Annexations Committees. The Chairman stated that the Zoning Ordinance is being studied by the Council and that a statement would be made when it is approved. The meeting adjourned at the call of the Chairman. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE yiliETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING CO~~ISSION. The Regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held Nov. 11, 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Dr. MacCracken, John Billings, Harold Buck, Howard Pierce, Allen Alsing, and Robert Buchanan. The secretary's report was read. A Special meeting of the Planning Commission to consider the request for annexation of the Terra-Linda Sub-division #2 was called for Monday night, Nov. 18. A request from the Lithia Church of Christ to build a church as a conditional use on Park Street was presented cy Mr. Norman 1iJade, representing the church. Other representatives of the church were present. A motion was made by ~~. Buck and seconded by }T. Billings that it be recommended to the Common Council that the request to build the Lithia Church of Christ on Park Street - approxiamately 400' from Highway 66 as a conditional use be granted and that the Council be asked to establish Hearings. This was passed unanimously. A further motion was made by Mr. Buck and seconded by ~~. Pierce that it be reco~mended to the Corr~on Council that the 10-day time limit to advertise in the paper be waived and the Purlic Hearing be held Monday, the 18th of November, if possible. This was passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at the call of the Chairman. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE ~lliETING OF T~~ ASHLAND FL_~JNING COln!ISSION. ** A Special Meeting of the Ashland Plalli~ing Commission was held Nov. 18, 1963. Members present were: Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, John Billings, Floyd Vogel, Harold Buck, Vince Baratti, and Robert Buchanan. The secretary's report for the meeting of Nov. 11 were read. A Public Hearing was artllounced by the Chairman in which the Lithia Church of Christ requested a conditional use for a proposed church at Park st. Discussion followed; l~. and V~s. L. E. Chantry, 635 Parl( street, asked for more information on the proposed church. A motion was made by Itr. Billings, and seconded by ltr. Vogel, that the request of the Lithia Church of Christ be granted. This is to allow a church structure to be constructed on Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Norpark Sub-division. The tentative plan showing location of structure, parking, and landscaping was satisfactory. This motion was passed unanimously. Letters from the Chairman of the Ashland Planning Commission were read. These requested information in regard to ~ater and Roads Policy from the Mayor and the Common Council. Later a motion was made by VIT. Vogel, and seconded by ~tr. Billings and passed unanimously affirming the contents of theletters noted above. A motion was made by V~. Baratti, and seconded by ~T. BUCk, and passed Q~animously that the Ashland PlaQ~ing COIT~ission recommend to the Common Council that the area in the proposed TerrcrLinda Sub- divion #2 which lies below the Talent Irrigation Ditch be accepted into the City and that the tentative sub-division as shown on accompanying drawings (labelled) Pla~~ing Commission Map and dated Nov. 18, 1963 with the recommendations appended: 1. New street to be aligned with Crestview Drive. 2. (Section south of irrigation ditch not to be annexed at this time). 3. 10 ft. slope easements and 10 ft. utility easements required as shown. S 890 40' E 774.65' All lot dimensions are plus or minus feet subject to final survey. Terra Street be extended south to ne~ street. Plaza Street south of Nezla be vacated. Nezla Street east of Linda be vacated. 7. Street extended to east line of Terra-Linda #2 through present Lot 3 of Block 8 and on to Mary Jane: If this not available and the roadways through Lot 6 Block 8 is available it would be allowable. The preference is the one through Lot 3. 8. Area shown at SE end Crestview Extension should be dedicated for turn-around and future street. 9. Accept right-of-way from cul-de-sac to Crestview. 4. 5. ~ o. A request was presented by Leo Wine. After discussion, a motion was made by }tr. Baratti, and seconded by Mr. Vogel, and passed unanimously that the request of Mr. Wine for annexation and sub-division be approved subject to the opening of Beswick Way along the west edge of that property and the opening of a street from Beswick Way to Park St. along the southerly edge of the lot where Mr. Wine is located to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. - all streets to be 47' wide. A motion was made by Mr. Baratti, md seconded by Hr. Vogel and passed unanimOUSly by the Planning COMmission to accept the Revisions of the proposed Crosby Sub-division in accord with the preliminary map furnished by Vincent Oredson. (Note was made that 3 copies of the preliminary plat should be furnished in accordance with the Ordinance.) The meeting adjourned at the call of the Chairman. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION. The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held Dec. 9, 1963, with Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex-officio members present were: Dr. MacCracken, John Billings, Floyd Vogel, Howard Pierce, Allen Alsing, and Robert Buchanan. The secretary's report of the meeting of Nov. 18 was read and approved as descriptions were changed. Dr. MacCracken stated that in reply to his letters to the Council requesting information about the Water and Roads Policy, he had learned that a water survey was underway and a report could be expected befor0 long, and fuat action would be stimulated on the project to provide a street plan. A communication was read from the Bunnell Real Estate Agency, 308 ~~.' Hersey St., requesting information if multi=residence could be per- mitted at 780 Oak Street. After discussion it was recommended that a letter be written in answer by the Chairman, explaining that the area is now zoned Farm-Residential; and that there was not an expecta- tion that it would be zoned for Multiple- HOUSing, which would be necessary if this were to be permitted. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Karl Reichert was read in which they stated their interest in the construction of a restaurant with living quarters at the Dairy Dan site on Winburn 'Nay-to be patterned after a SWiss Chalet. After discussion it was referred to the Zoning Committee. The secretary was instructed to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. John Reed for his years of service with the Ashland Planning Commission. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec.