HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Planning MIN ASHLAND__ PLANNI.NG. COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 11, 1965 A regular meeting of the Ashland, Planning Commission _was::ihecld~in' the Chambers of the City Hall on the. aboveocdate~. . Membe:rsr:::present-- were: MacCrackenF John' Billings, E.~ ,_ H~' Singmaster'f. Henry Peck'1 Ha:rold Buck Chairman Howard Pierce- presidicrig.' Also p:res.e-:a:-t:":' ex-.o-f:f-icio member, A. Alsing. Council Elliott with Allen APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting--o-:LDecember~. .14" 1965 were read and approved as reado SPECIAL ITEM: It was suggested' by- MacCracke:n.'-that::: the- Commissi.en:- send- a letter to Mr. Vogel expressing appreciation'for his ser:V'L.ce-,a-s -a, membe'r' of the Commission for the past six years-. The-CoIrlIfri'5rien:'_unanimous.iy'agr.eed: to" have Mr. :Pierce compose the letter. COMMITTEE REPORTS; Subdivision Committee report- on K:t"l.ee13on.e pr.0p~,tyo - Members"of the-- Commission reviewed maps' of' the- area"and'~Mr-.'Daris,.,-aE::d::,Mr_:,A:i:..n:swe:rth;answeri the comm- issioner's questions'-regarding7.the property,.. Moved 7 by ',Buck-, second by Billings that the necessary steps be taken to grant the request for the Kneebone area to be rezoned from R-F:B-200 to R-l~B-lO and call for a public hearing on February 8, at 8:00 P.M. Carried unanimously. 8:00 P.Mo HEARINGS~ 1. Request from State Highway-Dept. to rezone property on Tolman Creek Road to allow for a warehouse. Mr. & Mrs. Bidema, 705 Tolman Creek Road were present and questioned the Commission as to how this new zoning would affect their property. Moved. by MacCracken, seconded by Buck that the request for change in zone fromR-l:B-8 to M be granted and the Council notified for proper action. Carried unanimously. 2. Clover Lane Area zone change. Moved by Buck, seconded by Sing- master that the Planning Commission recommend to the Council that this zone change be granted. Carried unanimously. Mr. Davis of Davis and Ainsworth is to work with the Director of Public Works regarding the- continuation of Clover Lane. 3. Zone Change - Siskiyou Blvd. - Tolman Creek Road area, near Bellview School. MacCracken stated that he felt there is no pressure for additional C-I zoning in this area. The owners .of the property have no specific reason for. zone change. Moved by MacCracken that recom- mendation be made to the Council that the request for zone change from R-3:1.2 to C-Ibe denied. This motion was seconded by Buck and carried with Commissioner- Singmaster dissenting. Mr. Silver of the Tolman Creek Road area, arrived and stated that he was told the public hearing would be held at 8:30 P.M. Moved by Peck seconded by_Singmaster to recede previous action on the rezoning of this property. Mr. Silver explained that he wanted information as to the type of extablishment proposed for this area. Following discussion between Mr. Silver and the Commission, moved by MacCracken, seconded by Buck that the request for zone change be-denied. Carried, with Singmaster dissenting. Planning Commission Minutes -2- January 11, 1965 SPECIAL AGENDA ITEMS: 10 Moved by Buck, seconded by MacCracken that the preliminary plat for Cedar Homes Subdivision presented by Mro Ron Pitts, Box 114, Talent, be accepted with the recommended changes as noted. Carried unanimously. 2. Proposed private court on Clay Street requested by Clair R. Shiff- man was referred to the Zoning Committee. 3. Minor land partitioning - The Commission granted the Voris minor land partition of three lots providedthe"samaller lot was deeded to adjacent property owner victor Lively, 265 Hersey. The Durrer minor land partition was accepted as reported 0 Dro MacCracken indicated that guidelines regarding staff action on minor land partitions should be restudied. 4. Moved by MacCracken, seconded by Billings that the final plat for Quiet Village #3 be approved 0 Carried unanimously. 50 Mr. Wallace Olson requested a variance on his property on Chestnut Street at Mapleo His lot is approximately 30 sqo ft. under minimum lot requirement. Moved by Buck, seconded by Peck that a public hearing beheld at the next regular meeting, February 8, 1965, at 8:00 P.M. 60 Dr. Elmo Stevenson and Mr. Don Lewis of Southern Oregon College presented a proposed expansion plan for the college. They stated that they were merely informing the Planning Commission at this point and requested no actiono Mr. Lewis stated that there will bea problem with Roca Street which may result in the relocation of this street. Also they will be approaching the Planning COmmlssion for annexation of property which is planned for the married. students housing development at East Main and Walker Street. Mr. Lewis inquired about a possible Frontage Road along the Southern Pacific Tracks which would give access to this housing development 0 Moved by MacCracken, seconded by Billings that the Planning Commission reaffirm its desire for a Frontage Road along the northly Southern Pacific right-of-way to come from Highway 66 overpass to whatever is available. Also School Dist. #5 shouild be alerted as to this proposed roado Carried unanimously. REPORTS OF THE. CITY ENGINEER: 1. Alsing presented information regarding subdivision or minor land partitioning which is available for public distribution. 2. Alsing reported that Mro Joe Hennick wanted to resubmit his application for annexation which was turned down by the Council several months ago. The Commission directed Mr. Alsing to ask the Council if it would be worthwhile for Mr. Hennick to pursue the matter further. Moved by Billings, seconded by MacCracken that the Planning Commission ask the Council to define their position in extending services to proposed annexations and in particular that area with which Mr. Hennick is concerned. Carried with Singmaster dissenting. 3. Alsing pointed out a conflict between the Zoning Ordinance and the subdivision ordinance concerning setbacks in R-l, R-2, and R-3 zones. This matter was-referred to the Zoning Committee. Planning Commission Minutes -3- January 11, 1965 40 George Brenner of the Jackson County Planning Office addressed the Commission and stated that the Commission should initiate the rezoning of the newly annexed Quiet Village #3 from R-l to R-l:B-8. Moved by MacCracken to adopt a resolution in intention to rezone Quiet Village #3 and call for a public hearing on February 8, 8:00 PoMo 5. Moved by. MacCracken5 seconded by Buck to accept the Chairman!s com- mittee appointments when presentedo Carried unanimously. There being no further business the Commission unanimously agreed to adjourn. ~~~ A ting Secretary HINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE' ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION. The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held.F~b. 8 1965 with Howard Pierce, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex.of~lCl0 members present were: Mr. Pierce, Elliott MacCracken, John Bll1lngs, Harold Buck, Vince Baratti, E. H. Singmaster, Henry Peck, and Allen Alsing. George Brenner,an~ Al Frazier, members of the staff of the Bureau of Municipnl Research were also present. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Jan. 11, 1965 were read and approved as corrected. A preliminary sub-division plat of the Palmer Road and Woodland Drive area, subni tted by Mrs. Helen tvalz, was referred to the Sub-division Committee. , A preliminary sub-division plat, Bellview area, from Mr. Harry Hawk, was referred to the Sub-division Committee. A motion was made by ~tr. Billings, and seconded by }tr. MacCracken to approve the preliminary plat of the Cedar Homes Sub-division, on Nevada Street proposed by Mr. Ron Pitts, (Box 114, Talent) subject to a deed from the Christliebs for an access from Utah to Otis Street acceptable to the City. This was passed unanimously. A request for a conditional use permit by Mr. Don Skillman, Rogue River, for a Real Estate office and sign at Park st. and Siskiyou Blvd, WaS turned over to the Miscellaneous Committee. A Public Hearing was held at 8:15 pm askirga Zone change R-F:B-200 to R-l:,B-10 --Kneebone property--, (Davis and Ainsworth). }tr. MacCracken made a motion that it be recommended to the Common Council that the proper change be made. This was seconded by Mr. Buck and passed unanimously. A request for Minor Land Partitioning in the Beswick Sub-division was referred to Committee, A request from Frank Tamney for Minor Land Partitioning at Walnut street was referred to the Sub-division Committee. A Public Hearing asking Variance in lot size requirement, Maple SUb- division, by Mr. Wallace Olson, was held at 8:30 pm. ~IT. Buck made a motion that it be recommended to the Common Council that this request be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Billings and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Mr. Buck that it be recommended to the Common Council that a Public Hearing be held pertaining to the annexation of the Sub-division in S. Clay St. and Mary Jane Ave. area. A minor land partition by l~. Ron Pitts, Walnut St., was referred to tho Sub-division Committee. It was moved by Mr. MacCracken and seconded by Mr. Buck that a Public Hearing for Zone change R-l:B-lO to R-l:B-8 -Quiet Village No. 3- be held at the next Regular Meeting, March 8. This passed unanimously. ~IT. MacCracken made a motion to accept the final plat of the Payne Sub- division. This was seconded by Nr. Baratti and passed unanimously. Mr. Buck made a motion that the preliminary plat of the Jeska SUb- division be accepted without being referred to Committee. George Brenner presented the 1st phase of the Bear Creek Urban Region Planning Project. A proposed Master Plan for Ashland was presented through Allen Alslng. Committees appointed by the Chairman: Sub-division & Annexations - Buck, Billings, Peck. Zoning - MacCracken, Singmaster, Baratti. lI1iscellaneous - Billings, HacCracken. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney? Sec. 1'1.\ LI>1Tfr'.S OF ~1'E -,:'~;,:~rL,:~nD rTJ~'l ~~I ''-' ("'10- 117,rr'I'Y',T Tlle heg1l1Al' meeting of the Ashland ~lannjng Corr""i 8sio1'1 i,,;as held Earcr, Ci, lC65 "litl] LOl,larr1 "ierre, Cl'airman, j::r'ssir"j-,g. "':gular and ex officio mem' ersr"s" t "'ere: 1 ,". T'i~-'ce, fr. l'-'c'--'racken, JO[l!'J, .3illiw,;s, 1 arold ::Ciuct, TTince ;,)aratti, E, r. ;3in'~master, I'enry f"'ck, and Allen Alsin,?; .~eor"e 3re1Tner and A1 ?l"azier of the Staff of the Sureau of lunicinal Research were ~lso rresn~t. The Minutes of tte meeting of Feb. 8 were read and ap~roved as corrected. Corilmunications from Hr. Er11.l }:roeger and a reCluest from 11 residents living on Beach St. were read and referred to the Police D'"nt. Cor:-,pmnicati rms from B. D. :}reene and (':anville Ie'. Beisel we~e read and placed on file. Following a report by the sub-division cOlliroittee, a motion was made by :L:r. 1"1acCracken, seconded by lfr. :::>ingmaster, and passed unanin;ously that the pro}'oseo subdivision on Clay St. by I'll'. Clair E. Shiffman, be disapproved. The conflict lebreen zoning and 8ubdiuj sion clrdirances cO'1cerninf, setbacks in E-l, B-2, and B-3 zones yas referre~ to c~mrnittee. Following discussionj Mr. Buck rade a motion that the ~relir~n- ary plat of 3ellview reiahts Subdivision (l~. Earry HaWk') be ap~roved with exceptions as noted. A moti~n 1,rlas r::ade by Dr. LacCr'i.cken and seconded by ?':'r. Peck that the preliminary plat of tre Casa 11adrona Sl1bdivision Ors. Helen Walz) be appoveo as subritted with the notation that Lots 1 ~ 2 of Block 2 are slightly less than t~e re uireo lot size. -~he cul-de-sac in the final plat will corDly to the ~ro er radius. This was passed unanimol1s1y. The Eegular meeting of tne Ashland Planning COl'lmjssion adjourned and a Public Hearing was held as sc~eduled. A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken, seconded by Mr. Baratti and ~as8ed unanimously that l.t be recommended to the Common Council that the Zone change- Quiet Vl.llage- ~o. 3 - R-~B'lC to B-l:~-8 ~e made. The meeting of the ~shla0d Planning Commission resumed. A motio~ was made by l~. Buck, seconded by ~r. Billl.nss that the ninor land partit;ioning of l'r. '['amney be accepted. Tris passed unanimously. A motion was made by ):r. Bnck and seconded by Mr. -'aratti that the minor land ;~artHi oning on 1,1alnut Street subrrj tted by Pan Pitts be accepted. T"i s ';/as 'passed unanimously. I. F01I01rJin,C; a report from the 11i scellaY1eous COfTl itt.ee a motion was made by )/;r. Billings and seco'lded by Dr. l'1acCr2cken that a "u11ic HeariNg be called for a conditional use rerrnit to >-'e ~J:'aoted to . Hr. Don Skillman (Park Street at 8is1<:1.")u 311Td.) 0: !';:arch 22, l06r:' at 8 0 I clock. This was ;assed unaClimously. Action ;,Nas post';:o'1ed lJ.ntil INord from legal counsel could' be obtained regarding buil<}^ setback regulations cn n. M.dn Gt. by jilr. .'cert DeEorte. \ .~'t It vJas recoc'lrJ.ended by Dr. EacCracken and sec~rdecl by Hr. Eillino-s that resubmission of rreliminary plats f0r SlJbnivisions in the ViCinity of Crestview Drive and Pill vie1l! Dri Ire (NT. A. D. I:ayers) and of Cantertury Pei",hts (T'or1'!ood and Sr'1ith) ':1e referred to c0J11'"itt.ee. ?; -<(.0 ",..jl -0 0- :'J \ . .....-..p Eesubmission of ]aft1E'-inlinary plat -jcenic Pei:'hts su')(livisicm. (Frank Tamney) was r ferred t') COTlnittee. A reQuest for suboivision~~. Tnlman Road 1peentree ~'beivisi')n~ C<r. ~lince "aratti) "'as referred to committee. A Llotion .vJas made bv Dr. 1.jacCracken ana sec"nded by ):<r. Sing- [Uaster that the anrlication for c')noitional u~e ann 111icor l"md ;artitioning (~r.'klmer Newton) ~e rfe~red to ~o rnittee. A request from R. Gene ":orris -eo change ione C-3 t') Fea1'y Industrial, "A" [')t. and ". 1'ioneer .st. ':'78.S Yearc1. A r;:.ticn "'as ;:Jade by Er. Sin:;master and "'('oonoed by Fr. Buc}, emf c:::3ssed unaninously that .a Public Beaning '')e called re'~3.rding this proposd change on :3.rch 22, lC'(e;' at 8:15 I'tn. A rroT osed subdivisicm on He vada st. by Lr. reOr. "itts "as referred to co~mittee. This motion was ~ade by Dr. tacCracken and seconded by 1\1r. :<aratti, and passed u'la;"ir'1~l1sly. Dr. ;<acCracken made a rec;omr-enoation that a 'u1!lic Bearing be ci.'lled regarding change in Zone and a Ccrlditional 1"'se nermit Tlis "as seconded by Er. laratti '3Dr "'ilssec uncni'l1011S1". (aple St.'-3ounds and Pe~rson). 'T'tis "DbUc Hp.ari,ng "'-'3S set for. :38 pr- Lcrcb'2, 1<;'65. A ii1'Jti-n w s made by !ir. I3illinc:;s an" s cC'YH)er' 1-y ~'~r.3,-:ck that :1'. ?loy ~lrt}--I;r' s re"uest for mir]'')r lano :partitioning at "jalnut, Tucker, and Prim Stn,ets IJ8 'T~"t.ed. T1--js "'as ;-ss.<;pd uDanirr:mslv. hr. :2ovlaro Gillett.elas present rerluestin:?; information on Clover L8ne extensi ::m. ,>\ .. '\ ;;l"S. Eina 30n, 120 Sixth St. re<:j;lJesteo "er!1issjC'J1 to establish a home occupation at that ad~ress, ana nermission to o'oain a bl1si.ness license. A motion "Jas made ny lr.:3uclc, seconded 1,y ;'lr. Singlilaster and ';3SSCO una"lim:>IJsly to 'hold a "llol,J.c EearL-g for a conditonal use on AD~il 12, lC(5 at ? n. The chairman ano')l1Dcer' as"8cial ('Ieeting of tl;e "lannin,,: COI,jssicn on 1 arch ::'2, le( 5 at ':30 p Meeting adjourned. Eilda I~inney, See. MINUTES OF-. THE },1EETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING Cm11'1ISSION The Regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Co~mission was heli- April 12, 1965, with Howard Pierce, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were~ rtr. Pierce~ John Billings, Elliott MacCracken, Harold Buck, Vince Baratti, E. H. Singmaster, a~n Allen Alsing. Al Frazier, member of the staff of the Bureau of Municipal Rese~rch was also present. The secretary's report of the Special Neeting f)f March 22 was read and approved as corrected. A Report on .~~ Ordinance No. 1382, an Ordinance declaring the City Council's Policy regarding the furnishing of water and sewer utilities and other city services to prospective annexations or subdivisions or to applications for rezoning for purposes of subdivision within the City of Ashland was given by Allen Alsing, City Engineer. Following a report, a motion was made by l~. Buck, and seconded by l-lr. Billings that the Ashland Planning Commission accept and recoI!1!:J.end to the Co~~on Council the redivision of lots on Wiley Street, requested by [~. Henry Galey, passed unanimously. Dr. HacCracken recommended that the zone change requested by the 'sunlrrd t Investment Co. (Doris Hi tchell property - Strawberry Lane) be continued until the next meeting of the Co~mission. The Regular meeting adjourned and Public Hearing #1 was held. This was regarding the request for annexation in the Hillview Drive area, O"r. D. Beyers). lIr. Buck made a motion to accent the annexation and pass it on to the Common Council. It was secoiJ_ded by Dr. riacCracken and passed unani8ously. (reeting reconvened) The Trinity Village Subdivision was discussed and a Special meeting was called for 7:30 pm April 26 to res01ve this matter of business, in conjunction with Vince Oredson, Dr. Bradshaw and Dr. Turner. #2 The meeting adjourned and the,. Public Hearing was held at 8~15 pm., in which ~~. E. Newton requested a Conditional Use in the Bellview area. A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken~ seconded by lIT. Baratti and passed unanimoUSly that this Conditional Use be granted. Public Hearing # 3 was held at 8:30 pm in which Mrs. Son asked to be granted a Conditional Use in ~:1.2 for the practice of Healing Arts at 126 S~xth St. A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken, seconded by r~. Singmaster and passed unanimOUSly that this Conditional Use not be granted. (Comm. meeting reconvened). In regard to a request by the Standard Oil Co. for a zone change R-3 to C-2 with extension of conditional use permit at Church st. & N. ria in, a motion was made by flIr. Buck that a Public Hearing be callor: :M8Y 10 at 8 pm. This was seconded by Dr. rJIacCracken and passed unanimously. The Regular Meeting adjourned and at 8:45 pm a Public Hearing was held on the request for annexation & subdivision by Vince Baratti. A motion was made by Hr. Billings, seconded by l'r. NacCracken that it be re- conm1ended to the Coru~on Council that this annexation be granted. Pass cd 3-1. C1'1r. Singmaster d is senting- IvEr. 'Ba-ratt{ previ ously hav- ing excused himself from the Hearing). (Meeting resumed). Items 2 & 9 on the Agenda, referring to (2) request for Zone change R-F to R-3 with Conditional Use permit for trailer court on Oak & Hersey by Clinton Phelps and (9) request for zone change M to R-3 (Hersey St.-Old Taylor Eill) by Bot Voris were referred to committee. A request for ZJne variance and Conditional Use (Ashland }1ortuary- f'.lr. Gordon Hayes). A motion 'rJas Dade by j'1r. Billings, seconded by lir: Baratti and passed unanimously that a Public Hearing be called for April 26. A ~otion was Dade that a Zone variance with minor land partition- ing requested by l'''Ir. Co Ross, Lincc>ln st.? by Nr. Billings and seconded by Fr. Baratti be granted. Passed 3-23nd a motion ':'7as made to call for a Public Hearing April 26 at 8~15 pm. A l:J.otion W2S made by I:ir. "F'uck, seconded by f..Ir. Billings and passed unaninously that a Public Hearing be called April 26 to consider the request for a Conditional ~se permit in Zone-C-l for Construction of a ,'3ervice ,Station by the American Oil Co. at Ashland sto and Hwy 99. A request for annexation on Clay St. between East l-ain and Ashland St. ,.vas referred to COfJr~ittee. A request from Lloyd Selby for a conditional Use PerBit at 1st and C (Old vJarehouse) was discussed. A r:lOtioi1 was made by LIro Billings, sac ond ed by l'!r. ,Singnn ster and pas sed unanioously that a Put1ic Hearing be called April 26. A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken and seconded by Yr. Buck and passed unanimOUSly that a Public Hearing on the request for Annexation of Lyn Estates #2 (Ron Pitts) be held April 26. The time of the Public Bearing regarding the request from the .standard Oil Co. was later changed fr'Jffi Nay 10 to April 26. Adjournment followed Hilda Kinney, Sec. ~INUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION A GpccLl Docti.ng of the Ashland Planning Commission was held April 26, 1965, with Howard Pierce, Chairman, prosiding. Regular and ex officio members present were: }~. Pierce, Elliott MacCracken, John Billings, Harold Buck, Vince Baratti, E. H. Singmaster, and Allen Alsing. George Bren~er and Allen Frazier, members of the staff of the Bureau of Hunicipal Research, were also present. The secretary's report of the Regular Meeting of April 12 was read and approved, Six Public Hearings were held and other business transacted. At 8 pm a Public Hearing was held in which the Standard Oil Co. requested a Zone Change from R-3 to C-2 with an, extension of a Conditional Use Permit at Church St. and N. Main. Mr. Harry Wehrly, Property Representative of the Standard Oil Co. as well as Mr. Don Wolff, manager of the local station, and OWners of the neighboring properties were present. Yil's. Pearl '\Ifiley, Er. ll!m. Van, D;;:ke 5 J'tfrs. J. A. Langtry, David and Harry Linds:'.y, and Nrs. ,V\ lArolff, were introduced and spoke in favor of the roquest. Following discussion a motion was made by F~. Singmaster that it be recommended to the Common Council that the request for a Zone Change from R--3 t~ C-2 with extension of a Nonconforming Use Permit be granted to the Stan- dard Oil Co. at Church St. and North Main st. This Was seconded by Hr. Buck and passed 3-1 (Hr. Baratti dissenting). A Public Hearing was held upon the request of r1r. Gordon Hays. Following discussion, a motion was made by ~rr. Buck and seconded by ~~. Billings, that a Zone Variance and a Non-Conforming Use Permit be granted to the Ashland Mortuary (Gordon Hays) at Fourth Q~d C Sts. This passed unanimously. Following discussion, during a Public Hearing. a motion was made by }~. Singmaster and seconded by Mr. Baratti that Minor L~nd ?artition- ing on Lincoln St. requested by Mr. C. Ross be granted. This passed 4-1, Dr. MacCracken dissenting. After discussion, during the holding of a Public Hearing requested by the American Oil Co., a motion was made by Dr. MacCracken and seconded by Mr. Baratti, that a Conditional Use Permit te granted to the American Oil Co. to construct a Service Station at Ashland Street and Interstate 5. This passed unanimously. A Public Hearing was held in which }IT. Lloyd Selby asked for a Con- ditional Use Permit for a Service Station at C and First sts. (the old City Warehouse). Following discussion, a motion Was made by Mr. Billings and seconded by Mr. Baratti that a Conditional Use Permit not be grsnted at this time. This passed unanimously. A Public Hearing in which the Annexation of Lyn Estates # 2 was re- quested was held. A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken and seconded by fIT, Buck that the Ashland Planning Commission approve this request and forward it to the Common Council. This passed f-l (Mr. 3ingmaster dissenting). Following discussion in which Vince Oredson, Architect for the Trini ty Village, took part, a motion was made by 111'. Buck and seconded by Ii~. Baratti tnat tne tentative plat of Trinity Village be accepted. This passed unanimously. Mr. Clinton Phelps requested a zone change on Oak St. and East Hersey with a Condir;0nql Use Permit to construct a trailer court. A motion was mnde by Mr, Singnastor, -seconded by Mr. Billings and passed unanimously that this be retained in committee. The request for a Zone change by Mr. Voris (old TaYlor Mill) was tabled upon a motion by Dr. MacCracken, seconded by r~. Baratti & passed unanim. The following were referred to Committee: a request from Ers. Z. Moyer for a Conditional Use Permit on Oak at" the preliminary Sub- division plat from Scenic Heights (Frank Tamney) and an Annexation request on Clay st. and Highway 66. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE l1EETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION. The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commissi~ was held Hay 10, 196~ with H011Jard Pierce, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio r!1embers present were: Nr., Pierce, Elli ott Mac- Cracken, John Billings, Henry Peck & Allen Alsing. George Brenner and Al Frazier, members of the Staff of the Bureau or Municipal Research were also present. The secretary's report of the Special jI'ieeting of April 26 was read and approved.. A letter from the Ashland Chamber of Commerce regarding zoning was read by f~r. Alsing. Following dis cussion a motion was made by Dr. MacCr1cken and seconded by ~~. Peck that it be noted on record that this letter had been received and placed on file. This passed unanimOUSly. A motion 1,vas made bv Dr. HacCracken that a letter be written to Hr. Edd Rountree (by I'Ir. Pierce) regarcing the appropriation of $4,500,00 by the Ashland Econo~ic Development Commission for the purposo of employing the Buroau of Municipal Rcsoirch to complete a master plan for the City of Ashland. This was seconded by Hr. Billings and passed unanimOUSly. Following a report by Dr. MacCracken and discussion, a Public Hearing on the request for a Conditional Use Permit in M Zone _ Oak St. by Mrs. Z. Hoyer W8.S set for .Juno 14th at 8 P"M. A motian was made by Mr" Billings and seconded by Dr. ~Hac- Cracken that the Preliminary plat of the Scenic Heights Sub- division Unit #1 (by Frank TaLmey) be accepted. This P~ssed unanimOUSly. A Public Hearing was set for June 14th on a request for a Zone change from R-1 to R-3:1-2, (by ~IT. James Ochs-Avery Street). A preliminary plat of a proposed sub-division by tITS. Floyd Samford on Beswick 1iJay was referred to the Sub-divisi'Jn Committee. This motion wqs made by Mr. Peck, seconded by Mr. Billings and passed unaninously. A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken, seconded by Ptt. Peck and passed unanimously that a proposed sub-division by ~~. Clarence Williams on Helman & ]\Jevadn Sts. be sent to CO.l'l1mittee (sub--div.).' A request for nnnexation, Clay Street near Ashland Street, by !vIr. H. W. vJyckoff WDS continued in C0mmittee. The Casa Hadrone Sub-division 01rs. Walz) 'I/as reported completed and accepted. Adjournment followed Hilda Kinney, Sec. riII\TUTES OF THE ]':'EETING OF tHE ASHLAND PLANNING C OliHISSION The Regular l~eeting of the AShland Planning Conwission Was held June 14, 1965, with Howard Pierce~ Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex officio members present. '.ere: l!;r. Pie:r'ce, Elliott FacCracken, John Billings? Harold BUCk, Vince Baratti, E. H. Singmaster and Allen Alsing. Al Frazier, member of the Staff of the Bureau of L:unicipal Research? was also present. The l"linutes of the Regular meeting of liay 10 were read & approved. CommlU1ications: - A letter from Herry Wehrly~ property representative of the Standard Oil Co. was read and referred to the Hiscellaneous Committee, ];r. Billings was asked to report on set-back requirements on IT. liain. Co~mittee Reports: Subdivision COfmnittee. 1. Samford Bubd ivision A motion was made by Mr. Buck that the proposed Samford Subdivision be approved subject to the granting of a 51 right-of-way aLong Hillview Drive for a sidewalk. This was seconded by Dr. lIacCracken and passed unanimously. 2. Williams Subdivision Nevada St., Laurel St. area (Mr. C C) A motion was made by ~~. Buck that the preliminary plat of the Williams Subdivision be accepted. This was seconded by fIT. Singmaster and passed unanimOUSly. Annexation Committee 1. Request for Annexation - Clay St. near Ashland St, A m~tion was made by Mr. Baratti and seconded by Dr. Mac- Cracken that a Publie Hearing be held on the Request of Mr. Wyckoff for Annexation. This was passed unanimously and a Public Hearing was set for June 28 at 8pm. 1. The Regular meeting of the Planning Co~mission adjourned that a Public Hearing could be held at 8 otclock. A Conditional Use Permit for construction of a triplex in M Zone (400 Block) on Oak St, by Brs. Zora Hoyer Was requested. A motion "'as made by Dr. HacCrnclcen, seconded by lir. Baratti that this request not be granted. This passed unanimously. The meeting resumed __ 2. At 8:15 pm the Planning Commission meeting Was adjourned and the second Public Hearing was held. A request for a zone change for Lots 4, 5, and 6 in the Southern Homos Tract from R-l to R-3:1.2 (Avery St.) was heard. A motion was made by Nr. Singmaster and seconded by lIT. Buck that this request be granted. This passed 4-1 (Dr. MacCracken, dissenting). The meeting resumed-- Epecial Agenda Items 1. Application Zone Change R-l B-IO to R-l:B-8 and minor land par- titioning Mnry Jane and Mohawk St. by ~tr. V. Cordier. A motion was made by fIT. Baratti and seconded by Dr. MacCracken that a Public Hearing be set for June 28 at 8:15 pm on this request. 2. Application for Zone Varience M Zone to allow higher fence and change in front yard requirements - Helman St. itIr. Phil .Stansbury 0 A Dotion was made by fIT. Baratti and seconded by Dr. MacCracken that a Public Hearing be set for June 28 at 8:30 pm. This passed unanimously, 3. Application for Zone Varience to allow less land area per apaTt- ment than minimum requirement at 5th & C Sts. A motion was made by }.IT. Bucl~ and seconded by Mr. Baratti that a Public Hearing be set for JlU1e 28 at 8 :45 pm on this request by I,Ir. Voris, Passed unanim. 4. Continuation of application for conditional use permit to con~ struct service atation in C-I zone - Lithia Hay & 1st St. This was continued until June 28 (with assistance from the Council 5. Request for conditional use permit in R-3:1.2 Blvd. at Bellview Ave. A Public Hearing was set for June 28 at 9 pm on this request from }~. N. Lebow. A motion was made by Dr. MacCrueken, seconded by Mr. Baratti, & passed unanimously on this request. p. 2 Ashland Planning Commission June l~, 1965. Special Agenda (c ::mtinued) 6. Resubmission of requGst for conditional use permit to allow practice of healing arts ih R-3;1.2 zone. 126 Sixth St. Hrs. Ena Son. - Therapy Reflexoldgy, Nerve Tracing and Massaging. A petition in favor of request signed by neighbors was presented. A Public Hearing for July 12 at 8 pm was set. The motion was made by IIr. Billings, seconded by Mr. Buck and passed 3-2 Dr. MacCracken and Hr. Singmaster dissenting. 7. ~flinor Land Partition - Walnut St. -Hr. G. C. Haptonstall was referred to Committee. (Subdivision.) 8. Hinor Land Partition - \'Jalnut St. - Hr. L.D. Tuttle was referred to Committee. (Sub-division. 9. tUnor Land partition & creation of street -Pinecrest Drive ex- tension - Hr. A. J. KLight Was referred to Committee. (sub-div.) 10. Preliminary subdivision n1at - Park St. ~ Blvd. K. Windbigler This was referred to the sub-division Committee. 11. Request for annexation by City of AShland of Industrial Park area A motion was made by }Ir. Buck, seconded by ~~. Billings, and passed unanimously that a Public Hearing be set for July 12 at 8:15 pm 12. Discussion of Zoning - Church St. area }~. George Brenner(absent) A motion was made by ltr. Buck that a Public Hearing be set for June 2~ at 9:15 pm on a Change of Zone from C-2 to C-l on Standard Oil Property at Church St. and No. l~ain and adjoining lot and the Bardfs Inn property. This was seconded by ttr. Billings and passed unanimOUSly. 13. Discussion by Planning Commission Chairman - 1. Change in Zoning Ordinance (8) Side yard requirement conflict in zoning ordinance.- This was returned to committee. (b) Street frontage This will continue as at present A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken that the AShland Planning Coamission affirm the interpretation received from the City Attorney as being in accord with writing the Zoning Ordinance. This was seconded by Br. Buck and passed unanimously. Proposed Trailer Ordinance. !his was referred to COlnmittee. (Dr. MacCracken and ~~. S1ngmaster). l~. Request for Zone change R-l: B-10 to R-l :B-8 Crostview Subdivision. This sub-divisionname'wQs changed to Kensington Sub. (r~. D. hyers) A Public Hearing on this request was set for July 12 at 8:30 pm. 15. (same as 10) 16. Extension of Glenwood Drive - Dexter Woodworth. In this report by the City Engineer it was noted that the City will obtain deeds for street previously granted. 17. A Public Hearing was set for July 12 at 8:45 pm on Zone Change R-F to R-3 and a Conditional Use Permit for a Trailer Court on Jak St. and E. Hersey St. by Clinton Phelps. 18. A Public Hearing was set for July 12 at 9:00 pm on tunor Land Partitioning for 3 lots on Terrace Street at the request of i'ir. Neil Eann and l/J. H. Hampton. Adjournment followed Hilda Kinney, Sec. }'5,1:~,:}fI:!SG .".? '~r=-~r: ~.'j'.::.I~"IJYG :.\Y ~~~-1i::g At8(I.~:,~~n~::, PI~8J'~'~:r,r:~G G01~zt{!;~SIO~ ~ 1!fi';"'iBi~l m:il;;:ti1;)o1l', af t11e 3,.3:tJ.JU,d] Flc~?1nir:,g C;gmr;iB1~3~."JiTh "-fas held J\:m.e ~~e; 19">.15 at 7:)0 poK31. \;d.th HG'W~K<J Pi6:A"~\;1~ t:h1llirrc~n, p:reiliidi~. Rcgu12r mG~bc~~ present ~~Ee; rL~~ Pi~~cef. ~lli~tt f~~~?8Ckefi~ John Billing~, Ha~gld B~e~~ a~ Henry p~ck. Geo~~e Brer~~er and Ai Frazie~~ membe~w of the ~t~tf of the Burea~ of 11unlcipal Re3~ar~h were also pTescfit. COMMITTEE )REPORTS: BubCl! visi!) ..Utes - 1. Minor partltl~n end c~e~tion ~f ~treet 0 Pin~cre$tDr1ve exten$1~n =~~ac A. J. ~lgh~. W~11~~in~ a ~epoA"tb1 Hr. Buck th1~ requB~t wa~ r~t~n8~ t~ C6~ittae for further $tll~1 until the next Ragulslr Heeting = Jl.<ly 12. 2. PEe11minary $ubd1wl$i~n plat - Park Street and Blvd. - ~rl W1ndbiglel'. F!)Uowin~ a :report gh'en by Mr. Buck an@ Ql1~= ~Qswion ~f this plet ~ motion was made by Mr. Bll@k ~~ se@on~~~ by Hr. Peck that the :request for thh Sub=dhb:1:m. bl~ ~en1ltlde This wss p~$$ed unsnimo~~ly. 3. Minor land partitions = Walnut St~aet -K~. G. C. H~~t~n$tall _ ~l'. t. D. Tuttl~. A motion ves made by Mr. Buck and ~eeonded by hr. Peek that the re~uo:!it tOl' 2 l~t~ ba glrsnted. Tlh11Jl ~s$sed unanimou$ly~ , l1ISCEtLANEOUS COMlfITTEE A report was g1wen by ~. Billing~ regarding 5etback~ @n N. M&in an~ other streets. Dr. ~cCracken gu~~e~t~d th~t a wo~k $~3elon be held 1nclu~ing sl~~ the City Atto~ne1. It w~s tent~t1ve11 set r~r Tuesday night~ J~e 29th ~t 7:30 p.m. The Special Meet1~~ ~djo~ned ~n~ the teilowi~~ P. H. were ~~l~: PUBLIC HEAr.INGS " 1. ~:OO p.m. - Re~ue~t fo~ annex~~1~~ -Cl~~ st~est ne8~ A~hl~~~ Street -Ur. Ho "!yeAtor!. A mOiti~!il was made by Hr. Bl11ing~ ~nd seconded by Hll'. Buck that this reiJluest be gll'lilnted. Ii. t:li.e li'@is of 2-2 was b~oken by the v~tc of the Chaill'man.=afti~~tiw~. It carried 3=2. (D:r. t81cCrackcn anc Mr. Pock- diss.;;ntin~). 2. 8:15 p.m. Appli@ation for zone Change R-l:B-lO t~ ~=1:B=8 ~n~ minor land partition 0 }.!'ary Jane and Hohawk .'3t:reot = }.faF'. v. Cordier. A motion was made by t~. Buck snd seconded by Mr. Billings to grant the zone change and minor land partitl,n1nl (including a Variance) as (jut linea:! in the athched IMp accompanying the ~cquest subject to Zone chan6e. Thi~ ws~ passed 3-1 (Dr. }!acCracken dissenting.) \ 3. 8:30 p.m. Application for zone variance M zone to all~ hl~her fonce and change in front yard requirement - Helman Street = Hr. P. H. Stansbury. Following d1scu~5ion~ a motion W~~ Mads by Dr. l~cCTacken ~na seconded by Nr. Eillings that it be recommended to the COWilDn COWJ\cU th,~t tltli:s reque$t be gnnted. This was appr~ved unanimously. ~. 8:4; pm Apnlication tor Zone variance to ~llow less l~nd area per apartment than min1~um ~equirement ~ 5th and C _ ~1r. R. Voris. A report wss given by Mr. Billlng$~ fav~rable e~cept for sufficient parking 3pace. A motion was made by Mr. Billings and seco~de~ by l~. Peck that the ~equest not be grante~. A n~t1on Wag then ma~e to table thi~ m~tion while the necessary Parking W8~ being worked ~ut. Motion made by ~. MacCrackcn ana ~~~e~]e~ by 1~. Billings & passed un3n1~0~~ly. ,.. 9:00 p.;::. Re:q[t:lc1J:t f!))!.' cOJnd:l.tbnal L'se pell"m1t in R~3: 1.2 lJ:o~e at Bellwl.e'I:.J Ava. an\tJj Blv\t:!o = NT. 'oJ. Lobow. Up:m a [']~t:l.C\:;a by Dr. }mcCrocken and 3ec~nded by Mr. So Pcc~ this rcq~s~~ ~as tabled till the ne~t meeting to allow for m~re complete pla~~ t~ be formed. This passed 'unanimously. 6. 9:00 porn. - Zone change P.-l to M I~oUnta1n AVe.~ ~ilro~d area. ~ regarding the omis~ion of a line in the drawing of a map. Dr. HacCrackeEl made a motion which was sec::lfloed by f',)1". Peck that it be E8coillIDendca to the Cgnu~on Council that thi$ change be made. Pa~~~@ ~~nirnou5lv. 7. 9:1, p~ ~~@~ eh~n~~ ~=2 ~~~ R=3~b.2 to ~cl ~@1~ ~o~ ~@rt~ Roisl.u ,St;ri;~fr. ~;r€l~,. Wf1Jllo'aing ~i~e1J.i1,j~!o.i'1\ on thi~ 1t~1lJ tElld 1~~1~d~0 P~0~g~ty in th~ No. Y~in 2rea =(th~ ~~@o~ Imn 8n~ the Wolfe Se~wi~~ 8t~tio~) the reGU~$t w~s ~ef@rr~~ t~ the Co~on C0~;el1 ~itb th~ ~e~o~~~figsticin th~t the ~h~.i'1\g~s be ~~~ in a m;:'~il::r: K1J;~:C !hi's" ~,eCre{:k~]j\ @&ii5 I:Jj'M~)QgM '1Jy !@'. Bnl:11l\~~. Thi~ ~~~ . '2n~~i~@~~ll. I~o ~~ry W~~rly~ pr~~~rtl r~p= )('r2 ',: 21l1;';Qt:1 1)f th@ ~t~Ai1~<a:r~ OU ((;;0. ~ndJ ~@~ C1:}r@i~t~ Dbtl':l@t 8,'11e~ 211'H1:!J:~e~ ':If '\';niiS S~@)J!J@gii'd {}n ~o. M(\jJ D~n W@lfe 'IJ€&l1'~ jplb'@'ejjJj't. BJP<el;;hl iig~ii1,j@ H'1:1I~1i '\(;:rI&ITh~@lQ;t~1iil ~'ha)i'1n~ ~h~ C@_jI,~d'.}lQl m~~U1il~ ~eJtwoeEl lP~lib11c J.d~~~i]I~l~~ Q == 1. A ~3q~8~t l~~~ E~ P~nt~$kl~ 100 ~hofield ~., s$kin~ lor minoT l~nd p~rtitloITh11Th~ ~nd app~ov~l of ~ private d~1ve~~y ~n Schofi~,lQ] Sto Thh W~$ refiU"lre{J to the Btibdivido~ CtlWit'Q;i;la9 A il'eQ!ue:~l'1t fl'ltJm StBnle.w Jobe 1~ W~OOl],~!lll@] D.riw€ll l'eg~ri!ll11ll1~ '" va~lan@e t~ buil~ ~ fi~IllI=~~nform1~ l1'9t~1nin~ wall = part 01 'ilfhJLch w!mJ.C! c::!ttend !Jiut to the ~treet. Thilj WS$ a motioniMrde by Hr. P~~k~ ~fid $econded by ~. M~cCra@~@n &nd p~~~~d ~~nim= ~u~ll to be l'~lc~~ed to th~ Comm~n C~~~11. A Conditional U~e Permit wa~ r~que~te~ t~ e~tabl!sh a U~1@n Service Station at the ~ite of tha ~l~ ~~l'eh~u~e by LloJ~ Selhy. Dc~tel' Woodworth. Ed Rountree~ R~bert Stephen~~n~ Mr. & ~~~. w. J. WOT~h~'~so M. Am Koc~~~ Mr~. D~n ~~~~~ Y~~e p~esent a)J!J~ ~tate~ their opi)J!Ji~n~; ~ ~etltion c~ntQi~n~ ~ilr!atl]Jl'es :)f 60 people who wel'e~lJlIPo~e~ to a se!E'wie<e ~tSlt1@n at this loe~t1~na was a1$0 read. A m~t1on was made by Mr. Buck and sec~n~ed by Dr. M~cCl1'~cken that final alJllP~owal be uithheld ~ubjcct t~ pl~t plan an~ station design. rhl~ pa~sed 3-1 (Bl11ing~ Ji~~entln~}. 'ift~~ Oredson, Archit~ct, pre~ented s detailed ~p ot ~~~ srea. 2. 3. Adj~urnment followed. Hilda Kinneyp Sec. Ashland Planning C~mm1w~lon June 28~ 1965' p~ :2 HINUTES OF THE HEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COlJJHISSION The Regular Heeting 'Jf the Ashland Planning Commission V!aS held July 12, 1965 with Howard Pierce, Chairman, presiding. Regular and ex- 'Jfficio members present were~ rir. Pierce, Elliott MacCracken~ John Billings, Har'Jld Buck, Henry Peck and Allen Alsing. George Brenner, member of the Staff 'Jf the Bureau 'Jf Municipal Research was also present. The secretary's rep'Jrt of the Special Meeting of June 28 was read and approved as corrected. C'JDWlittee Reports~ Subdivisi'Jn Coro~ittee -1. Minor l8nd partiti'Jn and creation of street - Pinecrest Drive extension - Mr. A. Knight. After discussi'Jn a motion was made by Hr. Buck and sec'Jnded by lir. Billings that this Minor Land , Pa~tition and Acceptance 'Jf Road as 'Jutlined on accompanying map be approved with the notation that the original lot has been changed as 'In the map. This 'vas passed 3-1. (Dr. i:~acCracken, dissenting.) Dr. HacCracken made a motion that the Planning CODiDlission go on rec'Jrd as requesting the City to investigate the 'Jpp~rtunity of extendirg Pinecrost Road- tb Elkador. 'This vlQS soc'Jnded by Mr. Pock and passed unanimausly. -2. Minar land partition and private driveway - Schofield ,Street - Nr. E. Pentkowski. FolloitJing discussion a motion vJaS made by Dr. facCracken ane! sec'Jnded by Nr. Billings thnt }tIr. Ed Pent- kowski be enabled to partition his land to have a lot 80' faCing an Grover st. and adjacent t'J the Har~adine Cemetery. This passed unaniffi'Juslv. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 1. 8~oo p.m~ - Resubmissi'Jn of request for c'Jnditi'Jnal use permit to all'Jw practice 'Jf healing arts in R-3~1.2 zone - 6th st. -I1TS.. Son.. . Sevoral pers 'Jns, inCluding l::rs. "Paul Cull'Jp of 156 Sixth St.; t'J'Jk part in the discussion of this request. Questions regarding licensing, and requirements for sanitary reasons connected with this request were discussed. A motion was made by Hr. Peck and seconded by Dr. MacCracken to continue the Public Hearing at 8 ~15 p, ;-'1. on August 9th. lir. Buck requested that the City Attorney be consulted concerning the legality of questions involved. 2. 8~15 p.m. Request for annexati'Jn by City of Ashland - Indus~ trial Park - Histletoe Road. A ITl:>tian '\nlas maGe by lIr. Buck, seconded by I'ir. Peck and passed unanimOUSly that this be annexedo 3. 8~30 p.m. Request for zone change R-l:B-10 to R-l~B-8 - Ken- sington Subdivision - Mr. A. D. Meyers. It was reco~mended by l~. Buck and seconded by ftt. Peck that this z'Jne change be granted. This passes unanimOUSly. p. 2 The Ashland Planning Commission. July 12, 1965. PUBLIC HEARIlJGS - c'.:mt 0- 4. Proposed trailer park - (Public Hearing delayed because of in- sufficient information), It was suggested that a satisfactory street pattern shou1d be worked out with Mr. Alsing by 111'. Phelps. 5. 9~OO p.m. Minor land partition with zone vQriance applicstion _ Terrace St. - Heil Hann. A recommendati on \vas made by H.r. Buck5 seconded by Hr. Peck and passed unanimously that this Minor Land Partitioning with zone variance application be granted. SPECIAL AGEI'TDE ITE1:iS ~ 1. Application for rezone - R-2 to R-3~2.4 for purposes of con- structing multiple units on Grant Street - Hr. J, Young. This application was ref8rred to the City Attorney. 2. Application for private way - Granite Street - lIra Heill Hann _ i,vi thdrm-Jn. 3. Ur. George Brenner led a discussion of proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The report on the progress on the Trailer Ordinance was not ready. 5. A plot plan for the proposed Union Service Station at 1st and C Streets by Lloyd Selby was ?ubmitted. A motion was made by lIr. Peck, seconded by Dr. MacCracken and passed unanimOUSly that this plan bo accepted. A letter from James M. Ragland listing 5 reasons for opposing the proposed Service Station was read and referred to the City Attorney for action on a moti::>Xl made by 1':Ir. Peck, sec::mded by Dr. }vlacCracken and passed unanimously. A staterc1ent was given by lil1~. Billings in opposition to the proposed Service Station at this location (1st & C) 6. A request from the Ashland Four-Square Church through a letter from the Postor, John Po Otto, for a Variance and for a Condi- tional Use Porr,li t to build a front porch with c. cC'..110Py on the Church at 5th and East TIain Streets was read < A moti:m was made by Mr. Buck, secondet by Dr. MacCracken and passed lli~animously to hold a Public Hearing. This was sot for Aug. 9 at 8 o'clock pp8. by the Chairman. 7. Request of 1~. 8. Jobe to erect a retaining wall. A motion was made by 1~. Buck and seconded by Dr. }~cCracken that .~~. Jobe be peruitted t~ erGct a retaining wall on his property per his requ8sto This passGd unanimously. 8. Request fr~m Mr. LGbow f~r a C~nditiJnal Use at Bellview Ave. & Siskiy~u Blvd. t~ devel~1) Pr~fessional Offices. A motion ,,'as nade by Er. Buck and seconded-by fir. Billings and passed unanimously that this Conditi~nal Use bo granted. Adj~urnmont followed. Hilda Kinney? Seco l1INUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANN!NG CCHliSSION The Regular Meeting of the AShland Planning Commission vas ,held August 9, 1965, ~ith Ho~ard Pierce, Chairman, presiding.. RelQl~r and ex ~fficio members present were: Mr. Pierce, Illiott MacCraCkefth John Billings, Harold BUCk, E. H. Slngmasterand Allen Als1n8. '0 presept. were George Brenner and Al Frazier, members ot the statt ot the aoaPo of Municipal Research. . . , The Minutes of the Meeting ot July 12 vere read aDd appro~ a. corrected. COMMUNICATIONS A Petition trom property owners in the area ot the Gunter propert, on Grant Street requesting that Rezoning be deDied vas read by Ir~ Alsing. A motion was made by Mr. Buck aDd secon4ed by 1>1'. MaCCraclceD that this petition be placed ~n tile. This passed unan1mou.1Y. COMHITTEE REPORTS: ~... " 1. Ordinance. . (a) House Trailer Ordinance. - The Chairman asked that . report . on the House Trailer Ordinance be ready tor the nen M.t1q. Dr. MacCracken, Mr. Slngmaster and Hr. Brenner varkiDIv1tb Mr. Alsing. . . fUBLIC HEARINGS: 8:00 pm Conditional Use permit and variance tor porchconltructtoia the Four Square Church - 5th and C Streets. Following discussion a motion vas made b, 1>1'. MacCraokeD seconded by Mr. Billings and palsed unanilloully that the request tor a Conditional Use permit and variance tor parch construction - Four Square Church at Sth and C streets, be granted. Continuation ot Hearine tor Conditional V.e permit - Practice ot . Healine Arts -Mrs. IDa Son, 126 Slzth st. Following discussion a motion vas made by Mr. Buck tbat a Conditional Use per~t tor the practice ot Heal1n8 A~. be granted to Mrs. Ena Son 126 Sixth St. tor a periOl1 at one yeart vith the stipulatIon that the businels could Dot be transrerred to another per.ont and that at the eDd ot the year it v')uld have to be reconsidered and pvn1t ....;arp11e4 . tor. Was lBc')nded by Mr. Bi111111s and passed 2-1. (Dr. Mae- Cracken, dissenting. 8:15 pm _S,pECIAL AGE1',PA ITEMS: 1. Proposed amendments to zoning ordinance - Mr. George BreDll8I'. A Public Hearing was set tor Sept. 13th to cOD.lder tbe propoead amendments and changes to the lon1ng ord1nance . 2. Minor land partition - Hillview Drive - Mrs. Rehker. After discussion, a motion was made by Dr. MacCrackeDt &ai' secondod by Mr. Billings that the request tor m1n~ lsaa ~tl- ti~>ning by Mrs. Rehker be denied and that she be enc~ltCI to pr0:e6c': with the 15i.i.u-uiviaion oiher entire place vith _ tentative plat previously accepted. Thi. pSI.ad unan~.~~. 3. Minor land partiti:m - Walnut street - Mr. !allDey -pre1lellted b, Mr. B"b Wright. This request WBS reterred to the ~b-aln..loa COC1rlittee. A motion Was made by Mr. Buck and seconded b, Mr. Billings to hold a Public Hearlnl ')n this request AUCU8t 2)rd at 8:15 pm. This passed unanimously. ..- Minor Land partition - Euclid street - Mr. Olldson. This request was reterred t" the SUb-cUV1s101l Commit,". Preliminary sub-d1vls')on plat - Wile, St. . Mr. H. Cluff. (High Rise Sub-divll1on) This Val reterred to C:NIIII1tt.. Ubbcti..). 4. 5. . . " ^_.-_.~~....-- The Ashland Planning C~mmIssion Regular meeting - August 9; 1965. .l2..__.l 6. Pre1i~inary Sub-divisi~n plat -H111View Dr1ve - Father W81~. This request was referred to sub-cUvil1on Committee. . 7. Z~ne variance - number ot apts. - Sth st. - Mr. R. Vori.. This request was referred t~ the H1scellaneoul Committee aDd continued until the next mectI!1C. Necessary parklDc .pace to be worked out w1th the City In.pector. . . 8. Conait1~nal use permit appl1cl\t1on - 8111viev Dr. . ".sther Val8h. This request to construct an a~dit1on on the Par1IhBouI.'ot the CatholIc Church on 8illvlev Drive ~al reterred to the ~11- aneous COliU:llttee (cotion made by Dr. MacCraeken). .l Publio .- Hearing was set tor 8:00 pc Augu.t 23rd. Conditional Use permit application - FlrstBapt1st CbarCb - ter,. Street. Following dIscussion!. Mr. .ll.1nc "as asked '0 eztact . the Baptist Church Committee ror. more 1ntormation on parkinl. c ", 10. Pre1Icinary sub-division plat Park street - Earl W1D1blCl.I'~; This request was referred .to the Sab-dlvlsiQft C~mmlttee. 11. Preliminary Sub-division plat - ~lker Ave. - K. W1ndbl.1er. This was referred to Committee (SUb-div.) 12. Creation ~r new street - Timber Line aubdlvl.1on - K. ~n4b1al.1' A rec~"lLIendat1~n was ma(le by Mr. Buck that th1sbe allowed It it were o.k.ed by the City Engineer. . 13. Preliminary plat - Davis Sub-division - Clay Street. This was referred to the Sub-d1visl~n Committee. ' llt. Final plat - Oak C~urt - C. R. Poster. oak Street. Tentative appr~val had preV1~ully been .iw8n ~n thia. It V&I referred t~ the City Engineer tor compari.on to orlg1Dal plat. 15. Fred Tayler was present aDd requested verltlcat1~n of R8qu1r...nt. for ioprovcments ~n his Signal Station ~n Korth Main. .!hl1 val referred to the City Inspector. Adj~urnnent foll~wed. Hi1dn Kinney, Sec. .' .,'. . -~1.. _'::":_:~__-'Ji._li:.J.Ji~ ~ '"i~''' :..__ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held October 11, 1965, with Harold Buck, Chairman Pro Tem, presiding. Regular and ex officio member~ present were: r~. Buck, Elliott Mac- Cracken, John Billings, E. H. Singmaster, & Harry Skerry, City Attor- ney. Also present was Al Frazier, member of the Staff of the Bureau of Municipal Research. The secretary's report for the Regular Meeting of September 13 was ~ead and approved as read. Committee ReDorts: Ordinance: Following discussion of the proposed trailer Park ordinance it was decided to continue the discussion at the Nov. 8th meeting - the Chairman requesting the allowance of at least 35 minutes when the Agenda is made up by Mr. Alsin? for that meeting. Subdivision: . Preliminary subdivision plat, Lyn Estates # 2 - Nevada - st. - Mr. Vori~ - Mr. Pitts. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Billings, and seconded by Dr. MacCracken that the Ashland Planning Commission recommend to the Common Council that a Public Hearing be held regarding the arlr1l9Jco.tie~ of the Lyn Estates #2. Passed-Unanimously. f)~~f{ird--'-'''- >d r~ Public Hearings: 8:00 pm Proposed changes in zoning ordinance. Dr. r1acCracken made a recommendation that the proposed changes in the zoning ordinance. be approved and sent to the Common Council. This passed unanimously. 8:30 pm Zone variance for lot width - High Rise Subdivision - Wiley St. Following discussion, in which Mrs. Dorothy Jump, 651 Walnut St. and }'Irs. C. L. Rusho, 667 Walrnlt expressed their interest, a statement was made by Dr. MacCrackon, Chairman of the Subdivision CDmmittee, that the opinion of the committee was that the widening of the street would be for the general good: that the lots would not be sufficiently smaller; that it would provide lots not unlike those in the area and would not be materially different from the purpose of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Billings reported for Arthur Phillips, 665 Chestnut St., who was unable to be present, that their interest was in that there be no infringement on the values of the land in that vicinity by the allow- ance of smaller houses being built and other inconsistoncies not in harmony with the lots in this location. A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken and seconded by r'IT. Singmaster that the zone variance for lot width be allowed. Passed unanimously. 8:45 pm Zone Change R-l:B.lO to M. City Industrial Park. A motion was made by :Vir. Singmastert seconded by Dr. NacCracken that the zone change from R-l:B-lO to M - City Industrial Park be approved~ Passed unanim. Public Hearings (cont.) p. 2 9~OO pm Conditional use with variance for setback - Standard Oil Co. . No Main and Church. . Representatives from the Standard Oil Co. - Harry A. Wehrly, p.rop- erty Representative from Portland, Robert A. Corbett, District Sales Manager, and Don Wolff, Ashland Standard Station, were present. A motion was made by Dr. HacCracken and seconded by Nr.. Singrnaster to approve the request for conditional use with variance for setback if it complied with the sign ordinance. This passed unanimously. 9:15 pm Annexation of portions of two lots and street - Franeva Sub- division. - Mr. Frank Tamney. A committee report was given by Dr. MacCracken. A recommendation that the Ashland Planning Commission recommend to the Common Council the annexation of portions of 2 lots and a street (Franeva Subdivision). This was seconded by Mr. Billings and passed unanimously. 9~30 pm Zone variance for setback - Fork St. Mr. Seely and Mr. Fales. Following discussion, a recommendation was made by r~. Billings and seconded by Mr. Singmaster that this request for 3 zone variance for a setback be granted. This passed 2-1; Dr. MacCracken dissenting. Special Agenda Items. 1. Proposed sub~ivision - Hersey St. Mr. R. Voris. After discussion this request was referred to the Miscellaneous Committee (for a report at the next meeting.) 21 l'-1inor land partition - Fork St. - MI,,: Wallace Iverson. A recQmmendation by Mr. Billings, seconded by Mr. Singmaster was approved unanimously that this minor land partition be allowed. It was requested by Dr~ NacCracken that Mr. Alsing write a letter to ltr. Fales explaining the situation and to have him take action to incorporate it with the lot facing. However }tr. Fales came during this discussion and agreed that this would be done. 3. Continuation of Hearing (July 12, lq65) for rezone R-F to R-3 Hersey St. area. (Mr. Clinton Phelps). Dr. MacCracken made a motion that a Public Hearing be called relative to this request for rezoning R-F to R-3. The Chairman set the Public HeGring for 9~OO pm Nov. 8. 4. Application for zone variance - side setback Morton St. Mr. Phil Bryant. A Public Hearing was set for this application for 8~oo pm November 8. Request - minor land ~~rtitioning with variance W. Hersey St. Kinney. Referred to Miscellaneous Committee. 6. Discussion N. E. Ashland zoning. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec.