HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Planning MIN MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION A Special r1ceting of the Ashland Planning Cow~ission was held April 25, 1966t at 7:00 p.m. E. H. Singmastcr, Chairman, presided. 1. 7:00 o'clock a Public Hearing was held on the application for conditional use permit for a cocktail lOlli1gc, at Debs Restaurant, 2285 Highway 66. A favorable report was given by Mr. Baratti, ChairlJan of the Miscellaneous Committee. A recommendation to the Common Council that this request be granted was made by lf~. Baratti and secondod by Mr. Buck. This was passed unanimously. 2. 7:15 o'clock - A Public Hearing was held on the application for reconstruction and enlargement of a nonconforming use at 145 N. Main, t~. Fred Tayler. A favorable report was given by the Miscellaneous Committee. A motion was made by ~rr. Baratti that a recor~lendation be made to the Common Council that this request be granted. This W2S seconded by Dr. MacCracken and passod unan- inously. Regular and ex officio nembers present at this meeting wore: E. H. Singmaster, Chairman; Elliott MacCracken, Harold Buck, Vince Baratti, W. T. Dawkins, and Allen Alsing. Also present was Al Frazier, momber of the Staff of the Bureau of Municipal Research. AdjournL!ent followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. ~IINUTES OF THE NEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COlJlUSSION The Regular Meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held June l3~ 1966~ with E. H. Singmaster~ Chairman~ presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were~ Mr. Singmaster~ Elliott Mac- Cracken~ John Billings, Vince Baratti, Henry Peck, W. T. Dawkins, and Allen Alsing. Also present was Al Frazier, member of the Staff of the Bureau of Municipal Research. The minutes of fue meeting of May 9 were rond by the socretary and approved. A communication from Donal P. Rounds, Chairman of the Ashland Civic Improvement Association dated June 11 was read. The Planning Commission was asked to adopt a moratorium on building development wi thin the downtown !'edevelopment area boundaries "which. would. be incompatable with the current planning. After discussion the let~n~ was placed on file~ the Chairman appointing Dr. MacCracken to be in charge ensuing developments. Public Hearings ~ 8;00 pm Zone Change - Siskiyou and Morse - Don Crouch. A motion was made by ~~. Peck to grant this request but did not receive a second. A motion was then made by Dr. liIacCracken and seconded by Mr. Billings that the request be denied. This passed 4-10 8~15 pm Zone variance - 920 Pinecrest Terrace - James Arms on. (Zoningi A favorable report was given. A motion was made by l,~. Baratti tha~ this request be granted. It was seconded by ~~. Peck and passed unanimously. 8~30 pm Conditional Use permit #D05 - Hwy. 66 and Clover Lane Shell Oil Company (Zoning Committee). Shell Oil Co. was represented by Sid Ainsworth. this request was referred to the Miscellaneous 3-2 Vote. A Public Hearing was set for 8~30 pm After Discussion. Committee by a July 11. 8:45 pm (4th P. H.). Conditional Use Permit #006 and variance for 19 w1its. 252 B St. Anderson & Duffy. }tt. Billings recormmended that this request be o.k.ed. This was seconded by ltr. Peck~ and passed by unanimous vote. Special AgBada Items~ 1. Application for Minor Land Partition - C.T. Ryk~en - S. Mt. Ave. This application was referred to the Sub-division Comrilittee. 2. Application for Minor Land Partition - W. C. Baker 441 Terrace~ This applica ti on was refer red to the Sut- -:U viSion C ommi t tee. Ashland Planning Commission Special Agenda Items: 3. Application for Minor Land Partition - w. Ki~~ell - Terrace and Su~nit. This was referred to the Sub-division Committee. June 13 P. 2. 4. Application for Variance on Alfson Lumber Co. #008. treMiscellaneous Committee July 11 at 8~15 pm. No~ of living units - 433 Holly - This application was referred to and a Public Hearing was set for 5. Planning Commission approval of Airport construction. A letter was read expressing approval of this project and it was unanimously agreed to forward it to the State Board of Aeronautics. 6. Minor Land Partition - Shults and Flood. 467 Scenic Drive. This was referred to Con~ittee. 7. Approve final plat of High-Rise Sub-division. A motion was made by ~~. Baratti and seconded by Dr. MacCracken to approve this final plat of the High-Rise Sub-division. . It passed unanimously. 8. Approval - Canyon Park Sub-division. A motion was made~ seconded and passed that approval be given to this Sub-division. 9. Minor Land Partition - Alnutt and Strawberry Lane. Sid Ainsworth was present and described the proposal. It was referred to the Sub-division Committee. (l\iacCracken & Peck). 10. ~~. Peck proposed that methods be found if possible to speed up processes for presenting materia~s to the Planning Commi$s1on and the Council. After discussion on clarifying the PoDby of the Commission, the Chairman stated that the Commission would llstick by" the rules until such times as the rules are changed. Matters of Business willbe presented through their~e~l!~4~ ~hannels. It was suggested by ~IT. Baratti and ~~. PecK that the Commission could meet oftener if necessary. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINtITES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION -...- .......... ~ ~ The s~ecial meetinf of the Ashland Planning Commission was called to order on October 31, 196 ,,'..E. H. Singrnaster presiding, with the following members and ex-officio members present: Mr. Singmaster, Elliott MacCracken, John Billings, Harold Buck, Henry Peck, William Oawkins and Allen Alsing. Al Frazier member of the Bureau of " Municipal Research was also present. PUBLIC HEARING: 5: 10 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman E. H. Singmaster who indicated that the meeting was called to consider a rezone of property from R-l :B8 to R-3:2.4 Lot 13 - Bk-l and lot 4 Bk-2 Maple Subdivision, which had been under discussion previously (January 1966) in conjunction with a rezone of adjacent property. He stated that the property owners had not been properly notified at that time. Mr. Alsing stated that the notices had been sent to the property owners on 2-4-66 ~but that the notice did not include the two lots in the Maple Subdivision. He stated that the two lots were not in- cluded in the description due to either an error or because formal application was ,not made by the property owner. He further stated that it was his opinion that the commis'sioners were actually considering the two subject lots at the time of the hearing. Mr. Mac Cracken stated that regardless of what took place last February that the new hearing should consider the two lots on their merit and at the present time. 5:20 P.M. Mr. Billings had to leave meeting because of sickness. Those who spoke in opposition to the rezone were Elliott Duffy John Clerico, J. E. Boulton, J. D. Stephens, Wallace Olson. The property owners indicated they had received notices too late. They also felt that this change from a single to multiple dwelling would lower the property value. A letter of opposition was received from Mr. & Mrs. Robert Himelwright. Leo Zupan and Mrs. Jessie Fitch spoke in favor of the rezoning. 5:25 P.M. Mr. Henry Peck made a motion that the rezoning be denied. Elliott MacCracken seconded motion. This passed unanimously. 5:30 P.M. Mr. Elliott MacCracken moved to adjourn meeting. Henry Peck seconded motion. Meeting then adjourned. ~I~UTES OF THE ~~ETl~G OF THE ASHLAND PLAN~iNG C01~ISSION The Regular meeting of the Ashland Planning Commission was held November 219 196f Chairman9 E. H. Sing~aster presiding. Regular and ex officio members present were~ i"ir. Singmaster9 Elliott HacCrJcken, John Billings, H'1Told Buck, Vince Baratti, and Allen AIsing. Also present was Al Frazier, member of the Bureau of Municipal Research, The minutes of the meeting of October were read and approved. The minutes of the Special meeting of October 31 were read and approved. CUJ.'JJ.V1I TTEE f<.EfLRTS ~ Public 1. 1. Minor land partition9 Clay st., Felix Johnson (SubdiVision C011";:)ittee). Following discussion, a motion was made by ~~. B~r~tti and seconded by Mr. Billings that this request be grant'd. The Fla.:....ning CO'~1jJission asked th,~t a letter be written to Hr. Johnson stating th,"-t the Co:,:!mission has given con- sideration to the extension of ri~ry Jane Ave. and request that buildings in th~t area be kept on a straight line so that if & when it is possible a street c~n be put through. This was passed unanimously. 2. Ninor land partition9 Wimer St., Wallace Olson (Sub. Div. Co."'mittee). After discussion a motion was made by Mr. Buck to grant this request; this was seconded by Dr. MacCracken and passed unanimously. 3. . Zoning Or.dinnnce Anendment - - Following discussion, a reco~ndotion was made by Dr. MacCracken that the motion to approve the Zoning Ordinance as amended be re-affirmed and sent again to the Common Council. 4. Minor land partition & variance #009, Dexter Woodworth. A motion was made by Mr. Baratti and seconded by Mr. Billings to approve this request. This WAS passed 2-1; Dr. MacCracken voting in the neg~tive and Mr. Buck abstaining. 5. Trailer house - Bellview - y~. Stebler. This applic~tion w~s returned to Mr. Alsing by the Chairman of the Zoning Committee, ~k. Buck. It CGuld not be granted, being in direct violation to the ordinance. A letter from y~. Brig8~~ representing Mr. Stebler was read. Mr. Alsing was asked to notify Mr. Briggs that this could not be granted. It was decided that the trailer house could remain at this location until the Steblers return home but that the services by the city should be disco~nected. Hearings 8: e;.c) p.m. - Occupation {i013, 976 Linda ~ Rose YanBuskirl(. A motion was made by Mr. Billings, seconded by Mr. Baratti and pass8d unan- imously to grant this request for a 3-year period. 2. 8:15 pm Zone variance 4~022, side setback, 310 N. Mountain hve. R.!,~.Dtlr':"\l'" A cO~llitte report was not favorable. A letter in favor of this requ2st was read from Mr. Pinnock for the Bridgmans, former owners. A motion 't-las !'J,2de by hr. Buck and seconded by Dr. HacCr:1ct<en that this request be denied. This passed 3-1, Hr. Billings abstaining from voting. hr. Alsing waS'1sked to notify ~~. Durham that if he wished he could resuboit his request to place the carport farther back on the property. 3. 8:30 po Zone variance # & 8inor land partition, Mohawk & Clay A cLiotirm ,ms made by hr. Btick that this request be gr"1nted. This was sec....nd2d by 11r. Barntti and passed 3-1 (Dr. M&cCracken, nGg~tive). The Ashland Planning COh~ission (cr"'nt.) p. 2. Special Agenda Items. 1. l',dnor land partition~ \rJindsor St., Edw'ard Nelson & iblt Taylor. A sub-division committee report was given by Dr. MacCracken. Following dis- cussion n recommendation was mada by Dr. NacCrncken nnd seconded by tIr. B,!1r~tti that this request be granted. This passad unnnim0vsly. 2. r"dnor land partition 6, zone varhnce 4~024, IVjap1e 6c Ha1nut This was given to the Sub-division Co':m:nittee for a report a Public Hearing was set for December 12 at 8:00 F.I';. Sts. J. D. Stephens. at the ne~t meeting & 3. Zone variance - barn~ 27 W, Hersey St. Carl E. Vogel. This w~s given tc the Zoning committee, ~~. Buck, Ch., for a renort for the next meeting and n Public Hearing set for 8:15 p."'. DeC8",ber 12. 4. Preli!:1inary pbt, Victoria Subdivision, Joe Pl'1tko. TAlis 1.;ras given to the Sub-division cO;'1mittee for a report Dec. 12th. S.~.inor land partition, Windsor St., A. W. Woodward, Van V1eet and ASS0C. This was turned over to the Sub-division Committee, ::.nd a report request"?-: for the December 12th ::!eeting. 6. Zone variQnce~ J025, Vista St. J~mes Ragland. This wns turned over to Mr. l~1sing and the zoning committee. A Public H,~aring ,-1.3S set for Dec. 12 - 8:3C :1 7. Conditional us~ Fer~it #014 Church construction and Use. Nevada and Helm~n. This W9.S given to the zoning cO~!i.mittee. A Public He3ring l-1,:\S set for 8:~.5 p!'l December 12, 1966. A new plat plan is to be brought to this meeting. 8. Zone variance ffi026 = Vernon Dunning - 149 Lincoln This WqS turned over to the zoning comnittee and a Public Hearing set for 9:00 p.~. Dec. 12th. 9. Zone variance for lot size - Ivy Lane. This was given to the zoning committee and a Public He~ring set for 9:15,1Dec. 12. 10. In order to expedite business brought before the Planning CO":Il.nission, a COITo1::ittGG was ap"ointed by the Chairman to ';Tork together and give rec~""TIenda- tions on natters thrc1.t do not re\.,uire a Public He'lring. The corrnittee is compos1d of the Chairman of the Planning CO'''!!1ission~ the Sub-division co~~ittee, ~nd 2 members of the city st~ff~ Mr. Alsing and ~~. Chamberlain. Adjournment followed Hilda Kinney, Sec. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION The Regular meeting of the Asnland Planning Commission was held Dec. l2~ 1966; Elliott ~fucCracken~ -Chairman, Pro Tern in the absence of E. H. Singmaster. Regular and ex officio members were - Dr. Mac- Cracken~ John Billings~ Vince Baratti, W.T. Dawk1n~~ & Allen Alsing. Al Frazier~ member of the Staff of the Buteau/Municipal Research was also present. : The minutes of the meeting of Nov. 21 were read and 'approved. CO}~ITTEE REPORTS~ 1. Joe Platko~ Victoria Subdivision - Sub-division Committee. After discussion - a motion was made by Vince Baratti~ and.2nded by Vrr. Dawkins and passed unanimously to continue this request; to work out a plan to see what cooperation could be determined with the owners. Mr. Alsing was asked to obtain a map covering this area. 2. A.W. Woodward~ Minor land partition~ Windsor St. -Subdiv. Comm. A motion was made by Dr. MacCracken and seconded by ~tr. Baratti that this request be approved (subject to an easement from Oregon street to the northerly edge of the lot.) This passed unanimously, PUBLIC HEARINGS~ 8~00 pm - Minor land partition #44 zone variance and #24~ Walnut & Maple~ J. D. Stephens (Subdivision Co~nittee). : After discussion, It was recommended by Mr. Billings that this be accepted subject to a utilities easement from Walnut st. prop- erty through to the Maple St. access being allowed. Passed unan, imously. (2) 8~15 pm - Zone Variance #027 (barn setback) 27 West Hersey st. Carl Voge15 (Zoning Cormnittee). A COmL1itte Report was given by ~IT. Baratti. Following discussion this request was granted providing ~e builds only to the property line and not on the right-of-way. (Baratti -motion; Billings 2nd; unanimous approval). (3) 8~30 pm - Zone Variance #25, side setback~ carport~ 91 Gresham st. A motion was made by ~IT. Baratti to allow this request with a 41 set-back from the property line. This was 2nded by l~. Dawkins and passed by Roll Call vote Baratti - Yes; Dawkins - Yes; Billings - Yes. Passed unanimously. (4) 8~45 pm Conditional use permit #0145 New Church, Helman & Nevada. East Side Church of Christ. (Zoning COITill1ittee) Following the report of the Zoning Committee, a motion was made by ~rr. Baratti that this be allowed subject to the Williams Partition being accepted. This was seconded by Mr. Dawkins and passed unanimously by Roll Call vote. (5) - 9~OO pm Zone Variance #026, 149 Lincoln~ Vernon DUl!11.:ing. This request was passAd unanimously by Roll Call vote The Ashland Planning Commission Dec. 12, 1966 PUBLIC HEARINGS (cont.) 16) 9g15 pm - Zone Variance #027 and minor land partition # Ivy Lane; Roger Sommer. After discussion a recommendation was made by ~IT. Baratti that this variance be allowed providing city requirements are met. The vote was unanimous by Roll Call vote. p. 2. SPECIAL AGENDA ITEMS 0 1. Application for conditional use permit #015 (Home Occupation) George and :Hary Wooding? 727 Park St. This item Was referred to the Zoning Committee and a Public Hearing set for January 9? 1967-8 pm. I 2. Application for minor land partition #46? Clarence Williams? Helman and Cambridge Streets? and acceptance of Cambridge Street. A motion was made by Hr. Baratti and seconded by Hr. Da'1.'>lkins that this request be accepted subject to y~. Williams meeting with the City Council to discuss paving of Cambridge st. and meeting city re,- quirements as to corners? etc. The vote was unanimous. 3. Reconsider zone variance #O22? Kenneth W. Durham? 310 N. Mountain Ave. This was referred to the zoning committee. 4. ~nendment to Sign Ordinance? regarding abandoned signs. This was referred to Al Frazier - requesting him to have suggestions on guidelines covering this for the next meeting. 5. Southern Oregon College request that Melody Lane be vacated. Mr. Billings made the recommendation which was seconded by Hr. Dawkins that something concrete be established connecting Madrone st. area with Roca and Ashland Str~ets in connection with the closing of Nelody Lane. Passed unanimously. 6. County Planning Commission - Restaurant & Gss station, NoE. of Highway and Freeway. This was referred to the Jackson Co. Planning Co~~ission. A motion was made that this request not be granted be- cause of sewer? water and traffic problems. It passed unanimously. 7. County Planning Commission - Equipment repair faCility? Eagle Mill Road. Harold C. Hardesty. A motion was made by ltr. Dawkins? and sec~nded by Mr. Billings to confirm the action already taken by the Council. This passed 2-0 - l~. Baratti; abstaining. 8. Application zone variance #028 213-215 Vista? Edward Lupton. This vias referred to the Zoning Comm.i ttee and a Public Hearing set 8 g15 :;:;r.. January 9? 1967. 9. Amendments to Zoning Ordinance in regard to corner setback. It '1.'1e~; suggested that the Planning Commission meet with the Council regard~ ing these amendments. The Chairman appointed the Zoning Committee to meet with the Council. 10. Home Occupation - Alida St. This was referred to the City Attorney. Adjournment followed. Hilda Kinney, Sec.