HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Planning MIN MI~ruTES OF THE MEETING OF TI~ ASHLAND PLA~~JING COMMISSION The hegular Leeting of the Ashland Planning COr'!"!ission '-"as reld Jan. 13, 1964 with Dr. Elliott ~~cCracken, Chair~an, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present l,']ere: Dr. EacCracken, Floyc Vogel, Farold Buck, lince Baratti, Eoward Pierce, Allen Alsing, and ~obert Duchanan. The secretary's report for the meeting of Dec. 9 was read and approved. The Chairman stated that he had written a letter to the Bunnell Real Estate Agency giving the roasons for not having the zoning on Oak ~treot which would be required for n housing project to be alloyod. The Choirnan announced that tho next orner of business would be the election of a chairman for the year--1964; he declared the no~inations open. I1arold DUCk no::ainated Floyd Vogel; this ~'ms seconded by Vince 3aratti, who ulso moved that tbe nominations be closed. The secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Floyd Vogal as the Chair~an of the AShland Planning C08oission for the Year--l?64. Floyd Vogel aske(j Dr. ~.1D.cCraclcen to continue as chairmr:n for the evening. A report from the Zoning COffini ttee Has ?,i ven by l"!r. 'lozel, concerning the request fron Hr. and Nrs. Karl Reichert to construct n restaurant at the Dairy Dnn site on \'Jinburn Hny. A !:!lotion ~;las made by 7Ir. Buck and seconded by ~:';l'. Pierce and passed unan1cously that the report of the Comrnittee be accepted ~ Discussion follov]ed; mention l,'laS made that an opinion '-las zivon by the City Attorney that in D non-conforming use such Change can be requested by applying to the City Council. The Choirman asked that i~. and :~s. Reichert ~e notified through Dave Curtis, and also suggested that the rlans for the cban~es contemplated by them he sub~ittod with tho request. Joe Jarvis appearod representing j',:r. Knrl ~.rindbi':;ler, 1:!ho ~,"as ill. After discussion a motion WD.S nace by Mr. Buck that the 9 lots ahove the Canal in Sub-division Terra-Linda #2 as indicated on the rough sketch be included aspnrt of the original rcconrnendation of the Planning Commission provided however that utility service can be provided. This was seconded by 1<Ir .8aratti and passed unan1.Qously. A notion was made by ~~. Baratt1 and seconded ty f~. Yogol that location of the first East-West street south of Nezla Street, division Terra-Linda if2 be approved to the mutual satisfaction of Engineer and Er. l1indbigler. :i',:I'. J<lrlTis 1:Jas nsked to confer ':lith :Juchanan concerning satisfactory street name selection. This was unanio"Jusly. A request Has made by Loo Wine for annexation of property north of Wine ctrcct and Eust of FeW Street. The Chairman, nfter discussion, ac:'visod Hr. \iJine to confer 'Hith Hr. Biegel. the re- Sub- the City Robert .onsscd It ";las decidod to continue to hold the rleetings of the Plap..ning Cowllission on the second 110nday night in tbe month. The meeting adjourned at the call of the Chairman. lJilda Kinney, Dec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held Feb. 10, 1964, with Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Mr. Vogel, Elliott MacCracken, Harold Buck, Howard Pierce, Allen Alsing, Harry Skerry, and Robert Buchanan. The secretary's report for Jan. 13 was read by the secretary and approved as read. Mr. Vogel announced the resignation of Mr. Whitland Locke from the Commission; the secretary was instructed to send Mr. Locke a letter of appreciation for his work with the Planning Commission, particularly noting his work with the Zoning Committee. Dr. MacCracken reported that he had talked with Dave Curtiss who had told him that plans for a restaurant at the Dairy Dan site had been dropped by Mr. and Mrs. Karl Reichert. It was announced regarding Leo Wine1s proposal to annex a certain area near Wine and Mae Streets, that a petition had been circulated in that neighborhood, and appeared to have met with 100 per cent opposition. The following Committee Chairmen were Sub-division and Arterial: Annexation and Zoning: 1v1iscellaneous: appointed by Mr. Vogel: Harold Buck Elliott MacCrncken Vince Baratti Dr. MacCracken requested a copy of the ordinancrefrom the city attorney under which the Commission works. Mr. Chris A. Nepper and Mr. Wesley B. McArthur, 1417 W. Main, Medford, were present and presented plans for the construction of a Home for the Aged at Maple and Chestnut Streets. Following discussion, Dr. MacCracken moved that a Public Hearing be called on Feb. 24 to determine if a Home for the Aged can be allowed as a conditional use at Maple and Chestnut Streets. This was seconded and passed. The Public Hearing was set for 8:00 p.m. The City Engineer presented a preliminary plan from the Council for a proposed street parallel to the Siskiyou Boulevard. The Chair- man announced that Mr. Buck and himself would 'confer with the Jackson Co. Planning Commission about this Feb. 12. Mr. Skerry, City Attorney, discussed with the Planning Commission its policy regarding Home Occupations in Residential districts _ as tt, "lhat will be allowed .in the nn,; pr'Jp:lsed zoning ordinance. This was referred to the Zoning Committee, headed by Elliott Mac- Cracken. The time of the meetings of the Ashland Planning Commission was changed to 7:30 p.m. beginning with the next regular meeting, March 9. The meeting adjourned at the call of the Chairman. After adjournment, the Planning Consultant discussed with the Planning Commission the proposed Central Business District and Plaza Plan. Hilda Kinney, Sec. A Special Me'2ting of the Ashland Planning Commission ~,"as held Feb.. 24, 1964, at 8:00 p.illQ Eegular and ex offjcio members }lresent ~,'Jere: Floyd Vogel, Chairman, Elliott MacCracken, Harold Buck~ ~ince Baratti, Allen Alsing, Robert Buchanan. George Brenner, Jac1cson Co. Planning Cor:suJ.tant, C//:2 S also present. A Public Rearing v18S held to determine the advisability of granting as a conditional use in Zone No.3, Residential District, the Construction of a home for the aged at the corner of Maple and Chestnut Streets. The Chairman opened the Hearing. A report 'was given by Elliott MacCracken, (Zoning Committee), 'who recommended that the request be granted subject to the items listed belovJ: 1. vIri tten evidence that requ.irements of the State of Oregon ~:Jill be satisfied, as delineated for operation of the proposed institution. This e\ndence to be furnished from the state agency or agencies, by the petitioners. Services and drawings from a professional architect 9rior to granting a building permit. 2. 3. Approval of details of parking, within the area designated on the attached plan; this to be done in cooperation with the city planner to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. h '. .Anv use granted vlill lapse unless construction begins ",Ii tJ:-:j_D six months of date of approval, and is ~ompleted within the standard time provided by the building permit. Discussion followed; Hr.-Buck moved that the report be accepted and permission granted. This was seconded and carried unanimously. Adjournment followed. Following adjournment, the Park and Recre8tional Report was reviewed and discussed.: Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAIID PLANNING COMMISSION. The Regular Meeting of the Ashlapd Planning Commission was held March 9, 1964, with Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Floyd Vogel, Elliott MacCracken, Vince Baratti, Howard Pierce, Allen Alsing, Robert Buchanan! George Brenner, Jackson Co. Pla'lning CJnsultant, was also present. The secretary's report for the meeting of Feb. 10 was read and approved as corrected. The report of the Public Hearing of Feb. 24th was read and approved. The Chairman appointed the following committees: Sub-division and arterials: Harold Buck, Ch., Howard Pierce, John Billings. Annexations and Zoning: Elliott 11acCracken, Ch., Harold BUCk, E. H. Singmaster. Miscellaneous: Vince Baratti, Ch., John Billings, E. F. Singmaster. After discussion, a motion was made by Elliott l~cCracken, seconded and pas~ed unanimously that the plat of the Crosby Sub-division be accePted - subject to the approval of the City Engineer. A request for a trailer court on a piece of land located on East Main and Walker Ave. by Erwin Wright and Pearl lNright, was referred to the Zoning Committee and ~e Annexation Committee to meet in joint session. ' A progress report of the Trinity Episcopal Project was presented by Vince Oredson. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and passed that the Parking be accepted on land on North Main street across from Sheridan Street as meeting the requirements stipulated. A request from people interested in buying land on Normal and Fremont Street, to rezone Lot 1, Block 1, Norpark Sub-division, to multifamily zone was referred to the Zoning Committee. Possible annexation of a sub-division south of Liberty Street adjacent to the Mount Ashland Loop Road was discussed. Don Lewis and Vince Oredson presented plans for future develop- ment of the Southern Oregon College Campus. The meeting adjourned at the call of the Chairman. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING CO~rnISSION The Regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held April l3~ 1964, with Floyd Vogel~ Chairman~ presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were; Mr. Vogel, Elliott f1acCracken, Howard Pierce , E.RSingmaster~ and Allen Alsing. George Brenner, Jackson Co. Planning Consultant was present. The Chairman introduced and welcomed ~1r. Singmaster to the Commission. The secretary's report was read and accepted with the inclusion of the street address (803 N. Main St.) in the oescription of land on which Parking requirements had been met. A report was given by Dr. l~acCracken, following which the request of Erwin and Pearl Wright for a trailer court on Walker Ave. &East Main was tabled because ftr and 11rs. Wrigbt are not currently involved in the transaction. A motion to table the request for rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, Norpark Sub-division was made, seconded, and passed unanimously. It had been decided by the Council that itbe put up for bid. A plan was ~ubmitted by l1r. G. A. Stoltenberg, 1096 B Street, for building 3 apts. City regulations had already been met and no action was needed. A request to sub-divide property was submitted by Frank Tamney, 601 \valnut St. This property is in the vicinity of Prim Street. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sinko, 508 Tucker St., were a~so p~esent and favored the sub~division. This was referred to Committee. Mr. Glenn Matthews,295 Idaho St., presented a request to put in a trailer house on property at that address. After.discussion, the Chairman asked Elliott lfucCracken to confer with the City Attorney c~ncerning this request and to obtain a legal decision to be sent to Mr. Matthews. Elliott MacCracken gave a report for the Annexation and Zoning Committee. It was decided to hold a joint meeting of this committee and the Sub-division and 4rterials Committee Thursday night, April 16 in the City Hall at 7:30.. The secretary was asked b notify members. A preliminary plat of a proposed sub-division in the vicinity of the 700 Block on Oak Street was submitted by Bob \Toris. This matter was referred to Committee. Plans were tentatively made to call a Special Meeting of the Commission on April 27 at 7:30 Mr. Robert Ayers, New City Supt. and Mr. Al Frazier, Assistant Planner for Jackson Co. were introduced. The final plat of the Norpark Sub-division was approved. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. A Special Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held April 27, 196~, at 5:30 p.m., with Floyd Vo~el, Cr8irman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present 'IIiere: Floyd Vogel, Elli ott J'.1acCracken, HO,l;~ rd Pierce, E. H. Singmaster, Allen Alsing ~~. George Brenner, Jackson Co. Consultant, was also present. A committee report was given by Howrd Pierce; discussion followed. A motion was made to accept the sub-division plat submitted by Bob Voris on tbe Oak Street proposal providing the fOllowing conditions were met: 1. -the lot width and depth and street width to conform to tne new sub-division ordinance. 2. -a 23t' right-of-way on rear of lot for future street-. 3. -lot lines are to be perpendicular with Oak street. 4. -a cul-de-sac radius of 45' to be prov~ded at end of street. 5. -Sub-divider to provide right-of-way for sewer lineto meet specifications of the eity Engineer. This motion was seconded and passed unanimously. A motion w~s made, seconded and passed unanimously that the final plat of the Crosby Sub-division be accepted. Adjournment follollJed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. The Regu1ar l'1eeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held Hay 11 1964, with Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present "]e:!:'e: Hr. Vogel, Elliott HacCracken, John Billings, Harold Buck, Vince Baratti, Howard Pierice, Allen Alsing, and George Brenner, Jackso~ Co. Consultant. The minutes of the Special Meeting of April 27 and the Regular Meeting of April 13 1fJere r(~ad by the secretar:r and approved as read. A request from i:I. Iverson, '\vho '.'1as seeking a lot variance at 106 Fork St. on a proposed lot partition was referred to the sub-dive committee. Mr. Brenner 1,,7as to be cont'octed to soe what could be built. A report on the proposed Tamney Sub-division, on Tooker and Prim Streets was given by Harold Buck. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that tentative approval be given to the Tamney Sub-division subject to street and se"J~r and utili ties teing "Jorked out to the satisfaction of the City ~hgineer. A motion to approve the final plat of the Timber Line Sub-division (Windbigler and Jarvis), was made, secoQded and passed unanimously. A request for a trailer house to be located at 960 B street was read. This did not conform to the City Ordinance and could not be allowed. A request the zoning of property, Lot # 3, F:'~emont Street and Normal Ave., from Raymond B. Dallaire was referred to the Zoning Corr~ittee for further consideration. Joe P. Hennick, 1523 Ashland r1ine Road, was present and stated that he had written a letter describing a proposed sub-division, to be called "Pleasant View Sub-division". The letter had not been received and the Chairman stated that he would turn the letter over to the proper committee when received so that it would be ready for the next meeting. r~s. E. G. Sommer, was present and requested information on being able to establish a day nursery at 415 weightman Street. This was referred to the Miscellaneous Committee for consideration. It "vas made a matter of record that a contract of sale for the corner lot on Oak street {.._- of the proposed Bob Voris Sub-division had been notarized on Ja~. 25, lS62--This was before the new sub-division ordinance had been adopted. George Brenner reported on the Bear Creel~ Planning Program. After discussion a m9tion was made, seconded and passed ~~animously to recorr~end to the City Council that the 3ear Creek Urban Region Planning Program be continued through Phase 2. The meeting adjourned. Following the meeting 11r. AyeI' and Mr. Brenner discussed with the members of the Ashland Planning Commission the proposed Changes in the new Zoning Ordinance. Hilda Kinney, Sec. A Special meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held June 1, 1964 to consider the suggest90 revisions of the new Zoning Ordinance as presented ry the Common Council. Regular and ex officio memners present incl1Jded: Floyd 'iTo:,;el, Chairman; Elliott J:>CacCracken, Ps.rold :Suck, Eoward Pierce, E. B. Singma ster, Allen Alsi~'lg, '}eor?e Brenner, RO'Jert Ayre, and Al Frazier. The new Zoning Ordinance with corrections E to be re-submitted to the Common Council at its Regular Neeting, J11..11e 2. If the corre0ti:ns are ap~roved the CO~TIOh Council will be requested to call a ?ublic Pe.' ring. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MIl\TUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMNISSION 0 The tlegular meetrrg of the A$hland Planning Commission was held June '8, 1964 at 7:30 pm with Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were~ Mr. Vogel, Harold Buck, Howard Pierce, E. H. Singmaster, John Billings, Allen Alsing, Harry Skerry, and George Brenner, Jackson Co. Consultant. The secretary's report of the Regular meeting of May 11, 1964 was read and approved with the correct.ion of the spelling of a name (Mrs. Sommer). The Secretarys report of the Special Meeting of June I was read and approved, as read. The request from Mr. W. Iverson for a lot variance at 106 Fork St. was tabled because of lack of, further interest. A report was made from the Annexations and Zoning Committee. The request from Raymond B. Dallaire for zoning of property-LoG #3, Fremont Street and Normal Ave. was denied until the Hearing on the new Zoning Ordinance is held. After discussion, a motion was made by Hr. Buck, seconded by Er. Billings, and passed unanimously that the tentative application of Er. Joe P. Hennick, 1523 Ashland Mine Road'~l for "Pleasant. View Sub-division #211 be approved subject to the ability of the city to provide necessary city services. The request from Hrs. Audrey Sommer, 2165 Highlo!ay 99 N., for requirements to establish a day-nursery at 415 ~Qghtman St. was left in committee until anplication for conditional use has been received. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and passed unan- imously that a Hearing be held at the next Regular Planning Commission Meeting to discuss and consider the establishment of a Kindergarten at the new church premises )f the Assembly of God Churcc:h. Mr. Shurman A. Gardner, 596 Park st., was present and requested a permit on an addition to the Nursing Home at that address. After discussion, a motion was made that the request of r~. Shurman A. Gardner to make alterations on the Hountain View Nursing Home be granted. This was seconded and passed unanimously. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. M/-~ I. Report on the t. f Jul_y 13 and Public Hearing July 13. Regula:c Hee lng 0 The Regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held July 13, 1964 at 7:30 p.~. Floyd Vogel, Chajrman, presided. Regular and ex officio memberS,)'l~esent "1,~7ere: '"1". Vogel, Elliott EacCracken, John Billings, Harold Duck, Eoward Pierce, E. E. Singmaster, Allen Alsing, and George Brenner, Jackson Co. Planning Co~sultant. The secretary I s report of the Regular meeting of June 1 ','Tas read and approved as read. The secrdtary was instructed to enter into the minutes the names of all persons making and seconding l'!lotions. Junotion "\.vas made by Elliott ~.:acCracken and seconc'1ed by John Billings that the reuest of 1"[1's. Sommer for information on the establis:hment of a day-nursery at 415 iiJi~3htman St. be tat led--l~rs. Sornmer to be notified by Lr. 7ogel. 1'11". Alsing presented the final plat of Terra-Linda Sub-division #2 A motion was made by Elliott ~acCracken, seco~ded ~y John Billings and passed unani(:iously that it be approved. The Commission meeting adjourned. A :-ublic HecJ.ring 'VJas held at 8 p.r1. to determine if permission to establish a Kindergarten at the Assembly of God Churchv ~ter=~~~eF~~~sET=a=m9t~sE=qa~=8a~e=b7=Ear9~e=~eeE=tHat=tBe pe~ae5t=t9 --could be gtanted. Following discussion, a motion was made by Harold Buck that the request to conduct a kindergarten in the Assembly of God Church be gtanted. This wassecolded by Mr. Pierce, and passed lli"1animouSly. Dr. ~':acCracken sug~ested that Hr. Skerry be contacted to ascertain if further action would be nec~;ssary. Adjournment followed. The Plannin~ Commission Regular meeting rresumec. Dpon recommendation of the Common Council coccerning the l1ary Ryhker ~Jroposed annexation, a motion 11Tas mace by Barold Suck and seconded by Elliott MacCracken that it be accepted and placed on file. This carried 5-1. - " A tenttive Dlat of a neu sub-division off of Helman Street presented by 1"1:1". .LHsing for l!~r. Clarence Hilliams 1,\ras sent to Cornmittee. Eembers of the Jackson Co. Planning Commission St"ff l)ere introduced by Mr. Brenner: Thef were Allen Frazier and ~~yne Merchen. ~iscussion followed relating to the proposed Zo~ing Obdinance, follOWing WhlCh, a Dotion was made by E jiott MacCracken that the follOWing be added: p. l4--Sect. 16 (3) Residential Uses, subject to all of requirements of the B-3 Distric~s. This was se60nded by John Billings and passed roll call vote 3-2. A P&~iicHearing an the proposed Zoning Ordinance was announced as ,~.- scheduled for 8 o'clock on 1'.[ednes(ay, July 15. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kin~ey, Sec. Q1(S; c=l ~ PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing to discuss the '_-roposec Zoning Ordinance for Ashland was held July 15, 1964, with Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio wembers present 'were: Lr. "iTogel, Elli ott Ic1acCracken, John Billings, Earold Buck, Vince Baratti, Howard Pierce, Allen Alsing & Harry Sl;:erry. George 3renner, Jackson Co. Consul taut (Planning) vIa s also pre sent. Following presentation of the pro~osed Zoning Ordinance by Mr. T~gel, he anounced the following bad been added to the Ordina~ce: p. 14, Section 16 (3) aae~esidential Uses, subject to all of the requirements of the R-3 Districts. George Brenner~;ave a detailed explanation of the nro-cosed text and map showing the zoning. The meeting opened for objections and criticism. Among otDers present Ivere Hr. Fred Taylor, 137 ~7. l'iain; Sam Davis, ~-50 Siskiyou Blvd.; I.ir. L. C. Ireland, Siskiyou Elvo,~Sid Ainslvorth, 450 Siskiyou Blvd.; w. P. \1right, 595 Taylor St.; Leo Zupa", who ;,vas rf-r.re sen ting Karl \.1i od'r igler. Mr. Fred Taylor, 137 R. Main St., with pro~erty at the corner of Bust ~t. and North KJin st. asked that this property be rezoned to C-l. (This pro~erty being a Service Station-being rented to the Signal Oil Co.) A motion was made by Er. Baratti and seconded by Mr. Pierce that this be tabled to provide for further study. The Chairman asked Yr. Harry Skerry, City Attorney and Lr. Rob::rt Ayre, Assistant to the City Superi.-,tendent, to rewrite a seeton on conditional uses to clarify the wording. Kr. Ireland called attention to the set-backs on Highway 66 and Pighway 99. A motion was made that the 75' Right-of-way 1e reduced to 65' to correspons with the other. 3econded and passed unaniGously. Sid Ains','Jorth discus sed \lTi th the Commission zoning in R-F di stricts. U-~:on a re~uest of Sid Ains,^JOrth ,sna ~:arl Davis, after discussion, Elliott ~acCracken made a ~otion, which was seconded by Kr. Buck, that Lots tetwAen Haple and Luna ',Tista Streets, "Thich face on Chestnut St. to a depth. of 2701 at the ~eepest Ioint be included in R-3. T~is was passed unanl~ously. Upon a re..ue st to change the zone from 'tJhe park on Beach St., and, the Boule-ard ~T .'JJe sterly direction to a 125' ffrontap;e on .si slciyou B'.ve"d. _,. to ',I. of Alida ,St., a JLoticm '.,.jas i11,a6e by El'.:i ::>tt }"acrTad:en ano !H~~iJnded by hr. 3aratti, that this change j.n zoning not be al" o"eel. Tris 1;.Tas rejected 3-2. l'lr. :='ierce made a moti'Jn that this l::e tabled - to be con~idered c.t another ti e. Tris '-"JaS seconded by l'lr. Bi11ings. Passed unan. beeting adj. Eilda Kinney, oec. The Ashland f)lanning, ,Commi ssion metJuIyo 27, lSf~,. "A ,S:',ecial meeting he.d been Called to discuss the changes inT:he proposed Zoning Ordinance a s requested in the, ,Public Hearing held June 15. Pegu-'ar arid ex' offici 0 present \'Jere: Floyd. Vogel, Chairman; Elliott HacCracken, Eovrard Pierce, E .'"i:.'SU}:gmJ.ster, Vince BarD tti, Allen -!"Ising, Mr. George Brenner, Jackson Co. Planning Consul~ant and staff and Hr. Dob Ayre, Assistant Ci ty Supt. "ere also Present. .. Hel:)ort s ~"lere given and fOllOWing d i SClJS sior, _ Dr. IlacCracken mad e a mati on to a D'lrove the ad upti on of all chan::res for . . ~ revision of the proposed zoning orc1ina lce as ;rioted in -I1J.e proposed ordinance. This was seconded by Mr. Baratti and passed unanimously. ..~ l;lOtion 1/l:jS L'lade by Dr. l"'lacCraclcen and secoY1.ded by 1:1'. Pierce that the request of Mr. Fred Taylor to change the zoning on his property at the corner of Bush and North Hain Streets be denied. This passed unanirlOusly. A request from Hr. Milo P. O'Earra, 4'3 T:. liain st. (Union S0rvice Station) to have the Zoneing - Residential _ changed to Commercial W~s read. A mo+ion was made by Dr. MacCrrcken and seconded by Mr. Singmaster that the request of Mr. O'Harra be granted. This was passed unanimously. A reC;uAst to 1'eZO(1e property of Kim Jo Casl1::J.ls (99 N Normal) from Residential to Commercial was made by Dr. MacCracken and seconded by Nr. Singmaster." 'This carried unaniri:ously. A request to rezone the Raymond B. Dllaire pro~erty on Normal Ave. and Fark st. was read. A motion was ~afe by Dr. MacCracken and seconded by Mr. Barattithat the request to rezone be denied. This passed 3-1. A request for ~ezoning on the property of Mrs. John Daugherty was read. A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken and seconded by Mr. Perce that the request be denied. This was passed un:nimously. Y~s. Ellen Franco Cox was present and protested the Heavy Commercial zoning on Oak street and surrounding property. After :iscussion, a motion was made by Mr. ~ingmaster and seconded by }~r. MacCracken 'that C-l extend from Hater street to Second (between Li thia ; 'Ta ,J and B 8: C. This was passed unanimously. Dr. HacCracken made a motion to extend ZDne l-1 at the south end to reach Water st. This was seconded by ~r. Singmaster and pass8d unanimously. A prote~:.~ from HI's. Cecile K. Gordon, 235 Granite st. relating to 4 lots bett-Jeen StraWberry Lane and the gravel pit was re cei ved but \<1as not of the nature to be dealt 1;.lith by the Plal'1..n1ng Commission. She was advised to see the City Attorney or the City Council. A motion was madr by M~. Baratti, seconded by Dr. }acCracken and passed unanimously that the City Plann~ng Co~mission recommend'lu the Common Council that the Council adopt the nel",1 Zoning Hap and the new Zoning Ordinance as correctdd; and that the Common Council hold a Public H~aring at the earli. st possible time. This was passed unal1imously. --]:'11" Ayre'to inform the CouncJ.l , 40 HIl\'fJTES OF THE }1EETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COF1UIBSIIDN . A Special meeting of the Ashland planninp. C~mmission was held August 28, 1964 at 7:30 pm., with Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present 1f.Jere: Yr. Vogel q Elliott MacCracken, Harold Buck, E. H. Singmaster, and Allen Alsing. ~llen FraZier, member of the Jackson Co. ,Planning Staff was also present. A motion was made by Mr. 'Buck that the request of the Assewbly of God Church to conduct Kindergarten classes in the Church Annex, 526 East Hain st., not ,to exceed 90 days nor to exceed 20 children, be granted. This was seconded by Mr. Singmaster and passed unanimously. A request for annexation was referred by the Common Council to the Planning Commission. A Petiti~n for annexation was read by the Chairman. It was signed by M. A. Ring, John H. Miller, Elbert and Lulu ll. Galloway, Robert and Mary Voris, and William and Jacqueline Hutchinson. A motion was made by lIr. Buck and seconded lJy Hr. Singmaster that the request for annexation as described in the Petition be granted. This was passed unanimously ..", . '. . . ~ " Foll'Jwing discussion c':fncernil}-g city utilities nnd a recommen- '.. d.:tti::JI} by Dr LncCracken, a motlon was made by !l1r. .tiuck and seconded by Dr. MacCracken that when seWer facilities are"available, this annexa:t i on.': be required .to b.e c'Jnnected.~ This was passed unanimously. It was suggested by lIT. Singmaster that this be called The Clover Lane Annexati,on. A letter was referred from the Coro~on Council concerning the Clayton R. Payne annexati~n, asking Tthe City of Ashland to accept and dedicate the proposed street, presently known as "MORADA LANE". This was referred to the Sub-division and Arterial Committee. A motion was made by Nr. Buck and seconded by VII'. Singma:ster that a letter be drafted to ~he Common Council regarding the proposed bUilding for the H111ah Temple. This passed unanimously. Adjournment foilowed~ Hilda Kinney, Sec. HINUTES OF TEE NEETING OF TEE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular 'Meeting of the AShland Planning Commission was held Sept. 14, 1964, with Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were~ Mr. Vogel, Dr. Elliott MacCracken, John Billings, Harold Buck, Vince Baratti, Howard Pierce, E. H. Sing- master, and Allen Alsing. George Brenner, member of the staff af the Bureau of Municipal ResearCh, was also present. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 13, the Public Hearing of July 15, and the Special meeting of JulY?7 were read and approved. The minutes of the Special meeting of August 28 were read and approved with the change af wording. It was also noted that the Regular August meeting lacked a sufficient number to make a quorum so that no business was conducted. Dr. HacCracken suggested that a notation be made that the Zoning Ordinance was passed by the Common Council of Ashland on August 18, 1964. A letter which had beerLdraftedby Dr. HacCracken and Floyd Vogel, to the Common Cauncil regarding the Hillah Temple, was read by the Chairman. Dr. r1acCrackeo' moved that this letter be incorporated with Minutes and it be noted that this matter was resolved by the Council with the granting of the permit. This was seconded by Yr. Baratti and passed unanimously. It was announced that the next meeting would be October 12. After hearing a report on the Clayton R. Payne property a motion was made by Dr. MacCracken that Mr. Payne be requested to file a sub- division map w~th the request that ~lorada Lane be included in the map. Regarding the Williams proposed sub-division, a motion was made by Mr. Buck and seconded by Mr. Singmaster that it be recommended to the Common Council that the tentative map of the Williams pro- posed sub-division be accepted with the stipulation that a street be dedicated but not opened for five.years unless-per- mission is given by Mr. Clover. This was passed unanimously. Mr. Buck made a motion to request the City Attorney to investigate partitioning in general & to ascertain what steps can be taken to prohibit vialation$ and to pratect the buyers of property. This Was secanded by Dr. MacCr3cken and pass0d unanimausly. A check for $20. accompanied a request from Ainsworth and Davis which was read by the Chairman. The petitian asked for a zone Change for the Cloverlane annexationfr6m R-l to C-l, to take place as soon as feasible. Dr. MacCracken made a motion that if a Public Hearing could be set by the Council for October 6, a Public Hearing C$~ be set by the Planning Commission for October 12. This was seconded by Mr. Buck and passed unanimously. Mr; Buck made a motion to recommend to the Common Council that the Quiet Village Unit # 3 be accepted for annexation with the recommend- ation that after annexation the area be rezaned t.o R-l. This was seconded by John Billings and passed unanimously. Mrs. Pearl Crouch was present and requested informatian regarding sale of a ~ot on Granite Street. The Chairman advised her to pres3nt a map showlng where the present lat and drive is located and where the 47" street wauld go on the plat. Mr. Karl Windbigler presented a tentative map of a proposed road between Park and Normal Ave. for consideration. This was referred to the City Engineer. Adjournment fallowed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Comnission was held October 12~ 1964 with Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present wereg Mr. \Togel~ Elliott Mac- Cracken, John Billings, Harold Buck, Vince Baratti, Howard Pierce, E. H. Singmaster, and Allen Alsing. Allen Frazier, member of the staff of the Bureau of Municipal Research was also present. The secretary's report of the meeting of Sept. 14 was read and approved as read. Following a report from the Miscellaneous Committee given by the Chairman, Mr. Baratti, a motion was made by Mr. Buck and seconded by Mr. Billings that the report of the Committee be accepted and the request far an addition to the Beecher Sanitarium as a con- ditional use be granted. This was passed unanimously. A motion was made by Mr. Buck and seconded by Mr. Singmaster that the tentative plat of the Morada Lane Sub-division be approved. This was passed unanimOUSly. A motion was made by lv'fr. Billings, and seconded by Hr. Singmaster that the tentative preliminary plat of the Mary Rehker property on Hillview Drive and Peachy Road be approved, with an indication that the presence of 2 under-sized lots is noted. This was passGJ unanimOUSly. A Public Hearing to consider the operation of a coin-operated car wash as a conditional use at Siskiyou Blvd. and Harmony Lane by Mr. Albert Nelson, 846 E. 9th St., Medford was set for Nov. 9. A motion was made by Mr. Billings and seconded by Mr. Pierce that permission be granted to do the necessary remodeling as indicated in a letter dated Oct. 7, 1964 from the Signal Oil Co. to the property of Fred Taylor on Bush and North Main Sts. (145 N. Main) as a non-conforning use. This was passed unanimously. Mrs. Arthur Everett, 813 B~ach St., representing the League of Women Voters, was present. A request from Mrs. Pearl Crouch, 514 Granite St., asking per- mission to sell a lot on a private roadway. Permission was denied because the lot didn't face on a platted street. A request from Mr. ~. Faster, 700 (730) Oak St. for a permit to remodel an alreEtly existing house was heard. No action was necessary. The Annual Conference of the League of Oregon Cities to be held in Eugene on Nov. 15-17 was announced. Adjournment followed Hilda Kinney, Sec. \ The Regular Leeting of the Ashland Planning COITL1!lissbn \"8S held December 14, 1964 with Floyd Vogel, C~airman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present ,"ere: Hr. Vogel, Elliott i1acCracken John Billings, Vince Baratti, Howard Piercet E. B. Singmaster and Allen A1sing. ~llen Frazier, member or the Staff of the Bureau of Municipal Besearch was also present. The Hinutes of the Regular }Tceting of November 9 ,,,as read and approvE;ld 1:1ith corrections. The ;'iinutes of the Special Heeting of ;::,vcmber 16 ,,,as read ana approved as read. After discussion 3 Public l1earings were approved and ordered held on January 11, 1965 at 8:00 P. M. to follow in succession. 1- A motion was maae by ,Elliott HacCraclten and seconded by ~~. Baratti, and passed unanimously that a Public Hearing be held on the zone Change requested through l~. Carl M. Wil1ia~s~ Oregon state Bighway Dept. changing zone-l : B-3 to M. 2- A motion was made by Elliott MacCracken and seconded by l~. Singmaster that a PUblic Bearing requesting zone change from R-l to C-l in Clover Lane area be held. This was passed unanimously. 3- Dr. l~cCracken made a motion that a Public Bearing regarding Change of zone on Siskiyou Boulevard area near T~lman Road from R-3 : 1.2 to C-l be held. This was seconded by Joru, Billings ana passed unanimously. FollOWing discussion, lire A1sing, City Engineer, was instructed to advise l11'. C. R. Foster to submit a final plat ..,ith the suggested recommendations and changes as listed by the City Engineer, including the approval of one sub-standard lot on the corner of Oak Lawn Dr. and Oak Street. This motion was made by John Billings, seconded by }~. Singmaster and passed unanimously. A request for zone change from RF200 to R-l from Don Pinnock of the firm of Davis & Ainsworth concerning apprOXimately 60 Acres in the vicinity of the Kneebone property was referred to the Zoning committee. A moti on 'I11aS made by ;.Tr. Singmaster and seconded by I!o,"mrd Pierce that the Ashland Planning Commission recognize the existing road into the Pearl Crouch property on Granite Street as a private way. This was passed unanimously. Elliott MacCracken "las requested by the Chairmal'l t., submit an amended paragraph to Sec. 35 to clarify the conflict between the Zoning Ordinance and Sup-division Ordinance regarding a private Hay. A report on redivision of lots in the Hope Sub-division was made. No action was necessary. A motion \1aS made by Hr. Pierce and seconded by l~. Singmaster to accept the final plat of the Haines Sub-division. Passed un.an. Ray Hageman, 298 Harzadine, who requested a Zone change from C-2 to IJultifamily as a conditional use was referred to the proper authority at the City Hall. lIr. Bert DeKorte aslted clarification' of the setback on N. r-1ain st. A tentative plat of the Cedar Homes Subdivision was referred to the subdivision committee. The proposed Trailer Park Ordinance was referred to the Sub-div. Committee and a report on this matter was askej for the Jan. 11 meeting. A meeting ''Of the COT1ffii ttee as a 1!.Jhole" "TaS (:a11ed for December 28- 7:30 pm to discuss this proposed ordinance and other matters. (Sec. to_notify members). A tentative-plat o.f the' A. D. Hyers Sub-d:1vlsicln Has referred to the Sub-div.isionC~mmittee. John Bjrlings made a report on the meeting of the League of Ore- gon Cities. Expiration of the terms of 1:7r. Vogel & fiTr. Buck '<1as announced. Howard Pierce was elected Chairman of the Plann Corom. fo7' ~q6.t) . AdjDurnment fDllowed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held November 9, 1964, ':lith Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular arid ex officio members present were: Mr~ Vogel, Elliott MacCracken, John Billings, Harold Buck, Hm4ard Pierce, E. F. Singmaster, and Allen Alsing. George Brenner and Allen Frazier of the Bureau of Municipal Research were also present. The Minutes of the Regular meeting of the Planhing Commission for Oct. 12 were read by John Billings in the absence of the secretary, and approved as corrected. Section 19 of the Sub-division Ordinance and Section 33 of the Zoning Ordinance were cpmpared and found to be in conflict. A change of the placing of a comma in Line 2 Section 35 wou.ld eliminate the conflict. The other correction discussed would be to amend Section 35. The City Attorney will be asked to suggest procedure to follow. At 8 oiclock, after a brief discussion and with no objections from the floor, Harold Buck made a motion to recommend to the Common Council that the Hillah Temple property be rezoned from Rl to C2. This was seconded by Howard Pierce and passed unanimously. The Second Public Hearing was called to consider a Conditional Use Permit for building a Coin-Operated Car Wash on Harmony Lane. Herb Hinrichs and Mr. Taylor, adjoining property owners questioned the plans and operating procedure. No objections were raised. Upon motion by John Billings, and second by Harold Buck, the motion passed unanimously. Permission was granted. ' Construction was to follow the lot plan and building design as submitted. A Request to change an area on Siskiyou Blvd. near Tolman Road from R-3 1.2 to C-l was referred to the Zoning Committee. Mr. Skerry, City Attorney, was called from another meeting to give an opinion on Minor Land Partitioning as described in the Sub- division Ordinance. Mr. Brenner WaS asked to make a report on this matter. A request for a building permit on So. Clay St. submitted by Van Vleet Realty was approved for one lot. Mr. Alsing was instructed to notify Mrs. C. A Haines to subdivide this property before any more lots were sold. YIT. C. R. Foster, 700 Oak St. submitted a plan for sub~division of an area on Oak St. This ",as referred to the Sub-division Committee. Mr. Bert Dckorte made anplication for conditional use to construct an apartment bUilding on N. Main st. The set backs from property line were not according to code. Mr. DeKorte agreed to a setback of 65' from center line on N. Main St. Also to the 5' from side property line and 10' from rear property line. Mr. Singmaster presented an oral request from Robert Voris to revise 3 lots on Park St. into 4 lots. The lots as requested would be too small for zone measurements in this area. No action was taken. Adjournment followed. A Special Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held November 16th at 7:30 P. M., with Floyd Vogel, Chairman presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: Mr. Vogel, Dr. Elliott MacCracken, Harold Buck, Howard Pierce, E. H. Singmaster, and Allen Alsing. Following discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Singmaster that the corrected Plat Plan for the Coin-Operated Car Wash to be located at Harmony Lane and Siskiyou Boulevard be approved. This was seconded by Howard Pierce and passed unanimously. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. Ashland Planning Commission November 16, 1964. The Regular Loeting. of the Ashland Planning Corllmission ,...as held December 14, 1964 with Floyd Vogel, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present ':lere: Nr. Vogel, Elliott i1acCracken Jo1m Billings, Vince Baratti, Howard Pierce, E. H. Singmaster and Allen Als1ng. Allen Frazier, member of the Staff of the Bureau of Municipal Research was also present. The Hinutes of the Regular Neeting of November 9 \'las read and approv~d ':li th correcti ons. Tile >Iinutes of the Special Heeting of ;:::vcmbcr 16 '''as read and cp~~rovcd as read. After discussion 3 Public Hearings were approved and ordered held on January 11, 1965 at 8 :00 P. 11. to follow in succession. 1- A motion was made by Elliott }~cCracken and seconded by }~. Baratti, and passed unanimously that a Public Hearing be held on the zone Change requested through y~. Carl M. Williamss Oregon state lJigh,'my Dept. changing zone-l : B-3 to 11. 2- A motion was made by Elliott l1acCracken and seconded by lir. Singmaster that a Public Bearing requesting zone change froll! R-l to C-l in Clover Lane area be held. This was passed unanimOUSly. 3- Dr. }lacCracken made a motion that a Public Fearing regarding Change of zone on Siskiyou Boulevard area near T~lman Road from B-3 : 1.2 to C-l be held. This was seconded by John Billings and passed unanimously. Following discussion, r;r. Alsing, City Engineer, was instructed to advise l:r. C. R. Foster to submit a final plat "lith the suggested recommendations and chanees as listed by the City Engineer, including the approval of one sub-standard lot on the corner of Oak Lawn Dr. and Oak Street. This motion was made by John Billings, seconded by r~. Singmaster and passeo unanimously. A request for zone Change from P~200 to R-l frore Don Pinnock of the firm of Davis & Ainsw~rth concerning approximately 60 Acres in the vicinity of the Kneebone property was referred to the Zoning co~~ittee. A motion 1IlaS f;1ade by Ytr. Singmaster and seconded by H01!'urd Pierce that the Ashland Planning Commission recognize the existing road into the Pearl Crouch property on Granite Street as a private way. This was passed unanim~usly. Elliott MacCracken was requested by the Chairn~n t~ submit an amended paragraph to Sec. 35 to clarify the conflict between the Zoning Ordinance and Sub-division Ordinance regardiu3 a private '1ay. A report on redivision of lots in the IJope Sub-diVision was made. No action was necessary. A motion "IUS made by Hr. Pierce and seconded by Hr. Singmaster to accept the final plat of the Haines Sub-division. . Passed un an. Ray Hageman, 298 Harzadine~ who requested a zone Change from C-2 to lIultifalnily as a conditional use vIas referred to the proper authority at the City IIall. l~. Bert DeKorte asked clarification' of the setback on N. Main st. A tentative plat of the Cedar Homes Subdivision was referred to the subdivision committee. The proposed 7railer Park Ordinance was referred to the SUb-div. Cor~ittee and a report on this matter was aske~ for the Jan. 11 meeting. A meeting "Of the Con_mi ttee as a 1:11101el/ '-las called for Docember 28- 7~30 pm to discuss this proposed ordinance and other matters. (Sec. to.notify members). A tentative'. plat o,t the' A. D. Hyers SUb-diViSion Nas referred to the Su,b-division.G~mmittee. John Bjllings made a report on the meeting of the League of Ore- gon Cities. Expirution of the terms of l:r. Vogel & Mr. Buck was announced. Boward Pierce was elected Chairman of the Plann Comm. fOT ~g6,~. Adjournnent follm'Je<;'J. Eilda I':inney, Sec.